In conclusion, this study asserts that the proliferation of WMD, including nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, poses a serious threat to Indonesia and the international community as a whole. Strategic intelligence analysis is required to identify risks, evaluate impacts, and analyze trends in addressing these threats. International efforts through treaties, protocols, multilateral diplomacy, and inter-state dialogues are crucial in addressing proliferation. Key steps involve enhancing international monitoring, implementing stringent sanctions, and facilitating intelligence information exchange. Policy recommendations include effective law enforcement, increased international cooperation, improved intelligence capacity, and heightened public awareness.
Overall, this research concludes that the proliferation of WMD has significant consequences for Indonesia and the international community. Collaborative efforts through treaties, protocols, multilateral diplomacy, and inter-state dialogues are vital in addressing these challenges. Important measures include enhancing international monitoring, implementing effective sanctions, and facilitating intelligence information exchange. Policy recommendations encompass robust law enforcement, increased international cooperation, improved intelligence capacity, and heightened public awareness."