ABSTRAKPenelitian ini fokus pada pola kerjasama interorganisasional KPK ? ICW dalam
agenda pemberantasan korupsi politik di Indonesia melalui pendekatan teori New
Institusionalisme Victor Nee. Pola kerjasama interorganisasional KPK ? ICW
terbangun karena adanya kesamaan visi dan konsen terhadap agenda pemberantasan
korupsi, serta interaksi antar aktor ? aktor anti korupsi KPK ? ICW. Pola kerjasama
interorganisasional KPK ? ICW menuai dukungan dan tantangan.Dukungan secara
moril maupun materil datang dari masyarakat sipil serta dunia internasional.
Sedangkan tantangan popular dikenal dengan istilah?Corruptor Fight Back?.
Terdapat dinamika diantara aparatur hukum negara, bahkan diantara KPK ? ICW
juga terdapatdinamika, walaupun mereka masih tetap konsisten sebagai aktor anti
ABSTRACTThis study focuses on the pattern of interorganizational cooperation KPK - ICW in
the agenda of political corruption eradication in Indonesia by theoretical approaches
New institutionalism Victor Nee. Interorganizational cooperation pattern Commission
- ICW woke up because of the similarity of vision and concern about the anticorruption
agenda, as well as the interaction between actors of anti -corruption
between KPK - ICW. Interorganizational cooperation between KPK - ICW getting
support and challenge. Moral and material supporting come from the civil society and
the international community. In the other side the challenge popularly known by the
term "Corruptor Fight Back". There is a dynamic between the legal apparatus of the
state, even among KPK - ICW also found dynamics, although they still remain
consistent as anti -corruption actors"