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Alan Dwi Wibowo
"Beras merupakan bahan pangan pokok bagi masyarakat Kalimantan Selatan. Permintaan beras terus meningkat setiap tahunnya seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk di Kalimantan Selatan. Namun, adanya aktivitas alih fungsi lahan dan keterbatasan ketersediaan lahan dapat menyebabkan penurunan jumlah produksi. Ketidakmampuan pemerintah memenuhi kebutuhan beras akan menyebabkan instabilitas baik di daerah maupun nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dampak strategi penyediaan beras di Kalimantan Selatan yang melalui pendekatan analisis kebijakan berbasis model sistem dinamis.
Berdasarkan hasil simulasi hingga tahun 2025, alternatif kebijakan gabungan berupa program lahan sawah abadi, program intensifikasi dengan pendekatan System of Rice Intensification (SRI), dan program gerakan diversifikasi pangan memberikan hasil capaian terbaik, yaitu surplus 1 juta ton beras, pertumbuhan produksi mencapai 4,95% serta konsumsi beras per kapita berhasil ditekan hingga penurunan 1,5% tiap tahunnya. Hal ini menjadikan Kalimantan Selatan sebagai daerah yang berswasembada beras berkelanjutan juga sebagai daerah pemasok kebutuhan beras nasional.

Rice is the staple food for the people of South Kalimantan. Rice demand continues to increase each year in line with population growth. However, the activity of land conversion and land availability constraints may lead to a decrease in the amount of rice production. The inability of the government to meet the needs of rice will lead to regional and national instability. This study aims to quantify the impact of rice supply strategies in South Kalimantan through policy analysis approach and based on system dynamics model.
Based on the simulation results up to 2025, the combined form of alternative policies perennial wetland programs, intensification program with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) approach, and the food diversification movement program gives the best performance, namely a surplus of 1 million tons of rice, production growth reaches 4, 95% and per capita rice consumption was reduced by a decrease of 1.5% each year. This makes South Kalimantan region self sufficient in rice as well as a regional supplier of sustainable national rice requirement."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewa Putu Ekayana
"Perkembangan industri sawit di Indonesia memberikan dampak pada aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan. Namun, dampak industri sawit pada aspek sosial, dan ekonomi lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan dampak pada aspek lingkungan dalam artian sawit lebih memberikan manfaat positif untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dibandingkan untuk peningkatan luas tutupan hutan, penurunan konflik kepemilikan lahan, dan potensi penurunan emisi. Intervensi pemerintah dalam bentuk penetapan kebijakan diperlukan untuk menyeimbangkan dampak industri sawit pada aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan. Intervensi kebijakan pemerintah semestinya komprehensif dan akurat maka dari itu perlu dirumuskan ke dalam bentuk model kebijakan sawit pemerintah dengan memperhatikan aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan secara berimbang dengan tujuan mewujudkan sawit yang berkelanjutan. Permodelan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mewujudkan sawit yang berkelanjutan dengan system dynamicsbertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak intervensi kebijakan pemerintah pada industri sawit yang selanjutnya memberikan dampak pada aspek sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil permodelan, intervensi kebijakan sawit pemerintah memberikan dampak positif pada aspek sosial, dan lingkungan dalam industri sawit namun memberikan dampak negatif pada aspek sosial, dan ekonomi. Selanjutnya, ditetapka intervensi kebijakan lanjutan (counter policy) pemerintah untuk meminimalisir dampak negatif intervensi kebijakan sawit pemerintah pada aspek sosial, dan ekonomi dalam industri sawit. Intervensi kebijakan lanjutan berhasil memberikan dampak positif pada aspek sosial, dan ekonomi dalam industri sawit yang sebelumnya mengalami penurunan akibat intervensi kebijakan sawit pemerintah. Permodelan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mewujudkan sawit yang berkelanjutan berhasil menganalisis dampak intervensi kebijakan sawit pemerintah dan kebijakan lanjutan pemerintah pada aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan dalam industri sawit sehingga dapat mewujudkan sawit yang berkelanjutan.

The development of the palm oil industry in Indonesia has had an impact on social, economic, and environmental aspects. However, the impact of the palm oil industry on social and economic aspects is more dominant than the impact on environmental aspects in the sense that oil palm provides more positive benefits for increasing people's welfare and economic growth compared to increasing the area of ??forest cover, reducing land ownership conflicts, and reducing potential emissions. Government intervention in the form of establishing policies is necessary to balance the impact of the palm oil industry on economic, social, and environmental aspects. Government policy interventions should be comprehensive and accurate, and therefore need to be formulated in the form of a government palm oil policy model that pays attention to social, economic, and environmental aspects in a balanced way with the goal of realizing sustainable palm oil. Modeling government policies to realize sustainable palm oil with a dynamic system aims to analyze the impact of government policy interventions on the palm oil industry which in turn has an impact on social, economic, and environmental aspects. Based on the modeling results, the government's palm oil policy intervention has a positive impact on social and environmental aspects in the palm oil industry but has a negative impact on social and economic aspects. Furthermore, the government's counter policy intervention was established to minimize the negative impact of the government's palm oil policy intervention on social and economic aspects in the palm oil industry. Follow-up policy interventions have succeeded in having a positive impact on the social and economic aspects of the palm oil industry, which previously experienced a decline due to the government's palm oil policy interventions. Modeling government policies to realize sustainable palm oil has succeeded in analyzing the impact of government palm oil policy interventions and government follow-up policies on social, economic, and environmental aspects in the palm oil industry so that sustainable palm oil can be realized"
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Swamp buffalo (Bubalus carabanensis ) is commanly raised traditionally in swamp areas with a water dept of more than 3.50 ...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang pengembangan produk yaitu : 1) merancang tes diagnostik matematika di SD, 2) merancang buku pedoman penggunaan tes diagnostik untuk guru mengajar dan 3) melaksanakan uji coba terbatas...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ir. P. M. Noor reservoir, located in Riam Kanan Catchment (RKC), Banjar Regency-South Kalimantan Province, supplies water including for agricultural, energy, fishery, and domestic need. Due to increasing population and social welfare as well as development of all sectors, water demand has increasing. Meanwhile, the water availability remains constant and varies between dry and wet season. Those situations may create a conflict of interest among the water users. To avoid the problem, water allocation model for the reservoir is needed to manage the water availability.
Water Allocation Model (WAM) development requires some inputs such as water requirement for all the users and water availability that comes from Riam Kanan river that flows to the reservoir. Generated inflow is also calculated by using Thomas and Fiering and its modification method. Standard Operating Rule (SOR) for the reservoir is developed based on water balance concept between water requirement and water availability. By using WAM, some scenarios for water simulation could be done. Evaluation of release discharge of the reservoir during 2000-2004 that related to its water requirement is also conducted.
The results show that the WAM of the reservoir yields an efficient water allocation. The capacities of existing irrigation network can only serve for 11.000 hectare paddy field with reliability 96%. Meanwhile, the reservoir may serve for 35.000 hectare. Maximum electricity power generation is about 137.32 GWH/year. The evaluation of release discharge release with the reliability < 95%. However, by using water requirement for all the potential irrigation, the simmulation shows that the release with the reliability , 95% occur times."
MTUGM 30:4 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Maryadi Tirtana
"Persaingan di Industri pengiriman barang di Indonesia semakin ketat seiring dengan pertumbuhan layanan jual beli barang melalui online (e-commerce). Pelayanan yang terbaik dan berkualitas kepada pelanggan secara berkelanjutan merupakan kunci untuk tetap bersaing dan berkembang di pasar yang semakin ketat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor-faktor penting dalam 4 dimensi berkelanjutan yaitu dimensi ekonomi, dimensi lingkungan, dimensi sosial, dan dimensi konsumen. Sebuah model logistik berkelanjutan akan dibuat berdasarkan dimensi berkelanjutan yang telah diidentifikasi. Hasil dari kuisioner yang diberikan kepada 182 orang yang bekerja pada level manajerial dalam industri jasa logistik akan digunakan untuk membuat model ini. Sebelum menentukan variabel dan indikator pada logistik berkelanjutan, dilakukan 2 focus group discussion dan validasi oleh ahli. Indikator-indikator berkelanjutan yang telah ditentukan selanjutnya dianalisa menggunakan metode PCA (principal component analysis) dan LDA (linier discriminant analysis) untuk mengetahui faktor dan indikator yang paling mempengaruhi logistik keberlanjutan. Pengembangan model dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square). Secara umum hasil penelitian menunjukkan dimensi ekonomi, lingkungan, sosiak dan konsumen memberikan pengaruh langsung dan signifikan terhadap logistik berkelanjutan dikarenakan nilai p-value <0,05 dan t-tabel > 1,96. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan apabila dimensi-dimensi berkelanjutan ditingkatkan, maka kinerja jasa logistik berkelanjutan akan semakin baik. Simulasi Model logistik berkelanjutan dengan menggunakan simulasi model dinamis, menghasilkan proyeksi valuasi model logistik berkelanjutan yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya mulai dari 4,73% sampai dengan 13,05% dari tahun 2020 sampai 2040. Sehingga hubungan antar dimensi dan variabel dalam model logistik berkelanjutan sudah baik dalam menjaga keberlangsungan sustainabilitas perusahaan jasa logistik di Indonesia.

The expansion of online platforms for purchasing and selling goods (e-commerce) has resulted in increased competition within Indonesia's goods delivery sector. Managing competitiveness and expanding in an increasingly competitive market requires reliable and excellent customer service. The purpose of this study is to identify critical variables in the four sustainable dimensions of the economy, environment, society, and consumer. On the basis of the determined sustainable dimensions, a sustainable logistics model will be developed. This model will be developed using the responses to surveys provided to 182 managers in the logistics services sector. Two focus groups and expert validation were conducted prior to identifying factors and indicators in sustainable logistics. The sustainable indicators that have been determined are then analyzed using the PCA (principal component analysis) and LDA (linear discriminant analysis) methods to determine the factors and indicators that most influence sustainable logistics. Model development was carried out using the SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square) method. In general, the research results show that the economic, environmental, social and consumer dimensions have a direct and significant influence on sustainable logistics due to the p-value <0.05 and t-table > 1.96. It can be concluded if sustainable dimensions are improved, the performance of sustainable logistics services will be better. Through the use of dynamic model simulation, the sustainable logistics model is simulated and the result is a projected valuation that rises annually between 2020 and 2040, from 4.73% to 13.05%. Therefore, the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable in the logistic model is well-established in terms of assessing the sustainability of the logistics company in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parino Rahardjo
"Pengembangan kota baru berdampak pada meningkatnya luas permukaan lahan kedap air, temperatur udara mikro dan limpasan permukaan. Kondisi geomorfologi dan geohidrologi yang tidak dipertimbangkan pada pengembangan kota baru mengakibatkan terjadinya longsor dan menurunnya cadangan air bawah tanah. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkaji lingkungan alami dan buatan, menentukan parameter ekosistem kota baru dan mengkaji model pengembangan kota yang mengintegrasikan faktor lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Perubahan tata guna lahan dianalisis menggunakan metode spasial temporal, sedangkan menghitung potensi limpasan menggunakan metode Soil Conservation Sevices dan untuk menghitung kenyamanan menggunakan persamaan Niuwolt. untuk mengetahui perubahan tata guna lahan dan pengaruhnya terhadap limpasan permukaan menggunakan simulasi System dynamics. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa hal sebagai berikut: (1) Melindungi kemiringan lahan > 25%, (2) Parameter ekosistem kota baru, yaitu (a) Badan air dengan bentuk danau, sungai, (b) Ruang terbuka hijau berupa taman/hutan kota, taman lingkungan, koridor hijau sepanjang bahu jalan, (3) Ruang terbuka hijau, danau, drainase alami memberikan jasa mengurangi limpasan permukaan dan mempertahan kan air bawah tanah. (4) Pengembangan kota baru mengintegrasikan faktor lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial.

New town development resulted in increased impervious surface area, micro air temperature and surface runoff. Geomorphological conditions and geohydrology that were not considered in the development of the new towns resulted in landslides and declining reserves of underground water. The research objective was to study the natural and built environment, define the parameters of new urban ecosystem and assess the city development model that integrates environmental factors, economic and social. The study uses a quantitative approach. Changes in land use were analyzed using spatial temporal metode, while calculating the potential runoff with Sevices Soil Conservation method and convenience of using equations to calculate Niuwolt. Land use change and its effect on surface runoff using system dynamics simulation. This research resulted in some of the following: (1) Protect the slope> 25%, (2) Parameter ecosystem new cities, namely (a) Bodies of water with a form of lakes, rivers, (b) Green open space of the park / forest city, neighborhood parks, green corridors along the shoulder of the road, (3) green open space, lakes, natural drainage patterns provide services reduce surface runoff and retain the underground water. (4) Development of new town integrating environmental factors, economic and social."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Yordani
"Pengolahan data untuk pelaporan limbah cair rumah sakit selama ini dilakukan masih secara konvensional (sarana komputer belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal), sehingga laporan yang disampaikan masih ada yang tidak tepat waktu, dengan pengembangan Sistem Informasi Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit (SILRS) diharapkan dapat menyediakan informasi limbah cair rumah sakit dengan tepat, cepat dan akurat.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi dengan berbasis data untuk monitoring dan evaluasi limbah cair sebelum dibuang ke lingkungan, dengan menggunakan pengembangan sistem informasi yang memenuhi syarat.
Metode yang digunakan adalah System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang terbagi dalam lima tahap yaitu perencanaan, analisis sistem, perancangan sistem, uji coba prototipe dan pemeliharaan sistem. Dengan menggunakan metode SDLC dalam pengembangan sistem informasi limbah cair di RSUD Banjarbaru.
Dari hasil analisis sistem ditemukan beberapa masalah sistem yang ada seperti pada pengumpulan data dilaksanakan per triwulan, pengolahan data masih secara konvensional, penyajian data dalam bentuk tabel, belum dilaksanakan analisis dan tindakan, sumber data belum dilengkapi dengan hasil pengukuran debit limbah cair harian, sumber daya manusia terbatas dan mempunyai tugas ganda, dana operasional untuk pemeriksaan kualitas dan pengukuran debit limbah terbatas. Keluaran yang dihasilkan berupa tabel.
Perancangan sistem menggunakan menggunakan alat pengembangan berupa diagram arus data, diagram hubungan antar tabel dan kamus data, rancangan masukan dan keluaran.
Kesimpulan pada tesis ini pertama permasalahan sistem pelaporan limbah cair rumah sakit terkait dengan sistem analisis prosedur, basis data, sarana dan prasarana, kedua prototipe yang telah diuji coba di Laboratorium Komputer Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia dengan menggunakan data hasil pemeriksaan kualitas limbah cair per triwulan dan data simulasi hasil pengukuran debit limbah harian.
Ada beberapa kelebihan pada sistem informasi yang baru dibandingkan dengan yang lama dilihat dari masukan, proses dan keluaran yang dihasilkan, ketiga sistem ini menghasilkan keluaran berupa data hasil pemeriksaan kualitas, data hasil pengukuran debit limbah cair, data sampel limbah cair rumah sakit, berupa tabel, grafik, disertai dengan analisis dan tindakan. Dengan adanya laporan yang cepat, tepat dan akurat memudahkan Direktur rumah sakit dalam perencanaan, monitor dan evaluasi.

Information System Development of Liquid Waste at Banjarbaru District Public Hospital South Kalimatan Data processing for the waste liquid hospital report is doing conventionally (computer is not used maximal), it caused the reporting is not on time, with the liquid waste hospital information system development expected it can provide the liquid waste hospital information correctly, quickly and accurately.
This observation have an obtain to develop information system with database for monitoring and evaluating liquid waste before it throw to the environment, which used the information system development requirements.
The method used is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which contains five phase, namely: planning, system analyzing, system designing, prototype test and system maintenance. With the SDLC method in liquid waste information system development at Banjarbaru district public hospital.
From the system analyze result, we found a several problem such data collecting as per three months, data processing conventionally, data serving in table form, analyze and act is not well done, data sources is not completed with the result of liquid waste debit measurement, human resources is limited and have double jobs, operational fund for the quality controlling and waste measurement is limited output result in table form. System designing is used some medium development such us data flow diagram, relation diagram between table and data dictionary, input and output designs.
The summary of this thesis is first, liquid waste hospital reporting system problem is connected, with the procedure analyze system, database, means and tools, both of prototype is tested in computer laboratories faculty public health which used data from result of liquid waste quality controlling as per three months and simulated data from result of daily debit waste measurement, there are some excess in new information system compare with the old one, it can look from the input, process and output the third of system has result quality controlling data, liquid waste debit measurement result, liquid waste hospital data sample as form table, graphic with analyze and act. With the quick, correct and accurate reports is simply for the director to do planning, monitoring and evaluating."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 10928
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Alabio ducks farming is a main income source of the people in South Kalimantan especially in Hulu Sungai Utara district
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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