ABSTRAKUpaya pengendalian TB-MDR telah dilakukan, namun hasil akhir pengobatan pasien TB-MDR masih menjadi permasalahan terkini yang perlu diselesaikan. Di Indonesia, terjadi penurunan success rate pasien TB RO sejak lima tahun terakhir, yaitu kisaran 68-46, sedangkan hasil pengobatan buruk lebih fluktuatif dan masih tinggi yaitu kisaran 28-47. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kohort retrospektif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan faktor yang berhubungan dengan hasil pengobatan pasien TB-MDR di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah data pasien TB-MDR yang berusia 15 tahun yangmemulai pengobatan antara Januari 2013-Desember 2015 dan teregister dalam e-TB Manager. Didapatkan 1.683 kasus dengan 49,7 pasien sembuh, 2,7 lengkap, 14,1 meninggal, 4,4 gagal, dan 29,1 loss to follow up.Analisis bivariat dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor yang berhubungandenganhasil pengobatan buruk kematian, gagal, atau loss to follow up. Faktor risiko terhadap hasil pengobatan buruk adalah usia 45 tahun RR 1.32; 95 CI 1.20-1.46, resistansi OAT lini 1 RR 34.1; 95 CI 8.24-141.0, resistansi OAT lini 1 lini 2 dan/atau florokuinolon RR 32; 95 CI 7.9-134.0, kavitas paru RR 1.21; 95 CI 1.00-1.44, interval inisiasi pengobatan >30 hari RR 1.11; 95 CI 1.00-1.24, dan tempat tinggal di desa RR 1.15; 95 CI 1.02-1.30. Sedangkan faktor protektor terhadap hasil pengobatan buruk adalah paduan standar RR 0.73; 95 CI 0.59-0.91.
ABSTRACTEfforts to control MDR TB have been done, but treatment outcome of MDR TB patients remains a current issue that needs to be resolved. In Indonesia, success rate was declining in the last five years, from 68 46 , whereas poor treatment results are more fluctuate and still high at 28 47. This cohort retrospective study was conducted to analyze the characteristics and factors influencing treatment outcomes of MDR TB patients in Indonesia. This research was use data from e TB Manager and included all MDR TB patients who were ge 15 years and starting treatment between January 2013 and December 2015. Overall, 1.683 MDR TB patientswere included,49.7 recovered, 2.7 complete treatment, 14.1 died, 4.4 treatment failure, and 29.1 loss to follow up. A bivariate analysis was used to identify risk factors for poor treatment outcomes, which were defined as death, treatment failure, or loss to follow up. The risk factors for poor treatment outcome were age above 45 years RR 1.32, 95 CI 1.20 1.46, patients who are resistant first lines TB drugs RR 34.1 95 CI 8.24 141.0 and first lines TB drugs 2nd lines injection and or fluoroquinolone RR 32 95 CI 7.9 134.0, lung cavity RR 1.21, 95 CI 1.00 1.44, treatment initiation interval 30 days RR 1.11 95 CI 1.00 1.24, and residence in rural areas RR 1.15 95 CI 1.02 1.30. While the protector factor for poor treatment outcome is standardized regimen RR 0.73 95 CI 0.59 0.91."