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Muhammad Dimas Luqman
"Korosi menjadi penyebab utama rusaknya suatu struktur yang terbuat dari beton dengan tulangan baja. Penggunaan beton geopolimer terbukti dapat meningkatkan ketahanan tulangan baja terhadap serangan korosi, namun perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk meningkatkan ketahanan korosi baja tulangan dalam beton, dengan tetap memperhatikan aspek lingkungan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan substitusi kaca yang berasal dari botol bekas, sebagai agregat kasar dalam beton geopolimer. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan merendam beton ke dalam larutan NaCl 3,5 % selama 31 hari, perilaku korosi tulangan baja dalam beton geopolimer diamati dengan metode polarisasi tahanan linier dan ekstrapolasi tafel. Hasil pengujian pada saat mencapai hari 31, menunjukan bahwa substitusi agregat kasar menggunakan kaca tidak memperbaiki ketahanan beton geopolimer terhadap korosi. Dimana, tahanan polarisasi baja dalam beton geopolimer dengan agregat kaca adalah 2935 Ω, lebih rendah dibanding nilai tahanan tulangan baja dalam beton geopolimer dengan agregat batu yakni 5235 Ω. Sedangkan laju korosi tulangan baja pada beton geopolimer dengan agregat kaca adalah 5,00 x 10-3 mm/tahun , lebih tinggi dibanding tulangan baja dalam beton dengan agregat batu yaitu 2,35 x 10-3 mm/tahun. Analisa komposisi larutan rendam dilakukan menggunakan metoda Atomic Absorbance Spectroscopy. Awalnya, larutan NaCl 3,5% memiliki kadar natrium senilai 13770 μm/ml. Usai masa perendaman beton, larutan rendam milik beton dengan agregat batu memiliki kandungan natrium 2252 μm/ml. Nilai tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kadar natrium larutan rendam beton dengan agregat kaca yaitu 1910 μm/ml. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa beton geopolimer dengan agregat kaca lebih mudah menyerap unsur dari luar lingkungan ke dalam beton.

Corrosion is major cause damage to structure made of concrete with steel reinforcement. Using geopolymer concrete will increase the resistance of steel reinforcement against corrosion attack, further research needs to be done to improve the corrosion resistance of steel reinforcement, in regard to environmental aspects. In this research, waste glass is used as coarse aggregate in geopolymer concrete. Test was carried out by immersing concrete into 3,5% NaCl solution for 31 days, corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel in geopolymer concrete observed by linear polarization resistance and tafel extrapolation method. Test result on 31-day, showed that substitution of coarse aggregate with waste glass doesn?t improve the corrosion resistance of reinforce steel on geopolymer concrete. Which, polarization resistance value of steel reinforcement on geopolymer concrete with glass aggregate is 2935 Ω, less than polarization resistance value of steel reinforcement on geopolymer concrete with stone aggregate is 5235 Ω . On the other hand corrosion rate of steel reinforcement in geopolymer concrete with glass aggregate is 5,00 x 10-3 mm/year, were found to be higher than reinforcement steel on geopolymer concrete with stone aggregate that is 2,35 x 10-3 mm/year . Analysis of immersion solution composition were performed using Atomic Absorbance Spectroscopy method. Initially, the NaCl 3,5% solution, have sodium content worth of 13770 μm/ml. After immersion period, immersion solution belongs to concrete with stone aggregate has a sodium content 2252 μm/ml. These value is higher than the natrium content from immersion solution of concrete with glass aggregate which is 1910 μm/ml. This result indicates that geopolymer concrete with glass aggregate more easily absorb elements from the environment into the concrete."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hestia Hartini Novitasari
Kaca merupakan sumber silika amorphous yang baik serta memiliki komposisi kimia dan reaktivitas yang tepat untuk melakukan reaksi Pozzolan. Sehingga muncul lah ide untuk menggunakan kaca sebagai agregat kasar pada beton. Pada penelitian ini, sampel yang dibuat adalah dua jenis beton, yaitu Portland dan Geopolimer dengan variasi substitusi kaca sebanyak 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji tekan dan pengamatan foto makro. Komposisi beton, sejarah perlakuan, dan suhu curing memberi pengaruh signifikan pada nilai kuat tekan yang dihasilkan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah beton Portland dan beton geopolimer dengan substitusi kaca sebesar 50% memiliki kuat tekan tertinggi, dan pasta geopolimer dapat melekat pada kaca namun pasta semen tidak.
Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not., Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Korosi merupakan kegagalan yang sering terjadi pada industri minyak dan gas bumi Menghambat terjadinya korosi dengan mengisolir logam dari lingkungan terkorosi pada industri minyak dan gas bumi merupakan salah satu cara efektif untuk menghindari terjadi kegagalan korosi. Penggunaan inhibitor alami menjadi pihan utama belakang ini karena aman murah dan yang terpenting bahan tersebut biodegradable dan tidak berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat efek dari penambahan teh rosella merah terhadap inhibitor ubi ungu yang memang dapat digunakan menjadi inhibitor pada baja API 5L pada lingkungan NaCl 3 5.
Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kehilangan berat dan polarisasi untuk melihat laju korosi yang terjadi pada logam lalu dilengkapi dengan data tambahan yaitu pengujian Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy untuk melihat tahan permukaan yang berbubah pada penelitian tersebut.
Pengujian Fourier Transform Infra Red juga dilakukan untuk melihat kandungan yang menginhibisi dari ubi ungu ataupun campuran ubi ungu dan teh rosella merah Pemilihan teh rosella merah dan ubi ungu berdasarkan kandungan antocyanin dan asam askorbat yang dimiliki kedua bahan tersebut Kandungan tersebut bersifat anti oksidan yang berarti dapat menghambat terjadi proses oksidasi yang berarti juga dapat mencegah korosi. Kandungan anti oksidan tersebut bekerja dengan cara adsoprsi pada permukaan logam membentuk lapisan tipis untuk mencegah kontak antara permukaan logam dengan lingkungan korosif. Salah satu faktor pembentukan lapisan tipis pada permukaan adalah konsentrasi kandungan tersebut sehingga pengaruh konsentrasi dijadikan acuan pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini akan dibandingkan dengan inhibitor ubi ungu yang hanya dicampur dengan kandungan asam askorbat saja.

Corrosion is major cause failure in oil ad gas industry Isolate the metal from corrosion of materials is the most effective way to prevent corrosion for this industry. Nowadays the use of green corrosion inhibitor become a new alternative to achieve that goal it happen because the green inhibitor is safe cheap biodegradable and especially environmental friendly.
This study was conducted to study the effect of addition rosella red tea in purple sweet potato inhibitor which is can be use as inhibitor at API 5L in NaCl 3 5 solution. This study use weight loss and polarization method to see that effect and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy test to prove alteration surface resistance when we add the inhibitor.
Fourier Transform Infra Red test also perform in this study to see which one the chemical substance in purple sweet potato and mixture rosella red tea and purple sweet potato can inhibit corrosion. Purple sweet potato and rosella red tea are selected as corrosion inhibitor in this study because they contain antocyanin and ascorbid acid. They are antioxidant compound which is can inhibit oxidation process it means they can prevent corrosion process. That substance inhibit metal by forming layer and isolate metal surface On the important factor to forming thin layer is concentration of the substance so the concentration substance become variable in this study. In the end this study will compared with the addition ascorbid acid in purple sweet potato
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Bintang H.
"Korosi merupakan salah satu permasalahan penting yang harus dihadapi oleh berbagai macam sektor industri di Indonesia. Korosi memberikan efek dari segi ekonomi maupun dari segi keselamatan kerja. Salah satu cara pencegahan dan pengendalian korosi adalah dengan penambahan inhibitor.
Umumnya inhibitor korosi berasal dari senyawa-senyawa organik dan anorganik yang mengandung gugus-gugus yang memiliki pasangan elektron bebas. Namun demikian, pada kenyataannya bahwa bahan kimia sintesis ini merupakan bahan kimia yang berbahaya, harganya lumayan mahal, dan tidak ramah lingkungan. Untuk itu penggunaan inhibitor yang aman, mudah didapatkan, bersifat biodegradable, biaya murah, dan ramah lingkungan sangatlah diperlukan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beras ketan hitam sebagai inhibitor organik pada lingkungan NaCl 3,5% dan mengetahui efisiensi beras ketan hitam terhadap waktu pengujian. Pengujian laju korosi menggunakan metode kehilangan berat dimana sampel baja SPCC direndam dalam air tanah selama 3, 5, dan 7 hari.
Dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan beras ketan hitam bekerja baik dilingkungan air tanah karena terjadi penurunan laju korosi antara perendaman dengan inhibitor dan perendaman tanpa inhibitor terhadap lamanya waktu pengujian. Penurunan laju korosi terbesar pada hari ke-7, yaitu sebesar 34,4587%.

Corrosion is one important problem that must be faced by a variety of industrial sectors in Indonesia. Corrosion effect from the economic and safety terms. One way of prevention and control is by adding corrosion inhibitors. Corrosion inhibitors are generally derived from compounds containing organic and inorganic cluster-cluster which has a lone pair of electrons. However, the fact that these synthetic chemicals are hazardous chemicals, the price is quite expensive and not environmentally friendly. Therefore the use of inhibitors that are safe, easily available, biodegradable, low cost, and environmentally friendly is essential.
This study aimed to investigate the influence of black glutinous rice as the organic inhibitors in 3.5% NaCl environment and knowing the efficiency of black glutinous rice with respect to time of testing. Tests for the corrosion rate using weight loss method in which SPCC steel samples immersed in ground water for 3, 5, and 7 days.
In this study we can conclude the black sticky rice works well within the ground water due to the decrease in corrosion rate between immersion with inhibitor and without inhibitor to the duration of immersion test of time. Largest decrease in corrosion rate on day 7th, that is equal to 34.4587%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Aditya Ibnu Islamsyah
"Paduan aluminium seri 7xxx merupakan kelompok paduan aluminium yang memiliki kekuatan paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan seri lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan paduan aluminium seri 7075. Paduan ini banyak digunakan pada industri pesawat terbang, seperti struktur rangka utama pesawat, dan bagian atas dari sayap pesawat. Bagian tersebut membutuhkan material dengan performa tinggi, karena menuntut kekuatan terhadap kompresi (compression) dan tarikan (tension) secara bersamaan atau dengan kata lain terjadi bending. Seiring tuntutan zaman dan kemajuan dunia industri, mengandalkan karakteristik aluminium murni saja tidak cukup. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya pencampuran atau paduan (alloying) dari unsur yang berbeda, untuk menambah kekuatan dari aluminium. Namun, pencampuran unsur serta penguatan tersebut akan mengurangi ketahanan aluminium terhadap korosi, terlebih seperti diketahui bahwa pesawat terbang dioperasikan pada berbagai perubahan suhu dan lingkungan yang cukup ekstrem. Dunia penerbangan menuntut setiap unsur apapun yang terlibat didalamnya bekerja dalam kondisi yang ‘sempurna’. Oleh karena itu, masalah korosi menjadi ancaman tersendiri bagi dunia penerbangan. Korosi dapat menyebabkan kegagalan struktur pada pesawat terbang, hingga menyebabkan kecelakaan. Oleh karena itu praktisi industri melakukan peningkatan ketahanan terhadap korosi material salah satunya dengan proses perlakuan panas (heat treatment). Tujuan perlakuan panas tersebut adalah mengubah keadaan mikrostruktur material. Pada paduan aluminium, sifat korosi sangat dipengaruhi oleh keadaan mikrostruktur, khususnya bentuk, ukuran, dan komposisi kimia partikel intermetallic. Salah satu faktor yang berperan penting pada hasil akhir keadaan mikrostruktur adalah bagaimana proses dan prosedur quenching dilakukan setelah proses perlakuan panas. Dengan melakukan variasi terhadap waktu delay quenching, maka akan menghasilkan material dengan mikrostruktur yang berbeda, sehingga menghasilkan perubahan sifat korosi yang berbeda pula dari paduan aluminium seri 7075.

7xxx aluminum alloy is a group of aluminum alloys that have a highest strength than any other series of aluminum alloy. This study uses 7075 aluminum alloy. This type of alloy is widely used in the aircraft industry, such as the aircraft's main frame structure, and the upper part of the aircraft's wings. This section requires high-performance material because it demands strength against compression (compression) and pulls (tension) simultaneously or in other words bending occurs. Along with the demands of the times and the progress of the industrial world, relying on the characteristics of pure aluminum is not enough. Therefore, mixing or alloying is needed from different elements, to increase the strength of aluminum. However, mixing elements and reinforcement will reduce the resistance of aluminum to corrosion, especially as it is known that airplanes are operated at various temperature changes and the environment is quite extreme. The world of aviation demands every element involved in working in 'perfect' conditions. Therefore, the problem of corrosion is a threat to the world of aviation. Corrosion can cause structural failure in aircraft, causing accidents. Therefore, industrial practitioners have been increasing material corrosion resistance, one of which through the heat treatment process. The goal of the heat treatment is to change the microstructure of the material. In aluminum alloys, the corrosion properties are strongly influenced by the microstructural condition, particularly the shape, size and chemical composition of the intermetallic particles. One of the factors that play an important role in the final result of the microstructural condition is how the quenching process and procedure is carried out after the heat treatment process. By varying the quenching delay time, it will produce a material with a different microstructure, resulting in changes of corrosion properties of the 7075 series aluminum alloy."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmat Hermawan
"Semen merupakan material utama yang digunakan pembuatan beton yang digunakan dalam konstruksi. Produksi semen OPC dapat meningkatan emisi CO2 global. Dengan abu terbang berbasis cofiring batubara dan biomassa dari PLTU dapat memberikan konstribusi dalam mendukung Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Abu terbang sebagai material pozzolan dapat menjadi material pengganti sebagian semen Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) dalam komposisi utama pembuatan beton. Dengan adanya unsur utama pozzolan Al2O3 SiO2 dan Fe2O3 dapat mengikat Ca(OH)2 membentuk reaksi sekunder kalsium silikat hidrat sehingga berdampak pada peningkatan kekuatan tekan beton. Pada penelitian ini dibuat beton  berdasarkan mix design dengan memanfaatkan abu terbang (fly ash), pengujian sifat mekanik beton yakni densitas, porositas, sorptivity yang didukung analisa komposisi kimia material beton serta karakteristik partikel abu terbang kemudian dilakukan analisa elektromia menggunakan metode Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) dan polarisasi untuk mengukur ketahanan korosi baja tulangan pada beton bertulang, juga uji karbonasi dalam memastikan adanya reaksi karbonasi dalam beton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi spesimen beton mengandung abu terbang pada spesimen beton 10FA90OPC memiliki hasil uji mutu beton paling optimal dan ketahanan korosi paling baik dibandingkan dengan variasi campuran abu terbang lainnya 20FA80OPC. 30FA70OPC dengan densitas 2225,81 kg/m3, porositas 25,91 %, sorptivity 0,323 mm/s0.5 yang memiliki kekuatan tekan 32,9 MPa dengan laju korosi 0,25509 mm/year. Hasil uji EIS menunjukkan nilai ketahanan korosi pada baja tulangan dengan nilai impedansi tinggi untuk setiap variasi beton, hal ini dikonfirmasi dengan uji karbonasi pada semua variasi spesimen beton berwarna pink yang diartikan belum terjadi karbonasi. Dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui nilai yang paling optimal pada spesimen beton abu terbang pada variasi 10FA90OPC dibandingkan dengan variasi abu terbang lainnya jika dibandingkan dengan spesimen beton 100PPC sehingga akan menjadi alternatif dalam pemanfaatan abu terbang berbasis cofiring batubara dan biomassa sebagai material pengganti sebagian semen OPC pada pembuatan beton yang memiliki nilai mutu beton dan ketahan korosi relatif sama

Cement is the main material used to make concrete used in construction. OPC cement production can increase global CO2 emissions. With fly ash-based cofiring of coal and biomass from the power plant, it can contribute to supporting the SDGs. Fly ash as a pozzolanic material can be a partial replacement material Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) in the main composition of concrete. In the presence of the main pozzolanic elements Al2O3, SiO2 and Fe2O3 can bind Ca(OH)2 to form a secondary reaction of calcium silicate hydrate so that it has an impact on increasing the compressive strength. In this study, we will make concrete based on the mix design by utilizing fly ash, testing the mechanical properties of concrete, namely density, porosity, sorptivity which is supported by analysis of the chemical composition of the concrete material and the characteristics of fly ash particles. Then, electrochemical analysis is carried out using EIS and polarization to analyze the corrosion resistance of reinforcing steel with proven by the carbonation test in confirming the presence of a carbonation reaction in the concrete. Based on the research results, the concrete specimen 10FA90OPC has an optimum values and highest corrosion resistance in comparing others variation 20FA80OPC, 30FA70OPC. It has a density of 2225,81 kg/m3, porosity 25,91%, sorptivity 0,323 mm/s0.5 and with a corrosion rate of 0,25509 mm/year. The results of the EIS test show corrosion resistance of reinforce steel with higher impedance for each variation of the concrete specimen, this is confirmed by the carbonation test on all variations of the pink concrete specimen which means that no carbonation has occurred. From this study, it can be seen that the most optimal value for fly ash concrete specimens in the 10FA90OPC variation compared to other variations of fly ash when compared to 100PPC concrete specimens so that it will be an alternative in the use of coal and biomass cofiring-based fly ash as a partial replacement material for OPC cement in the manufacture of concrete that has the same value of concrete quality and corrosion resistance."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Rahmah
"Baja tahan karat merupakan material yang rentan terhadap sumuran karena ion agresif Cl-. Telah diketahui bahwa terdapat kecepatan kritikal bagi baja tahan karat untuk menginisiasi sumuran, dalam lingkungan Cl-. yaitu 1,5 m/s. Investigasi terhadap pengaruh aliran kritikal tersebut pada kerentanan sumuran baja tahan karat UNS S30400 dan UNS S15500 dilakukan dengan merendam sampel dengan posisi horizontal dan vertical pada masing-masing jenis sampel pada larutan NaCl 3,5% dengan reactor mekanik yang memutar air dengan kcepatan 1 m/s dan 2 m/s yang dikonversi menjadi 84 rpm dan 169 rpm.
Hasilnya dianalisis dengan weight loss dan foto mikro, serta uji polarisasi untuk mengetahui laju korosinya. Dari pengujian dengan foto mikro didapatkan pada aliran lebih rendah yaitu 1 m/s terdapat lebih banyak sumuran yang terbentuk, dan pada sampel UNS S15500 diamati bahwa morfologi sumuran yang terbentuk lebih lebar setengah hingga empat kalinya daripada sampel UNS S30400. Kemudian, dari hasil foto mikro pada sampel dengan penempatan posisi yang berbeda tidak ditemukan perbedaan berarti. Dari hasil weight loss didapati di dua kecepatan kehilangan berat sampel UNS S30400 lebih besar daripada sampel UNS S15500, yang mana berkebalikan dengan hasil uji polarisasi.

Stainless steel is a material that is susceptible to pitting because of aggressive ions Cl-. It is known that there is a critical flow rate for stainless steel to initiate pitting, in aggressive ions Cl- environment, which is 1.5 m/s. Investigations of the influence of these on the susceptibility of pitting on stainless steel type UNS S30400 and UNS S15500 is done by soaking the samples with horizontal and vertical position of each sample in 3.5% NaCl solution with mechanical reactor which rotating the solution in 1 m / s and 2 m/s that were converted to 84 rpm and 169 rpm.
The results were analyzed with weight loss and micro photos, as well as polarization testing to determine the corrosion rate. From testing with micro photos, it was obtained that at lower flow rate, which is 1 m / s there is more pitting formed, and it was observed from UNS S15500 samples, the morphology formed pitting up to a half to four wider than the sample UNS S30400. But, from the micro photos, samples which were placed on different positions, there were not found significant differences. From the results of weight loss was found in two samples that corrosion rate of UNS S30400 samples are larger than UNS S15500 samples, which is contradiction to the polarization test result.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
William Riswanto
"Semua material berbahan dasar logam dapat mengalami degradasi material dan degradasi material memiliki banyak jenis, salah satunya korosi yang berbentuk sumuran. Studi pengaruh posisi penempatan coupon test terhadap pembentukkan korosi sumuran pada UNS 30400, UNS 20100, dan AISI 1015 dilakukan dengan menggunakan reaktor mekanik dalam media NaCl 3,5% teraerasi dengan posisi kupon arah jam 12, jam 9 dan jam 6 jika direpresentasikan pada jaringan pipa. Pengaruh laju aliran terhadap pembentukkan korosi sumuran telah banyak diteliti, dimana didapat bahwa korosi sumuran dapat tumbuh pada jenis aliran laminar maupun aliran turbulen. Serta memiliki kecepatan alir kritis untuk pertumbuhan korosi sumuran dengan kecepatan 1,5 m/s. Bentuk-bentuk korosi yang terjadi dianalisa dengan menggunakan mikroskop optik dan menggunakan metode pengurangan berat. Dari karakterisasi ini diperoleh bahwa posisi penempatan kupon dan laju alir mempengaruhi bentuk korosi sumuran yang terjadi, sehingga hasil dapat merepresentasikan bagian dalam pipa yang paling berbahaya jika terjadi korosi sumuran.

Degradation occur in every metal based material, one of the degradation is pitting corrosion. Influence of coupon test position with formation of pitting corrosion at UNS 30400, UNS 20100, and AISI 1015 done by mechanics reactor in aerated 3,5% sodium chloride represented an internal pipeline position with 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock, and 12 o’clock position. There are many researchs about influence of fluid flow to pitting corrosion formation, it shows that pitting corrosion happened in every flow regime either in laminar flow or turbulent and has a critical velocity for stable pit growth is 1,5 m/s. In this research, form of pitting corosion examine by optical microscope and weight loss method. From this characterization informed that position of coupon test and fluid flow influence the pit form, so this result can represent the most severe position for pitting corrosion inside the pipe."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian pemanfaatan ekstrak tumbuh-tumbuhan sebagai inhibitor korosi
belakangan ini semakin meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan
penggunaan bahan-bahan kimia yang ramah lingkungan. Pemanfaatan ekstrak
tumbuh-tumbuhan sebagai inhibitor korosi menjadi penting mengingat
karakteristiknya ramah lingkungan (green inhibitor), mudah ketersediaannnya,
sumberdaya yang melimpah dan dapat diperbaharui, prosedur produksi yang
sederhana, dan biaya produksi yang cukup kompetitif. Dalam penelitian ini
dilakukan pengujian eksperimental efek sinergis jenis inhhibitor baru yaitu
ekstrak ubi ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.) yang memiliki kandungan utama
antosianin dengan inhibitor komersial berbasis amine (aniline) dan dengan
inhibitor asam askorbat.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis laju kororsi dan efisiensi inhibisi
korosi logam baja (API 5L) di dalam lingkungan air terproduksi menggunakan
inhibitor campuran ekstrak ubi ungu dan inhibitor komersial berbasis amine
(aniline). Selain itu dilakukan pula analisis laju korosi, efisiensi inhibisi,
mekanisme proteksi dan model lapisan inhibisi korosi logam baja (API 5L) di
dalam lingkungan 3,5% NaCl menggunakan inhibitor campuran ekstrak ubi ungu
dan asam askorbat.
Metode pengukuran laju korosi dan efisiensi inhibisi dilakukan
menggunakan elektrokimia kurva polarisasi. Mekanisme korosi diteliti dengan
menggunakan metode Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Untuk
menganalisis model lapisan inhibisi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode
Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pencampuran ekstrak ubi ungu
memiliki kemampuan sinergis dengan inhibitor komersial berbasis amine (aniline)
pada fraksi volume ekstrak ubi ungu sebesar 25% dengan menghasilkan efisiensi
inhibisi sebesar 82,14%. Sebagai pembanding, pada sistem yang sama
penggunaan esktrak ubi ungu saja menghasilkan efisiensi inhibisi 68,30%,
sedangkan penggunaan inhibitor komersial berbasis amine (aniline) saja
menghasilkan efisiensi inhibisi 74,88%.
Penambahan volume ekstrak ubi ungu dari 1 mL hingga 4 mL kedalam
inhibitor asam askorbat 10-4 M meningkatkan efisiensi inhibisi korosi logam baja
(API 5L) dalam larutan 3,5% NaCl dari efisiensi inhibisi sebesar 23,37% menjadi
57,52%. Campuran inhibitor korosi tersebut berpengaruh terhadap kurva
polarisasi anodik maupun katodik sehingga dapat berperan sebagai mixed
inhibitor. Pengujian EIS menunjukan proses korosi dikontrol oleh mekanisme
pasivasi yang ditunjukan oleh adanya peningkatan tahanan permukaan korosi.
Pada lapisan permukaan terjadi proses adsorpsi dan pembentukan kelat
organo (flavonoid) logam dimana ekstrak ubi ungu dengan kandungan utama
antosianin berperan sebagai pembentuk metal-chelated. Pembentukan kelat
ekstrak ubi ungu-Fe-asam askorbat terjadi pada gugus hidroksil dan karbonil.
Lokasi terjadinya ligan kelat ekstrak ubi ungu dengan kandungan utma antosianin
terjadi pada ikatan 3?, 4? Dihydroxy cincin B atau 3-Hydroxy 4-Carbonyl cincin C;

Research of utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor recently
increased along with the increasing demand for the use of chemicals that are
environmentally friendly. Utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor
becomes important given the characteristics of environmentally friendly (green
inhibitor), easy availability, resources are abundant and renewable, the production
procedure is simple, and the production costs are quite competitive. In this
research, experimental testing of the synergistic effects of new types inhibitor ie
extract purple potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) which has the main content of
anthocyanin with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) and with ascorbic
acid inhibitors.
The study aims to analyze the rate of corrosion and metal corrosion
inhibition efficiency of steel (API 5L) in the produced water environment using a
mixed inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and commercial-based inhibitors of
amine (aniline). In addition, the corrosion rate analysis was also performed,
inhibition efficiency, protection mechanisms and models of metal corrosion
inhibition layer steel (API 5L) in the neighborhood of 3.5% NaCl using a mixed
inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and ascorbic acid.
Method of measuring the rate of corrosion and inhibition efficiency was
performed using electrochemical polarization curves. Corrosion mechanisms
investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). To analyze the
model layer of inhibition were calculated using Fourier Transform Infra Red
(FTIR) spectroscopy.
The results showed that mixing purple sweetpotato extract has the ability
to synergistically with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) in purple
sweetpotato extract volume fraction of 25% with a yield of 82.14% inhibition
efficiency. For comparison, the same system using purple sweet potato extract
only produce inhibition efficiency of 68.30%, while the use of commercial-based
inhibitors of amine (aniline) alone resulted in inhibition efficiency of 74.88%.
The addition of purple sweet potato extract volume of 1 mL to 4 mL into
ascorbic acid inhibitors 10-4 M improving steel metal corrosion inhibition
efficiency (API 5L) in a solution of 3.5% NaCl of inhibition efficiency of 23.37%
to 57.52%. The corrosion inhibitor mixture affect the anodic and cathodic
polarization curves so that it can act as a mixed inhibitor. Testing EIS shows the
corrosion process is controlled by the passivation mechanism indicated by an
increase in the surface resistance of corrosion.
On the surface layer of a process of adsorption and formation of organo
chelates (flavonoids) in which the metal purple sweet potato extract with the main
content of anthocyanins act as forming metal-chelated. Location of the chelating
ligand purple sweet potato extract with the main content of anthocyanins occur in
bond 3 ', 4' dihydroxy ring B or 3-Hydroxy 4-Carbonyl ring C.;Research of utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor recently
increased along with the increasing demand for the use of chemicals that are
environmentally friendly. Utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor
becomes important given the characteristics of environmentally friendly (green
inhibitor), easy availability, resources are abundant and renewable, the production
procedure is simple, and the production costs are quite competitive. In this
research, experimental testing of the synergistic effects of new types inhibitor ie
extract purple potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) which has the main content of
anthocyanin with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) and with ascorbic
acid inhibitors.
The study aims to analyze the rate of corrosion and metal corrosion
inhibition efficiency of steel (API 5L) in the produced water environment using a
mixed inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and commercial-based inhibitors of
amine (aniline). In addition, the corrosion rate analysis was also performed,
inhibition efficiency, protection mechanisms and models of metal corrosion
inhibition layer steel (API 5L) in the neighborhood of 3.5% NaCl using a mixed
inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and ascorbic acid.
Method of measuring the rate of corrosion and inhibition efficiency was
performed using electrochemical polarization curves. Corrosion mechanisms
investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). To analyze the
model layer of inhibition were calculated using Fourier Transform Infra Red
(FTIR) spectroscopy.
The results showed that mixing purple sweetpotato extract has the ability
to synergistically with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) in purple
sweetpotato extract volume fraction of 25% with a yield of 82.14% inhibition
efficiency. For comparison, the same system using purple sweet potato extract
only produce inhibition efficiency of 68.30%, while the use of commercial-based
inhibitors of amine (aniline) alone resulted in inhibition efficiency of 74.88%.
The addition of purple sweet potato extract volume of 1 mL to 4 mL into
ascorbic acid inhibitors 10-4 M improving steel metal corrosion inhibition
efficiency (API 5L) in a solution of 3.5% NaCl of inhibition efficiency of 23.37%
to 57.52%. The corrosion inhibitor mixture affect the anodic and cathodic
polarization curves so that it can act as a mixed inhibitor. Testing EIS shows the
corrosion process is controlled by the passivation mechanism indicated by an
increase in the surface resistance of corrosion.
On the surface layer of a process of adsorption and formation of organo
chelates (flavonoids) in which the metal purple sweet potato extract with the main
content of anthocyanins act as forming metal-chelated. Location of the chelating
ligand purple sweet potato extract with the main content of anthocyanins occur in
bond 3 ', 4' dihydroxy ring B or 3-Hydroxy 4-Carbonyl ring C., Research of utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor recently
increased along with the increasing demand for the use of chemicals that are
environmentally friendly. Utilization of plant extracts as a corrosion inhibitor
becomes important given the characteristics of environmentally friendly (green
inhibitor), easy availability, resources are abundant and renewable, the production
procedure is simple, and the production costs are quite competitive. In this
research, experimental testing of the synergistic effects of new types inhibitor ie
extract purple potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) which has the main content of
anthocyanin with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) and with ascorbic
acid inhibitors.
The study aims to analyze the rate of corrosion and metal corrosion
inhibition efficiency of steel (API 5L) in the produced water environment using a
mixed inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and commercial-based inhibitors of
amine (aniline). In addition, the corrosion rate analysis was also performed,
inhibition efficiency, protection mechanisms and models of metal corrosion
inhibition layer steel (API 5L) in the neighborhood of 3.5% NaCl using a mixed
inhibitor purple sweet potato extract and ascorbic acid.
Method of measuring the rate of corrosion and inhibition efficiency was
performed using electrochemical polarization curves. Corrosion mechanisms
investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). To analyze the
model layer of inhibition were calculated using Fourier Transform Infra Red
(FTIR) spectroscopy.
The results showed that mixing purple sweetpotato extract has the ability
to synergistically with commercial inhibitor-based amine (aniline) in purple
sweetpotato extract volume fraction of 25% with a yield of 82.14% inhibition
efficiency. For comparison, the same system using purple sweet potato extract
only produce inhibition efficiency of 68.30%, while the use of commercial-based
inhibitors of amine (aniline) alone resulted in inhibition efficiency of 74.88%.
The addition of purple sweet potato extract volume of 1 mL to 4 mL into
ascorbic acid inhibitors 10-4 M improving steel metal corrosion inhibition
efficiency (API 5L) in a solution of 3.5% NaCl of inhibition efficiency of 23.37%
to 57.52%. The corrosion inhibitor mixture affect the anodic and cathodic
polarization curves so that it can act as a mixed inhibitor. Testing EIS shows the
corrosion process is controlled by the passivation mechanism indicated by an
increase in the surface resistance of corrosion.
On the surface layer of a process of adsorption and formation of organo
chelates (flavonoids) in which the metal purple sweet potato extract with the main
content of anthocyanins act as forming metal-chelated. Location of the chelating
ligand purple sweet potato extract with the main content of anthocyanins occur in
bond 3 ', 4' dihydroxy ring B or 3-Hydroxy 4-Carbonyl ring C.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Burhan Ramadhan
"Dilakukan studi tentang ketahanan korosi baja tahan karat austenitik seri 304L pada berbagai konsentrasi larutan NaCl. Percobaan dilakukan dengan metode electrochemical impedance spectroscopy EIS pada temperatur ruang yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi mekanisme korosi sampel berdasarkan tahanan polarisasi dan impedansi kapasitansinya.Percobaan dilakukan dalam berbagai konsentrasi larutan NaCl, yaitu 1 , 2 , 3.5 , 4 and 5 w.t. Hasil percobaan, yang direpresentasikan dengan grafik Nyquist dan rangkaian listrik ekuivalen, menunjukkan bahwa besarnya impedansi sampel, yang mana menunjukkan ketahanan korosinya, dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi larutan NaCl. Besarnya nilai impedansi baja tahan karat 304L dari yang paling tinggi ke yang paling rendah berada pada larutan NaCl dengan konsentrasi: 1 , 2 , 5 , 4 , 3.5 w.t NaCl. Telah diamati bahwa ketahanan korosi terendah dari sampel berada pada larutan NaCl konsentrasi 3.5 w.t NaCl, yang mana serupa dengan air laut pada umumnya. Hal ini terjadi karena kelarutan optimimum dari oksigen terlarut terjadi pada larutan NaCl konsentrasi 3.5 w.t.NaCl. Kata kunci : Baja tahan karat 304L, Perilaku Korosi, Ketahanan Korosi, pengaruh konsentrasi NaCl, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

Corrosion behavior of austenitic stainless steel 304L type in various concentrations of aqueous sodium chloride solutions was investigated. Experimental testing method was carried out by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy EIS at room temperature 27oC to evaluate the change of corrosion mechanism based on its polarization resistance and capacitive impedance.Aqueous sodium chloride solutions were prepared with various concentration i.e. 1 , 2 , 3.5 , 4 and 5 w.t. The testing results which were represented by Nyquist graphs and electrochemical equivalent circuits showed that the impedance magnitudes of austenitic stainless steel which indicated its corrosion resistance were influenced by sodium chloride concentrations. Rank of impedance magnitude of SS 304L at various chloride concentrations from the highest to the lowest were 1 , 2 , 5 , 4 , 3,5 w.t NaCl consecutively. It was observed that the lowest corrosion resistance of alloys was at 3,5 w.t NaCl which was similar to typical seawater solution. This was caused by the presence of maximum dissolved oxygen solubility."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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