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Ditemukan 19116 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Washington, D.C: Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse,, 1984
372.350 SCI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yovita Elvie Setianingsih
Tesis ini mengkaji tentang pemahaman materi pendidikan kependudukan terhadap informan yang merupakan anak anak kelas 1 3 SD melihat bahwa anak sebagai aset perlu memahami tentang konsep konsep dasar kependudukan ditambah lagi adanya bonus demografi yaitu keadaan dimana akan banyak jumlah penduduk usia produktif yang akan mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2030 serta akan adanya ledakan lansia pada tahun 2050 tentu anak anak yang masih belia saat ini akan menjadi penentu kebijakan pada tahun 2030 dan 2050 nanti Maka tentu sangat tepat memberikan pemahaman tentang konsep konsep dasar kependudukan sedari dini Hasil dari proses pemahaman sekarang tidak dapat dilihat dalam 2 3 tahun mendatang tetapi akan terlihat hasilnya 5 10 tahun kemudian Karena kependudukan itu sendiri sangat luas maka peneliti menfokuskan kepada 5 issue kependudukan yang masih hangat dalam topik global yaitu jumlah dan pertumbuhan penduduk penduduk usia lanjut penduduk usia produktif urbanisasi dan remaja Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan ELM dimana melihat apakah informan siswa kelas 1 3 SD menggunakan jalur sentral atau central route ataukah memilih jalur peripheral dalam memproses informasi tentang materi pendidikan kependudukan Metode utama yang digunakan adalah wawancara terhadap informan masing masing 5 orang kelas 1 5 orang kelas 2 dan 5 orang kelas tiga Sebelum itu juga peneliti mensosialisasikan materi pendidikan kependudukan dengan memaparkan 5 materi tersebut kepada informan Metode lain yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang bersumber dari beberapa buku tentang pendidikan dan kependudukan dokumen dokumen serta artikel artikel terkait Hasil penelitian dalam hasil karya ini antara lain bahwa informan kelas 1 2 dan 3 dapat memproses informasi tentang pendidikan kependudukan berdasarkan 5 issue yaitu jumlah dan pertumbuhan penduduk penduduk usia produktif penduduk lanjut usia urbanisasi dan remaja melalui jalur sentral yang memikirkan argumen secara aktif dan menanggapinya dengan hati hati maka hal tersebut mengarahkannya pada perubahan yang permanen yang mungkin mempengaruhi bagaimana ia berperilaku sebenarnya dengan dimensi yang mempengaruhi yaitu motivasi dari informan dan tingkat kognitif dari informan Dengan demikian dapat terjadi perubahan sikap pengetahuan dan perilaku dari informan untuk lebih peduli terhadap permasalahan kependudukan yang kelak akan mereka hadapi ketika mereka dewasa Kata Kunci Kependudukan ELM Jalur Sentral Motivasi Kognitif

This thesis examines the comprehension of population education materials to the informant who is a children 39 s grade 1 3 elementary school seeing that child as an asset needs to understand about the basic concepts of population plus the existence of a demographic dividend Demographic dividend is a condition that population of productive age will reach its peak in 2030 and will be an explosion of elderly in 2050 certainly children who are still young at this time will be the decision makers in 2030 and 2050 So certainly giving understanding of the basic concepts of population to young people is a appropriate action The results of the current understanding can not be seen in the next 2 3 years but the results will be appeared in 5 10 years later Because the population itself is very spacious the researcher focused on the 5 issues of population which still discussed in the global topic number and population growth aging population the productive population urbanization and adolescents In this study researchers used a qualitative approach using ELM approach whereby see if the informant grade 1 3 elementary school students using a central line or central route or choose the path of peripherals in processing information on population education materials The main methods used are interviews with each informant 5 grade 1 5 grade 2 and 5 grade three In advance the researchers also disseminate educational materials on population by exposing the material to the informant Another method used is secondary data sourced from several books on education and population as well as documents related articles The results of this research among others that the informant classes 1 2 and 3 can process information about education population by 5 issue namely the number and population growth the population of productive age the elderly population urbanization and adolescents in central thought of the arguments that are actively and respond with caution then it is pointed at the permanent changes which may affect how he behaves in fact with dimensions that affect the motivation of the informant and the informant 39 s cognitive level Thus it can be a change in attitudes knowledge and behavior of informants to be more concerned about the population problems that they will face in the future when they are adults Keywords Population ELM Central Line Motivation Cognitive"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riupassa, Pieter Agusthinus
"Diversitas Molekuler Berbasis ISSR pada Durio tanjungpurensis Asal Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Durian Tengkurak (Durio tanjungpurensis Navia) adalah salah satu spesies langka yang eksotis dari suku Malvaceae. Durian tersebut bernilai penting untuk konservasi plasma nutfah dan berpotensi sebagai sumber daya genetik untuk pengembangan durian di masa depan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui keragaman molekuler D. tanjungpurensis asal Kalimantan Barat berdasarkan penanda Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR). Sepuluh primer ISSR digunakan untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik 60 individu Durian Tengkurak dari enam populasi endemik alami D. tanjungpurensis. Parameter keragaman genetik didasarkan pada data biner pita DNA produk PCR, yaitu ada atau tidak- ada pita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata jumlah alel, rata-rata jumlah efektif alel, diversitas genetik, indeks informasi Shannon, jumlah polimorfik lokus, dan persentase polimorfik lokus berturut-turut adalah 1,53, 1,29, 0,17, 0,26, 77,83 dan 52,59. Analisis ragam molekuler (AMOVA) menunjukkan keragaman genetik yang lebih tinggi di dalam populasi (65%) dibandingkan antar populasi (35%). Analisis gugus menggunakan metode UPGMA berdasarkan matriks keserupaan Dice dan analisis koordinat utama digunakan untuk mengelompokkan semua individu populasi ke dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu grup 1 (Hutan Rejunak dan Tembaga), grup 2 (Bukit Merindang), dan grup 3 (Hutan Rawak, Bukit Sagu 1 dan Bukit Sagu 2). Analisis lebih lanjut terhadap struktur populasi menggunakan program STRUCTURE menyatukan grup 2 dan 3 ke dalam satu grup utama. Penelitian ini berhasil mengungkap keragaman genetik Durian Tengkurak menggunakan penanda ISSR.

The Durian Tengkurak (Durio tanjungpurensis Navia) is one of the endangered exotic species in the Malvaceae family. The species is important for conservation of the germplasm and is considered a potential genetic resource for the development of durian in the future. The objective of this research project was to assess the molecular diversity of D. tanjungpurensis in West Kalimantan, based on Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. We applied ten ISSR primers to reveal the genetic diversity of 60 individuals from six natural endemic D. tanjungpurensis populations. The genetic diversity parameters were estimated based on binary data about PCR products (present or absent bands). The results showed that the mean number of observed alleles, the mean number of effective alleles, the genetic diversity, the Shannon?s Information Index score, the number of polymorphic loci, and the percentage of polymorphic loci were 1.53, 1.29, 0.17, 0.26, 77.83, and 52.59, respectively. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the genetic diversity within a population (65%) was higher than that found between the populations (35%). UPGMA clustering and principal coordinate analysis, based on the DICE similarity matrix, were used to classify the populations into three groups: 1) Hutan Rejunak and Tembaga, 2) Bukit Merindang, and 3) Hutan Rawak, Bukit Sagu 1, and Bukit Sagu 2. Further analysis of the population structure using STRUCTURE software was used to classify all the individuals into two major categories, thus uniting Groups 2 and 3 as one major category. In conclusion, a high level of genetic diversity in the Durian Tengkurak was revealed utilizing the ISSR markers employed in the study."
Institut Pertanian Bogor. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wina Sanjaya
Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media, 2011
375 WIN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wendie Razif Soetikno
Yogyakarta: Smart Writing, 2013
375.001 WEN d (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This title is the second Chandos learning and teaching series book that explores themes surrounding enhancing learning and teaching through student feedback. It expands on topics covered in the previous publication, and focuses on social science disciplines. The editors previously addressed this gap in their first book Student Feedback: The cornerstone to an effective quality assurance system in higher education. In recent years, student feedback has appeared in the forefront of higher education quality, in particular the issues of effectiveness and the use of student feedback to affect improvement in higher education teaching and learning, and also other areas of student tertiary experience. This is an edited book with contributions by experts in higher education quality and particularly student feedback in social science disciplines from a range of countries, such as Australia, Europe, Canada, the USA, the UK and India. This book is concerned with the practices of evaluation and higher education quality in social science disciplines, with particular focus on student feedback."
Oxford, UK: Chandos, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002
610.76 PRE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The rice transformation technology is not only provides. valuable methods for the introduction of useful genes into rice plant to improve important agronomic traits, but also helps in studying gene function and regulation based on rice genome sequence information. Knockout of genes by insertional mutagenesis is a straight forward method to identify gene functions .. "
JURAGBIO 5 (2) 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Detection of multiplex microsatellite markers in a single capillary array on a laser detection system is traditionally conducted with specific primers that are labelled with fluorescent dyes. An alternative method using fluorescent labels that are appended to 5' end of universal primer M13 instead of to the specific primers offers flexibility in designning multiplex panels and a less expensive method ... "
JURAGBIO 5 (2) 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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