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New Dehli : National Book Trust, 2007
923.2 BHA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tagore, Rabindranath, 1861-1941
Yogyakarta: Narasi, 2017
891.44 TAG b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gandhi, M.K., 1869-1948
New York: Schocken Books, 1961
322.4 GAN n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wery, Robbert Frans
"Inhoud :
1. Omlijning van het vraagstuk
2. Orientatie
3. De staatkundige ontwikkeling van 1919 tot 1939
4. India gedurende den tweeden wereldoorlog
5. India na den tweeden wereldoorlog
6. De structuur van de Britsche Commonwealth
7. India voor 1919
8. De verhouding tot England
9. India en de dominions
10. De behandeling der Indies in de Commonwealth
12. Indiain het buitenland
13. De verdragsbevoegdheid van India
14. India in den volkenbond en de internationale arbeids organisatie
15. De status van India en enkele opmerkingen over het volkenrecht"
Leiden: [publisher not identified], 1948
K 341.954 WER o
Buku Klasik  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bose, Subhas Chandra
Calcutta : Permanent Black, 2007
320.954 BOS c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 1889-1964
New York: John Day Company, 1950
954 NEH i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Husain Haikal
"One of the important -features. of the 'Arab-Indonesians in Indonesian history is that the Arab-Indonesians have been assimilated themselves into indigineous people. Except in very limited cases, it is very difficult for anybody to distinguish Arab-Indonesians from other Indonesians. Most people consider this assimilation is due to Islam, the religion of all Arab-Indonesians and the religion of the majority of Indonesians. Few people consider it due to the high rate of intermarriage between the Arab-Indonesians and Indonesians. Arab-Indonesians call Indonesians as akhwal, "brothers of their mothers". In addition to the two matters above, this writing tries to present another important matter, that is the role of the Arab-Indonesians in the struggle of Indonesian independence movement. Almost all Arab-Indonesians were on the Indonesians' side against the Dutch, and to some extent Arab-Indonesians had received similar treatment as their brothers, the Indonesians, during the: Dutch colonial period. The first modern movement of Arab-Indonesians, Jamiat Khair, has paid intensive attention to Indonesians. The Jamiat Khair not only receives Indonesians as its members,- such as KHA Dahlan, the founder of Muhammadiyah, but also accepts Indonesian children to its schools. Many Indonesian children have been and are still educated there. These all can also be seen in the other Arab-Indonesian organizations, such as al Irsyad and al Chairaat. Some Arab--Indonesian leaders have great influence on the Indonesians and their leaders. Syekh Ahmad Surkati, the spiritual leader of al Irsyad, for example, was at once KHA Dahlan's closest friend and teacher. He was also the teacher of many Indonesian leaders such as Moh. Roem, M. Rasjidi, Junus Anies, Kasman, Natsir, A. Hassan, and Hail Zamzam, one of the founders of Fersis, Persatuan Islam. Unfortunately, there has been constant dispute among the Arab-Indonesians themselves until the foundation of PAI, Partai Arab Indonesia, by Baswedan and other muwalads, the mixed and local born Arab-Indonesians. Despite their claim that Indonesia is their only mother country, and they struggled, on the side of'Indonesians against the Dutch, all non-Islamic organizations, except Gerindo, refused to accept Arab---Indonesians as their members. After the declaration of Indonesian Independence, however, all Arab-Indonesians became Indonesian citizens. They hand in hand with the Indonesians defended the Republic of Indonesia against the Dutch and their colaborators. Many Arab--Indonesians not only became members but also leaders of both Islamic and non-Islamic organizations, such as PSI, Partai Socialis Indonesia, and PNI, Partai Nasional Indonesia."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erikson, Erik H.
"In this study of Mahatma Gandhi, psychoanalyst Erik H. Erikson explores how Gandhi succeeded in mobilizing the Indian people both spiritually and politically as he became the revolutionary innovator of militant non-violence and India became the motherland of large-scale civil disobedience."
New York: Norton & Company , 1969
323.2 ERI g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aruan, Friement F. S.
"Freedom of movement right adalah salah satu hak asasi manusia. Jadi pada dasarnya setiap orang mempunyai hak untuk melakukan perjalanan dalam batas wilayah negaranya sendiri maupun keluar wilayah negaranya. Namun hak kebebasan bergerak tersebut tidak dapat mengurangi hak setiap negara yang berdaulat untuk mengijinkan atau menolak masuk orang asing yang hendak berkunjung kenegaranya. Oleh karena itulah setiap negara mempunyai politik keimigrasian sendiri yang diterapkan untuk menyaring arus lalu lintas orang yang hendak masuk atau keluar wilayah negara diperbatasan. Urusan pemerintahan yang ada diwilayah perbatasan negara adalah urusan nasional tetapi memiliki dimensi internasional. Pada wilayah perbatasan terdapat tugas dan fungsi berbagai departemen tehnis/fungsional pemerintah pusat, dilain pihak urusan perbatasan tidak dapat dilepaskan dari daerah provinsi, kabupaten/kota dimana wilayah perbatasan itu berada. Karena itu penanganan perbatasan harus secara Iintas sektoral dan lintas departemental dengan melibatkan semua instansi yang teriibat secara fungsional maupun struktural dari tingkat pusat, daerah provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota. Apakah urusan pemerintahan yang ada diwilayah perbatasan, bagaimana urusan tersebut dikelola, apa yang menjadi kewenangan masing-masing instansi dan bagaimana kewenangan tersebut dikoordinasikan, menjadi satu bahan yang panting untuk dikaji."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Yudha Nofri
"Tesis ini membahas tentang hasil pelaksanaan kebijakan UU No 21 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus Papua yang selama k'1lrun waktu 9 tahun ini ternyata masih beium memberikan perbalkan di daiarn segi kehidupan masyarakat Papua Sehingga muncul keinginan dari masyarakat untuk menolak kebijakan tersebut dan rnenuntut untuk memisahkan diri dari Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Beragarn penyebab munculnya keinginan untuk memisahkan dlrJ tersebut salah satunya karena masyarakat menganggap bahwa pemerintah pusat belum rnampu mensejahterakan rakyat Papua. PeneHtian ini adalah pene1itian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif analitis dan penelitian intelijen stratejik.
Hasil penclitian ini menyarankan kepada pemerintah pusat bahwa ketldakpuasan masyarakat Papua terhadap pelaksanaan Otonomi Khusus dapat mengancam integrasi nasionaL Keinginan untuk memisahkan diri tersebut muncul dari sebagi akibat dari adanya konflik-kontlik internal, hubungan antara pusat dan daerah yang tidak harmonis, kontllk pemekaran serta adanya dukungan dari dunia internasionaL Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan perubahan pendekatan dari pemerintah terhadap masyarakat Papua yaitu dengan pendekatan budaya dan komunikasi konstruktif yang intensip antara pemerintah dan masyarakat Papua serta peningkatan pelaksanaan lTlJ Otonomi Khusus.

This thesis discusses the results of the impfementation on Special Autonomy Regulation on Papua No. 2112001, that during 9 years of its implementation, was still not provide improvements in terms of the life of the people of Papua Then came the desire from the community to reject this policy and demanded to secede from The Republic of Indonesia. Various causes triggered the desire for secession ofPapuans, for example Papuans assume that the central government has not been able to prosper the people of Papua. The study was a qualitative research design with descriptive analysis and strategic intelligence research.
The results of this study suggest to the central government that the public dissatisfaction towards the implementation of the Papua Special Autonomy Act could threaten national integration. The desire to separate themselves arise as a result of the existence of internal conflicts, the relationship between central and local governments weren't harmonious, region expansion conflict in Papua and the support from the international community. Therefore it is necessary to change the approach of government toward the people of Papua. Using cultural approach, intensive constructive communication between the government and people of Papua and enhancing the implementation of the Special Autonomy Act
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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