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R.Hasto Joko Ajidewanto
Kilang LNG Terapung (FLNG) merupakan salah satu solusi yang efektif untuk
monetisasi lapangan stranded gas. Pemilihan teknologi dan kapasitas LNG
optimal yang disesuaikan dengan jumlah cadangan gas terbukti, dibutuhkan untuk
menghasilkan Pendapatan Negara (GT) yang optimal. Selain itu, dengan
mempertimbangkan kebutuhan energi dalam negeri yang terus meningkat, maka
riset ini juga melakukan optimisasi untuk mendapatkan persentase alokasi LNG
dan harga LNG untuk domestik. Perhitungan optimisasi pada riset ini
menggunakan program Microsoft Excel Solver dengan metode GRG Non-Linier.
Pada kasus pengembangan FLNG di Blok Masela, Laut Arafura, Maluku, dan
asumsi cadangan gas terbukti sebesar 6 TCF, didapatkan Teknologi LNG yang
optimal adalah Single Mixed Refrigerant (SMR) dengan kapasitas optimal sekitar
3 MTPA, dan berpotensi menghasilkan Pendapatan Negara (GT) selama masa
produksi 30 tahun sebesar US$ 31,9 Milyar. Hasil ini didapat dengan asumsi
persentase optimal LNG untuk domestik sebesar 25% dari bagian gas Kontraktor,
dengan harga 50% dari harga ekspor. Upaya lebih lanjut untuk memaksimalkan
Penerimaan Negara, sekaligus juga Penerimaan Kontraktor adalah dengan
menetapkan harga LNG untuk domestik yang sama dengan harga ekspor. Selain
itu, hasil estimasi Biaya Pencairan Gas untuk FLNG adalah sekitar US$ 4 –

Floating LNG (FLNG) is one of the effective solutions for monetizing stranded
gas field. The selection of the optimum technology and capacity of LNG adjusted
by proven gas reserves is needed to optimize Government Take (GT). Moreover,
with consider domestic energy consumption continues to increase, objective of the
research is also to obtain optimum LNG allocation for domestic and its price. The
optimization done by using the Microsoft Excel Solver program with GRG Non-
Linear Method.
In case of FLNG development in Masela Block, Arafura Sea, Maluku, with
assumption of proven gas reserves is 6 TCF, it results the optimum LNG
technology is Single Mixed Refrigerant (SMR) with optimum capacity is
approximately 3 MTPA, and it potentially generates Government Take (GT)
during 30-year production period is US$ 31.9 billion. These results were obtained
with the assumption that optimum percentage of LNG for domestic is 25% of
Contractor’s gas portion with a domestic price of 50% of the export price. Further
efforts to maximize Government Take, as well as the economics of LNG, is to set
the domestic price equal with the export price. In addition, the estimation results
for FLNG Liquefaction Cost is approximately US$ 4 - 5/MMBTU."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bani Rahmania
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai sejauh apa negara pantai dapat menerapakan yurisdiksinya terhadap anjungan minyak lepas pantai yang terpancang di landas kontinennya. Penelitian ini berbentuk yuridis-normatif dengan desain deskriptif analitis, yang bertujuan untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut mengenai konsep yurisdiksi negara pantai terhadap anjungan minyak lepas pantai secara komprehensif baik dalam the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf, the 1982 United Convention on the Law of the Sea, dan hukum nasional negara pantai. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan dalam kasus Arctic Sunrise (Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Russian Federation), negara pantai dalam menerapkan yurisdiksi pada anjungan minyak lepas pantai di landas kontinennya, tidak dapat diberlakukan sepenuhnya karena sudah berbatasan dengan rezim hukum laut lain yaitu rezim hukum laut lepas.

The focus of this study is about the extent to which a coastal state may exercise its jurisdiction to offshore oil platforms which fixed on its continental shelf. This normative juridical with analytical descriptive, is aim for the further understanding of the concept of jurisdiction of coastal states to offshore oil platforms comprehensively which regulated in the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf, the 1982 United Convention on the Law of the Sea and the national law of the coastal State. Based on the analysis that has been done in the case of the Arctic Sunrise (the Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Russian Federation), a coastal state in the exercise of its jurisdiction to offshore oil platforms on the continental shelf, can not be fully enforced because it is bordered by the other legal regime of the sea, which is high sea."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mukhtarus Bahroinuddin
"Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah melakukan kajian tekno-ekonomi sistem purifikasi minyak
transformer untuk industri migas lepas pantai. Tantangan yang dihadapi adalah merancang
sebuah desain sistem purifikasi yang cocok untuk area operasi yang terbatas, tidak
mengganggu operasi (secara online), dan dilakukan tanpa keluar dari pipa / sistem
transformer sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku (closed loop). Metodologi yang digunakan
pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan studi literatur penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya,
penelusuran pasar, dan data kontrak yang berlaku di industri migas Indonesia. Kajian
diawali dengan melakukan review metode purifikasi yang dapat dilakukan secara online
dan closed loop terhadap lima (5) metode antara lain: sedimentasi alami, filtrasi, adsorpsi,
degassing & dehydration¸dan penambahan zat aditif. Metode-metode purifikasi yang
memenuhi syarat online dan closed loop (yaitu filtrasi, adsorpsi, dan degassing &
dehydration) kemudian dikombinasikan menjadi tiga (3) sistem purifikasi dan dievaluasi
kesesuaiannya terhadap kontaminan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sistem purifikasi
yang cocok untuk industri hulu migas lepas pantai Indonesia adalah kombinasi metode
filtrasi (pre-filter dan filter primer) – degassing & dehydration – filtrasi sekunder dengan
flow rate 10 liter per menit. Sistem yang paling sesuai adalah yang terdiri dari proses prefilter
dan filtrasi primer yang memiliki kemampuan penyaringan partikel hinnga 50 mikron
dan penurunan tekanan 0,01 MPa, dilanjutkan proses degassing & dehydration beroperasi
pada tekanan vakum -0,08 MPa gauge dan suhu 65 0C, dan diakhiri dengan filtrasi sekunder
dengan spesifikasi filter sama dengan filtrasi pertama. Investasi sistem purifikasi ini cukup
murah dan ekonomis dengan biaya kapital Rp107.305.658,50, nilai IRR 43,33%, NPV
Rp340.315.914,00, dan payback period selama 2,47 tahun.

The focus of this research is to conduct techno-economic analysis for investment on
purification system of transformer oil in offshore oil and gas industry. The challenges of the
purification system are the design shall be appropriate for limited space area, no production
disruption (works online), and conducted without discharging from the pipe / transformer
system in accordance with regulations (closed loop). The methodology of this research is
conducting literature study and review to previous researches, market assessment, and
existing contract data which applied in oil & gas industri of Indonesia. The study begins
with a review to purification methods which can be conducted online and closed looply into
five (5) methods which are: natural sedimentation, filtration, adsorption, degassing &
dehydration¸ and the additives. Purification methods that meet the online and closed loop
requirements (which are filtration, adsorption, and degassing & dehydration) are then
combined into three (3) purification systems and evaluated for their contaminant suitability.
This research conclude that the most appropriate purification system is the combination of
filtration (pre-filter & primary filter) – degassing & dehydration – filtration methods with
flow rate 10 liters per minute. The most appropriate system is consisting of pre-filter and
primary filtration process which can filter the partikel up to 50 microns with drop pressure
0.01 MPa, followed by degassing & dehydration process which operated at pressure -0.08
MPa gauge and temperature 65 0C, and finalized by secondary filtration process with the
same specification with primary filter. The purification system investment is quite cheap
and economical with capital expenditure Rp107.305.658,50, IRR value 43,33%, NPV
Rp340.315.914,00, and payback period 2,47 years.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Atas
Keselamatan dari bahaya arc flash telah menjadi persyaratan dalam pengoperasian
suatu instalasi listrik di lapangan migas lepas pantai. Kejadian arc flash tidak hanya
mengancam keselamatan pekerja dan fasilitas tersebut tetapi juga bisa mengakibatkan
kegagalan produksi yang sangat mahal. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi bahaya arc flash
ini ialah menurunkan trip setting alat proteksi sehingga alat proteksi bisa berkerja secepat
mungkin untuk menghilangkan kejadian arc flash. Namun penurunan trip setting alat proteksi
ini harus optimal sehingga tetap bisa menjamin kehandalan alat proteksi terhadap ganguan,
selain juga bisa mengurangi energi arc flash. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis
pengurangan energi arc flash dengan mengoptimasi koordinasi alat proteksi pada instalasi
listrik di lapangan ABC, sebuah lapangan migas lepas pantai di Laut Natuna. Hasil analisis
memperlihatkan energi arc flash system bisa dikurangi sampai batas yang diperbolehkan
tanpa mengorbankan kehandalan alat proteksi terhadap gangguan. Pada bagian akhir
dipaparkan analisis ekonomi yang memperlihatkan pengurangan energi arc flash dengan
optimasi koordinasi alat proteksi di lapangan migas ABC dapat diterima secara bisnis karena
memberikan keuntungan yaitu mengurangi biaya tidak tetap akibat kejadian arc flash dengan
NPV (Net Present Value) sebesar USD 675.932.

Electrical safety from arc flash hazard has become requirement for operation of an
offshore oil platform. During it?s operation, arc flash is always become potential hazard that
not only threaten personal and facility safety, but also can cause very expensive production
loss. One solution to reduce arc flash hazard is reducing protection device trip setting to
make it working faster to isolate fault. But reducing protection devices shall be optimum that
it shall be able to maintain reliability from inadvertant trip as well as reducing arc flash
energy. In this research, analysis of arc flash reduction by optimizing protection device
coordination will be conducted at electrical instalation in field ABC, offshore oil platform in
Laut Natuna. Study result shows optimizing protection device setting can reduce arc flash
incident energy till meet allowable limit without sacrifice realiability of power supply. At the
end, economical analysis is also carried out that shows above investment can be accepted due
to give benefit for preventing loss due to arc flash equivalent with cost NPV (Net Present
Value) USD 675.932."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Adi Wardana
Pengembangan lapangan gas laut dalam memiliki tantangan teknis, terkait fasilitas
produksi dan teknologi untuk dapat memproduksikan migas pada kondisi
lingkungan yang ekstrem. Disamping itu, biaya yang diperlukan lebih besar
dibandingkan pengembangan lapangan laut dangkal. Dalam penelitian ini
dilakukan analisa secara teknis dan ekonomis terhadap pengembangan lapangan
gas laut dalam di Selat Makasar dengan metode subsea tieback, dengan
memanfaatkan kapasitas tersedia dari floating production unit (FPU) yang sudah
ada. Analisa teknis meliputi penentuan ukuran pipa (flowline) optimal, yang dapat
memenuhi target deliverabilitas gas, memenuhi kriteria teknis lainnya, serta
analisa flow assurance, khususnya mitigasi hidrat untuk menjamin
keberlangsungan aliran fluida dari sumur bawah laut hingga ke titik jual. Dari
analisa teknis akan didapatkan beberapa konfigurasi ukuran pipa dan mitigasi
hidrat. Analisa ekonomi meliputi perhitungan biaya investasi untuk setiap opsi
yang memenuhi kriteria teknis, kemudian dilanjutkan penghitungan parameter
keekonomian berdasarkan aturan Production Sharing Contract (PSC) yang
berlaku di Indonesia. Dengan harga gas 6 US$/mmbtu, didapatkan nilai
Government Take (GT) 609 juta US$ dan Internal rate of Return (IRR) 15.13%.
Sensitivitas analisis dilakukan dengan variasi harga jual gas dan mengubah
besaran kontraktor split untuk meningkatkan IRR sehingga dapat mencapai nilai
yang masih dapat diterima dari sisi Kontraktor. Untuk mendapatkan IRR yang
lebih besar dari 20%, diperlukan kontraktor split sebesar 48%. Hasil analisa
keekonomian dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam penentuan besaran kontraktor
split untuk pengembangan lapangan gas laut dalam.

Deepwater gas field development has technical challenges, related to production
facilities and technology that can be used for producing oil and gas in the extreme
ambient conditions. The required cost is also higher than shallow water. This
research analyzed technical and economical aspect of deepwater gas field
development at Makasar Strait using subsea tieback method, which utilize the
available capacity from existing Floating Production Unit (FPU). Technical
analysis include selection the optimum flowline size, which meet the gas
deliverability and other criteria as well. It also cover the flow assurance analysis,
particularly hydrate mitigation, to ensure the flow continuity of oil and gas from
subsea well to the sales point. Economic analysis include the calculation of
investment cost on each option that meet the technical criteria above. Then
continued with calculation of economic parameter based on applicable Indonesia
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) scheme. With gas price of 6 US$/mmbtu, will
give Government Take (GT) of 609 million US$ and Internal rate of Return
(IRR) 15.13%. Sensitivity analysis has been done by varrying the gas sale price
and changing the percentage of contractor split to increase the IRR to meet the
value that still acceptable from Contractor side. Contractor split of 48% is
required to achieve IRR higher than 20%. This economic analysis result could
become a consideration in defining the percentage of Contractor Split for
deepwater gas development.;Deepwater gas field development has technical challenges, related to production
facilities and technology that can be used for producing oil and gas in the extreme
ambient conditions. The required cost is also higher than shallow water. This
research analyzed technical and economical aspect of deepwater gas field
development at Makasar Strait using subsea tieback method, which utilize the
available capacity from existing Floating Production Unit (FPU). Technical
analysis include selection the optimum flowline size, which meet the gas
deliverability and other criteria as well. It also cover the flow assurance analysis,
particularly hydrate mitigation, to ensure the flow continuity of oil and gas from
subsea well to the sales point. Economic analysis include the calculation of
investment cost on each option that meet the technical criteria above. Then
continued with calculation of economic parameter based on applicable Indonesia
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) scheme. With gas price of 6 US$/mmbtu, will
give Government Take (GT) of 609 million US$ and Internal rate of Return
(IRR) 15.13%. Sensitivity analysis has been done by varrying the gas sale price
and changing the percentage of contractor split to increase the IRR to meet the
value that still acceptable from Contractor side. Contractor split of 48% is
required to achieve IRR higher than 20%. This economic analysis result could
become a consideration in defining the percentage of Contractor Split for
deepwater gas development., Deepwater gas field development has technical challenges, related to production
facilities and technology that can be used for producing oil and gas in the extreme
ambient conditions. The required cost is also higher than shallow water. This
research analyzed technical and economical aspect of deepwater gas field
development at Makasar Strait using subsea tieback method, which utilize the
available capacity from existing Floating Production Unit (FPU). Technical
analysis include selection the optimum flowline size, which meet the gas
deliverability and other criteria as well. It also cover the flow assurance analysis,
particularly hydrate mitigation, to ensure the flow continuity of oil and gas from
subsea well to the sales point. Economic analysis include the calculation of
investment cost on each option that meet the technical criteria above. Then
continued with calculation of economic parameter based on applicable Indonesia
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) scheme. With gas price of 6 US$/mmbtu, will
give Government Take (GT) of 609 million US$ and Internal rate of Return
(IRR) 15.13%. Sensitivity analysis has been done by varrying the gas sale price
and changing the percentage of contractor split to increase the IRR to meet the
value that still acceptable from Contractor side. Contractor split of 48% is
required to achieve IRR higher than 20%. This economic analysis result could
become a consideration in defining the percentage of Contractor Split for
deepwater gas development.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saifan Rizaldy
"Perkembangan teknologi bidang kelautan semakin pesat seiring dengan kebutuhan zaman. Aktivitas eksploitasi sektor migas sudah merambah pada wilayah Deep Water sampai Ultra Deep Water. Namun pada realitasnya Indonesia belum mampu berperan aktif dalam pengembangan teknologi Mobile Offshore Platform Unit yang biasa digunakan untuk eksploitasi migas pada wilayah diatas. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari jenis anjungan yang digunakan pada eksploitasi migas lepas pantai masih banyak menggunakan struktur fixed platform dan lokasi eksploitasi masih terbatas pada wilayah perairan dangkal. Padahal Indonesia memiliki luas wilayah laut yang cukup besar, penggarapan cadangan migas pada wilayah perairan laut dalam harus mulai dilakukan, seperti di perairan Laut Arafura blok Masela yang diprediksi memiliki potensi gas alam hingga 20 tcf (trilion cubic feet) dan cadangan minyak bumi sebesar 24,36 mmstb (million stock tank barrels). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan studi kasus perancangan sebuah anjungan semi-submersible yang berfungsi sebagai Production Platform Unit yang digunakan pada eksploitasi migas di blok Masela, Laut Arafura. Rancangan tersebut dilengkapi dengan sistem pemosisian dinamik (dynamic positioning system) yang diuji pada skala model. Hasil dari eksperimen pada model uji tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat akurasi dari penerapan sistem kontrol posisi Inertial Measurement Unit dan sensor ultrasonik terhadap beban lingkungan.

Technology development in marine sector has a rapid development in line with the needs of the era. The exploitation activity of oil and gas sector has been expanded to the deep sea area until ultra deep sea area. Whereas in reality, Indonesia is unable to contribute actively in the technology development of Mobile Offshore Platform Unit which used for oil and gas exploitation in those area. It can be seen on the fact that the exploitation of offshore oil and gas still use fixed structure and the location of platform exploitation still limited to the shallow water areas. While Indonesia has a large sea area, the cultivation of oil and gas reserves in the sea area should begin to planned carefully, as in the Arafura Sea Masela block which was predicted have potential of natural gas reach out 20 tcf (trilion cubic feet), the petroleum reserves by 24, 36 MMSTB (million stock tank barrels). In this study, there is a study case of semi-submersible rig design that serves as a Production Platform unit used in oil and gas exploitation in the Masela Block, the Arafura Sea. The design is completed with a dynamic positioning system (DPS) which has been tested at scale models. Results of experiments on the test model is used to determine the accuracy of the application of a simple position control system that is using The Measurement Inertial Unit and ultrasonic sensors on the environment resistance."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sianturi, Dharma Trioko
"Sebagai salah satu negara anggota OPEC, di Indonesia banyak dilaksanakan proyek-proyek pembangunan fasilitas penunjang terhadap kegiatan
pertambangan minyak dan gas bumi. Pengembangan fasilitas tersebut dimulai dari tahap perancangan engineering, fabrikasi & pengadaan, dan konstruksi & instalasi. Sebagai tahapan yang paling akhir dari sebuah pembangunan fasilitas,
tahap konstruksi & instalasi memiliki resiko keterlambatan paling tinggi dalam
pelaksanaannya. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh besarnya keterkaitan pekerjaan dengan
pihak diluar perusahaan. Kondisi ini mendorong penulis untuk dapat
mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor dominan yang berpengaruh. Dengan teridentifikasinya faktor-faktor dominan tersebut dan dilakukannya langkahlangkah antisipasinya, diharapkan dapat mencegah keterlambatan pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi & instalasi tersebut
As one of OPEC’s member, there are so many facilities development projects to support oil & gas mining activities in Indonesia. The development project is started from engineering design phase, to procurement and fabrication
phase, and ended by construction and installation phase. As the last phase, construction & installation, has more risks related to time performance during the execution. These things affected by big corelation between the contractor and other outside parties. Such condition motivate writer to identify the dominant factors. By identifying these factors and take responses
on them, delays on construction and installation performance will be avoided.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Jinoko
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi asas cabotage dalam hukum positif Indonesia terhadap kapal penunjang Migas (Migas) atau anjungan Migas yang beroperasi di wilayah lepas pantai yang termasuk dalam wilayah laut zona ekonomi ekslusif (ZEE) maupun landas kontinen dimana ketentuan hukum internasional berlaku, kesesuainnya dengan ketentuan WTO yaitu ketentuan General Agreement on Trade In Services (GATS) dan schedule of commitment Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif yang di dukung oleh penelitian empiris. Dengan rumusan pengertian kapal yang meliputi juga floating platforms di lepas pantai (dalam hal ini termasuk rig-rig, anjungan Migas lepas pantai) sepanjang berada dalam yuridiksi dan kedaulatan Indonesia yaitu berada di laut teritorial Indonesia beserta perairan kepulauan dan perairan pedalaman maka asas cabotage berlaku terhadap kapal dan floating platforms tersebut. Sedangkan menurut hukum positif Iindonesia asas cabotage tidak berlaku di landas kontinen dan ZEE namun dalam pelaksanaannya berlaku karena dalam operasional tersebut harus melalui Pelabuhan, laut teritorial, perairan kepulauan dan perairan pedalaman. Implementasi asas cabotage belum dapat dilaksanakan sepenuhnya karena pemerintah masih memberikan dispensasi terhadap penggunaan kapal asing untuk usaha Migas lepas pantai melalui Permenhub No.46 Tahun 2019, namun peraturan ini secara substansi tidak sejalan atau bertentangan dengan asas hukum lex superior derogate legi inferiori. Pengaturan asas cabotage merupakan bagian dari prinsip yang diatur dalam GATS tentang domestic regulation, dan WTO tetap mengakui eksistensi kedaulatan negara anggotanya. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perlu menyempurnakan hukum positif Indonesia sebagai peraturan domestik untuk menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan liberalisasi jasa angkutan laut khususnya penggunaan kapal asing untuk menunjang usaha Migas lepas pantai di Indonesia dan memberikan kelonggaran bagi armada angkutan laut asing pada kegiatan Migas lepas pantai.

This focus of this study is assesed implementation of the cabotage principle in Indonesian positive law to offshore oil and gas supporting vessels or oil and gas platforms operating in offshore areas that are included in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) sea area or the continental shelf where international law provisions apply, the compliance with WTO provisions namely the provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and Indonesias schedule of commitment. This research applies a normative juridical approach which is supported by empirical research. With the formulation of the definition of a vessel which includes offshore floating platforms (in this case including rigs, offshore oil and gas platforms) as long as it is within the jurisdiction and sovereignty of Indonesia, which are in the territorial sea of Indonesia, archipelagic waters and inland waters, the cabotage principle applies to vessel and floating platforms. Meanwhile, according to positive Indonesian law the cabotage principle does not apply to vessel and floating platforms on the continental shelf and EEZ, but in practice the cabotage principle also applies because vessel and floating platforms in these operations must go through ports, territorial seas, archipelagic waters and inland waters. Implementation of the cabotage principle cannot yet be fully implemented because the government is still giving dispensation for the use of foreign vessel for offshore oil and gas business through Permenhub No.46 of 2019, but this regulation is substantially not in line with or against the legal principle of the lex superior derogate legi inferiori. Implementation of the cabotage principle is part of the principles that is regulated in GATS regarding domestic regulation, and the WTO continues to recognize the existence of the sovereignty of its member countries. The results suggest that it is necessary to improve Indonesias positive law as a domestic regulation to adjust to the development of liberalization of sea transportation services, especially the use of foreign vessels to support offshore oil and gas businesses in Indonesia and to provide leeway for foreign marine transportation fleets in offshore activities."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurniawan Rahardjo
Evaluasi pasca operasi dari suatu proyek atau pabrik dilakukan untuk melihat ke belakang apakah suatu proyek yang sudah berjalan benar-benar menguntungkan atau tidak, untuk mendapatkan informasi yang berguna bagi manajemen dalam membuat keputusan-keputusan di masa datang. Seringkali evaluasi ini juga dilakukan untuk mendukung pengembangan bisnis yang sedang berjalan, dengan menunjukkan betapa untungnya investasi proyek itu dulu dilakukan.
Kilang ekstraksi LPG di kilang LNG "Bravo", yang dibangun dengan investasi sekitar US$ 160 juta pada tahun 1986, adalah salah satu proyek PERTAMINA yang sudah beroperasi dan menghasilkan devisa bagi negara dan produk LPG-nya sejak tahun 1988. Proyek ini dibangun di kilang LNG "Bravo" untuk memperoleh devisa tambahan selain devisa dari produk utamanya yaitu LNG. Proyek ini dievaluasi terutama untuk melihat prospeknya sepuluh tahun mendatang (periode 1999 - 2008).
Dengan memperhatikan data historis dari variabel pemasaran, khususnya harga dan volume penjualan selama sepuluh tahun terakhir (1988 - 1997) dari pengoperasian kilang ekstraksi LPG ini, evaluasi dengan membandingkan antara NPV dari pendapatan tambahan yang diperoleh dari penjualan LPG dengan pendapatan tambahan dari penjualan LNG excess (bib kilang ekstraksi LPG ini dihentikan) untuk periode 1999 - 2008, menunjukkan bahwa kilang ekstraksi LPG ini masih lebih ekonomis untuk dilanjutkan pengoperasiannya dari pada dihentikan.

Post-installation evaluation of any project or process plant is conducted to look back whether the running project is really profitable or not, to gain some information needed by management for further decisions in the future. Sometimes this evaluation is also conducted to support the expansion of the running project or business, by showing how profitable this project was developed in the past.
LPG extraction plant in "Bravo" LNG plant was built in 1986, with investment around US$ 160 million. It is one of PERTAMINA's project which has been operated and gave revenue for Indonesia from its product , LPG, since 1988. This facilities was built in `Bravo' LNG plant in order to get additional revenue besides revenue from its main product, LNG. The project is evaluated mainly to see its prospect in the next ten years (1999 - 2008 period).
By considering to historical data of marketing variables, such as price and sales volume during last ten years (1988 - 1997) of commercial operation of this LPG extraction plant, evaluation which is made by comparing the NPV of additional revenue from LPG sales to the NPV of additional revenue from sales of excess LNG (due to termination of LPG extraction plant) of 1999- 2008 period shows that this LPG plant is still profitable to continue its operation rather than shut it down.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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