ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas content strategy market challenger dalam menghadapi market leader
industry televisi, dengan studi kasus pada NET terhadap Trans TV. Penelitian ini adalah
penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif. Temuan dianalisis dengan
menggunakan kerangka analisis Industrial Organization Model yang membahas market
structure, conduct dan performance. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi market structure
yang oligopoli mempengaruhi conduct Trans TV sebagai market leader dan NET sebagai market
challenger dalam memperebutkan target audience yang sama. Sebagai market challenger NET
melakukan strategi frontal attack terhadap Trans TV dengan content strategy yang berbeda.
Performance content strategy tersebut ditunjukkan melalui rating, share dan penerimaan iklan
ABSTRAK This thesis deals with the content strategy of the market challenger against the market leader of
television industry, with case study in NET towards Trans TV. This research is aqualitative study
using descriptive analysis design. The findings were analized by usingthe Industrial Organization
Model of analytical framework that explore the marketstructure, conduct and performance. The
analisys is shows that condition of an oligopolymarket structure influences the conduct of Trans
TV as the Market leader and NET as themarket challenger in competing the same target audience
and advertising. As the marketchallenger NET conduct a frontal attack strategy against Trans TV
with a differentcontent strategy. The performances of the content strategies can be showed in
rating,share and advertising revenue."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014