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Taufik Rahmadi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat mortar menggunakan sampah kertas yang telah diproses, untuk mendapatkan mortar yang ramah lingkungan, memenuhi standar dan diharapkan memiliki sifat mekanis yang lebih baik dibandingkan mortar yang menggunakan agregat alam dan tergolong beton ringan.Benda uji penelitian dibuat dengan persentase serbuk sampah kertas hasil pengolahan kertas bekas adalah10%, 15%, 20% dan 25% terhadap berat semen yang digunakan. Pengujian kuat tekan dan kuat lentur dilakukan pada hari ke-7,14, 21, 28,dan 56 sedangkan pengujian susut dilakukan hingga hari ke-28. Pengujian density pun dilakukan setelah umur mortar mencapai 28 hari.Dari hasil pengujian, didapatkan bahwa mortar dengan campuran 10% memiliki kuat tekanmutu sebesar 6.57 MPa dan 6.52 Mpa digolongkan kedalam tipe N yaitu jenis adukan dengan kuat tekan sedang, dipakai untuk aduk pasangan terbuka diatas tanah. Sedangkan campuran 15%memiliki mutu sebesar 4.62 MPa dan 25% sebesar 2.49 MPa digolongkan kedalam tipe O yaitu jenis adukan dengan kekuatan tekan yang agak rendah, dipakai untuk konstruksi tembok yang tidak menahan beban tekan tidak lebih dari 7 kg/cm² dan gangguan cuaca tidak berat.

This research object is make mortar using office block waste paper with shred paper pretreatment to get green mortar, standardized, and has a better mechanical quality than mortar using natural aggregate. The shredding paper ratio in mixture are 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% to cement mass. Compressive strength and flexural test did at day 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th whereas shrinkage test did at day 28th. Density test also did after mortar at the age of 28 days.As aresult from test, providable that the mixed 10% and 15% of mortar has compressive strength 6.57 MPa and 6.52 MPa. This kind of product be classified to N type that is mixed with medium compressive strength, used for open paired stir up on ground. The mixture of 20% mortar has compressive strength 4.62 MPa and the mixture of 25% of mortar has compressive strength 2.49 MPa, it can be classified to O type that is kind of mixed with low compressive strength, use for wall construction with compressive strength less than 7 kg/cm2 and medium disturbance of weather"
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Iqbal
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat mortar menggunakan sampah kertas perkantoran yang telah dicacah menggunakan mesin penghacur kertas, untuk mendapatkan mortar yang ramah lingkungan, memenuhi standard dan diharapkan memiliki sifat mekanis yang lebih baik dibandingkan mortar yang menggunakan agregat alam. Benda uji penelitian dibuat dengan persentase cacahan sampah kertas hasil mesin penghancur kertas adalah 10%, 15%, 20% dan 25% terhadap berat semen yang digunakan. Pengujian kuat tekan dan kuat lentur dilakukan pada hari ke-7,14, 21 dan 28 sedangkan pengujian susut dilakukan hingga hari ke-28. Pengujian density pun dilakukan setelah umur mortar mencapai 28 hari. Dari hasil pengujian, didapatkan bahwa mortar dengan campuran 10% dan 15% memiliki mutu sebesar 6.57 MPa dan 6.52 Mpa digolongkan kedalam tipe N yaitu jenis adukan dengan kuat tekan sedang, dipakai untuk aduk pasangan terbuka diatas tanah. Sedangkan campuran 15% memiliki mutu sebesar 4.62 MPa dan 25% sebesar 2.49 MPa digolongkan kedalam tipe O yaitu jenis adukan dengan kekuatan tekan yang agak rendah, dipakai untuk konstruksi tembok yang tidak menahan beban tekan tidak lebih dari 7 kg/cm2 dan gangguan cuaca tidak berat.

This research object is make mortar using office block waste paper with shred paper pretreatment to get green mortar, standardized, and has a better mechanical quality than mortar using natural aggregate. The shredding paper ratio in mixture are 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% to cement mass. Compressive strength and flexural test did at day 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th whereas shrinkage test did at day 28th. Density test also did after mortar at the age of 28 days. As aresult from test, providable that the mixed 10% and 15% of mortar has compressive strength 6.57 MPa and 6.52 MPa. This kind of product be classified to N type that is mixed with medium compressive strength, used for open paired stir up on ground. The mixture of 20% mortar has compressive strength 4.62 MPa and the mixture of 25% of mortar has compressive strength 2.49 MPa, it can be classified to O type that is kind of mixed with low compressive strength, use for wall construction with compressive strength less than 7 kg/cm2 and medium disturbance of weather."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triandhika Alfrian Hendri Saputra
"Manusia mempunyai hubungan yang erat dengan air sebagai salah satu kebutuhan utama. Salah satu peristiwa yang perlu mendapat perhatian lebih adalah adanya kontaminasi air tanah dan masih banyaknya air tanah yang digunakan sebagai sarana pemenuhan kebutuhan air. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan suatu protokol pemodelan fisik kontaminasi pencemar pada media berpori heterogen menggunakan seepage tank. Tujuan lain adalah untuk memperbaiki alat percobaan sehingga bisa digunakan untuk melakukan validasi dari pemodelan matematis yang ada. Pemodelan fisik ini meliputi aliran air tanah melewati media heterogen terdiskrit pada kondisi tunak dan juga transpor pencemar dengan mekanisme adveksi-dispersi yang terjadi akibat point-source loading.

Humans have strong independence on water as one of their primary needs. One of the phenomena that should be focused more is the presence of groundwater contamination while at the same time groundwater is utilized as one of the main source of water supply. This undergraduate thesis aims to formulate a physical modeling protocol of contaminant transport through heterogeneous porous media by using seepage tank. Another additional purpose is to improve the function of the existing instrument so that it can be used to perform validation of various mathematical modeling. This physical modeling includes groundwater flow through heterogeneous discrete medium in steady-state conditions as well as contaminant transport in advection-dispersion mechanism that occurs as a result of point-source loading."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agoes Yudha Hartono
Incinerator medis RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
adalah incinerator tipe Pirolisis, di mana pambakaran
dilakukan dengan 2 ( dua ) tahap terhadap gas buangan
yang dihasilkan.
Reaktor yang dijadikan obyek penelitian adalah
incinerator medis yang berskala lapangan dengan bahan
bakar solar . Masukan limhah adalah limbah medis dalam
fase padat.Saat ini komposisi limbah medis ini terdiri
dari sisa jaringan tubuh manusia, pembalut hingga
jarum plastik dan pada masa mendatang diutamakan untuk
sisa jaringan manusia.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
mempelajari kinerja incinerator medis, dengan cara
pengamatan di lapangan, di laboratorium terhadap
parameter masukan kadar air dan kadar karbon, serta
parameter keluaran bahan bakar tambahan dan konsentra-
si gas buang karbon monooksida.
Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh persamaan
regresi yang selanjutnya dapat dipergunakan untuk
membuat intrapolasi dan ekstrapolasi untuk mengetahui
persamaan yang menghubungkan antar berbagai parameter
masukan maupun parameter keluaran. Juga diperoleh
nilai koefisien Pearson yang menunjukkan hubungan
antar pameter. Penulis berusaha menyajikan sebaran da
ri data dan melakukan pengujian terhadap beberapa
hipotesa awal.
Analisa statistikal dilakukan terhadap data Lab
dan Lapangan. Hasil analisa dari faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi kinerja Incinerator Medis ini memperlihat
bahwa Kadar Air memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan
Pemakaian Solar, demikian juga Kadar Karbon memiliki
relasi erat dengan Pemakaian Solar.
Analisa regresi yang ailakukan terhadap hubungan
antar berbagai parameter memperlihatkan bahwa
persamaan regressi yang terbentuk adalah persamaan
logaritmis dan eksponensial.
Untuk mencari nilai yang minimum dari suatu
parameter keluaran tidak bisa dengan memakai
diffrensiasi. Cara yang dipakai adalah dengan
memasukkan kondisi batas minimum. dari parameter
masukan yang nilainya memungkinkan.

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Sermo Reservoir has been useful for irrigation and power plant. Despite its good reservoir management the reservoir spills millions of cubic meter of water yearly. On the other hand, there is a need for domestic water for surrounding area that can not be met. It indicates that the reservoir capacity needs increasing. The combined spillway (Free flow spillway and siphon) has been studied where higher capacity of water storage may be attained without increasing the dam crest. This is conducted by increasing the crest of the open type spillway (for examole ogee) to a certain height and at the same time adding the capacity of the open type spillway with spion. At certain height above the open spillway crest, the siphon is priming to add the discharge out from the spillway and hence required height of flood water above the open spillway is reduced. Such method that is increasing spillway weir crest may be applied for Sermo Dam.
The paper studie a typical reservoir called Waduk Sermo that is located in Kulon Progo, Special province of Jogjakarta, where the data is available for simulation. During three years of record, Sermo resevoir spills quite a lot of water which otherwise was very useful for the domestic water. With the increasing need for clean water, it is essential to study the real availability of water in the reservoir. Such spill would have been minimized when the dam was equipped with siphon spillway. Mathematical modeling of water balance in the reservoir during the three years of record was carried out. The out flow includes water for irrigation, electricity power and domestic purpose (drinking water). The domestic water discharge is varied in order to obtain optimal capacity for water withdrawal. The effect of higher spillway crest on the capacity of the reservoir to supply domestic water is simulated for comparison.
The study shows that Sermo reservoir is capable of serving approximately 1501/s of domestic water with time of service is 92%. This is the same as if no water is available for approximately one month per year. An additional dam crest of 1 m high produces a capacity of approximately 2251/s at the same risk as before. There is approximately an additional 2 million m3 of water available for domestic water yearly. It is concluded that such reservoir might have been more optimal when the crest was 1 m higher."
MTUGM 30:4 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eriz Ageng Wicaksono
Kondisi perkerasan jalan di Indonesia sangat dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan suhu dan perendaman air. Kerusakan yang terjadi akibat suhu yang panas dan genangan air merupakan hal yang sudah biasa. Pada penelitian ini, material baru BNA-Rubber diuji setelah dicampurkan pada aspal penetrasi 60/70 untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahannya terhadap daya tahan akibat suhu dan perendaman. Penelitian dilakukan dengan penambahan BNA-R sebesar 20% dari kadar aspal dan pengujian antara lain adalah dengan uji Marshall, Marshall Immersion, dan juga uji Indirect Tensile Strength dengan alat UMATA. Hasil yang didapat menujukkan bahwa penambahan BNA-R pada campuran aspal memiliki Indeks Kekuatan sisa yang lebih baik ketimbang campuran aspal tanpa BNA-R. Sementara untuk uji Indirect Tensile Strength didapat bahwa hasil Modulus Resilient dari campuran benda uji dengan 20% BNA-R lebih baik ketimbang campuran tanpa menggunakan BNA-R.

The condition of road pavement in Indonesia relies deeply upon the increase of temperature and its submersion in water. Heat and puddles of water are usual causes of road damages. This study tests the effects of BNA-Rubber; after being mixed in an asphalt hot-mix, against its vulnerability to an increase in temperature and submersion in water. This study is conducted by applying BNA-R in an asphalt hot mix, as much as 20% of the total asphalt content. This mixture is then tested through a series of tests including Marshall, Marshall Immersion, and the Indirect Tensile Strength by using the UMATA. Results from the test indicates that the addition of BNA-R in an asphalt hot-mix has a better index of retained stability than an asphalt hot-mix without the addition of BNA-R.While the results from the Indirect Tensile Strength test states that the Modulus Resilience of the asphalt hot-mix with the BNA-R is much better than the one without the BNA-R."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Water loss in a channel is an important component of the hydrologic budget for the design and planning of a water diversion and delivery system. Quantitative assessment of channel losses is required in the calculations of flow components of a river basin or reach and the projections of design flows at the withdrawal and delivery points of the water diversion system. In this study, hydrologic methods are employed to determine water losses along the Sheyenne River, a proposed diversion project. The hydrologic budget approach is considered the most appropriate method for the Sheyenne River and the proposed project. Long-term, monthly average, and annual channel losses and their longitudinal distributions are obtained. The estimated losses can be used as the additional discharge, compensating for the losses in the water delivery and supply system."
Washington: American Society of Civil Engineering, 2018
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
A direct solvent-extraction method was evaluated to assess its application for the extraction and analysis of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in coal-tar-contaminated soils. Eight individual solvents and two combined solvents were used in a screening test to determine the suitability of different solvents for the direct solvent-extraction method. Based on the extracted concentrations of the Total PAH, noncarcinogenic ride - were selected for further investigation by testing these solvents on four coal-tar-contaminated soils and a certified PAH -contaminated soil. The extraction results for the Total PAH and N-PAH concentrations showed that there were no statistical differences for the three solvents at a confidence interval of 95%. However, ethanol gave lower concentrations of C-PAH than acetone and methylene chloride. Fifteen coal-tar-contaminated soil samples from a land farming treatment unit were used to compare the direct solvent-extraction method using acetone as the extraction solvent with the conventional Soxhlet extraction method (EPA method 3540) and ultrasonic extraction method (EPA Method 3550). The results showed that the direct solvent-extraction method gave higher mean PAH concentrations than the Soxhlet and ultrasonic extraction method and that the direct extraction method was equivalent to the Soxhlet method at a confidence interval of 99%. Because of its simplicity of use and its equivalent extraction capability with the Soxhlet extraction method, the direct solvent-extraction method may be used as a technique for the extraction and analysis of PAHs in contaminated soil."
Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018
624 PP
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Derrie Nabilaputra
"In the construction world, concrete is still the main choice because of good economic value, as well as a variety of advantages. As one of the primary material in the construction world, concrete has always been developed in order to achieve improvement. Nearly all the material used for the manufacture of concrete using materials from nature so that with the use of concrete, the many large-scale mining occurred on natural rocks as concrete forming materials. This causes the least capacity provided by nature. Based on the results of an experimental study, recycled aggregate mortar containing 25% to 45% for coarse aggregate, and 70% to 100% for fine aggregate. From the explanation of it, arising out of research on the use of recycled aggregates instead of natural aggregate in concrete production. In this study, the waste concrete is concrete that is used with the K300-K350 quality crushed into aggregate recycling. The study was conducted on compressive strength, flexural strength, and shrinkage of the concrete. Compressive strength is reviewed at the age of 7 to 56 days, whereas for flexural strength at 28 and 56 days. For the composition of recycled aggregate is set at 0%, 20%, 40%, and 60%. Results of the testing showed that concrete with recycled coarse aggregate 20% has the highest compressive strength value, which is an increase of 22.67% from the normal concrete compressive strength at 28 days. The results of flexural strength testing, concrete with recycled coarse aggregate composition of 20% and 40% had the highest flexural strength values, ie an increase of 2.1807% of the flexural strength of normal concrete at 28 days. For shrinkage testing, concrete with recycled coarse aggregate content of 60% has the highest shrinkage rate when compared with the composition of the mixture of other aggregate.

Dalam dunia konstruksi, beton masih menjadi pilihan utama karena nilai ekonomisnya yang baik, serta berbagai keuntungan. Sebagai salah satu material utama dalam dunia konstruksi, beton selalu dikembangkan demi mencapai peningkatan. Hampir semua material yang digunakan untuk pembuatan beton menggunakan material dari alam sehingga dengan penggunaan beton yang banyak maka terjadi penambangan besar-besaran terhadap batuan alam sebagai bahan pembentuk beton. Hal ini menyebabkan semakin sedikitnya kapasitas yang disediakan oleh alam. Berdasarkan hasil studi eksperimental, agregat daur ulang mengandung mortar sebesar 25% hingga 45% untuk agregat kasar, dan 70% hingga 100% untuk agregat halus. Dari penjabaran itu, timbul penelitian mengenai penggunaan agregat daur ulang sebagai pengganti agregat alam pada pembuatan beton. Dalam penelitian ini, limbah beton yang digunakan adalah beton dengan mutu K300-K350 yang dihancurkan menjadi agregat daur ulang. Penelitian dilakukan pada kuat tekan, kuat lentur, dan susut pada beton. Kuat tekan ditinjau pada umur 7 hingga 56 hari, sedangkan untuk kuat lentur pada 28 dan 56 hari. Untuk komposisi agregat daur ulang ditetapkan sebesar 0%, 20%, 40%, dan 60%. Hasil dari pengujian didapatkan bahwa beton dengan agregat kasar daur ulang 20% mempunyai nilai kuat tekan tertinggi, yaitu meningkat sebesar 22,67% dari kuat tekan beton normal pada umur 28 hari. Hasil pengujian kuat lentur, beton dengan komposisi agregat kasar daur ulang 20% dan 40% memiliki nilai kuat lentur tertinggi, yaitu meningkat sebesar 2,1807% dari kuat lentur beton normal pada umur 28 hari. Untuk pengujian susut, beton dengan kandungan agregat kasar daur ulang 60% memiliki nilai susut tertinggi apabila dibandingkan dengan komposisi campuran agregat lainnya."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benny Artha
"Dalam tahap perencanaan suatu proyek konstruksi, perlu dibuat perkiraan durasi waktu pekerjaan. Pemilihan metode pelaksanaan dan alat yang digunakan sangat berpengaruh pada durasi kerja yang diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi. Dalam skripsi ini dibuat perbandingan durasi waktu kerja yang dikhususkan pada pemasangan tiang pancang dengan sistem diesel hammer dan hydraulic.
Pada skripsi ini penulis berusaha mencari perbandingan durasi waktu pemasangan tiang pancang dengan sistem hydraulic dan diesel hammer dilihat dari banyaknya volume tiang yang dikerjakan. Hal ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan dari data realisasi pelaksanaan pemasangan tiang pancang serta wawancara langsung dengan teknisi yang terlibat dalam pekerjaan dalam proyek dengan sistem hydraulic dan diesel hammer tersebut. Manfaat yang akan diperoleh adalah untuk memilih alat yang optimal penggunaannya dalam pemasangan tiang pondasi yang lebih efisien dari segi waktu.

In the planning stages of a construction project, needs to be estimated duration of the work. Selection of implementation methods and tools used greatly affect the duration of action required in the execution of construction projects. In this thesis is the comparison duration of working time devoted to the installation of piles with diesel system and hydraulic hammer.
In this paper the author tried to find a comparison of the duration of time mounting pile with hydraulic systems and diesel hammer seen from the large volume of the pole was undertaken. This is done with the approach of the data realization installation of piles and interviews with technicians involved in the project work with the hydraulic system and the diesel hammer. The benefits to be gained is to select the optimal tool use in the installation of pile foundations is more efficient in terms of time.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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