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Hilda Panca Setiawati
"Perlindungan terhadap TKI memiliki banyak permasalahan. Salah satu negara tujuan TKI terbesar adalah Arab Saudi. Salah satu faktor munculnya permasalahan tersebut adalah belum adanya MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) antara Pemerintah Indonesia dengan Arab Saudi dalam penempatan TKI.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh BNP2TKI dalam menangani TKI bermasalah di Arab Saudi. Pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif dengan metode wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perlindungan BNP2TKI terhadap TKI memiliki banyak permasalahan yang menyebabkan lemahnya kewenangan yang dimiliki BNP2TKI. Hal ini menyebabkan lemahnya peran BNP2TKI dalam melakukan penanganan TKI bermasalah di Arab Saudi.

Protection of migrant workers have a lot of problems. One of the countries which has largest migrant workers is Saudi Arabia. One of the factors is the emergence of the problem is the absence of MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) between The Indonesia Government and The Saudi Arabia in migrant workers placement.
The purpose of this research's to describe the role and efforts of BNP2TKI in handling trouble migrant workers in Saudi Arabia. This is a qualitative approach research with depth interview and document study.
The results of this research is BNP2TKI protection of migrant workers has many problems that weaken the authorities of BNP2TKI. Those thing has weakened role of BNP2TKI in handling trouble migrant workers in Saudi Arabia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendra Kurniawan
This study discusses the policy of the fine payment by the Indonesian Government for the death penalty case against Indonesia's labor in Saudi Arabia. The results of this research is an analysis of description about public perception among the public case against Indonesia Diyat payment system that charged to Government of Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods is descriptive analysis in mapping and analyzing the opinion of stakeholder, the public perception of the actor role-forming, as well as the applicable policies in some countries other related cases Diyat. This research is expected to provide policy recommendations to Government in making decisions that have a strong justification and can be accounted for on the basis of scientific research."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4: 2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Rostika
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Lutfia
"Arab Saudi merupakan negara yang memiliki permasalahan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) non formal dengan jumlah terbesar, sehingga peneliti tertarik dan bertujuan meneliti bagaimana hambatan komunikasi antar budaya yang dialami TKI dengan majikannya di Arab Saudi, dan bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan TKI untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut berdasarkan pengalaman TKI yang pernah bekerja di Arab Saudi. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan tipe penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan model komunikasi antar budaya yang dikemukakan Gudykunst dan Kim dan beberapa masalah potensial yang dapat menghambat komunikasi antar budaya oleh Samovar,dkk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat masalah-masalah (problem potensial) yang muncul dalam interaksi TKI dengan majikan di Arab Saudi yang dapat membawa implikasi adanya hambatan komunikasi dalam interaksi antara TKI dengan majikan. Secara umum terdapat beberapa kesamaan hambatan komunikasi yang dialami oleh TKI dengan majikannya yaitu ketika kali pertama bekerja sebagai TKI di Arab Saudi adalah berupa perbedaan bahasa dan nada suara, perbedaan interpretasi nonverbal, ketidakpastian dan kecemasan yang tinggi. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti melihat bagaimana latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman lamanya bekerja menyebabkan munculnya beberapa perbedaan pengalaman hambatan komunikasi yang dialami TKI dengan majikannya di Arab Saudi yaitu etnosentrisme dan stereotipe negatif terhadap majikan, jarak kekuasaan yang tinggi, dan perbedaan gaya komunikasi.

Saudi Arabia is a country that having the biggest problem of non formal Indonesian overseas workers. Therefore, researcher is interested and intended to investigate regarding intercultural communication barrier that happens between the worker and employer in Saudi Arabia and how the workers deal with it based on their experiences. This research is using constructivism paradigm with qualitative approach and descriptive research type. Intercultural commuication's model proposed by Gudykunst and Kim, potensial problems that can be detaining intercultural communication by Samovar,et.al are used by researcher in this research. The result of this research shows that there are potential problems that arise in the workers-employers interaction. These problems can bring implication about communication barriers when they interact. Generally, there are similarities regarding communication barriers that happens between workers-employers, especially when the workers work in Saudi for the first time, those are language and voice tone differences, nonverbal interpretation differences, uncertainty and high anxiety. In this research,the researcher saw how education background and work experience make the communication barriers experiences between workers getting different. The differentiations are ethnocentrism and negative stereotype to the employer, high power distance, and communications style difference.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1985
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur`aeni Marta
"This research entitled Cirebon district`s Woman Workers worked in Saudi Arabia in 1983-1990. The beginning of 1983 is determined as the starting point of this researches. Since sending all Woman Workers officially to Saudi Arabia was coordinated by the government, it is effected the number of Woman Workers to Saudi Arabia, meanwhile in 1990 was become deadline of the research. When the Gulf War happened, it brought impact to the Indonesian`s Woman Workers included Cirebon district. The purpose of this research is to analyze the Cirebon`s Woman Workers have become workers in Saudi Arabia since 1983 - 1990 and explore the problems that emerged and faced by Cirebon`s. Therefore, which could be a useful input and information to the government for giving better attention to the fate of Woman Workers that working in informal sector overseas, in the Saudi Arabia in particular. The Cirebon district is known as one of producer of rice in northern shore of Java. Ironically, majority of its people are poor, it caused this district as one of the biggest source of Woman Workers is being sent to Saudi Arabia. Mostly, they are farmers. But, their activities in farming is less than before after implementation of intensification and modernization of farming sector. Especially, for the Woman Workers. The development program is purposed to increase the production quantity less attention to the social and economy impact. The plantation of International Rice (IR) and the use of huller machine have marginally the Woman Workers are dominant than men, particularly at the harvest time. But when the program implemented the Woman Workers were replaced by men. The limited skill and low education of the woman workers in Cirebon make them difficult to enroll the government and private institution, while the opportunity to work in the farming fields are also limited. The decision of Minister of Manpower No.149/Men/83 which make easier procedure of sending workers to Saudi Arabia without payment charges, is providing opportunities for their subsistence by going to Saudi Arabia particularly they are also Moslem in majority. So, the motive of Woman Workers from Cirebon to Saudi Arabia is not only for economic purpose but also for eschatological reasons. In fact, delivering Cirebon`s Woman Workers to work in Saudi Arabia is definitely different with hoped. According to them who work in Saudi Arabia, generally in informal sector. In this sector, their right and obligation is depended on the employer. Therefore, their position is vulnerable which at the end have created many problems in personally, family, and the neighborhood.

Penelitian ini berjudul Tenaga Kerja Wanita Kabupaten Cirebon Yang Bekerja di Arab Saudi Tahun 1983-1990. Tahun 1983 dijadikan batasan awal karena sejak saat itu pengiriman TKW ke Arab Saudi dilakukan secara resmi oleh pemerintah, yang berdampak pada peningkatan jumlah pengiriman TKW ke Arab Saudi, sedangkan tahun 1990 dijadikan batasan akhir penelitian ini karena pada tahun tersebut terjadi perang teluk yang kemudian berdampak pada TKW asal Indonesia, termasuk TKW asal Kabupaten Cirebon. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa tenaga kerja wanita Kabupaten Cirebon bekerja menjadi TKW di Arab Saudi pada tahun 1983-1990 dan memaparkan permasalahan-permasalahan yang muncul dan dialami oleh TKW asal Kabupaten Cirebon pada tahun tersebut, sehingga dapat dijadikan rujukan oleh pemerintah agar dapat lebih memperhatikan nasib TKW yang bekerja pada sektor Informal di luar negeri khususnya di Arab Saudi. Kabupaten Cirebon merupakan salah satu penghasil beras di kawasan Pantura. Ironisnya, mayoritas penduduknya adalah miskin, akibatnya daerah ini merupakan salah satu kantong pengirim tenaga kerja ke Arab Saudi terbanyak dari kawasan Jawa Barat. Mata pencaharian penduduk daerah ini mayoritas adalah buruh tani. Namun aktivitas mereka pada bidang pertanian semakin tergeser setelah diterapkannya program intensifikasi dan modernisasi pertanian, terutama tenaga kerja wanita. Program peningkatan jumlah produksi secara kuantitatif ini kurang memperhatikan dampak sosial ekonomi. Penanaman bibit baru yang merupakan hasil penelitian berteknologi tinggi, dan penggunaan mesin huller ternyata telah memarjinalkan tenaga kerja wanita dari sektor pertanian. Sebelum penerapan program tersebut, aktivitas tenaga kerja wanita lebih dominan dibandingkan tenaga kerja laki-laki, terutama pada waktu panen dan pengolahan padi pasca panen. Namun setelah penerapan program tersebut, terutama penggunaan mesin huller, tenaga kerja wanita tidak lagi digunakan, dan digantikan oleh tenaga kerja laki-laki dan mesin. Terbatasnya keterampilan yang dimiliki dan rendahnya tingkat pendidikan tenaga kerja wanita Kabupaten Cirebon, menyebabkan mereka sulit memasuki lembaga-lembaga formal pemerintah maupun swasta. Sementara kesempatan tenaga kerja wanita bekerja di bidang pertanian terbatas. Adanya Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No 149/Men/83 yang isinya mengatur tata cara pelaksanaan pengerahan tenaga kerja ke Arab Saudi, termasuk pembantu rumah tangga, dengan persyaratan yang mudah dan tanpa dipungut bayaran membuka kesempatan bagi wanita pedesaan Kabupaten Cirebon untuk dapat menyelamatkan dan memenuhi kebutuhan subsistensinya (push-factor). Selain itu pergi ke Arab Saudi merupakan dambaan masyarakat Kabupaten Cirebon yang mayoritas beragama Islam (pull-factor). Oleh karenanya motivasi wanita Kabupaten Cirebon menjadi TKW ke Arab Saudi tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor ekonomi, tetapi juga oleh faktor keyakinan agama yang bersifat eskatologis. Pengiriman tenaga kerja wanita ke Arab Saudi, kenyataannya jauh berbeda dengan apa yang diharapkan. Tenaga kerja wanita Kabupaten Cirebon yang bekerja di Arab Saudi, umumnya pada sektor informal. Pada sektor ini hak dan kewajiban TKW sepenuhnya tergantung majikan. Akibatnya posisi TKW lemah dalam hubungannya dengan majikan. Kondisi ini kemudian memunculkan berbagai masalah yang tidak hanya berdampak pada individu TKW, juga keluarga dan masyarakat sekitarnya."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novinda Putri Utami
"[Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya tindak kekerasan yang dialami para TKI sektor domestik ketika bekerja di luar negeri bahkan keadaan ini membawa dampak yang lebih buruk yaitu terdapat TKI yang terjerat hukuman mati terutama di Arab Saudi. Selama ini kebijakan penempatan TKI di luar negeri masih belum dapat melindungi para TKI dari jeratan hukuman mati tersebut, seperti UU No. 39 Tahun 2004 tentang PPTKILN. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari jawaban bagaimana implementasi kebijakan perlindungan Pemerintah Indonesia terhadap TKI melalui UU No. 39 Tahun 2004, dan penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui peran Pemerintah Indonesia dalam memberikan perlindungan pada proses pembebasan TKI Darsem binti Dawud Tawar dan Satinah binti Jumadi Ahmad dari vonis hukuman mati yang diterima di Arab Saudi. Sebagai pijakan teoritis, penelitian ini menggunakan teori konflik dan konsensus dari Maswadi Rauf, teori feminisme sosial dari Irish M. Young dan Allison Jagger, dan perspektif perbudakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data-data dan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan berbagai pihak dari berbagai kementerian terkait seperti Kementerian Luar Negeri, Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, Kementerian Koordinator Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan, BNP2TKI, dan beberapa orang TKI dari Kabupaten Indramayu yang pernah berangkat ke Arab Saudi.
Temuan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa dalam menyelamatkan Darsem dan Satinah, pemerintah telah melakukan koordinasi dengan berbagai pihak di dalam dan luar negeri serta negosiasi dengan keluarga ahli waris korban terkait besaran uang diyat. Namun, pemerintah tidak dapat hanya mengandalkan membayar uang diyat dalam menyelamatkan TKI terjerat hukuman mati, tetapi harus memperbaiki kebijakan penempatan yang lebih baik karena implementasi aturan hukum yang ada belum mampu mengurangi tindakan kekerasan dan vonis hukuman mati yang dialami TKI di Arab Saudi.
Implikasi teoritis menunjukkan bahwa konsep perbudakan masih kuat dalam mindset orang Arab terutama dalam memandang dan memperlakukan para TKI sektor domestik, sehingga tindak kekerasan banyak dialami para TKI dan dalam rangka melindungi dirinya banyak para TKI melawan yang berujung pada pembunuhan dengan ancaman hukuman mati. Untuk menyelamatkan para TKI terjerat hukuman mati seperti Darsem dan Satinah, pemerintah berhasil melakukan konsensus dengan berbagai pihak seperti Pemerintahan Arab Saudi dan keluarga ahli waris korban sesuai dengan pendapat Maswadi Rauf;This research is motivated by the many acts of violence experienced by the domestic sector workers while working abroad and the fact is this situation brings worse impact that there are workers who ensnared the death penalty, especially in Saudi Arabia. During this placement policy workers abroad are still not able to protect the workers from the bondage of the death penalty, such as UU No. 39 of 2004 on PPTKILN. Therefore, this research was conducted to seek answers to how the implementation of the policy of the Indonesian government protection of migrant workers through UU No. 39 of 2004, and this research also wanted to know the role of the Indonesian government in providing protection to the acquisition process TKI Darsem binti Dawud Tawar and Satinah binti Ahmad Jumadi of received death sentences in Saudi Arabia.
As a theoretical foundation, this research uses the theory of conflict and consensus of Maswadi Rauf, social feminist theory of Irish M. Young and Allison Jagger, and the perspective of slavery. This research used qualitative methods, while the technique of data collection is done by collecting data and conduct in-depth interviews with various stakeholders from various relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security, BNP2TKI, and some migrant workers from Indramayu district that went to Saudi Arabia.
Field findings show that in rescuing Darsem and Satinah, the government has been coordinating with various parties inside and outside the country as well as negotiations with the heirs of the victim family related diyat amount of money. However, the government can not simply rely pay diyat in rescuing trapped TKI death penalty, but must fix better placement policy for the implementation of existing legal rules have not been able to reduce the violence and the death penalty suffered by migrant workers in Saudi Arabia.
The theoretical implication shows that the concept of slavery is still strong in the Arab mindset, especially in view and treat the domestic sector workers, so that acts of violence were experienced by the workers and in order to protect itself against a lot of the workers that led to the murder death penalty. To save the workers trapped death penalty as Darsem and Satinah, the government managed to make consensus with various stakeholders such as the Government of Saudi Arabia and the victim's family heirs in accordance with the opinion of Maswadi Rauf.
, This research is motivated by the many acts of violence experienced by the domestic sector workers while working abroad and the fact is this situation brings worse impact that there are workers who ensnared the death penalty, especially in Saudi Arabia. During this placement policy workers abroad are still not able to protect the workers from the bondage of the death penalty, such as UU No. 39 of 2004 on PPTKILN. Therefore, this research was conducted to seek answers to how the implementation of the policy of the Indonesian government protection of migrant workers through UU No. 39 of 2004, and this research also wanted to know the role of the Indonesian government in providing protection to the acquisition process TKI Darsem binti Dawud Tawar and Satinah binti Ahmad Jumadi of received death sentences in Saudi Arabia.
As a theoretical foundation, this research uses the theory of conflict and consensus of Maswadi Rauf, social feminist theory of Irish M. Young and Allison Jagger, and the perspective of slavery. This research used qualitative methods, while the technique of data collection is done by collecting data and conduct in-depth interviews with various stakeholders from various relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security, BNP2TKI, and some migrant workers from Indramayu district that went to Saudi Arabia.
Field findings show that in rescuing Darsem and Satinah, the government has been coordinating with various parties inside and outside the country as well as negotiations with the heirs of the victim family related diyat amount of money. However, the government can not simply rely pay diyat in rescuing trapped TKI death penalty, but must fix better placement policy for the implementation of existing legal rules have not been able to reduce the violence and the death penalty suffered by migrant workers in Saudi Arabia.
The theoretical implication shows that the concept of slavery is still strong in the Arab mindset, especially in view and treat the domestic sector workers, so that acts of violence were experienced by the workers and in order to protect itself against a lot of the workers that led to the murder death penalty. To save the workers trapped death penalty as Darsem and Satinah, the government managed to make consensus with various stakeholders such as the Government of Saudi Arabia and the victim's family heirs in accordance with the opinion of Maswadi Rauf.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai koordinasi kelembagaan di antara Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan, BNP2TKI, dan Kementerian Luar Negeri dalam tata kelola TKI Arab Saudi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumen.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa koordinasi kelembagaan di antara Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan, BNP2TKI dan Kementerian Luar Negeri dalam penempatan dan perlindungan TKI Arab Saudi kurang optimal. Selain itu, hambatan dalam koordinasi kelembagaan ini berasal dari regulasi yang menimbulkan penafsiran yang berbeda, persepsi dan pemahaman lembaga yang berbeda, sikap ego sektoral dan kurang optimalnya komunikasi.

This research discusses about the inter-organizational coordination among ministry of manpower, national board for placement and protection of indonesian overseas workerand ministry of foreign affair in indonesian migrant worker governance for Saudi Arabia. This is a qualitative research. The data were collected by means of indepth interview, observation, and document studies.
The results show that Interorganizational coordination among these three institutions are not optimal yet. However, there are still 4 major obstacles to deal with, such as, lack of regulation, difference in perception and understanding, sectoral ego, and the lack of communication."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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