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Annisa Puteri Adityani
"Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan merupakan satu kesatuan wilayah yurisdiksi yang berdaulat dan mempunyai wewenang untuk mengatur, mengelola dan memanfaatkan kekayaan laut yang dimilikinya. Kekayaan sumber daya perikanan yang dimiliki Indonesia menimbulkan ancaman, yaitu adanya illegal fishing yang mengganggu terhadap stabilitas keamanan laut atau maritime security. Menyadari bahwa luasnya wilayah Indonesia dan juga ancaman illegal fishing, maka penegakan hukum di laut tidak dilaksanakan oleh satu institusi secara mandiri. TNI AL, Kepolisian Perairan, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan serta Bakorkamla adalah lembaga penegak hukum di laut yang berwenang atas penegakan hukum illegal fishing.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas penegakan hukum dan penjelasan keterkaitan illegal fishing dengan maritime security. Untuk menjelaskan permasalahan, kerangka teoritis yang dipakai adalah penegakan hukum di laut, ocean policy, global policing dan transnational organized crime.
Penelitian kualitatif ini dilaksanakan dengan metode wawancara terstruktur dan juga focus group discussion. Data yang dikumpulkan mengindikasikan bahwa penegakan hukum yang dilaksanakan belum sepenuhnya efektif akibat tidak adanya harmonisasi dan koordinasi diantara penegak hukum karena pelaksanaan masih bersifat subsektoral. Ancaman illegal fishing terkait maritime security adalah karena dampak tindakan tersebut menghambat pelaksanaan pembangunan jangka panjang yang berada dalam kerangka ocean policy dan juga merupakan ancaman terhadap keamanan dan kedaulatan negara dengan pelibatan kapal berbendera asing yang melakukan penangkapan ikan tanpa izin.

Indonesia as an archipelago state has a vast area of jurisdiction over the sea and as a sovereign state has the authority to rule, to manage, and to harness the wealth of natural resources at sea. The wealth of fishery resources that Indonesia have creates a threat, and that threat is illegal fishing that disturbe the maritime security. Realizing the vast area of Indonesian water and the rising threat of illegal fishing, the law enforcement at the sea did not execute by one institution only. Indonesian navy, marine police, ministry of marine and fishery, and Bakorkamla are the institution that has the authority at sea as law enforcer on illegal fishing.
This research aims to know the effectiveness of law enforcement and the explanation and the relatedness between illegal fishing and maritime security. To explain the problems, the theoretical framework being used are law enforcement at sea, ocean policy, global policing, and transnational organized crime.
This qualitative research used structural interview method and focus group discussion. The data being collected indicate that law enforcement that has been executed is not entirely effective because of the disharmony and lack of coordination between the law enforcer due to the nature of subsectoral execution. The threat of illegal fishing and maritime security are those actions causing delay of long term development in the framework of ocean policy and also a threat towards national security and its sovereign by the involvement of foreign ship that's been doing illegal fishing.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedek Muhammad
"Fisheries have an important and strategic role in the development of national economy, especially in promoting the expansion of employment opportunities, income generation, and the improvement of living standards of small fishermen, fish farmers and the parties entrepreneurs in the field of fisheries. The importance of the fisheries sector requires the preservation of the fisheries sector while maintaining the environment, sustainability, and availability of fish resources. Maritime country which has a large fishery resources often attract the attention of foreign fishing vessels to engage in fishing illegally (hereinafter referred to illegal fishing). Other factors that cause illegal fishing is the world's fish needs (demand) increased, on the other hand the world supply of fish is declining, as well as the occurrence of excess demand mainly of marine fish species such as tuna. Efforts to tackle illegal fishing is a matter that must be considered by a country. These measures should be set out clearly in the regulations of the country concerned. In fact the efforts taken between one country and another are differents. One example is the act of sinking foreign by the Indonesian government."
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
340 UI-JURIS 6:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amal Bahri
"Tugas Karya akhir ini membahas mengenai tindakan penegakan hukum yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia dalam memberantas tindakan yang tergolong kepada Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated IUU Fishing sebagai upaya menjaga kedaulatan wilayah laut Indonesia. Oleh karena itu tulisan ini berfokus kepada langkah-langkah penegakan hukum yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia dalam upaya memberantas IUU Fishing yang terjadi wilayah laut Indonesia, yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori sistem hukum yang dikemukakan oleh Lawrence M. Friedman. Hasil dari tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa penegakan hukum terhadap IUU Fishing yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah Indonesia telah memenuhi ketiga unsur sistem hukum yang dikemukakan oleh Lawrence M. Friedman sebagai indikator yang menentukan efektif atau tidaknya suatu penegkan hukum. Adapun ketiga unsur sistem hukum tersebut adalah unsur struktur hukum yang ditandai dengan adanya institusi yang melaksanakan penegakan hukum terhadap IUU Fishing, kemudian unsur substansi dan kultur hukum yang ditandai dengan terciptanya peraturan-peraturan hukum, yang diiukuti dengan sikap tegas dan komitmen pemerintah Indonesia dalam melaksanakan penegakan hukum dalam upaya menjaga kedaulatan wilayah laut.

This final paper discusses about law enforcement actions conducted by the Government of Indonesia in eradicating the actions that considered Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated IUU Fishing in an effort to maintain the Indonesia marine territorial sovereignty. Therefore, this paper focuses on law enforcement measures conducted by the Government of Indonesia in an effort to eradicate IUU fishing that occurs in Indonesia sea territory, which are then analyzed using the legal system theory propounded by Lawrence M. Friedman. The results of this paper show that law enforcement against IUU fishing implemented by the Government of Indonesia has met the three elements of the legal system propunded by Lawrence M. Friedman as an indicator that determines whether the law enforcement is effective or not. The three elements of the legal system is an element of the legal structure that is characterized by the institutions that implemented law enforcement against IUU fishing, then the element of substance and legal culture that is characterized by the creation of legal regulations, which followed with the attitude and commitment of the Government of Indonesia in performing law enforcement in an effort to maintain the marine territorial sovereignty."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Susanto
"Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang memiliki ribuan pulau dan perairan yang luas, terletak pada posisi silang dunia diantara dua benua dan dua samudra sells didukung dengan potensi sumber daya kelautan yang melirnpah. Kondisi ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menjamin kepentingan nasional Indonesia dalam mewujudkan . tujuan nasional. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan lingkungan strategis yang senantiasa berubah secara dinamis, kondisi geografi Indonesia tersebut dapat memberiican peluang terjadinya berbagai bentuk dan jenis aneaman, diantaranya isu keamanan taut khususnya illegal fishing, sehingga diperlukan upaya pertabanan regatta. Sesuai amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tabun 2002 tentang Pertahanan Negara bahwa TNI AL berperan sebagai alat pertahanan negara di laut. Oleh karena itu, TNI AL dituntut untuk mampu melaksanakan pecan dan tugasnya dalam rangka menegakan kedaulatan dan hukum di taut.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberkan gambaran otentik peran TNI AL dalam melaksanakan penegakan hukum terhadap illegal fishing di wilayah perairan Indonesia saat ini serta kontribusinya terhadap Ketahanan Nasional.
Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptit data diperoleh melalui kajian kepustakaan dan wavvancara dari beberapa pakar di Mabes TNI AL, Koa.rmabar dan Lantarnal III untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang peran TNI AL dalam melaksanakan penegalcan hukum di laut.
Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis kualitatif yakni metalcukan analisis yang bersifat deskriptif yang dilandasi oleh teoriteori yang relevan, selanjutnya seluruh infonnasi yang diperoleh dilapangan ditakulcan reduksi data, display data serta pengambilan kesimpulan
Dari basil penelitian dapat diperoleh masnilaan bahwa seam universal Angkatan Laut memiliki tiga peran yaitu peran militer, peran diplomasi dan peran polisionil. Bagi TNI AL, peran ini telah diimplementnisaan dalam berbagai peraturan perundangundangan yang mengatur tentang tugas TNI AL dalam melaksanakan penegakan kedaulatan dan penegakkan hukum di laut. Sesuai Undang-undang Nomor 34 Tabun 2004 tentang TNI menyatakan bahwa TNI AL bertugas melaksanakan tugas di bidang pertahanan dan menegakan hUkum menjaga keamanan di wilayah yurisdiksi nasional. Tugas ini, pelaksanaannya diimplementasikan dalam tugas penegakan kedaulatan dan penegakan hokum di perairan Indonesia, Dalam praktek pelalcsanaan penegakan kedaulatan dan penegakan hokum di taut di lakukan secara serentak, karena walaupun keduanya dapat dibedakan nmun tidak dapat dipisahkan. Keduanya merupakan satu kesatuan, disisi lain merupakan penegakan kedaulatan sedangkan disisi sebaliknya merupakan penegakan bukum. Adanya perbedaan tergantung pads intensitas ancaman yang dihadapi. Sehingga bubungan aotana penegakan kedaulatan dan penegakan hukum adalah merupakan satu kesatuan tindakan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan Pecan TNI AL sebagai penegak hukum di taut khususnya dalam penanganan illegal fishing sampai saat hi ma5lb relevan dan diperlukan, karena kevvenangan Perwira TNI AL sebagai penyidik terhadap tindak pidana di bidang perikanan mempunyai landa:,an hukum yang kuat dan dic antumkan secara jelas dalarn peratwan perundang-undangan baik hukum nasional maupun hukum internasional. Dan telah memberiikan kontribusi terhadap katahanan nasional balk di bidang ekonomi maupun pertahanan keamanan.

The unitary state of Republic Indonesia as the biggest archipelagic state and has thousands of islands and also wide territorial waters, is located on crosswise position of the earth, between two continents and two oceans and also supported by the abundance of sea resource. This condition can be exploited to guarantee in the interest of the state to bring into reality its national goals. However, a long with the development of the strategic area which dynamically change, this geography condition of Indonesian can give a chance to appear various kind of threat, one of which is the issue of sea safety especially about the illegal fishing, therefore the state defense is needed. According to the commission of law No. 3, 2002 about the state defense, this is said that the Indonesia Navy has a role as a device of the state defense in the sea. Therefore, the Indonesian Navy is demanded to be able to do its role and duties in order to uphold the sovereignty and law in the sea.
The aim of this research is to give an authentic view of the Navy role in taking over the enforcement of law against the illegal fishing in the Indonesian territorial waters and also giving its contribution towards the National defense.
This kind of research method uses the qualitative approach with the descriptive method. The data is obtained through literature studies and interviewing to some experts at the Indonesian Navy Headquarters, Koarmabar and Lantamal HI in order to get a view about its role in taking over the enforcement of law in the sea.
The analysis technique which is used in this research is known as the qualitative analysis technique that is taking over the descriptive analysis which is based on relevant theories and furthermore taking over the data reduction of all field information and giving the data display and making conclusion
Based on the result of its research can be obtained an input that is universally the Navy has three roles, those are military role, diplomacy and police action. For the Navy itself, those roles have been implemented in various regulations of legislation that organize the duties of the Navy in taking over the enforcement of sovereignty and law in the sea. According to Law No. 34, 2004 about the Indonesian Army, declares that the Indonesian Navy has the duty to take over the defense duty and to uphold the law/keep the safety of the National Jurisdiction territory. And the realization of this duty is implemented in the duty of upholding the sovereignty and law towards the Indonesian territorial waters. Practically, the realization is done all at. Once, because both of them cannot be separated even though they are differentiable. Both of them are united, they can be as the sovereignty enforcement or law. The distinction appeared depends on the intensity of the threat. Therefore, the relationships between them are united and undetectable in action. The Navy role as the upholder of law in the sea especially in handling the illegal fishing case, up to now is still relevant and needed, because the authority of the Navy officers as the investigators towards criminal act in fishery affairs has a strong law base and is attached clearly in the regulation of legislation, either in the national law or international law. And it has given its contribution towards the national defense either in economy sector or safety defense."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R Agung Gunawan
"ABSTRAK Penegakan hukum di laut memegang peranan dan fungsi yang sangat penting sebagai bagian dalam mewujudkan kewibawaan dan kedaulatan Negara di laut. Tindak Pidana illegal fishing sampai saat ini belum masuk dalam golongan kejahatan transnasional sebaimana tertuang dalam UNTOC. Namun, pelaku dari tindak pidana illegal fishing tidak menutup kemungkinan dilakukan oleh korporasi yang berada di luar Indonesia, dan selama ini belum pernah bisa dijerat dengan hukum Indonesia. Adanya perbedaan pandangan dari setiap penegak hukum untuk memidanakan korporasi menjadi isu penting, karena penegak hukum hanya berpegang pada KUHAP dimana pemidanaannya ditujukan kepada pelaku perorangan/pengurus dari korporasi tersebut.

Law enforcement at the sea plays a very important role and function as part in realizing the authority and Sovereignty of the State at sea. Illegal act of illegal fishing has not been included in transnational crime as stated in UNTOC. But the perpetrators of illegal fishing crime is not possible to be done by corporations outside Indonesia, and so far has never been snared with Indonesian law. The existence of different views of every law enforcer to criminalize the corporation becomes an important issue, because law enforcement only holds KUHAP where its punishment is addressed to individual perpetrators/administrators of the corporation.

Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bimo Kesuma Adi
"Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kekayaan alam yang melimpah. Lebih dari 10-20 jenis tumbuhan dan satwa yang ada di dunia berada di wilayah Indonesia. Namun sekarang ini keberadaan sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistem di Indonesia sedang terancam. Hal ini disebabkan beberapa factor yang salah satu diantaranya adalah banyaknya jumlah perdagangan satwa liar dilindungi di Indonesia. Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya mengatur bahwa perdagangan satwa liar dilindungi sebagai suatu tindak pidana. Indonesia yang meratifikasi CITES pada tahun 1978 juga harus mengikuti ketentuan CITES dalam mengatur dan mengupayakan perlindungan hukum terhadap perdagangan satwa liar dilindungi.
Skripsi ini mengambil studi kasus perdagangan ilegal Trenggiling sebagai satwa yang dilindungi. Sejak bulan Oktober 2016, Trenggiling telah dimasukkan dalam daftar Appendiks I CITES sehingga perdagangan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri adalah dilarang kecuali untuk tujuan non-komersil maupun keadaan luar biasa. Namun hingga saat ini perdagangan Trenggiling masih dapat ditemukan. Hal ini menunjukkan penegakan hukum dalam peraturan nasional masih belum dapat dilakukan secara optimal. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena masih banyak aparat penegak hukum yang belum menyadari dan mengerti secara penuh ancaman terhadap ekosistem ketika perdagangan satwa liar marak terjadi. Sehingga diperlukan perbaikan pada faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penegakan hukum terhadap tindak pidana perdagangan ilegal satwa liar ini.

Indonesia is a country which has high biodiversity.10 20 of plant and animal species in this world are exist in Indonesia. But nowadays the existence of natural resources and ecosystems in Indonesia are being threatened. Endangerment of their lives caused by several factor, one of which is the number of illegal wildlife trade in Indonesia which grows rapidly. Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems rules that trading protected species is a crime. Indonesia as a country who has ratified CITES in 1978 should follow the convention to sought the regulation which create the law to protect wildlife species.
This thesis will take case study of Pangolin Manis javanica illegal trade. Since October 2016, Pangolin has been put to the list of Appendix I CITES which means the trade of this species is prohibited except for non commercial purpose or extraordinary reasons. This shows that law enforcement against illegal wildlife trade as stipulated in Indonesia Law cannot be executed optimally. This can happen because many of the law enforcers do not fully understand the threats of wildlife illegal trade to the ecosystem destruction. So it is necessary to improve all factors that affect law enforcement against criminal acts such wildlife trade.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haposan, Filipus
"Penangkapan ikan ilegal (Illegal fishing) merupakan praktik yang telah menjadi masalah bersama negara-negara di dunia. Salah satu zona maritim yang paling banyak terjadi Illegal fishing adalah zona ekonomi eksklusif (ZEE) yang terdapat yurisdiksi eksklusif suatu negara untuk kegiatan eksploitasi, eksplorasi, serta konservasi dan pengelolaan sumber daya hayati lautnya, termasuk juga sumber daya perikanannya. Banyaknya praktik Illegal fishing di ZEE tidak terlepas dari lemahnya penegakan hukum terhadap praktik tersebut, sehingga dibutuhkan pengaturan yang tegas mengenai penegakan hukum terhadap praktik tersebut dalam hukum internasional dan juga hukum nasional.
Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengkaji bagaimana pengaturan hukum internasional serta pengaturan hukum nasional negara-negara mengenai penegakan hukum terhadap praktik Illegal fishing di ZEE. Dengan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif dalam bentuk deskriptif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan yang komprehensif mengenai dampak dan kerugian yang ditimbulkan oleh Illegal fishing, serta penegakan hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh setiap negara, dalam rangka memberantas praktik tersebut di ZEE negara bersangkutan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat batasan-batasan tertentu terhadap penegakan hukum yang dapat dilakukan negara berdasarkan hukum internasional.

Illegal fishing has become a common issue for all countries in the world. One of the maritime zones which many illegal fishing occur is exclusive economic zone (EEZ), where there are some exclusive jurisdiction for the purpose of exploiting, exploring, conserving, and managing the living resources, including fisheries. The number of illegal fishing practices in EEZ can not be saparated from the weakness of the law enforcement. Therefore, it needs a strict regulation regarding the law enforcement towards such practices, both in the international law and the national legislation.
The purposes of this research are to examine how the international and national law of states arranging the law enforcement towards illegal fishing practices in EEZ. Using juridical-normative method and descriptive form, this research is addresed for serving a comprehensive description concerning the impacts and damage caused by illegal fishing, and actions may be taken by states, as a law enforcement, for the purpose of eradicating such practices in EEZ. The result of this research shows that there are certain limitations on the implementation of the law enforcement can be conducted by states based on the international law.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihite, Rionaldo Fernandez
"Tesis ini membahas tentang kedudukan Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha KPPU dalam struktur ketatanegaraan, mekanisme penegakan hukum persaingan usaha dan kekuatan hukum Putusan KPPU, serta analisis mengenai apakah seharusnya mekanisme penegakan hukum persaingan menggunakan sistem peradilan administratif mengingat KPPU merupakan lembaga dengan kewenangan menjatuhkan sanksi administratif. Tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif doktrinal dengan melakukan analisis permasalahan melalui pendekatan asas-asas hukum serta mengacu pada norma-norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, dimana sumber data dititikberatkan pada data sekunder yang diperoleh dari berbagai bacaan seperti peraturan perundang-undangan, buku-buku, dan internet yang dinilai relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, KPPU merupakan lembaga negara penunjang auxiliary state rsquo;s organ bersifat independen yang dibentuk untuk membantu kinerja lembaga negara utama dibidang penegakkan hukum persaingan usaha. Kedua, Kekuatan putusan KPPU sangat tergantung dari reaksi terlapor, akan mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap bila : 1 Pelaku Usaha tidak mengajukan keberatan, 2 alasan keberatan terhadap putusan KPPU ditolak oleh pengadilan negeri dan pelaku usaha tidak mengajukan kasasi kepada MA, dan 3 alasan-alasan Kasasi yang diajukan ditolak oleh MA. Ketiga, sistem peradilan administrasi di Indonesia diselenggarakan oleh PTUN, dan PTUN telah mengatur secara tegas bahwa yang menjadi wewenangnya adalah persengketaan yang timbul dalam bidang Tata Usaha Negara, sedangkan KPPU bukanlah pejabat Tata Usaha Negara dan Putusan KPPU bukan keputusan Tata Usaha Negara, sehingga KPPU bukanlah termasuk dalam lingkup kewenangan dari peradilan administrasi negara.

This thesis discusses the position of Business Competition Supervisory Commission KPPU in the constitutional structure, mechanism of law enforcement business competition and legal force of KPPU 39 s Decision, and an analysis of whether the competition law enforcement mechanisms should use administrative court system considering KPPU is an institution with the authority to impose administrative sanctions. This thesis uses normative doctrinal research method by conducting problem analysis through law principles approach and referring to legal norms existed in laws, where the data sources are focused on secondary data obtained from various literatures such as legislation, books, and internet sources which are considered as relevant. The results show that First, KPPU is an independent auxiliary state 39 s organ formed to assist the performance of main state organs in field of business competition law enforcement. Secondly, the KPPU rsquo s decision force depends very much on the reaction of convict, will have legal force decision if 1 the business actor does not object 2 the reason for objection to KPPU 39 s decision is rejected by district court and business actor does not appeal to Supreme Court 3 proposed cassation reasons was rejected by Supreme Court. Thirdly, the administrative court system in Indonesia is administered by the State Administrative Court, and the Administrative Court has stipulates that its authority is a dispute arising in field of State Administration, while KPPU is not a State Administrative Officer and KPPU 39 s Decision is not a State Administrative Decision, so that KPPU is not within the scope of authority of state administrative court."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indriati Kusumawardhani

Permasalahan illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU Fishing) adalah masalah yang menjadi perhatian negara - negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia, karena jumlah kasusnya yang semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun serta dampak yang ditimbulkan tidak saja pada ketersediaan sumber daya ikan, namun juga berdampak pada masalah sosial dan ekonomi. Selain itu, IUU Fishing juga mengancam kelestarian sumber daya laut serta merupakan suatu tindak kejahatan yang di dalamnya terdapat tindak pidana lainnya yang bersifat lintas negara, dari bentuk penipuan dokumen hingga perdagangan manusia sehingga dapat disebut sebagai bagian dari tindak pidana transnasional terorganisasi. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, Presiden Joko Widodo membentuk Satgas 115 dengan Perpres No. 115/2015 sebagai satuan tugas dengan mandat untuk melakukan penegakan hukum terhadap kasus - kasus IUU Fishing, yang terjadi di wilayah perairan dan Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Indonesia (ZEEI). Satgas 115 menjadi “one roof enforcement system” bagi penanganan dan pencegahan IUU Fishing termasuk penegakan hukum di laut di mana di dalamnya terdapat lembaga/instansi yang berwenang melakukan penegakan hukum dan pengawasan laut berdasarkan peraturan perundang - undangan pembentukannya. Kinerja Satgas 115 menunjukkan hasil signifikan dengan menurunnya jumlah pelanggaran IUU Fishing di ZEEI dan meningkatnya jumlah tangkapan yang ditunjukkan dengan jumlah kasus yang ditangani dan pendapatan nelayan. Keberhasilan tugas Satgas 115 dapat menjadi pertimbangan untuk meneruskan sistem pengawasan laut, termasuk di dalamnya penanganan dan pencegahan IUU Fishing, dengan penguatan kelembagaan melalui peraturan perundang - undangan. Penguatan kelembagaan tersebut perlu untuk memperhatikan sifat koordinatif, kewenangan, kedudukan, dan pemanfaatan potensi terintegrasi antarlembaga/instansi terkait sebagai suatu “single agency” yang melanjutkan kinerja Satgas 115.



Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated fishing (IUU Fishing) has become a concern for countries worldwide. Indonesia is one of those countries because the number of IUU Fishing cases increases from year to year. The impact caused not only on the availability of fish stock but also affected social and economic problems. Besides, IUU Fishing also threatens the preservation of marine resources, sustainable fisheries, and is indicated as a cross country crime in which other offenses included. Those offenses are from frauds in the form of document to human trafficking so that it can be called a part of transnational organized crime. According to those facts, President Joko Widodo established Task Force 115 with Presidential Decree number 115 the year 2015 (Perpres 115/2015) as a task force with a mandate to enforce the law against IUU Fishing cases, which occurred in waters and the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEEI). There are Institutions/agencies authorized to carry out law enforcement and sea surveillance based on the laws and regulations of its formation before the establishment of Task Force 115. Task Force 115 becomes a "one roof enforcement system" for those Institutions/agencies for handling and preventing IUU Fishing, including law enforcement at sea. Task Force Performance 115 showed significant results with a decrease in the number of violations of IUU Fishing in ZEEI and an increase of catches indicated by the number of cases handled and fishermen's income. The success of the Task Force 115 task can be a consideration for continuing the marine surveillance system, including the handling and prevention of IUU Fishing, by strengthening its institutions through legislation. The institutional strengthening needs to pay attention to the coordinative nature, authority, position, and utilization of integrated potential between related institutions/agencies as a "single agency" that continues the performance of Task Force 115.

Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Windy Vidya Pratitya
Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kekayaan alamnya yang tinggi. Tercatat bahwa negara Indonesia memiliki 10-20% dari jenis tumbuhan dan satwa yang ada di dunia. Namun dewasa ini keberadaan sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistem di Indonesia sedang terancam. Terancamnya kehidupan mereka disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor salah satunya adalah maraknya perdagangan satwa liar khususnya untuk satwa liar yang dilindungi di Indonesia. Kegiatan perdagangan satwa yang dilindungi merupakan tindak pidana menurut undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya. Terlebih lagi, Indonesia telah meratifikasi Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) pada tahun 1978 melalui Keputusan Presiden No. 43 tahun 1978, yang pada intinya Konvensi ini memberikan mekanisme internasional untuk mengatur perdagangan satwa liar. CITES mengatur dan mengawasi perdagangan dengan menggunakan ?daftar negatif? seperti perdagangan semua spesies yang diperbolehkan dan tidak diatur kecuali spesies tersebut muncul di appendiks. Skripsi ini mengambil studi kasus perdagangan burung Kakatua Kecil Jambul Kuning (Cacatua sulphurea) sebagai satwa yang dilindungi. Burung ini termasuk satwa yang dilindungi dan juga termasuk dalam Appendiks I CITES. Oleh karena itu baik perdagangan dalam negeri dan untuk tujuan ekspor adalah dilarang kecuali untuk tujuan non-komersil. Namun hingga saat ini perdagangan burung Kakatua Kecil Jambul Kuning masih dapat ditemukan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penegakan hukum terhadap perdagangan satwa liar sebagaimana diatur dalam UU No.5 Tahun 1990 belum dapat dilakukan secara optimal. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena masih banyak para penegak hukum yang belum memahami secara penuh ancaman terhadap keanekaragaman hayati ketika banyak terjadi perdagangan illegal satwa liar yang dilindungi. Sehingga diperlukan perbaikan di semua faktor yang mempengaruhi penegakan hukum terhadap tindak pidana perdagangan tersebut.
Indonesia is a high biodiversity country. Indonesia has 10-20% of plant and animal species that exist in the world. But today the existence of natural resources and ecosystems in Indonesia are being threatened. Endangerment of their lives caused by several factors, one of which is the illegal wildlife trade, especially for the wildlife in Indonesia. Trading protected species is a crimes according to the law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems. Moreover, Indonesia has ratified the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1978 through Presidential Decree No. 43 in 1978. CITES provides an international mechanism for governing wildlife trading by using the "negative list" such as trade of all species are allowed and are not regulated unless these species appear in the appendix. This thesis will take case study of illegal trade Small Yellow-crested Cockatoo Bird (Cacatua sulphurea) as one of the protected animals. Cacatua sulphurea is protected animals according to the law No. 7 of 1999 on Preservation of Plants and Animals and also included in Appendix I of CITES. Therefore both domestic and for export purposes is prohibited except for non-commercial purposes. But until now the trade Small Yellow-crested cockatoo birds can still be found. This shows that law enforcement against illegal wildlife trade as stipulated in Law No. 5 of 1990 can not be performed optimally. This can happen because the law enforcers are still many who do not fully understand the threats to biodiversity as prevalent crime of trafficking in protected wildlife. So that the necessary improvement in all factors that affect law enforcement against criminal acts such trade.
;Indonesia is a high biodiversity country. Indonesia has 10-20% of plant and animal species that exist in the world. But today the existence of natural resources and ecosystems in Indonesia are being threatened. Endangerment of their lives caused by several factors, one of which is the illegal wildlife trade, especially for the wildlife in Indonesia. Trading protected species is a crimes according to the law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems. Moreover, Indonesia has ratified the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1978 through Presidential Decree No. 43 in 1978. CITES provides an international mechanism for governing wildlife trading by using the "negative list" such as trade of all species are allowed and are not regulated unless these species appear in the appendix. This thesis will take case study of illegal trade Small Yellow-crested Cockatoo Bird (Cacatua sulphurea) as one of the protected animals. Cacatua sulphurea is protected animals according to the law No. 7 of 1999 on Preservation of Plants and Animals and also included in Appendix I of CITES. Therefore both domestic and for export purposes is prohibited except for non-commercial purposes. But until now the trade Small Yellow-crested cockatoo birds can still be found. This shows that law enforcement against illegal wildlife trade as stipulated in Law No. 5 of 1990 can not be performed optimally. This can happen because the law enforcers are still many who do not fully understand the threats to biodiversity as prevalent crime of trafficking in protected wildlife. So that the necessary improvement in all factors that affect law enforcement against criminal acts such trade.
;Indonesia is a high biodiversity country. Indonesia has 10-20% of plant and animal species that exist in the world. But today the existence of natural resources and ecosystems in Indonesia are being threatened. Endangerment of their lives caused by several factors, one of which is the illegal wildlife trade, especially for the wildlife in Indonesia. Trading protected species is a crimes according to the law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems. Moreover, Indonesia has ratified the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1978 through Presidential Decree No. 43 in 1978. CITES provides an international mechanism for governing wildlife trading by using the "negative list" such as trade of all species are allowed and are not regulated unless these species appear in the appendix. This thesis will take case study of illegal trade Small Yellow-crested Cockatoo Bird (Cacatua sulphurea) as one of the protected animals. Cacatua sulphurea is protected animals according to the law No. 7 of 1999 on Preservation of Plants and Animals and also included in Appendix I of CITES. Therefore both domestic and for export purposes is prohibited except for non-commercial purposes. But until now the trade Small Yellow-crested cockatoo birds can still be found. This shows that law enforcement against illegal wildlife trade as stipulated in Law No. 5 of 1990 can not be performed optimally. This can happen because the law enforcers are still many who do not fully understand the threats to biodiversity as prevalent crime of trafficking in protected wildlife. So that the necessary improvement in all factors that affect law enforcement against criminal acts such trade.
, Indonesia is a high biodiversity country. Indonesia has 10-20% of plant and animal species that exist in the world. But today the existence of natural resources and ecosystems in Indonesia are being threatened. Endangerment of their lives caused by several factors, one of which is the illegal wildlife trade, especially for the wildlife in Indonesia. Trading protected species is a crimes according to the law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems. Moreover, Indonesia has ratified the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1978 through Presidential Decree No. 43 in 1978. CITES provides an international mechanism for governing wildlife trading by using the "negative list" such as trade of all species are allowed and are not regulated unless these species appear in the appendix. This thesis will take case study of illegal trade Small Yellow-crested Cockatoo Bird (Cacatua sulphurea) as one of the protected animals. Cacatua sulphurea is protected animals according to the law No. 7 of 1999 on Preservation of Plants and Animals and also included in Appendix I of CITES. Therefore both domestic and for export purposes is prohibited except for non-commercial purposes. But until now the trade Small Yellow-crested cockatoo birds can still be found. This shows that law enforcement against illegal wildlife trade as stipulated in Law No. 5 of 1990 can not be performed optimally. This can happen because the law enforcers are still many who do not fully understand the threats to biodiversity as prevalent crime of trafficking in protected wildlife. So that the necessary improvement in all factors that affect law enforcement against criminal acts such trade.
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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