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Elsan Muhammad
Situs kepurbakalaan Ratu Boko memiliki kondisi lingkungan yang terbatas, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya, masyarakat pada masa lalu yang tinggal di atasnya harus mengupayakan sesuatu. Dengan pendekatan environmental possibilism, penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa dengan kondisi lingkungan yang terbatas, kebudayaan manusia dapat mengatasi lingkungan dan memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang ada dengan baik. Berdasarkan materi kebudayaan yang ditinggalkan, pemanfaatan sumber daya alam yang dilakukan di antaranya adalah meratakan bukit, mendirikan bangunan sesuai karakter satuan batuan, menampung air hujan, memanfaatkan air rekahan, memanfaatkan air sungai, memanfaatkan batu andesit Kali Opak, memanfaatkan batu putih dan batuan induk, dan membuat sawah di wilayah subur sekitar bukit Boko.

Environmental conditions of Ratu Boko is limited that the people who lived there in the past must have done something to fulfill their needs. With environmental possibilism approach, this research shows that even though environmental conditions are limited, human culture can cope with that and utilizing the resources wisely as well as intelligently. Regarding the material culture remains, it is obvious that the natural resources being utilized were in the form of flattening the hill land surface with cut-and-fill technique, so people could live on it, using of rocks that are available around, rain water collecting by making water ponds as reservoirs, utilizing andesite rocks from Opak River, and making the fertile area around Boko hill as rice fields. "
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainunis Aulia Izza
Tesis ini membahas mengenai konsepsi religi yang melatari perbedaan bentuk kepurbakalaan di kaki, lereng, dan puncak Gunung Wajak. Kepurbakalaan utama yang dibahas pada tesis ini antara lain adalah candi-candi di kaki Gunung Wajak, yaitu Candi Gayatri, Candi Sanggrahan, Candi Mirigambar, dan Candi Ampel. Selanjutnya adalah gua-gua di lereng Gunung Wajak, yaitu Gua Tritis, Gua Selomangleng Tulungagung, dan Gua Pasir serta Candi Dadi yang ada di Puncak Gunung Wajak. Selain 8 kepurbakalaan yang telah disebutkan, guna melakukan analisis konteks dan memertajam analisis, maka pembahasan juga dilakukan pada kepurbakalaan lain di sekitar Gunung Wajak. Kepurbakalan di kaki, lereng, dan puncak Gunung Wajak seluruhnya adalah bangunan suci yang digunakan pada masa Kerajaan Majapahit abad ke-14 dan 15 dan sebagian dibangun pada kronologi yang panjang, yaitu sejak masa Kerajaan Ka?iri Abad ke-12 dan 13 sampai Kerajaan Majapahit. Untuk itu dalam tesis ini turut dibahas mengenai keadaan politik dan keagamaan pada masa Kerajaan Ka?iri dan Majapahit serta menyinggung mengenai keadaan politik dan keagamaan masa Kerajaan Singhas?ri. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori religi dari Spiro, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan praktek religi Spiro, 1977: 85-120 . Kepurbakalan di kaki, lereng, dan puncak Gunung Wajak memiliki kemiripan dengan kepurbakalaan sejenis di gunung-gunung lain. Untuk memecahkan masalah konsepsi religi, maka dalam penelitian ini turut dibahas kepurbakalaan di Gunung Arjuno dan Ringgit, Gunung Lawu,Gunung Penanggungan,Gunung Wilis, Gunung Klothok, Gunung Pegat, dan Gunung Kelud serta kepurbakalaan di gunung peninggalan masa klasik tua. Kepurbakalaan yang ada di gunung lain ini digunakan sebagai pembanding karakteristik bentuk dan peletakkan kepurbakalaan di Gunung Wajak. Pembahasan mengenai konsep religi yang melatari perbedaan bentuk bangunan di Gunung Wajak menghasilkan 3 poin. Pertama, kepurbakalaan di kaki gunung wajak berbentuk candi didasari oleh aspek kebutuhan dan fungsinya sebagai bangunan suci yang bersifat publik. Kedua, kepurbakalaan di lereng Gunung Wajak seluruhnya berbentuk gua karena sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan fungsinya sebagai bangunan pendukung praktek religi yang bersifat semi publik. Ketiga, Candi Dadi di puncak Gunung Wajak memiliki bentuk sedemikian rupa didasarkan pada kebutuhan masyarakat penggunanya dan fungsinya sebagai tempat pelaksanaan puncak praktek religi yang bersifat eksklusif. Kata kunci:Candi, Gua, Gunung Wajak, Ka?iri, Majapahit.

This thesis discusses the religious conception that became a backdrop to the different shapes of archaeological remains on the foot, slope, and peak of Wajak Mountain. The main archaeological remains looked closely in this theses include such temples located on the foot of Wajak Mountain as Gayatri, Sanggrahan, Mirigambar, and Ampel Temples, caves situated on the slope of the mountain that consist of Tritis, Selomangleng Tulungagung, and Pasir caves, and a temple on the crest of the mountain, Dadi Temple. In order to do some contextual analysis and deepen it, the thesis attempts to discuss other archaeological remains discovered around Wajak Mountain.The archaeological remains on the foot, slope, and peak of Wajak Mountain are sacred structures that were in operation during the era of Majapahit Kingdom 14th to 15th centuries CE some of which were built before Majapahit era, dating back to Ka iri Kingdom 12th to 13th centures CE up to the brink of Majapahit rule. Therefore, this thesis incorporates the discussion on the state of political and religious affairs during the periods of Ka iri and Majapahit Kingdoms and touches upon some aspect of the politico religious affairs during the reign of Singhas ri Kingdom. The theory employed in this research is the theory of religion mdash especially the part that scrutinizes religious practices put forward by Spiro Spiro, 1977 85 120 .The archaeological remains on the foot, slope, and peak of Wajak Mountain share some similarities with those discovered on other mountains. To make sense of the said religious conception, this thesis also discusses the archaeological remains on the mountains of Arjuno and Ringgit, Lawu, Penanggungan, Wilis, Klothok, Pegat, and Kelud, as well as archaeological remains on the mountains of classical period. The archaeological remains on other mountains are juxtaposed with those on Wajak Mountain in order to understand the religious conception that influenced the shaping and positioning of the remains on Wajak Mountain.The analysis of religious conception that formed the backbone of such various shapes of sacred structures on Wajak Mountain tells three important points. First of all, the archaeological remains in the forms of temples on the foot of the mountain were once built on the basis of the people rsquo s needs and functioned as sacred structures that were meant for public use. Second, the archaeological remains in the forms of caves on the slope of the mountain were built to function as complementary structures to accommodate religious practices. These caves were set to be semi public. Third, located on the peak of the mountain, Dadi Temple took its form to accommodate the religious practices and function as the place where the highest and exclusive religious practices were held. Keywords Cave, Ka iri, Majapahit, Temple, Wajak Mountain."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Chawari
Kauman is one of the oldest settlement and part of the bureaucratic structure of Yogyakartas palace. The old buildings in Kauman were interesting topics to many research there. Mean while on the other hand, artifacts as anothersupporting data of the daily life there have never been revealed. This paper aims to look at the connection between the artifacts findings with the Kauman settlement as well as Yogyakartas palace. Analytical descriptive method is used to describe and analyze the artifacts to see the development of Kauman itself. "
Yogyakarta: Balai Arkeologi D.I Yogyakarta, 2017
930 ARKEO 37:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Nugroho
Patirthān merupakan peninggalan arsitektur bangunan atau kolam penampungan
air yang memiliki fungsi profan yakni sebagai pemenuh kebutuhan air dan sakral
yakni sebagai sarana pendukung kegiatan keagamaan. Patirthān muncul dan
berkembang dari masa klasik tua hingga masa klasik muda. Berbeda dengan
bangunan candi, bangunan patirthān tidak memiliki pedoman pembangunan yang
baku, sehingga tidak diketahui ciri, gaya serta penataan dari bangunan tersebut.
Penelitian ini membahas 11 patirthān yang ada di wilayah Jawa Tengah dan
Yogyakarta guna mengetahui ciri, gaya serta penataan dari bangunan patirthān
dan membandingkannya dengan patirthān masa klasik muda di Jawa Timur.

Patirthān is one of architectural remains or a sacred pool which believed having
profane function as a daily needs and sacred function as part or ritual. In ancient
Javanese period, Patirthān can be found both in early classic and late classic
period. Patirthān can be distinguished from Candi, especially in guiding aspect
and manual books, Most of Patirthān do not have some sort of manual book. This
concept, then implicate the form and style of Partithān’s architecture. This
undergraduate thesis will deliberate 11 Patirthān located in Central Java and
Yogyakarta for the purpose acquiring characteristic, style, and placing from
Patirthān and comparing from Patirthān in Ancient Javanese Late Period."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Musthafa Arkhi
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian arkeologi terhadap kepurbakalaan bangunan klasik di kawasan kepurbakalaan Muarajambi, Jambi yang memiliki latar kegamaan Buddha dan juga berhubungan dengan sejarah perkembangan ajaran Buddha di Nusantara pada abad ke- 7 hingga abad ke- 13 M. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan hubungan bentuk bangunan dan penataan ruang dari kepurbakalaan Bangunan Gedong I Muarajambi. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian diketahui bahwa terjadi pembagian hirarkis dalam penataan bangunan dan ruang area dalam kompleks.

This study is an Archaeology study on Indonesia Ancient Building in Muarajambi Archaeological Site, Jambi. The Site itself has been being identified containing many Buddhist remaining artifact which has lead the late study to development of Buddha religion in Sumatra on 7th – 13th Century. The Focus of this study is about identification of form and space of Gedong I Archaeological Building Complex. The Study discover there are Hirearchy on Buildings and areas inside the complex which comes from existence of separating wall in the inner hall"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugeng Riyanto
Yogyakarta: Balai Arkeologi D.I. Yogyakarta, 2017
930 ARKEO 37:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Janah Dwi S.
"Masjid merupakan bangunan tanpa aturan yang kaku sehingga membuat masjid menjadi bangunan yang dinamis. Masjid dapat menunjukkan pengetahuan masyarakat pembuatnya. Melalui Masjid Perempuan diharapkan dapat memperlihatkan ciri khas Masjid Perempuan Yogyakarta dan Surakarta. Penelitian ini membahas tentang Masjid Perempuan Kauman, Yogyakarta dan Masjid Perempuan Keprabon, Surakarta. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan kajian perbandingan terhadap Masjid Umum abad 18 dan 20.
Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat tujuh ciri yang muncul pada Masjid Perempuan antara lain; berpondasi masif, beratap tumpang, tidak memiliki pawestren atau ruang untuk laki-laki, tidak memiliki mimbar, memiliki bangunan tambahan berupa dapur dan gudang, memiliki ornamen hias kaca es pada pintu atau jendela, dan memiliki kanopi. Melalui kajian terhadap Masjid Perempuan maka tampak bahwa perempuan muslim pada masa itu telah memiliki kedudukan yang kuat dalam masyarakat dan mampu menunjukkan keberadaan dan identitas mereka.

The mosque is a building without the rigid rules that make a mosque to be dynamic building. Mosques can demonstrate knowledge of the society. Through the Women's Mosque is expected to show typical of Woman Mosque at Yogyakarta and Surakarta. This research discusses about the Women's Mosque at Kauman, Yogyakarta and Women's Mosque at Keprabon, Yogyakarta, Surakarta. Analysis is performed by a comparison of the 18th and 20th century Common Mosque.
The results showed that there were seven characteristics that appear in Women's Mosque among others ; has a massive structure, overlapping roof, do not have pawestren or space for men , do not have a pulpit , having additional buildings such as kitchens and warehouses, has stained glass decorative ornament on the door or window, and has a porch gate. Women's Mosque suggests that Muslim women in the past have had a strong foothold in the community and be able to demonstrate the existence and identity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhila Arifin Aziz
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunadi Kasnowihardjo
Generally in Indonesia and especially in Java, until now, in East Java dolmens are known to be found in, which is in Bondowoso and Besuki. Lately, it is known that dolmen are also found in the area of Banyuwangi Regency. One of the monuments from this megalithic tradition found in the area of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII Malangsari, Banyuwangi, East Java. Based on information from the local community it is estimated that the Malangsari plantation area is the Dolmen Tomb Site. Physically, construction of the dolmen in this area only has a few interference because it is buried between 50-60 cm and covered by a coffee plantation which owned by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII. However, some of the dolmens have been excavated by people looters. They were able to open the dolmen tomb simply by opening a stone without unpacking its construction. Dolmen that was found from the excavation at Petak D 55 Sidomaju Block, Afdeling Mulyosari, Malangsari, are still intact if it is seen physically and from the construction, but both the human remains and artifacts ware not found. It is a proof that this dolmen has been opened before. Nevertheless, Malangsari dolmen is a very interesting object to conduct research, because of its wide distribution area and there has not been done a comprehensive research for this object. In the future, this object is important to investigate, both for the development of archaeological research, as well as for the benefit of archaeological resource management in Indonesia. "
Yogyakarta: Balai Arkeologi D.I Yogyakarta, 2017
930 ARKEO 37:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Seminar Press, 1973
913.031 02 ARC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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