ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Atherosklerosis adalah suatu proses penyakit yang difus, dengan adanya satu pembuluh darah yang rusak akan memprediksikan adanya kelainan pada pembuluh darah lain. Ankle Brachial Indeks (ABI) dan Toe Brakhial Indeks (TBI) adalah test non invasif terbukti sensitive dan spesifik untuk mendeteksi beratnya penyakit arteri perifer.
Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan derajat Penyakit Arteri Perifer (PAP) Asimtomatis dengan beratnya Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) stabil
Metode : Dilakukan studi potong lintang pada tujuh puluh tiga pasien PJK stabil yang menjalani angiografi koroner. Derajat stenosis arteri coroner dinilai dengan skor Gensini > 40 (berat) dan < 40 (ringan-sedang). PAP dinilai dengan pemeriksaan ABI dan TBI dengan metode Oscillomtreic. Analisis menggunakan uji Spearman correlation test dan uji Pearson correlation test.
Hasil : Proporsi PAP asimtomatis pada PJK stabil 47 pasien (64,4%). Nilai median ABI adalah 1,07 (kisaran 0,57-1,27), nilai rerata TBI adalah 0,57 (SB 0,155) dan nilai rerata skor Gensini adalah 46,60 (SB 33,64). Analisis bivariat ABI dengan skor Gensini menunjukkan tidak terdapat korelasi (r=-0,099, p 0,407) dan analis bivariate TBI dengan skor Gensini juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat korelasi (r= -0,153, p= 0,196)
Simpulan : ABI dan TBI dengan metode Oscillometric tidak berkorelasi dengan derajat stenosis arteri koroner berdasarkan skor Gensini. ABI dan TBI tidak memiliki kemampuan yang baik untuk membedakan pasien PJK ringan-sedang dan berat berdasarkan skor Gensini.
ABSTRACTIntroduction : Atherosclerosis is a diffuse disease process; in which damaged of a blood vessel will predict abnormalities in other blood vessels. Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and Toe Brachial Index (TBI) are non-invasive tests, which are proved to be sensitive and specific for detecting and assessing the severity of peripheral arterial disease.
Objective : This study was aimed to evaluate of correlation between the degree Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAP) asymptomatic with the severity of stable coronary heart disease (CHD)
Method : This cross-sectional study was conducted on seventy-three patients with stable CAD undergoing coronary angiography. The severity of coronary artery stenosis was assessed using a GENSINI scoring system, which scores > 40 were considered severe and scores <40 were considered mild to moderate. Peripheral Arterial Disease was assessed by examination of ABI and TBI with oscillomtric method. Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation tests were used to evaluate the correlation between the studied variables.
Results : The proportion of asymptomatic CHD in stable PAP was 47 patients (64.4%). The median value of ankle brachial index was 1.07 (range from 0.57 to 1.27), the mean score of Toe Brachial Index (± 0.155) and the mean score of GENSINI was 46.60 (± 33.64). There was no significant correlation between ankle brachial index and Toe Brachial Index with the GENSINI score with p=0.407 (r = -0.099) and p= 0.196 (r = -0.153), respectively. Conclusion : The study revealed that ABI and TBI with oscillometric method were not correlated with the degree of coronary artery stenosis defined by the GENSINI score. ABI and TBI did not have a good potential to distinguish patients with mild-moderate and severe stable CHD based on the GENSINI scores.;Introduction : Atherosclerosis is a diffuse disease process; in which damaged of a blood vessel will predict abnormalities in other blood vessels. Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and Toe Brachial Index (TBI) are non-invasive tests, which are proved to be sensitive and specific for detecting and assessing the severity of peripheral arterial disease.
Objective : This study was aimed to evaluate of correlation between the degree Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAP) asymptomatic with the severity of stable coronary heart disease (CHD)
Method : This cross-sectional study was conducted on seventy-three patients with stable CAD undergoing coronary angiography. The severity of coronary artery stenosis was assessed using a GENSINI scoring system, which scores > 40 were considered severe and scores <40 were considered mild to moderate. Peripheral Arterial Disease was assessed by examination of ABI and TBI with oscillomtric method. Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation tests were used to evaluate the correlation between the studied variables.
Results : The proportion of asymptomatic CHD in stable PAP was 47 patients (64.4%). The median value of ankle brachial index was 1.07 (range from 0.57 to 1.27), the mean score of Toe Brachial Index (± 0.155) and the mean score of GENSINI was 46.60 (± 33.64). There was no significant correlation between ankle brachial index and Toe Brachial Index with the GENSINI score with p=0.407 (r = -0.099) and p= 0.196 (r = -0.153), respectively. Conclusion : The study revealed that ABI and TBI with oscillometric method were not correlated with the degree of coronary artery stenosis defined by the GENSINI score. ABI and TBI did not have a good potential to distinguish patients with mild-moderate and severe stable CHD based on the GENSINI scores.;Introduction : Atherosclerosis is a diffuse disease process; in which damaged of a blood vessel will predict abnormalities in other blood vessels. Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and Toe Brachial Index (TBI) are non-invasive tests, which are proved to be sensitive and specific for detecting and assessing the severity of peripheral arterial disease.
Objective : This study was aimed to evaluate of correlation between the degree Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAP) asymptomatic with the severity of stable coronary heart disease (CHD)
Method : This cross-sectional study was conducted on seventy-three patients with stable CAD undergoing coronary angiography. The severity of coronary artery stenosis was assessed using a GENSINI scoring system, which scores > 40 were considered severe and scores <40 were considered mild to moderate. Peripheral Arterial Disease was assessed by examination of ABI and TBI with oscillomtric method. Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation tests were used to evaluate the correlation between the studied variables.
Results : The proportion of asymptomatic CHD in stable PAP was 47 patients (64.4%). The median value of ankle brachial index was 1.07 (range from 0.57 to 1.27), the mean score of Toe Brachial Index (± 0.155) and the mean score of GENSINI was 46.60 (± 33.64). There was no significant correlation between ankle brachial index and Toe Brachial Index with the GENSINI score with p=0.407 (r = -0.099) and p= 0.196 (r = -0.153), respectively. Conclusion : The study revealed that ABI and TBI with oscillometric method were not correlated with the degree of coronary artery stenosis defined by the GENSINI score. ABI and TBI did not have a good potential to distinguish patients with mild-moderate and severe stable CHD based on the GENSINI scores.;Introduction : Atherosclerosis is a diffuse disease process; in which damaged of a blood vessel will predict abnormalities in other blood vessels. Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and Toe Brachial Index (TBI) are non-invasive tests, which are proved to be sensitive and specific for detecting and assessing the severity of peripheral arterial disease.
Objective : This study was aimed to evaluate of correlation between the degree Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAP) asymptomatic with the severity of stable coronary heart disease (CHD)
Method : This cross-sectional study was conducted on seventy-three patients with stable CAD undergoing coronary angiography. The severity of coronary artery stenosis was assessed using a GENSINI scoring system, which scores > 40 were considered severe and scores <40 were considered mild to moderate. Peripheral Arterial Disease was assessed by examination of ABI and TBI with oscillomtric method. Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation tests were used to evaluate the correlation between the studied variables.
Results : The proportion of asymptomatic CHD in stable PAP was 47 patients (64.4%). The median value of ankle brachial index was 1.07 (range from 0.57 to 1.27), the mean score of Toe Brachial Index (± 0.155) and the mean score of GENSINI was 46.60 (± 33.64). There was no significant correlation between ankle brachial index and Toe Brachial Index with the GENSINI score with p=0.407 (r = -0.099) and p= 0.196 (r = -0.153), respectively. Conclusion : The study revealed that ABI and TBI with oscillometric method were not correlated with the degree of coronary artery stenosis defined by the GENSINI score. ABI and TBI did not have a good potential to distinguish patients with mild-moderate and severe stable CHD based on the GENSINI scores.;Introduction : Atherosclerosis is a diffuse disease process; in which damaged of a blood vessel will predict abnormalities in other blood vessels. Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and Toe Brachial Index (TBI) are non-invasive tests, which are proved to be sensitive and specific for detecting and assessing the severity of peripheral arterial disease.
Objective : This study was aimed to evaluate of correlation between the degree Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAP) asymptomatic with the severity of stable coronary heart disease (CHD)
Method : This cross-sectional study was conducted on seventy-three patients with stable CAD undergoing coronary angiography. The severity of coronary artery stenosis was assessed using a GENSINI scoring system, which scores > 40 were considered severe and scores <40 were considered mild to moderate. Peripheral Arterial Disease was assessed by examination of ABI and TBI with oscillomtric method. Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation tests were used to evaluate the correlation between the studied variables.
Results : The proportion of asymptomatic CHD in stable PAP was 47 patients (64.4%). The median value of ankle brachial index was 1.07 (range from 0.57 to 1.27), the mean score of Toe Brachial Index (± 0.155) and the mean score of GENSINI was 46.60 (± 33.64). There was no significant correlation between ankle brachial index and Toe Brachial Index with the GENSINI score with p=0.407 (r = -0.099) and p= 0.196 (r = -0.153), respectively. Conclusion : The study revealed that ABI and TBI with oscillometric method were not correlated with the degree of coronary artery stenosis defined by the GENSINI score. ABI and TBI did not have a good potential to distinguish patients with mild-moderate and severe stable CHD based on the GENSINI scores., Introduction : Atherosclerosis is a diffuse disease process; in which damaged of a blood vessel will predict abnormalities in other blood vessels. Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and Toe Brachial Index (TBI) are non-invasive tests, which are proved to be sensitive and specific for detecting and assessing the severity of peripheral arterial disease.
Objective : This study was aimed to evaluate of correlation between the degree Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAP) asymptomatic with the severity of stable coronary heart disease (CHD)
Method : This cross-sectional study was conducted on seventy-three patients with stable CAD undergoing coronary angiography. The severity of coronary artery stenosis was assessed using a GENSINI scoring system, which scores > 40 were considered severe and scores <40 were considered mild to moderate. Peripheral Arterial Disease was assessed by examination of ABI and TBI with oscillomtric method. Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation tests were used to evaluate the correlation between the studied variables.
Results : The proportion of asymptomatic CHD in stable PAP was 47 patients (64.4%). The median value of ankle brachial index was 1.07 (range from 0.57 to 1.27), the mean score of Toe Brachial Index (± 0.155) and the mean score of GENSINI was 46.60 (± 33.64). There was no significant correlation between ankle brachial index and Toe Brachial Index with the GENSINI score with p=0.407 (r = -0.099) and p= 0.196 (r = -0.153), respectively. Conclusion : The study revealed that ABI and TBI with oscillometric method were not correlated with the degree of coronary artery stenosis defined by the GENSINI score. ABI and TBI did not have a good potential to distinguish patients with mild-moderate and severe stable CHD based on the GENSINI scores.]"