ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang akibat hukum dan kedudukan suami istri yang telah
bercerai, kemudian satu sama lain melakukan perkawinan ulang berdasarkan Pasal
232a KUHPerdata. Pasal 232a KUHPerdata mengatur bahwa, apabila suami dan
istri yang telah dicerai, satu sama lain melakukan perkawinan ulang, maka demi
hukum hiduplah kembali segala akibat perkawinan seolah-olah tak pernah ada
perceraian, namun hal itu tidak boleh mengurangi akan terus berlakunya
perbuatan-perbuatan perdata terhadap pihak ketiga yang telah dilakukan kiranya
dalam tenggang antara perceraian dan perkawinan ulang. Kemudian cara
menghitung pembagian harta peninggalan suami/istri (pewaris) dalam perkawinan
ulang. Serta akibat hukum terhadap harta benda perkawinan dalam perkawinan
ABSTRACTThis thesis study about the legal consequences and status of divorced spouses,
who remarried to each other based on Indonesian Civil Code Verse 232a.
Indonesian Civil Code Verse 232a states that, if the divorced spouses, who
remaried to each other, then by virtue of the law all results of the marriage will be
revived as if there had been no divorce, but such cannot withstand the validity of
the civil actions on the third party that has been performed between the period of
the divorce and the remarry. Furthermore, it also encompasses the method of
calculating the division of material possessions as well as calculating the
inheritance from the remarried husband/wife (heir). Moreover, the legal
consequences towards marital material possessions in remarriage"