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Rozi Fadjri
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan kompleks polielektrolit kitosan-xanthan (KPKX) dan menggunakannya sebagai matriks dalam tablet lepas terkendali dengan sistem mengapung. Penelitian sebelumnya membuktikan bahwa kitosan, yang bermuatan positif pada suasana asam, dan xanthan, yang bemuatan negatif, dapat membentuk kompleks polielektrolit yang memiliki daya mengembang yang baik untuk sediaan dengan pelepasan terkendali. KPKX dibuat dengan cara melarutkan kitosan (1,0% b/v) dan xanthan (1,0% b/v) di dalam medium masing-masing kemudian mencampurkan keduanya pada pH 4,3-4,5 dengan perbandingan 1:1. Hasil yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi secara fisik, kimia, dan fungsional. Selanjutnya, KPKX digunakan sebagai matriks dalam sediaan tablet mengapung dengan 2 variasi jumlah polimer pembentuk matriks (35,71% dan 57,14%). Asam sitrat dan natrium bikarbonat digunakan sebagai gas forming dalam 2 variasi (14,29% dan 21,43%). Kitosan, xanthan, dan campuran fisik keduanya digunakan sebagai polimer matriks pada formula pembanding. Diltiazem HCl digunakan sebagai model obat. Tablet dibuat dengan metode granulasi basah dan dikempa menjadi tablet 700 mg. Seluruh tablet mengapung yang dihasilkan memenuhi persyaratan fisik yang tertera di Farmakope Indonesia. Tablet mengapung F3 yang mengandung 57,14% KPKX dan 21,43% gas forming menunjukkan karakteristik yang terbaik dengan floating lag time 39,33 ± 1,53 menit dan dapat mengapung hingga 12 jam. Tablet F3 juga terbukti dapat menahan pelepasans obat hingga 12 jam dan menunjukkan profil pelepasan obat yang sesuai dengan kinetika orde nol.

The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of chisotan-xanthan polyelectrolyte complex (CXPC) and use it as matrix of controlled release tablet with floating system. The previous study has shown that chitosan, which have positive charge in acid condition, and xanthan, which have negative charge, could form polyelectrolyte complex which have good swelling index for controlled release dosage forms. CXPC was prepared by dissolving chitosan (1.0% w/v) and xanthan (1.0% w/v) in their medium then mix them in pH 4.3-4.5 with a ratio of 1:1. The obtained CXPC were characterized physically, chemically, and functionally. Furthermore, CXPC was used as matrix of floating tablet in two variations (35.71% and 57.14%). Citric acid and sodium bicarbonate were used as gas forming in two variations (14.29% and 21.43%). Chitosan, xanthan, and physical mixture of both were also used as comparison formula. Diltiazem HCl was used as drug model. Tablet was formulated by wet granulation method and compressed into 700 mg tablets. All floating tablets fulfilled all the Pharmacopoeia requirements. Floating tablets containing 57.14% CXPC and 21.43% gas forming (F3) have shown the best characteristic with 39.33 ± 1.53 minutes of floating lag time and 12 hours of floating time. This formula revealed a profile of controlled drug release and appoached to zero-order kinetics model.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggi Triantoro
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan kompleks polielektrolit kitosan-xanthan (KPKX) sebagai bahan penyalut tablet untuk memberikan pelepasan terkendali. Polielektrolit pada umumnya memiliki daya mengembang yang tinggi hanya pada pH tertentu sehingga kecepatan pelepasan obat menjadi tidak konstan selama berada di sepanjang saluran pencernaan. Melalui kompleksasi polielektrolit, didapatkan daya mengembang yang stabil pada rentang pH yang luas. Pada jam ke-12, KPKX memiliki daya mengembang dalam medium pH 1,2; 5,0; dan 7,4 berturut-turut sebesar 16,94 ± 1,47%; 18,01 ± 3,01%; dan 24,26 ± 2,14%. KPKX 1% menunjukkan kekuatan gel sebesar 7,13 ± 0,45 gF. KPKX menunjukkan adanya peningkatan tensile strength dibandingkan kedua senyawa asalnya. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan tensile strength film KPKX sebagai F1 sebesar 460 N/m2. Tablet inti dibuat dengan metode kempa langsung dengan verapamil HCl sebagai model obat. Penyalutan dilakukan pada tablet verapamil HCl hingga didapat penambahan bobot sebesar 5,4%. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, penggunaan KPKX sebagai bahan penyalut mampu memberikan pelepasan terkendali yang lebih baik dan stabil bila dibandingkan dengan kitosan dan gum xanthan. Dalam 12 jam, jumlah verapamil HCl yang dilepaskan adalah sebanyak 40,96 ± 4,58%. Pelepasan terkendali dari tablet salut KPKX mengikuti pelepasan orde nol dengan mekanisme pelepasan mengikuti prinsip difusi non-Fickian pada medium asam dan basa.

The study was intended to investigate the ability of chitosan-xanthan polyelectrolyte complex (CXPC) as coating material for tablets to provide sustained-release behavior. Polyelectrolytes usually have higher swelling index only at certain pH. Therefore, drug release rate becomes unstable along the gastrointestinal tract. Through polyelectrolyte complexation, the swelling index showed good stability in wide range of pH. After 12 hours, the swelling index of CXPC in medium of pH 1.2, 5.0, and 7.4 were 16.94 ± 1.47%, 18.01 ± 3.01%, and 24.26 ± 2.14% respectively. CXPC 1% showed the gel strength of 7,13 ± 0,45 gF. CXPC showed an increase in tensile strength compared to both the previous compounds. The test showed the tensile strength of CXPC film as F1 was 460 N/m2. Core tablets were made by using direct compression method and verapamil HCl was used as drug model. Verapamil HCl tablets were coated by CXPC until they got 5,4% additional weight. Based on the study, the use of CXPC as coating material was able to provide better and more stable sustained-release behavior compared to chitosan and xanthan gum. Within 12 hours, the amount of released verapamil HCl was 40,96 ± 4,58%. Sustained-release behavior of CXPC-coated tablets followed zero-order release with mechanism of non-Fickian diffusional release in acidic and basic medium.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dessy Dian Septysari
"Film transdermal merupakan sistem penghantaran obat yang diaplikasikan melalui kulit untuk menghantarkan obat ke sistemik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari eksipien kompleks polielektrolit kitosan-xanthan (KPKX) sebagai eksipien pembentuk film yang dibuat dengan mencampurkan larutan gum xanthan 1% ke dalam larutan kitosan 1% dengan cara diteteskan dan disertai pengadukan. KPKX yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi gugus fungsi, indeks mengembang, kekuatan gel, dan sifat mekanik filmnya. Film transdermal dibuat dengan menggunakan KPKX 1:1 sebagai matriks, propilenglikol-gliserol (8:2) 50% sebagai plasticizer, dan ketoprofen sebagai model obat. Film transdermal ketoprofen yang dihasilkan memiliki sifat mekanis yang baik dengan persentasi elongasi sebesar 108,70 ± 1,56% dan tensile strength sebesar 791,05 ± 5,30 N/m2. Uji disolusi in vitro menunjukkan pelepasan ketoprofen dari film transdermal ketoprofen sebesar 99,57 ± 4,67% selama 12 jam dengan mekanisme difusi terkendali. Uji penetrasi in vitro menunjukkan bahwa penetrasi in vitro dari film transdermal ketoprofen sebesar 12,34 ± 0,22 mg/cm2 selama 12 jam dengan kecepatan penetrasi 1,051 ± 0,074 mg/cm2.jam. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa KPKX merupakan eksipien yang baik digunakan sebagai pembentuk film transdermal.

Transdermal film is a drug delivery system that is applied through the skin to deliver drugs to the systemic. This present study was intended to evaluate the ability of chitosan-xanthan polyelectrolyte complex (CXPC) as film-forming excipient which were made by dropwise a solution of 1% xanthan gum in a solution of 1% chitosan and aided with stirring. The obtained CXPC was characterized, including its functional group, swelling index, gel strength, and film mechanical properties. Transdermal films made using CXPC 1:1 as matrix, propylene glycol-glycerine (8:2) 50% as plasticizer, and ketoprofen as model of drug. Ketoprofen transdermal film which were produced from CXPC possessed good mechanical properties with elongation percentage of 108.70 ± 1.56% and the tensile strength of 791.05 ± 5.30 N/mm2. The in-vitro drug release study showed that 99.57 ± 4.67% of ketoprofen has been released from transdermal film in 12 hours by diffusion-controlled mechanism. In-vitro drug release study showed that 12.34 ± 0.22 mg/cm2 of ketoprofen able to penetrate through skin membrane with the flux of 1.051 ± 0.074 mg/cm2.hour. Therefore, it can be concluded that CXPC had good characteristics to be applied as excipient transdermal film.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verika Astriana Kartika
"Tablet cepat hancur adalah tablet yang cepat hancur di rongga mulut dalam waktu satu menit. Pemakaian tablet cepat hancur biasanya digunakan pada pasien pedriatri dan geriatri yang sulit menelan obat. Untuk memformulasikan tablet cepat hancur dibutuhkan eksipien superdisintegran. Telah diteliti bahwa kompleks polielektrolit kitosan-xanthan (KPKX) memiliki daya mengembang yang baik sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai superdisintegran.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memformulasi tablet cepat hancur menggunakan KPKX sebagai superdisintegran. KPKX dibuat pada pH 4-5 dengan mencampurkan larutan kitosan (1,0% b/v) dan xanthan gum (1,0% b/v) dengan perbandingan 1:1; 3:1; dan 6:1. KPKX ini kemudian dikarakterisasi fisik, kimia, dan fungsional meliputi bentuk dan morfologi partikel, spektrum inframerah dan uji daya mengembang.
Serbuk KPKX memiliki permukaan yang kasar dan solid. Spektrum inframerah menunjukkan gugus baru pada bilangan gelombang 1539,25 cm-1 yang memperlihatkan adanya gugus amida hasil reaksi antara gugus –NH3+ dari kitosan dan gugus –COO- dari xanthan gum.
Uji daya mengembang KPKX menunjukkan indeks mengembang pada pH 6,8 sebesar 253,31% dalam 2 jam. Setelah itu, KPKX diformulasikan menjadi tablet cepat hancur dengan kadar 5% yang menggunakan zat aktif diltiazem HCl dengan metode kempa langsung. Tablet yang dihasilkan dievaluasi kekerasan, keregasan, waktu hancur, dan waktu pembasahannya.
Evaluasi tablet cepat hancur menunjukkan bahwa formula 3 yang mengandung KPKX 6:1 sebagai superdisintegran menghasilkan waktu hancur yang paling singkat, yaitu 44,00 detik dan memiliki kekerasan 4,59 kP serta keregasan 0,71%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa KPKX dapat digunakan sebagai superdisintegran dalam tablet cepat hancur dengan konsentrasi 5%.

Fast Disintegrating Tablet (FDTs) is a tablet which rapidly disintegrate in the mouth within one minute. This tablets are usually used for pediatric and geriatric patients with difficulty in swallowing medicine. Superdisintegrant excipients are required to formulate FDTs. It has been observed that the chitosan-xanthan polyelectrolyte complexes (CXPC) possess high swelling characteristic, hence it can be applied as a superdisintegrant.
The aim of this study was to formulate FDTs utilizing CXPC as the superdisintegrant. CXPC was prepared on pH 4-5 by mixing chitosan solution (1.0% w/v) and xanthan gum (1.0% w/v) in ratio 1:1, 3:1, and 6:1. The physical, chemical, and functional properties of CXPC were characterized, includes its morphology, infrared spectrum, and swelling index.
CXPC powder has a rough surface. The spectrum infrared showed a new shift at 1539.25 cm-1, indicating amide group as result of the reaction between -NH3+ group of chitosan and -COO- groups of xanthan gum.
The swelling studies of CXPC showed 253.31% weight increase in medium pH 6.8 at within 2 hours. CXPC was then utilized as superdisintegrant in FDTs with 5% CXPC, using diltiazem HCl as an active substance by direct compression method. FDTs were evaluated, includes its hardness, friability, disintegration time, and wetting time.
Evaluation of FDTs showed that formula 3 containing KPKX 6:1 as superdisintegrant produce the fastest disintegration time (44.00 seconds), hardness of 4.59 kP, and friability 0.71%. Based on the results, CXPC can be used as a superdisintegrant excipients with the concentration 5% in the formula of fast disintegrating tablets.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Sulistomo
"Sediaan tertahan di lambung merupakan sediaan yang didesain untuk dapat memperpanjang waktu tinggal sediaan di dalam lambung sebagai tempat terjadinya absorbsi obat di dalam tubuh. Sistem penghantaran mukoadhesif merupakan salah satu bentuk sediaan tertahan di lambung dengan mekanisme penempelan pada mukosa lambung. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, telah diteliti KPKX dengan beberapa variasi perbandingan kitosan dengan xanthan (1:1, 3:1, dan 6:1), dan diketahui KPKX 1:1 memiliki daya mengembang yang sesuai untuk dikembangkan sebagai sediaan mukoadhesif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kemampuan eksipien kompleks polielektrolit kitosan-gum xanthan (KPKX) sebagai matriks sediaan granul mukoadhesif tertahan di lambung. Pada penelitian ini KPKX 1:1 digunakan sebagai matriks pada granul mukoadhesif dengan perbandingan obat dengan KPKX (1:1, 1:2, dan 1:3), dengan diltiazem HCl sebagai model obat. Eksipien KPKX yang terbentuk tersebut kemudian diformulasikan menjadi granul mukoadhesif. Granul F2 yang mengandung perbandingan diltiazem HCl dengan KPKX 1:1 dinilai sebagai granul terbaik karena mampu tetap menempel di mukosa lambung hingga 8 jam berdasarkan uji wash-off dan 12 jam berdasarkan uji bioadhesif in-vitro. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa KPKX dapat digunakan sebagai matriks mukoadhesif.

Gastro-retentive drug delivery system (GRDDS) are designed to prolong the dosage residence time of dosage forms in stomach as one of drug absorbtion site. Mucoadhesive drug delivery system, is one of many GRDDS kind with adhesion mechanism to gastric mucosa. In previous study chitosan-xanthan gum polyelectrolyte complex (CXPC) had been produced in some variations (1:1, 3:1, and 6:1), and CXPC 1:1 showed better swelling index which suitable for sustained release dosage forms. The aim of this research is studying the ability of CXPC as matrix for mucoadhesive granules dosage form matrix. In this study CXPC 1:1 was used as the matrix in the mucoadhesive granules with drug-CXPC ratio of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3, using diltiazem HCl as a drug model. The obtained CXPC was then formulated into mucoadhesive granules. F1 granules which were formulated using CXPC and diltiazem HCl in ratio of 1:1, considered as the best formulation because it can adhere on gastric mucosa up to 8 hours based on wash-off test and 12 hours based on in-vitro bioadhesive test. From this study it can be concluded that the CXPC can be used as a mucoadhesive matrix."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erny Sagita
Kitosan merupakan polimer alam yang bersifat kationik. Sifat kationik tersebut
membuat kitosan dapat berinteraksi dengan polimer anionik membentuk
kompleks polielektrolit (KPE). Dalam penelitian ini, pektin digunakan sebagai
polimer anionik yang berinteraksi secara ionik dengan kitosan. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah membuat dan mengkarakterisasi KPE kitosan-pektin yang
akan digunakan sebagai matriks dalam sediaan tablet mengapung. Larutan kitosan
dan pektin 0,3% b/v dicampur dengan perbandingan 1:9, 3:7, 1:1, 7:3 dan 9:1
pada pH 4,5 dan 5,0. Kondisi terbaik untuk menghasilkan KPE adalah pada pH
5,0 dengan perbandingan larutan kitosan dan pektin = 3:7. Perbedaan karakteristik
KPE kitosan-pektin dengan polimer asalnya ditunjukkan dengan analisis gugus
fungsi, analisis termal, daya mengembang dan kekuatan gel. Selanjutnya KPE
digunakan sebagai matriks dalam sediaan tablet mengapung dengan famotidin
sebagai model obat. KPE juga dikombinasikan dengan hidroksipropilmetilselulosa
(HPMC) dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda-beda. Hasil uji disolusi menunjukkan
bahwa KPE dapat menahan pelepasan famotidin selama 10 jam. Kombinasi
dengan HPMC dapat membantu KPE menahan pelepasan famotidin hingga 20
jam. Tablet yang hanya mengandung KPE sebagai matriks hanya dapat bertahan
mengapung hingga 12 jam, sedangkan tablet dengan kombinasi KPE dan HPMC
dapat bertahan mengapung hingga 24 jam.

Chitosan is a natural cationic polymer. That cationic property makes chitosan can form polyelectrolite complex (PEC) with anionic polymer. In this research, pectin was used as anionic polymer that interact ionically with chitosan. The aim of this research is to produce and characterize chitosan-pectin PEC that would be used as matrix in floating tablet. The solutions of chitosan and pectin 0,3% w/v were mixed in ratio 1:9, 3:7, 1:1, 7:3 and 9:1 with pH of the solution 4,5 and 5,0. The best condition to produce PEC was in pH 5,0 with ratio of chitosan and pectin = 3:7. The differences between chitosan-pectin PEC characteristic and its origin polymer were shown by functional group analysis, thermal analysis, swelling capacity and gel strength. The PEC was then used as matrix in floating tablet with famotidin as a model. PEC was also combined with hydroxypropilmethylcellulose (HPMC) in different concentrations. The results of the dissolution study showed that PEC could retard the release of famotidin for 10 hours. PEC in combination with HPMC could retard the release of famotidin for 20 hours. Tablet that only contains PEC as matrix could remain buoyant for 12 hours while tablet with combination of PEC and HPMC could remain buoyant for 24 hours. "
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Dwi Noviyanti
"Kompleks polielektrolit (KPE) adalah kompleks yang terbentuk antara muatan partikel yang berlawanan. Dalam penelitian ini, kompleks polielektrolit yang digunakan adalah alginat (bersifat anionik) dan gelatin (bersifat kationik). Gugus karboksilat dari alginat dapat memberikan muatan negatif yang dapat berikatan secara ionik dengan gugus amin dari gelatin yang bermuatan positif. Larutan alginat dan gelatin 2% b/v dicampur dengan perbandingan 3:7 dan 4:7. Kondisi terbaik untuk menghasilkan KPE adalah perbandingan larutan alginat-gelatin 4:7. Perbedaan karakteristik KPE alginat-gelatin dengan polimer asalnya ditunjukkan dengan analisis gugus fungsi, analisis termal, daya mengembang dan kekuatan gel. Selanjutnya KPE digunakan sebagai matriks dalam sediaan tablet lepas lambat dengan verapamil HCl sebagai model obat. Formula I dan II masing-masing mengandung KPE 420 dan 478 mg, formula III dan IV masing-masing mengandung alginat dan gelatin 478 mg. Hasil uji disolusi terbaik yaitu formula II menunjukkan pelepasan kumulatif sebesar 65,38% selama 8 jam. Berdasarkan Banakar, nilai ini masuk dalam kisaran Q0,5 (45-75% terlarut) sehingga tablet dapat digunakan selama 16 jam untuk sekali pemakaian.

Polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) are the complexes formed between oppositely charged particles. In this study, polyelectrolyte complexes used is alginate (anionic) and gelatin (cationic). Carboxylate groups of alginate may provide a negative charged which may be an ionic bond with the amine group of gelatin is positively charged. The solution of alginate and gelatin 2% w/v mixed in the ratio 3:7 and 4:7. The best conditions to produce the PEC is a solution of alginate-gelatin ratio of 4:7. The differences in the characteristics of PEC alginate-gelatin with origin polymer is indicated by functional group analysis, thermal analysis, swelling index and gel strength. The PEC subsequently used as a matrix in sustained release tablet dosage with verapamil hydrochloride as model drug. Formula I and II each containing PEC 420 and 478 mg, formula III and IV each containing alginate and gelatin 478 mg. The results of the best dissolution testing is formula II shows the cumulative release of 65,38% for 8 hours. Based Banakar, this value is entered in the range Q0, 5 (45-75% dissolved) so that the tablet can be used for 16 hours for a single use."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudith Kusuma Putri
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat protein kedelai suksinat dari protein kedelai yang diperoleh melalui proses suksinilasi protein kedelai dengan anhidrida suksinat pada kondisi basa dalam medium berair. Protein kedelai suksinat yang diperoleh kemudian dikarakterisasi secara fisik, kimia, dan fungsional, kemudian digunakan sebagai matriks pada sediaan tablet mengapung. Protein kedelai suksinat yang didapat berupa serbuk berwarna putih kekuningan, memiliki derajat suksinilasi 35,74 ± 0,38% dan 100,38 ± 0,38%, menunjukkan peak pada bilangan gelombang 1653,0 cm-1 mengindikasikan gugus karbonil amida yang terbentuk, memiliki daya mengembang 35,38 ± 2,08% dan 25,30 ± 4,99% dalam dapar asam klorida pH 1,2. Pada penelitian ini, tablet dibuat dengan metode granulasi basah dan menggunakan diltiazem hidroklorida sebagai model obat. Semua formula dibuat dengan mengkombinasikan matriks protein kedelai (PK), protein kedelai suksinat 100% b/b (PKS 1), dan protein kedelai suksinat 250% b/b (PKS 2) dengan HPMC dengan perbandingan 1:1. Uji keterapungan, daya mengembang dan kinetika pelepasan obat pada tablet mengapung dievaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formula dengan matriks PKS 2:HPMC 1:1 merupakan fomula terbaikdengan waktu apung 40,75 ± 1,06 menit dan mampu mengapung selama 24 jam, daya mengembang 87,5 ± 3,1% dengan kinetika pelepasan mengikuti persamaan Higuchi dan mekanisme difusi non-Fickian.

The aims of this study was to produce the soybean protein succinate from soybean protein by succinilation of the soybean protein using succinic anhydride under alkaline conditions in aqueous medium. Soybean protein succinate were characterized physically, chemically and functionally, then was used as a matrix for floating tablet. Soybean protein succinate obtained a yellowish-white powder, having 35.74 ± 0.38% and 100.38 ± 0.38% as its succinylated degree, showed peak at the wave number 1653.05 cm-1 indicates that the amide carbonyl group is formed, swelling index was 35.38 ± 2.08% and 25.30 ± 4.99% in hydrocloric acid buffer pH 1.2. Tablets were made by wet granulation method and diltiazem hydrochloride was used as a model drug. All formulas were made by combining matrix soybean protein (SP), soybean protein succinate 100 % w/w (SPS 1), and soybean protein succinate 250 % w/w (SPS 2) with HPMC 1:1. Buoyancy test, swelling test and drug-release kinetics evaluated on the floating tablet. The results showed that the formula with SPS 2: HPMC 1:1 is the best fomula with a lag time of 40.75 ± 1.06 minutes, floating duration of 24 hours, and swelling test 87.5 ± 3.1%. This formula followed Higuchi release kineticsand showed non-Fickian diffusion mechanism.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Unsyura Dhipa Budaya
Tablet mengapung lepas lambat membutuhkan eksipien yang berfungsi sebagai
matriks yang mampu mengendalikan lepasnya obat dan menfasilitasi
pengapungan tablet di lambung. Salah satu eksipien yang berpotensi untuk hal
tersebut adalah eksipien koproses xanthan gum ? gum akasia yang merupakan
hasil modifikasi fisik dari 2 jenis polimer alam, yaitu xanthan gum dan gum
akasia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh eksipien
koproses xanthan gum ? gum akasia yang kemudian digunakan sebagai matriks
pada formulasi tablet mengapung. Pada penelitian ini dibuat eksipien koproses
xanthan gum ? gum akasia dengan perbandingan 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 dan 3:1 dan
eksipien yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi sifat fisik, kimia, dan
fungsionalnya.Eksipien-eksipien koproses yang dihasilkan tersebut kemudian
diformulasikan menjadi sediaan tablet mengapung dengan menggunakan
famotidin sebagai model obat. Tablet mengapung yang dihasilkan dievaluasi,
antara lain uji kemampuan mengapung serta pelepasan obat dalam medium HCl
pH 1,2 selama 8 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eksipien koproses
yang diperoleh berupa serbuk halus tidak berbau dan berwarna putih keabu-abuan.
Selain itu eksipien koproses tersebut memiliki kemampuan mengembang yang
baik, viskositas yang cukup besar dan kekuatan gel yang baik yang cocok untuk
digunakan sebagai matriks tablet mengapung. Tablet mengapung F2 yang dibuat
dengan menggunakan eksipien koproses Ko-XG-GA 1:2 menunjukkan
karakteristik yang terbaik dengan floating lag time 8,33± 0,58 menit dan
kemampuan mengapung hingga 24 jam. Profil pelepasan famotidin dari tablet
mengapung yang diformulasikan dengan eksipien koproses Ko-XG-GA (F1 ? F5)
menunjukkan profil pelepasan obat terkendali dengan model kinetika pelepasan
orde nol dan dapat digunakan untuk pemakaian selama 32 jam. Dari hasil
penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa eksipien koproses Ko-XG-GA yang
dihasilkan dapat diaplikasikan sebagai matriks sediaan tablet mengapung lepas

Controlled release floating tablets required excipient which act as a matrix that
can control the release of active drugs and facilitate the tablet floating in the
gastric. One of the potential excipients is a co-processed excipient of xanthan gum
? gum acacia, which is a physical modification of 2 natural polymers. Therefore,
the aim of this study was to produce co-processed excipients of xanthan gumgum
acacia, which were used as matrices in the floating tablet formulations. In
this study, several co-processed excipients were prepared from xanthan gum and
gum acacia in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1. The obtained excipients were
characterized physically, chemically, and functionality. The co-processed
excipients were then formulated as the floating tablets using famotidine as a drug
model. The obtained floating tablets were evaluated in terms of the tablet floating
capabilities and the drug release in HCl medium pH 1.2 for 8 hours. The results
showed the co-processed excipients were fine powder, odorless and greyish white
colour. The resulted excipients had good swelling index, fairly large viscosity and
good gel strength; hence it was suitable applied as matrices of floating tablets. The
floating tablets of F2 which was containing the co-processed excipient of Co-XGGA
1:2 had shown the best characteristics with 8.33 ± 0.58 minutes of floating lag
time and 24 hours of total floating time. The release study revealed that the
famotidine floating tablets which were using co-processed excipients of Co-XGGA
(F1 - F5) as matrices could control drug release with zero order release kinetic
and could be used for controlled release dosage forms for 32 hours. It can be
concluded that the co-processed excipients of Co-XG-GA could be applied as
matrices in controlled release floating tablets.;Controlled release floating tablets required excipient which act as a matrix that
can control the release of active drugs and facilitate the tablet floating in the
gastric. One of the potential excipients is a co-processed excipient of xanthan gum
– gum acacia, which is a physical modification of 2 natural polymers. Therefore,
the aim of this study was to produce co-processed excipients of xanthan gumgum
acacia, which were used as matrices in the floating tablet formulations. In
this study, several co-processed excipients were prepared from xanthan gum and
gum acacia in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1. The obtained excipients were
characterized physically, chemically, and functionality. The co-processed
excipients were then formulated as the floating tablets using famotidine as a drug
model. The obtained floating tablets were evaluated in terms of the tablet floating
capabilities and the drug release in HCl medium pH 1.2 for 8 hours. The results
showed the co-processed excipients were fine powder, odorless and greyish white
colour. The resulted excipients had good swelling index, fairly large viscosity and
good gel strength; hence it was suitable applied as matrices of floating tablets. The
floating tablets of F2 which was containing the co-processed excipient of Co-XGGA
1:2 had shown the best characteristics with 8.33 ± 0.58 minutes of floating lag
time and 24 hours of total floating time. The release study revealed that the
famotidine floating tablets which were using co-processed excipients of Co-XGGA
(F1 - F5) as matrices could control drug release with zero order release kinetic
and could be used for controlled release dosage forms for 32 hours. It can be
concluded that the co-processed excipients of Co-XG-GA could be applied as
matrices in controlled release floating tablets.;Controlled release floating tablets required excipient which act as a matrix that
can control the release of active drugs and facilitate the tablet floating in the
gastric. One of the potential excipients is a co-processed excipient of xanthan gum
– gum acacia, which is a physical modification of 2 natural polymers. Therefore,
the aim of this study was to produce co-processed excipients of xanthan gumgum
acacia, which were used as matrices in the floating tablet formulations. In
this study, several co-processed excipients were prepared from xanthan gum and
gum acacia in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1. The obtained excipients were
characterized physically, chemically, and functionality. The co-processed
excipients were then formulated as the floating tablets using famotidine as a drug
model. The obtained floating tablets were evaluated in terms of the tablet floating
capabilities and the drug release in HCl medium pH 1.2 for 8 hours. The results
showed the co-processed excipients were fine powder, odorless and greyish white
colour. The resulted excipients had good swelling index, fairly large viscosity and
good gel strength; hence it was suitable applied as matrices of floating tablets. The
floating tablets of F2 which was containing the co-processed excipient of Co-XGGA
1:2 had shown the best characteristics with 8.33 ± 0.58 minutes of floating lag
time and 24 hours of total floating time. The release study revealed that the
famotidine floating tablets which were using co-processed excipients of Co-XGGA
(F1 - F5) as matrices could control drug release with zero order release kinetic
and could be used for controlled release dosage forms for 32 hours. It can be
concluded that the co-processed excipients of Co-XG-GA could be applied as
matrices in controlled release floating tablets., Controlled release floating tablets required excipient which act as a matrix that
can control the release of active drugs and facilitate the tablet floating in the
gastric. One of the potential excipients is a co-processed excipient of xanthan gum
– gum acacia, which is a physical modification of 2 natural polymers. Therefore,
the aim of this study was to produce co-processed excipients of xanthan gumgum
acacia, which were used as matrices in the floating tablet formulations. In
this study, several co-processed excipients were prepared from xanthan gum and
gum acacia in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1. The obtained excipients were
characterized physically, chemically, and functionality. The co-processed
excipients were then formulated as the floating tablets using famotidine as a drug
model. The obtained floating tablets were evaluated in terms of the tablet floating
capabilities and the drug release in HCl medium pH 1.2 for 8 hours. The results
showed the co-processed excipients were fine powder, odorless and greyish white
colour. The resulted excipients had good swelling index, fairly large viscosity and
good gel strength; hence it was suitable applied as matrices of floating tablets. The
floating tablets of F2 which was containing the co-processed excipient of Co-XGGA
1:2 had shown the best characteristics with 8.33 ± 0.58 minutes of floating lag
time and 24 hours of total floating time. The release study revealed that the
famotidine floating tablets which were using co-processed excipients of Co-XGGA
(F1 - F5) as matrices could control drug release with zero order release kinetic
and could be used for controlled release dosage forms for 32 hours. It can be
concluded that the co-processed excipients of Co-XG-GA could be applied as
matrices in controlled release floating tablets.]"
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Risma Wati
Tablet lepas lambat merupakan tablet yang didesain untuk melepaskan zat aktif secara perlahan-lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat dan mengkarakterisasi eksipien sambungsilang dari koproses xanthan gum-gum akasia CL-Ko-XGGA sebagai matriks sediaan tablet lepas lambat dengan gliklazid sebagai model obat. Eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA merupakan hasil sambungsilang dari eksipien koproses xanthan gum-gum akasia Ko-XGGA menggunakan natrium trimetafosfat dengan perbandingan masing-masing eksipien, yaitu 1:2, 1:1, dan 2:1. Eksipien Ko-XGGA dan CL-Ko-XGGA dikarakterisasi secara fisika, kimia, dan fungsional. Eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA 1:2, 1:1, 2:1 memiliki derajat substitisi DS berturut-turut 0,067; 0,082; 0,088, serta kekuatan gel sebesar 14,03; 17,27; 20,70 gF. Eksipien tersebut memiliki sifat alir dan kemampuan mengembang yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan eksipien Ko-XGGA. Eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA diformulasikan dalam tablet lepas lambat sebagai matriks dengan metode granulasi basah dan seluruh formula memenuhi persyaratan evaluasi tablet. Pelepasan gliklazid dari tablet F1-F6 dalam medium dapar fosfat pH 7,4 natrium lauril sulfat 0,2 selama 12 jam menunjukkan profil pelepasan obat diperlambat dan dapat digunakan selama 8 hingga 32 jam. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam sediaan tablet lepas lambat eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA 2:1 memiliki kemampuan menahan pelepasan obat lebih baik dari eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA 1:2 dan 1:1.

Sustained release tablet is solid dosage form which is designed to release drugs slowly. This research was intended to prepare and characterize the cross linked excipient of coprocessed xanthan gum acacia gum CL Co XGGA as a matrix of sustained release tablet with gliclazide as the drug model. CL Ko XGGA excipient was cross linked results of coprocessed excipient of xanthan gum acacia gum Co XGGA using sodium trimetaphosphate, in the ratio of each excipient 1 2, 1 1, and 2 1. Co XGGA and CL Co XGGA excipients were characterized physically, chemically, and functionally. The degree of substitution DS of CL Co XGGA 1 2, 1 1, 2 1 excipients were respectively 0.067 0.082 0.088, and gel strength were respectively 14.03 17.27 20.70 gF. Those excipients had improved flow properties and swelling capability compared with the Co XGGA excipients. CL Co XGGA excipients were formulated in sustained release tablet as matrix by wet granulation method and all formulas passed tablet evaluation tests. The release of gliclazide from tablets F1 F6 in phosphate buffer medium pH 7.4 sodium lauryl sulphate 0.2 for 12 hours showed sustained release profile and can be used up to 8 until 32 hours. In conclusion, CL Co XGGA 2 1 excipient have better ability to retain drug release than CL Co XGGA 1 2 and 1 1 excipients in the sustained release tablets."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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