ABSTRAKPenelitian ini melihat hubungan interaksi ibu-anak dan perilaku patuh/tidak patuh toddler dari keluarga miskin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi untuk mengukur interaksi ibu-anak dan perilaku patuh/tidak patuh toddler. Alat ukur penelitian ini yaitu Parents Interacting with Children: Checklist of Observation Linked Outcomes (PICCOLO) untuk mengukur interaksi ibu-anak dan Clean Up Task untuk mengukur perilaku patuh/tidak patuh toddler. Penelitian ini melibatkan 62 pasangan ibu dan anak usia 12-36 bulan yang berasal dari keluarga miskin. Teknik statistik yang digunakan untuk mengukur hubungan di antara kedua variabel ini adalah teknik Korelasi Pearson. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa interaksi ibu-anak tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan perilaku patuh/tidak patuh yang ditampilkan toddler dari keluarga miskin (p>0,05, tidak signifikan pada L.o.S 0,05).
ABSTRACTThis study looked at the relationship of mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families. This study used observational methods to measure the mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The measuring instrument in this research is Parents Interacting with Children: Observation Checklist of Linked Outcomes (PICCOLO) to measure the mother-child interaction and Clean Up Task to measure compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The study involved 62 pairs of mothers and children aged 12-36 months who come from poverty families. Statistical techniques used to measure the relationship between these two variables is the Pearson Correlation Technique. Results from this study indicate that the mother-child interaction have no significant relationship with compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families (p> 0.05, not significant at LoS 0,05).
;This study looked at the relationship of mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families. This study used observational methods to measure the mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The measuring instrument in this research is Parents Interacting with Children: Observation Checklist of Linked Outcomes (PICCOLO) to measure the mother-child interaction and Clean Up Task to measure compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The study involved 62 pairs of mothers and children aged 12-36 months who come from poverty families. Statistical techniques used to measure the relationship between these two variables is the Pearson Correlation Technique. Results from this study indicate that the mother-child interaction have no significant relationship with compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families (p> 0.05, not significant at LoS 0,05).
, This study looked at the relationship of mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families. This study used observational methods to measure the mother-child interaction and compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The measuring instrument in this research is Parents Interacting with Children: Observation Checklist of Linked Outcomes (PICCOLO) to measure the mother-child interaction and Clean Up Task to measure compliance/noncompliance in toddler. The study involved 62 pairs of mothers and children aged 12-36 months who come from poverty families. Statistical techniques used to measure the relationship between these two variables is the Pearson Correlation Technique. Results from this study indicate that the mother-child interaction have no significant relationship with compliance/noncompliance toddler from poverty families (p> 0.05, not significant at LoS 0,05).