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Ditemukan 1594 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Davis, Loyal Edward,.
Philadelphia : Saunders, 1964
617.09 DAV c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Balaji, SM
Tamil, India: Elsevier , 2014
617.967 BAL t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sanghai, Sumit
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers medical publisher, 2009
617.605 SAN c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2012
617.967 TEX
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karram, Mickey
"Part of the Female Pelvic Surgery Video Atlas Series, this title enhances your surgical skills in the key area of gynecology, urogynecology, and urology."
Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders, 2013
618.144 KAR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This third edition text provides a completely revised and updated new version of this unique, modern, practical text that covers the strategic evaluation, specific approaches, and detailed management techniques utilized by expert colorectal surgeons caring for patients with complex problems–whether they result from underlying colorectal disease or from complications arising from previous surgical therapy. The format follows that of both a “how to” manual as well as an algorithm-based guide to allow the reader to understand the thought process behind the proposed treatment strategy. By making use of evidence-based recommendations, each chapter includes not only background information and diagnostic/therapeutic guidelines, but also provides a narrative by the author on his/her operative technical details and perioperative “tips and tricks” that they utilize in the management of these complex surgical challenges. Distinctive to this book, is the reliance on experts in the field including past presidents of the ASCRS, as well as multiple other national and internationally recognized surgeons, to lend their personal insight into situations where data may be more sparse, but individual and collective experience is paramount to making sound decisions and thereby optimizing patient outcomes. The text includes chapters on the assessment of risk and methods utilized to minimize perioperative complications. In addition, it incorporates sections covering the medical and surgical therapies for abdominal, pelvic and anorectal disease. Moreover, the technical challenges of managing complications resulting from the original or subsequent operations is addressed. The underlying focus throughout the text is on providing pragmatic and understandable solutions that can be readily implemented by surgeons of varying experience to successfully treat complex colorectal problems. However, it also goes beyond the technical aspects of colorectal surgery and includes special sections highlighting the essence of a surgeon; covering aspects involving the medical-legal, ethical, and economic challenges confronting surgeons. Throughout the text, each author provides an ongoing narrative of his/her individual surgical techniques along with illustrations and diagrams to “personally” take the reader through the crucial steps of the procedure, and key points of patient care inherent to that topic. Additionally, where appropriate, links to online videos give the reader an up-front look into technical aspects of colorectal surgery."
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Sabiston Textbook of Surgery is your ultimate foundation for confident surgical decision making. Covering the very latest science and data affecting your treatment planning, this esteemed medical reference helps you make the most informed choices so you can ensure the best outcome for every patient."-- Publisher's website."
Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, Saunders, 2012
617 SAB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanna Permana Subanegara
"Komite Medik RSU Karawang yang baru berusia satu tahun merupakan wadah non struktural yang melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai pengendali kualitas pelayanan di rumah sakit, masih menghadapi berbagai kendala-kendala yang belum dapat terpecahkan. Dengan struktur ketenagaan, pembiayaan dan piranti lunak dari pimpinan rumah sakit, proses Komite Medik dapat berjalan, namun masih belum optimal, sehingga dampaknya tehadap outcome tindakan bedah, terutama terhadap kualitas pelayanan medik, belum terlihat. Masalah ini diakibatkan karena struktur yang mendukung, belum mecakup dukungan stuktural berupa sarana gedung dan peralatan yang memadai. Disamping itu prosedur tetap tentang kegiatan-kegiatan komite medik masih belum lengkap, sehinga proses belum dapat berjalan dengan optimal. Kaitannya dengan outcome tindakan bedah, oleh karena berdasarkan pengalaman di negara Amerika (Phartenon, 1979) 75% tuntutanmasyarakat pengguna yang diajukan terhadap dokter, 82% diantaranya ditujukan kepada para dokter yang melakukan tindakan pebedahan.
Oleh Karena itu, diperlukan peningkatan peran manajemen rumah sakit, untuk turut serta mengupayakan pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi oleh komite medik dan untuk mencegah terjadinya tuntutan masyarakat pengguna, dengan cara perbaikan struktur dan proses komite medik yang pada akhirnya akan berdampak terhadap meningkatnya kualitas pelayanan (outcome).
Penelitian ini bersifat studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif, karena meneliti struktur proses dan outcome yang sudah memiliki pola. Fokus penelitian adalah komite medik, yang berkaitan dengan struktur, proses kegiatan komite medik, serta outcome dari tindakan bedah di RSU Karawang.
Dari hasil penelitian, didapat suatu gambaran bahwa pengorganisasian komite medik berdampak positif terhadap struktur, proses dan outcome tindakan bedah, sehingga hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk membentuk suatu konsep pengembangan komite medik di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Unit Swadana Daerah kelas C Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Karawang. Konsep ini dibentuk berdasarkan tinjuan pustaka dan penelitian langsung di lapangan.
Hasil ini merupakan masukan kepada manajemen rumah sakit, sebagai dasar dalam pengembangan Komite Medik.
Daftar Pustka: 32 (1972 - 1995).

Medical Staff Organization (MSO) is a functional unit in Karawang Hospital , with an objective to monitor and control the quality of medical services. This unit has been working since 1995, and still have a lot of problems in organizing is activities. This study is intended to compare structure, process and outcome of medical staff activities in Karawang Hospital, during the period of pre-MSO (1994) and post MSO (1995).
The trigger initiating MSO activities in Karawang Hospital is the Director's decree (SK) on development of MSO in Karawang Hospital. The new MSO organization has a full support from the Hospital Director with facilities, financial supports and methods.
MSO activities in 1995 was increasing very fast, with 36 MSO meeting where almost 80% of all the doctors present. Mortality evaluation meetings, morbidity meetings, nosocomial task force, statistical evaluation of quality of medical services, completeness of medical records suddenly become a medical concern in the hospital. MSO budget for meetings and training of medical staff jumped from 1,6 millions rupiah in 1994 to 7,7 millions in 1995 and projected to 50 millions in 1996. Result of the study shown that MSO was very active in 1995 compared to the situation in 1994.
Outcome of MSO in this study is measured by the quality of medical surgeries conducted in 1994 and 1995. The study shown the decrease in waiting time for surgery, and length of stay after surgery in 1995 compared to 1994. Since mortality rate is influenced by the condition of patients when they came to the hospital, the outcome data should look further to the increasing rate of infection after surgeries. The study suggest to look at nosocomial infection, quality of nursing of patients facilities, and improvement of quality of medical services through the development of standard operating procedures for every surgeries in Karawang Hospital.
The study concluded that MSO had a positive impact on the quality of medical surgeries in Karawang Hospital. One of the important finding of this study is that MSO will not working properly without a full support and attention of Hospital Director.
Reeferences : 32 (1972 - 1995)."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duta Liana
The Factors Which Related with the Operation Delay in Central Surgery Installation at Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo General HospitalIn accordance with scientific and technology development, surgery procedures are becoming a specialist and expensive health services.
There is a trend to minimize the cost of hospital services by establishing centralized of the high cost units such as operation rooms.
Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo general hospital is the type A and National top referral hospital which has full array of experts/specialists physician while the tariff of the services is relatively lower than the surrounding private hospitals. The consequence of this condition, bring this hospital has to serve patients beyond its capacity which in turn overburdened the services. This condition is also affected at the central operation room, i.e. Central Surgery Installation.
In performing elective surgery procedures, the patients should wait for operation schedule. The preliminary observation showed that there were many delayed and canceled of the scheduled surgery, so that affected the hospital management and hospital performance.
The aim of this study is to know the percentage of delayed operations and affecting factors. This is a cross sectional study using observation and interviews. The sample is all of the surgery procedures during 6 working days at 12 operation rooms, in June 1996. The data was collected as primary data by filling the form and questionnaires.
The results:
1. Delayed surgery level is 90.9 %.
The delayed percentage of the arrival of consultant surgeon who needed for teaching the resident is 80.8 %, with average time of delay is 40 minutes. Then the delayed percentage of the arrival of anesthesiology resident is 60.6 % with the average time of delay is 36.6 seconds and the delayed percentage of arrival of patients is 62.1 % with the average time of delay is 4.2 minutes.
There is statistically significant correlation between the operation delay and the arrival delay of paramedic, anesthesiology resident, surgeon assistant, surgeon, surgeon consultant, the patients and the duration of operation. But there is no statistically significant correlation between the operation delay and the kind of surgery. This study is also revealed the percentage of operation cancel lance by 12.4 % with the common cause is patient subjectivity (28.6 %).
2. There are many operations which its duration are not appropriate with allocated time.
3. Lack of appropriate and adequate amount of linen, both for patients and provider, i.e. surgery linen such as jas pack, lap pack.
Suggestions :
1. Good communication between provider inside and outside of Central Surgery Installation.
2. It is necessary to make the evaluation about the report of tasks and responsibility of Central Surgery Installation and the procedure of surgery especially about the arrival of the provider.
3. It is necessary to make good cooperation with the medical committee of the hospital to take an appropriate action in case of any mistakes.
4. It is necessary to give special attention from the hospital administrator according to linen budgeting in the Central Surgery Installation.
5. It is necessary to make the longitudinal study about surgery duration according to the kind of surgery, to increase the optimal utilization of the operation room.
Bibliography : 24 ( 1969 - 1995 )
xi + 124 pages + 36 tables + 2 figures + 5 annexes;Sejalan dengan perkembangan IPTEK maka kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan melalui tindakan bedah menjadi bentuk pelayanan kesehatan yang spesialistik, mahal.

Terdapatnya kecenderungan penghematan biaya pada pelayanan Rumah Sakit dengan melakukan sentralisasi unit-unit yang memerlukan biaya tinggi atau unit sebagai cost center diantaranya adalah kamar operasi.
Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo sebagai rumah sakit tipe A dan rujukan tingkat nasional mempunyai tenaga ahli yang lengkap dan tarif yang relatif murah menyebabkan pasien yang datang melebihi kapasitas dan perlu mengalami antrian yang panjang. Hal ini dapat terjadi di kamar operasi yang dikenal dengan nama Instalasi Bedah Pusat. Dalam melaksanakan tindakan operasi efektif pasien harus menunggu antrian jadwal operasi, sedangkan dari pengamatan awal didapatkan masih adanya keterlambatan atau pembatalan operasi sehingga pasien harus menunggu jadwal antrian berikutnya. Tentunya hal ini selain mempunyai dampak kepada pasien juga terhadap manajemen rumah sakit serta penampilan kerja rumah sakit.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase keterlambatan/pernbatalan operasi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross sectional dengan cara pengamatan kegiatan operasi dan wawancara. Adapun sampel pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh operasi pada 12 kamar operasi selama 6 hari kerja pada bulan Juni 1996 di Instalasi Bedah Pusat RSCM. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan data primer berupa formulir pengisian dan kuesioner. Analisa statistik yang dilakukan adalah analisis univariat dan bivariat.
Hasil penelitian yang didapat :
1. Tingkat keterlambatan operasi 90,9%.
Diantara anggota provider, kedatangan konsulen operator yang dibutuhkan untuk bimbingan/ujian pada 26 operasi mempunyai persentase keterlambatan sebesar 80,8% dengan rata-rata waktu keterlambatan yaitu 40 menit, diikuti keterlambatan PPDS Anestesi 60,6% dengan rata-rata waktu keterlambatan 37,6 menit. Sedangkan pasien mempunyai persentase keterlambatan 62,1% dengan rata-rata waktu keterlambatan 4,2 menit. Adanya hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara keterlambatan operasi dengan keterlambatan kedatangan paramedik, PPDS anestesi, asisten operator, operator, konsulen operator, pasien, lama operasi. Sedangkan tidak ada hubungan bermakna secara statistik antara keterlambatan operasi dengan jenis operasi. Pada penelitian ini juga terdapat pembatalan operasi sebesar 12,4%. Dimana alasan terbanyak disebabkan faktor subyektivitas pasien (28,6%).
2. Adanya lama operasi yang belum sesuai dengan alokasi waktu (rencana) yang di tentukan.
3. Kurang tersedianya linen khususnya linen pasien, linen operasional (Jas pack, Lap pack) didalam kegiatan operasi.
Saran-saran yang diusulkan antara lain :
1. Adanya hubungan komunikasi (HAM) yang baik antara anggota provider baik yang berada di bawah atau yang tidak berada di bawah Instalasi Bedah Pusat, begitu pula dengan ruang rawat yang terkait.
2. Perlunya evaluasi terhadap laporan tertulis tentang tugas/tanggung jawab IBP dan tata tertib laksana tindakan bedah khususnya mengenai kedatangan provider yang telah disetujui oleh semua pihak yang terkait.
3. Perlunya bekerja sama dengan Direktur RSCM (komite medik) untuk mengambil langkah-langkah yang dianggap perlu apabila peraturan tertulis tersebut tidak dipatuhi.
4. Perlunya perhatian administrator Rumah Sakit terhadap anggaran pengadaan linen di Instalasi Bedah Pusat.
5. Perlu diadakan suatu survai lama operasi (alokasi waktu) berdasarkan jenis operasi untuk memudahkan dalam pembuatan waktu rencana operasi, sehingga dapat meningkatkan utilisasi kamar operasi.
Daftar Pustaka : 24 (1969-1995)
xi + 124 halaman + 36 tabel + 2 gambar + 5 lampiran
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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