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Sianturi, Geraldine Herlina Sally Shinta Ullyana
Sebagai upaya dalam rangka meminimalkan adanya mafia lelang, pemerintah
Indonesia dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara mengembangkan cara
penawaran lelang email yang dituangkan dalam PMK 106/pmk.06/2013. Penulis
menemukan bahwa penawaran lelang melalui email yang telah beberapa kali
dilakukan di Indonesia, cukup berhasil meminimalkan praktek mafia lelang
dikarenakan oleh terputusnya komunikasi antara para mafia lelang. Namun saat ini
hanya pejabat lelang kelas I yang dapat menyelenggarakan lelang email. Dengan
demikian Penulis member saran agar Pemerintah mendorong penggunaan email pada
lelang-lelang lainnya, terutama yang diselenggarakan oleh pejabat lelang kelas II dan
Balai Lelang dan mempercepat sosialisasi lelang lewat email agar semakin banyak
masyarakat dapat memperoleh keuntungan dari lelang jenis ini. Untunk mengetahui
dan menganalisa hal-hal tersebut, dilakukan penelitian sosio-yuridis normatif dengan
pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) dan wawancara kepada ahli
(purposive sampling)

As an effort to minimize the presence of bidder collution (Auction Mafia), the Indonesian government, in this case the Directorate General of State Assets, Ministry of Finance, introduced email auctions through Minister of Finance Regulation number 106/PMK.06/2013. The writer found that the email auctions, conducted several times in Indonesia, have been quite successful in minimizing auction mafia since these email auctions disrupt communication among auction mafia members. However, only Class I Auctioneers perform email auctions currently. Therefore, the author suggested that the government encourage the use of email in other auctions, particularly those conducted by Class II Auctioneers and private auction houses, and intensify the socialization of email auction so that more people can benefit from this type of auction. In analyzing this, the method of this reseacrh will be a socio-juridical normative method with statute and purposive sampling interview approach."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metta Chandrasasi
Lelang melalui email muncul seiring dengan perkembangan internet itu sendiri. Di
Indonesia, lelang melalui email sudah dipelopori oleh pemerintah dengan situs lelang
email yang dapat diakses melalui alamat domain www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id.
Tesis ini akan menganalisis mengenai
langkah dalam penggunaan Aplikasi Lelang
Email (ALE) dan keabsahan dari risalah lelang email. Metode penelitian yang
digunakan adalah yuridis normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Hasil
penelitian ialah bahwa penggunaan ALE dirasa efektif dan efisien, meskipun belum
ada peraturan yang mengatur mengenai lelang email, risalah lelang email yang di
keluarkan oleh KPKNL penyelenggara lelang tetap berlaku dan sah.

Auction via email appears along with the Internet itself. In Indonesia, the auction via
email has been pioneered by the government with the auction site that can be
accessed via domain address www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id. This thesis will
analyze about the auction procedure using the Auction Email Application (Aplikasi
Lelang Email / ALE) and the validity of the email auction deed. The research method
which used in this study is a normative juridical or legal research literature.
Research found that the use of ALE was effective and efficient, although the
regulations governing the email auction, is still far from perfection. With regard to
the email auction deed, the writer found that the deed drawn/ issued by the state
auction office are valid and legitimate.;Auction via email appears along with the Internet itself. In Indonesia, the auction via
email has been pioneered by the government with the auction site that can be
accessed via domain address www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id. This thesis will
analyze about the auction procedure using the Auction Email Application (Aplikasi
Lelang Email / ALE) and the validity of the email auction deed. The research method
which used in this study is a normative juridical or legal research literature.
Research found that the use of ALE was effective and efficient, although the
regulations governing the email auction, is still far from perfection. With regard to
the email auction deed, the writer found that the deed drawn/ issued by the state
auction office are valid and legitimate.;Auction via email appears along with the Internet itself. In Indonesia, the auction via
email has been pioneered by the government with the auction site that can be
accessed via domain address www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id. This thesis will
analyze about the auction procedure using the Auction Email Application (Aplikasi
Lelang Email / ALE) and the validity of the email auction deed. The research method
which used in this study is a normative juridical or legal research literature.
Research found that the use of ALE was effective and efficient, although the
regulations governing the email auction, is still far from perfection. With regard to
the email auction deed, the writer found that the deed drawn/ issued by the state
auction office are valid and legitimate., Auction via email appears along with the Internet itself. In Indonesia, the auction via
email has been pioneered by the government with the auction site that can be
accessed via domain address www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id. This thesis will
analyze about the auction procedure using the Auction Email Application (Aplikasi
Lelang Email / ALE) and the validity of the email auction deed. The research method
which used in this study is a normative juridical or legal research literature.
Research found that the use of ALE was effective and efficient, although the
regulations governing the email auction, is still far from perfection. With regard to
the email auction deed, the writer found that the deed drawn/ issued by the state
auction office are valid and legitimate.]"
Lengkap +
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitepu, Helen
Kegiatan lelang merupakan kegiatan yang patut diperhitungkan guna pembangunan ekonomi suatu Negara. Terkait dengan lelang eksekusi pengadilan, pemberian data palsu pada proses penyitaan yang kemudian ditindaklanjuti dengan lelang dapat dipidana karena pelanggaran terhadap pasal dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana, sehingga tentu mengakibatkan kerugian pada para pihak baik pada pihak yang terkait dalam lelang itu sendiri maupun bagi pihak lain di luar lelang. Dengan tindak pidana tersebut akan melahirkan lelang yang cacat hukum dan Risalah Lelangnya sendiri menjadi batal demi hukum. Peraturan lelang sendiri telah mengantisipasi agar tidak terjadi tindak pidana itu dengan membuat sejumlah aturan-aturan yang cukup memadai, namun walaupun demikian tetap saja ada celah bagi para pihak untuk melakukan pelanggaran pembuatan Risalah Lelang karena adanya human error. Dalam penulisan tesis ini akan dikemukakan pembahasan yang menyeluruh tentang pengaruh tindak pidana pada tahap pra pelelangan terhadap keabsahan lelang

Auction is an activity that should be taken into account for the economic development of a country in relation to the auction execution by court, a person who gave false data in the confiscation process by court which was followed by an auction shall be liable for violations of the article of the Penal Code, because it would harm both parties involved in the auction and other outside the auction . This offense is going to make the auction flaws and the auction deed (Risalah Lelang) becomes null and void. Auction regulations have been anticipating the occurrence of crimes by making a number of rules. Nevertheless, there is still a gap for the parties to violate the manufacture of Proceedings auction due to human error. This thesis will be presented a thorough discussion of the effect of a crime conducted at the pre auction stage to the validity of the auction.
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hartini Chandra
"Adapun metode penelitian yang digunankan oleh penulis adalah Yuridis Normatif yaitu pendekatan yang dilakukan dengan mengadakan penelusuran asas-asas hokum umum, untuk kemudian membuat suatu interpretasi terhadap peraturan hokum umum. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan pengujian hasil interpretasi terhadap teori dan atau prinsip-prinsip hukum umum. Pelaksanaan lelang frekuensi 3G di Indonesia sudah seharusnya dikelola dengan lebih baik karena pemasukan Negara bukan pajak yang di terima dari lelang 3G di Indonesia ini tidaklah kecil jumlahnya. Dari segi hukum, penulis menyarankan merupakan hal yang lebih baik apabila Kemkominfo berkoordinasi dengan Kantor pelayanan Negara danlelang (KPKNL) agar supaya lelang 3G ini dapat diselaraskan dengan prinsip-prinsip dan peraturan lelang yang ada. Dilihat dari segi sosial, KPKNL memiliki sejarah yang panjangdalam menyediakan layanan jasa lelang, baik secara wajib ataupun sukarela, yang dalam hal ini dapat memberikan keuntungan dalam lelang 3G untuk Kemkominfo. Dengan dukungan yang diberikan oleh KPKNL, Kemkominfo dapat memberikan pelayanan lelang 3G dengan lebih baik lagi berdasarkan prinsip dan peraturan lelang yang ada, memaksimalkan persaingan diantara para peserta lelang, dan meminimalkan praktek-praktek kolisi, korupsi dan nepotisme di lelang 3G tersebut.

In this study the authors raised title bands specktrum Analysis of 3G frequency auction by the auction rules, while the method use research by the authors is that normative juridical approach taken to conduct a search common law principles, to then make an interpretation of the common law rule. The Third Generation (?3G?) Spectrum Auctions in Indonesia should be better managed by the Government because the non-tax state revenue derived from these auctions is quite significant. From legal perspectives, the writer suggests that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemkominfo) coordinates with the State Assets and Auctions Office (KPKNL) to bring these 3G auctions in conformity with the principles and regulations of auctions. From social perspectives, KPKNL has a long history of providing auction services, both compulsory and voluntary auctions, that will give advantages to the performance of Kemkominfo?s 3G Auctions. With the support of KPKNL, Kemkominfo can perform the 3G auction smoothly in accordance with the principles and regulations of auctions, maximize competition among bidders and minimize the practices of collusion, corruption and nepotism in the 3G auctions.
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Ichsan Alfara
"Tesis ini membahas tentang perlindungan hukum terhadap pemenang lelang lelang Hak Tanggungan apabila benda lelang yang dijual dengan lelang berbeda dengan yang ada pada pengumuman lelang (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Manado Nomor: 123/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Mnd) Sehubungan dengan topik ini, penulis menganalisis perlindungan hukum dari pemenang lelang dan tanggung jawab Pejabat Lelang dan Kreditor sebagai Penjual lelang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan analisis data kualitatif. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa perbedaan antara objek lelang dalam kenyataan dan dalam iklan dapat mengakibatkan pembatalan lelang. Perlindungan hukum bagi Pemenang Lelang dalam kasus ini adalah pengadilan Menghukum penjual untuk membayar semua kerusakan material dan imaterial yang diderita oleh pemenang lelang. Petugas Lelang berdasarkan Pasal 11 PMK-94 dalam melakukan wewenang mereka juga memiliki tanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan lelang yang mereka pimpin, tetapi mereka masih dapat bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan dan kelalaian selama tindakan mereka dapat dibuktikan di pengadilan. Dan penjual yang tindakannya terbukti di pengadilan sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab atas tuntutan pidana dan / atau tuntutan hukum perdata. Oleh karena itu, penulis menyarankan agar Pejabat Lelang dan Kreditor sebagai penjual lelang memeriksa dengan saksama data dan dokumen lelang dan lebih memperhatikan persiapan lelang.

This thesis discusses the legal protection of the winning bidder of Mortgage Rights auction in the case that the auction object put up for sale by auction is different from that in the auction advertisement (a case study of Manado District Court's decision Number : 123/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Mnd)In relation to this topic, the writer analyses the legal protection of the winning bidder of the auction and the responsibility of the auctioneer and the creditor as the seller of the auction. The research uses a normative juridical method with a qualitative data analysis approach. The writer concludes that the difference between the auction object in reality and in the advertisement may results in the annulment of the auction. The legal protection for the Winning Bidder in this case is the court Punish the seller to pay for all material and immaterial damages suffered by the winning bidder. Auctioneer based on Article 11 of the PMK-94 in doing their authority also has responsibility for the conduct of the auctions they lead, but they can still be liable for errors and negligence as long as their actions can be proven in court. And the seller whose actions are proven in court is fully liable for criminal prosecution and/or civil lawsuits. Therefore, the writer suggests that the auctioneer and the creditor as the seller of the auction examine closely auction data and documents and give more attention to auction preparation."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desintha Putri
"Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan problematika yuridis dalam lelang, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah Pejabat Lelang berwenang untuk membeli barang bergerak yang dilelang dihadapannya. Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Yuridis Normatif yang dilengkapi dengan penelitian lapangan. Bahan hukum yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Problematika yuridis antara Vendu Reglement dan Vendu Instructie dan aturan pelaksananya yakni Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 93/PMK.06/2010 Tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 174/PMK.06/2010 Tentang Pejabat Lelang Kelas I terkait dengan Pejabat Lelang untuk membeli barang bergerak dalam lelang eksekusi dan non eksekusi yang dipimpinnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa karena kedudukan Vendu Reglement dan Vendu Instructie lebih tinggi dari pada Peraturan Menteri Keuangan maka secara yuridis Pejabat Lelang berwenang untuk membeli barang bergerak dalam lelangyang dilelang di hadapannya. Tetapi dilihat dalam praktek, ternyata tidak ada Pejabat Lelang yang melakukan pembelian barang bergerak yang dilelang di hadapannya. Dengan demikian ketentuan Vendu Reglement dan Vendu Instructie tersebut kurang efektif. Pejabat Lelang cenderung mematuhi Peraturan Menteri Keuangan. Mengingat hasil penelitian tersebut. Penulis berpendapat sebaiknya yang diubah adalah Vendu Reglement dan Vendu Instructie, sebab kedua aturan tersebut merupakan peraturan zaman Hindia Belanda. Peraturan mengenai lelang terutama mengenai Pejabat Lelang sebaiknya diatur dalam Undang-Undang yang telah disesuaikan dengan situasi, kondisi dan perkembangan zaman yang terjadi di bidang lelang di Indonesia sesuai dengan kepribadian dan kebudayaan bangsa Indonesia sehingga peraturan tersebut lebih mencerminkan rasa keadilan, masyarakat sehingga diharapkan keberlakuannya pun akan lebih efektif.

This research related to the auction juridical issues, which aims to determine whether the Auction officials are authorized to purchase the moving goods which auctioned in front of him. This research is normative juridical which equipped with field research. Legal materials used in this research are primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. juridical issues between Vendu Reglement and Vendu Instructie and rules implementing i.e., the Finance Minister Regulation Number 93/PMK.06/2010 About the auction officials to purchase moving goods in execution and non-execution auction which led by him and it can concluded that because the position of Vendu Reglement and Vendu Instructie are higher than the Finance Minister regulation, hence in juridical way, auction officials areauthorized to purchase moving goods whether in execution and non execution auction. practically, there are no auction officials who purchase moving goods which auctioned in front of him. Thus the Vendu Reglement and Vendu Instructie regulation are less effective. The Auction officials tend to adhere the finance minister. Regarding to these research result, the authors has an opinion that Vendu Reglement and Vendu Instructie should be changed, because those regulations are the regulations product of Dutch East Indies era. Regulations regarding with the Auction officials should be regulated in the Act that has been customized with the situation, conditions and time developments that occurred in the field of auctions in Indonesia in accordance with the personality and culture of Indonesian people so that regulation is more reflective of the justice in community so hopefully the enforceability will be more effective."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Josepha Jasin
Keluhan kantor-kantor lelang di daerah mengenai tidak meratanya pendapatan dari penjualan lelang, serta kekhawatiran akan timbulnya gugatan terhadap tempat pelaksanaan lelang lintas wilayah sehubungan dengan otentisitas risalah lelang merupakan alasan dihapuskannya dispensasi tempat lelang oleh Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 106/PMK.06/2013. Tesis ini akan menganalisis mengenai otentisitas risalah lelang yang dibuat berdasarkan dispensasi tempat lelang, dan dampak penghapusan dispensasi tempat lelang terhadap kinerja balai lelang dan notaris sebagai pejabat lelang kelas II. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Sedangkan hasil penelitian ialah bahwa pemberian dispensasi tempat lelang tidak mengurangi otentisitas risalah lelang dan dampak penghapusan dispensasi tempat lelang adalah penurunan kinerja balai lelang serta notaris sebagai pejabat lelang kelas II.

Due to complaints from several state auction offices concerning the declining of state revenues derived from auctions, as well as concerns about the emergence of lawsuits against the dispensation of auction location in relation to the authenticity of the auction deed, cause the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia issued Ministerial Regulation No. 106/PMK.06/2013. This thesis analyzes two things. First, it analyzes the relation between the dispensation of the auction location and the authenticity of the auction deed. Second, it analyzes the impact of the abolition of provisions concering the dispensation of the auction location on the performance of the auction house and the notary's performance as a class II officer auctions. Methodology used in this research is juridis normative, combined with interviews to several prominent persons. The result of this research is that the provisions on the dispensation of the auction location does not reduce the authenticity of the auction deed, and that the removal of the aforementioned provisions has an adverse impact on the declining of the performance of private auction houses and notaries as the class II auctioneers.
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vania Johana
"[Tesis ini membahas mengenai hubungan hukum antara Balai Lelang dan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II baik berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang terbit Tahun 2005 yaitu Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 118/PMK.07/2005 tentang Balai Lelang dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 119/PMK.07/2005 tentang Pejabat Lelang Kelas II maupun berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang terbit Tahun 2010 yaitu Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 176/PMK.06/2010
tentang Balai lelang dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 175/PMK.06/2010 tentang Pejabat Lelang Kelas II. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Yuridis Normatif, dengan metode analisis data kualitatif, serta tipologi penelitian eksplanatoris sehingga bentuk hasil penelitian adalah ekplanatoris-analitis. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang terbit Tahun 2005 maka Balai Lelang dalam menyelenggarakan
Jasa Pelaksanaan Lelang wajib mengadakan perikatan perdata dengan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II mengenai pelaksanaan lelang dan honorarium Pejabat Lelang Kelas II. Namun kemudian ketentuan tersebut diubah dengan dikeluarkannya Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang terbit Tahun 2010 di mana didalamnya diatur Balai Lelang selaku pemohon atau kuasa pemilik barang dapat mengadakan perjanjian perdata dengan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II mengenai pelaksanaan lelang dan imbalan jasa Pejabat Lelang Kelas II. Sejak diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri
Keuangan Tahun 2010 banyak keluhan yang muncul terutama dari pihak Balai Lelang dikarenakan Balai Lelang tentunya merasa lahan pekerjaannya jadi mengecil jika dibandingkan dengan ketentuan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian kemudian menyimpulkan belum adanya harmonisasi yang baik antara Balai Lelang dengan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II. Tesis ini juga membahas hubungan hukum yang tepat yang dapat mengharmonisasikan hubungan Balai Lelang dengan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II.; This thesis discusses the legal relationship between the Auction House and the Second Class Auctioneer under the Minister Of Finance Regulations, published in 2005, namely Minister of Finance Regulation No. 118/PMK.07/2005 on Auction House and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 119/PMK.07/2005 on Second Class Auctioneer and based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance, published in 2010, namely Minister of Finance Regulations No. 176/PMK.06/2010 on Action House and the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 175/PMK.06/2010 on Second Class Auctioneer. This research is a normative juridical research, with qualitative data analysis methods, as well as the typology of explanatory research that the forms results is a analytical ekplanatory research. Issues raised in this study is that based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance, published in 2005, the Auctioneer in organizing Implementation Services Auctions shall hold a civil engagement with Second Class Auction Officer regarding the auction and honorarium Second Class Auction Officer. But then
such provision amended by the enactment of the Finance Minister, published in 2010, where in regulated Auctioneer as the applicant or owner of the goods can hold power civil agreement with Second Class Auction Officer regarding the auction and auction fee of Second Class Auction Officer. Since the enactment of the Finance Minister in 2010 many complaints that arise mainly from the Party of Auction House, it because they certainly find their land of work be smaller when compared to the previous provisions. Results of the research concluded that there is a lack of harmonization between the Auction House and the Second Class Auction Officer. This thesis also discusses the precise legal relationship which can harmonize relations between the Auction House and the Second Class Auction Officer., This thesis discusses the legal relationship between the Auction House and
the Second Class Auctioneer under the Minister Of Finance Regulations,
published in 2005, namely Minister of Finance Regulation No. 118/PMK.07/2005
on Auction House and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 119/PMK.07/2005 on
Second Class Auctioneer and based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance,
published in 2010, namely Minister of Finance Regulations No.
176/PMK.06/2010 on Action House and the Minister of Finance Regulation No.
175/PMK.06/2010 on Second Class Auctioneer. This research is a normative
juridical research, with qualitative data analysis methods, as well as the typology
of explanatory research that the forms results is a analytical ekplanatory research.
Issues raised in this study is that based on the Regulation of the Minister of
Finance, published in 2005, the Auctioneer in organizing Implementation Services
Auctions shall hold a civil engagement with Second Class Auction Officer
regarding the auction and honorarium Second Class Auction Officer. But then
such provision amended by the enactment of the Finance Minister, published in
2010, where in regulated Auctioneer as the applicant or owner of the goods can
hold power civil agreement with Second Class Auction Officer regarding the
auction and auction fee of Second Class Auction Officer. Since the enactment of
the Finance Minister in 2010 many complaints that arise mainly from the Party of
Auction House, it because they certainly find their land of work be smaller when
compared to the previous provisions. Results of the research concluded that there
is a lack of harmonization between the Auction House and the Second Class
Auction Officer. This thesis also discusses the precise legal relationship which
can harmonize relations between the Auction House and the Second Class
Auction Officer.]"
Lengkap +
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Ayu Made Pratiwi I. H.
Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif, dengan bahan kepustakaan hukum sebagai sumber data primer. Permasalahan dalam penelitian adalah apakah ketentuan pelelangan kayu Perhutani melalui iPASAR sesuai dengan asas lelang yang berlaku di Indonesia, dan bagaimana akibat hukum dari lelang yang dilakukan oleh iPASAR tanpa dihadiri oleh Pejabat Lelang dan tanpa dibuatkan Risalah Lelang. Dalam prakteknya, lelang harus dilakukan sesuai dengan asas yang berlaku yaitu asas transparansi, kepastian hukum, kompetisi, efisiensi dan akuntabilitas. Penjualan secara lelang wajib dilaksanakan oleh atau dihadapan Pejabat Lelang, yaitu Pejabat Umum yang diangkat oleh Menteri Keuangan untuk melaksanakan pelelangan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Setiap penjualan umum yang dilakukan oleh Pejabat Lelang atau kuasanya, untuk tiap hari pelelangan atau penjualan harus dibuat berita acara tersendiri, yaitu Risalah Lelang. Risalah Lelang merupakan akta autentik, menurut Pasal 1868 KUH Perdata merupakan suatu akta yang dibuat dalam bentuk yang ditentukan Undang-Undang oleh atau dihadapan pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk itu di tempat akta itu dibuat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan lelang secara elektronik melalui iPASAR kebijakan belum sepenuhnya sesuai asas lelang yang berlaku. Ketidakhadiran Pejabat Lelang dalam pelaksanaannya merupakan pengecualian yang diatur dalam Pasal 49 Vendu Reglement, akan tetapi kewajiban lain tetap harus dilakukan oleh Perhutani terutama dalam hal pembuatan Risalah Lelang untuk memenuhi asas kepastian hukum, serta kewajiban pembebanan bea lelang bagi penjual dan pembeli termasuk pelaporan pelaksanaan lelang kepada Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas dan sinergi antara stakeholder dalam pelaksanaan lelang sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Penulis juga memberi saran bahwa akan lebih baik apabila iPASAR melibatkan Pejabat Lelang dalam pelaksanaan lelang elektronik, sehingga Risalah Lelang yang dibuat nantinya bersifat autentik dan memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang sempurna. Kata kunci: lelang elektronik, pejabat lelang, risalah lelang, kepastian hukum, akuntabilitas.

The thesis study uses using juridical normative research method with law literature as primary reference. The problem statement in this research is whether the provision of Perhutani timber auction through iPasar inline with the auction principles in Indonesia, and further how the legal consequences apply to an auction that conducts by iPasar without the presence of auctioneer and without auction deed is being made. In the common practices, auction should be conducted in lin with the principles of transparency, legal certainty, competition, efficiency and accountability. Selling by auction should be carried out by or in the presence of auctioneer, that is public official that appointed by the Minister of Finance to carry out the auction based on the prevailing legislation. Every public selling that being conducted by the auctioneer or their proxies, for daily auction or selling should made an official report, and namely as auction deed. Auction deed is an authentic certificate, based on Article 1868 of the KUH Perdata is a certificate that being made in the format that determined by the constitution or in the presence of authorize public official in place where the certificate is being made. The research results show the implementation of electronic auctions through iPasar policy is not fully inline yet with the current auction principles. The absence of auctioneer in the implementation is be an exception that set in Article 49 Vendu Reglement, but other obligations are still need to be done by Perhutani, especially in terms of providing the auction deed to comply with the principle of legal certainty, as well as liabilities of imposition of auction fee for sellers and buyers and be included reporting of the auction to Directorate General of State Treasury as a form of accountability and synergy among auction stakeholders in line with Indonesia regulation. In addition, writer suggests that it would be better if Perhutani iPASAR involves the auctioneer in their electronic auction implementation, so the auction deed that being made would be more authentic and having strength as perfect evidence. Keywords electronic auction, auctioneer, auction deed, legal certainty, accountability."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melani Ananta
Perhutani sebagai perusahaan umum milik Negara yang memproduksi berbagai macam hasil kayu termasuk kayu jati telah memasuki fase baru dalam penjualan kayu dengan cara lelang, yang semula dilakukan secara konvensional menjadi secara online melalui internet yang dibantu oleh iPASAR sebagai Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam jasa pelelangan online, dimana hal ini dilakukan sebagai perwujudan dari majunya perkembangan akses jual beli dengan cara lelang. Pelelangan kayu jati Perum Perhutani melalui internet yang dilakukan iPASAR ini sesuai dengan asas lelang yang berlaku di Indonesia yaitu asas transparansi, asas kepastian hukum, asas kompetisi, dan asas efisiensi, yang merupakan cerminan dari Vendu Reglement Staatsblad tahun 1908 nomor 189, dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia No. 93/PMK.06/2010. Tetapi tidak sesuai dengan asas akuntabilitas yang mewajibkan adanya Pejabat Lelang dan Risalah Lelang dalam suatu pelelangan. Dalam asas akuntabilitas dinyatakan bahwa lelang tidak dapat dilakukan tanpa kehadiran Pejabat Lelang, dan dapat dinyatakan cacat hukum atau tidak sah apabila tidak terdapat Risalah Lelang. Dalam aturan tentang lelang, Pejabat Lelang dinyatakan wajib hadir dalam pelaksanaan lelang sebagai pihak yang mempunyai wewenang untuk menjalankan proses pelelangan dari tahap awal sampai akhir, dan juga Risalah Lelang yang merupakan suatu alat bukti mengenai jalannya pelelangan yang mempunyai kekuatan seperti akta yang autentik . Hal tersebut sulit ditemukan dalam lelang yang dilakukan secara online, dimana aturan mengenainya belum diatur secara konkrit dalam undang-undang maupun peraturan yang lainnya. Proses lelang online yang dilakukan oleh PASAR ini tidak diatur oleh Pejabat Lelang melainkan dilakukan oleh sistem yang telah terprogram untuk menjalankan proses lelang, dan dalam iPASAR tidak dibuat Risalah Lelang, tetapi menggunakan Surat Konfirmasi Pemenang Lelang sebagai alat bukti yang sah dan paling kuat bagi Pemenang Lelang sebagai tanda kepemilikan barang lelang. Akan adanya hal ini, pemerintah perlu memperhatikan prosedur lelang secara online dan menciptakan aturan baru yang khusus membahas mengenai lelang secara online ini agar setiap perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang yang sama seperti iPASAR dapat tunduk kepada 1 (satu) hukum yang konkrit.

Perhutani as a state owned enterprise producing various types of wood products including teak wood has entered a new phase in their selling process by using auctions. A new type of auction is now available in addition to conventional auction through the internet with the support of iPasar, a company providing online auction services. These steps have been implemented as an answer to the fast growing demand of transactions through auctions. Perum Perhutani teak wood auctions conducted by iPasar through the internet is in accordance with several auction principles applied in Indonesia, these are : the principle of transparancy, the principle of legal certainty, the principle of competition and the principle of efficiency. These principles are all a reflection of the Vendu Reglement Staatsblad year 1908 number 189 and also Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia No.93/PMK.06/2010. However, online auctions through companies like iPasar are not in accordance with the principle of accountability which states that auctions can not be conducted without the presence of an Auctioneer and may be deemed defect by law or invalid if no auction report exists. Under the rules of auctions,the Auctioneer must be present and is the person in charge during an auction from its beginning until its end, and the auction report is considered authentic proof of the auction and is valid by law as an authentic certificate. These elements are difficult to find in online auctions due to the fact that there are no clear guidelines governing online auctions. Online auctions conducted by companies like iPasar do not include an auction officer,this function is replaced by a system programmed to run the auction.Online auctions also do not require an auction report,it is replaced instead by an auction winner confirmation letter which is used a valid proof by law for the winner of the auction as a sign of ownership of the auctioned good/product. Due to this matter, it is the utmost importance for the government to give attention to online auction procedures and create new rules and guidelines which specifically discusses online auctions so in the future companies such as iPasar can obey to a single concrete law.
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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