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Hendi Sumantri
"Sumber karbon utama di ekosistem hutan terdiri dari biomassa pohon, tumbuhan bawah, serasah, kayu mati dan bahan organik tanah. Karbon hutan yang tersimpan pada biomassa atas permukaan (BAP) atau aboveground biomass (AGB) merupakan sumber terbesar dan paling terkena dampak deforestasi dan degradasi hutan. Deforestasi dan degradasi hutan merupakan penyumbang kedua terbesar emisi karbon ke atmosfer yang menyebabkan perubahan iklim, setelah penggunaan bahan bakar fosil oleh industri dan transportasi.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji potensi BAP dan stok karbon berdasarkan tipe-tipe hutan, serta mengetahui pengaruh deforestasi terhadap perubahan stok karbon hutan di DAS Batang Natal dan sekitarnya, Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara. Pengukuran potensi biomassa pohon dilakukan dalam plot ukur berbentuk persegi panjang dengan ukuran 20 m x 125 m sebanyak 15 plot ukur. Sebanyak 8 plot dibuat di hutan lahan kering, 4 plot di hutan mangrove dan 3 plot di hutan rawa.
Total area hutan yang disurvei mencapai 3,75 ha. Pohon dengan Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ≥ 2 cm diidentifikasi dan diukur diameternya. Penghitungan biomassa dilakukan melalui persamaan alometrik yang sudah ada untuk hutan tropis. Analisis deforestasi dilakukan melalui pendekatan penginderaan jauh. Data citra satelit Landsat tahun 2000 dan 2011 dianalisis dengan metode klasifikasi terbimbing (supervised classification) Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC). Analisis perubahan biomassa dan stok karbon dilakukan melalui Stock-Difference Method. Perubahan biomassa dan stok karbon total untuk setiap tipe hutan dilakukan melalui perkalian Mg ha-1 dengan luas hutan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata biomassa pohon hutan lahan kering 364,99 ± 39,32 Mg ha-1, hutan rawa memiliki rerata biomassa pohon 643,95 ± 177,71 Mg ha-1, dan rerata biomassa pohon hutan mangrove 387,37 ± 31,10 Mg ha-1. Pada tahun 2000, DAS Batang Natal dan sekitarnya memiliki total luas tutupan hutan mencapai 93.396, dan tahun 2011 menurun dengan luas 67.961 ha. Dengan demikian, selama periode 2000-2011, luas tutupan hutan yang hilang mencapai 25.435 ha dengan rerata deforestasi 6,26% tahun-1 atau setara dengan 2.312 ha tahun-1. Rerata deforestasi hutan lahan kering mencapai 1,78% tahun-1 dengan emisi karbon sekitar 756.710 Mg CO2e tahun-1. Hutan rawa memiliki rerata deforestasi 4,48% tahun-1 dengan emisi 747.115 Mg CO2e tahun-1.

The main source of biomass and carbon in the forest ecosystem are coming from trees, litter, dead wood and soil organic matter. Forest carbon stored in the above ground biomass (AGB) is the largest source; however it is also the most affected by deforestation and forest degradation. Deforestation and forest degradation is the second largest contributor of carbon emissions into the atmosphere which caused the climate change issue, after the use of fossil fuels by industry and transportation.
This research was conducted with the aim to assess the potential of AGB and carbon stocks based on forest tipology, as well as to determine the impact of deforestation on change of forest carbon stock in Batang Natal watershed and the surrounding area, Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra. Biomass of trees measurement performed through 15 rectangular sample plots with 20 m x 125 m in size. A total of 8 plots were established in the dryland forest, 4 plots in the mangrove forest and 3 plots in the swamp forest.
The total sampled area was around 3.75 ha. All trees with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ≥ 2 cm were recorded and measured. In the absence of destructive sampling measurements, biomass calculated using the existing allometric equations for the tropical forest. Analysis of the deforestation was carried out using remote sensing approach. Two-dates image pair for 2000 and 2011 were classified using a supervised maximum likelihood classifier (MLC). Analysis of biomass and carbon stock changes was carried out using stock-difference method. The difference in carbon stocks is multiplied by the area of each forest type to obtain the total carbon emissions.
The results showed that average of tree biomass for dryland forest is 364.99 ± 39.32 Mg ha-1, the swamp forest has an average of around 643.95 ± 177.71 Mg ha-1, and for mangrove forests is 387.37 ± 31.10 Mg ha-1. In 2000, the total forest cover of study area reached to 93396 ha, while in 2011 the forest cover decreased to 67961 ha. Thus, during the period 2000-2011, forest cover with total 25435 ha have been converted with rate of 6.26% year-1 or equivalent to 2312 ha year-1. The deforestation rate in the dryland forest reached 1.78% year-1 with carbon emissions estimated at 756710 Mg CO2e year-1. The swamp forest deforestation rate was approximately at 4.48% year-1, equivalent to 747115 Mg CO2e year-1 of carbon emissions.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Bayu Rizky Prayoga
"Curah hujan merupakan unsur iklim yang sangat bervariasi berdasarkan waktu dan tempat. Kecenderungan perubahan curah hujan dalam jangka waktu tertentu dapat mengindikasikan fenomena peubahan iklim yang sedang terjadi. Melalui perhitungan statistik dan analisis spasial dan temporal, penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa ada suatu kecenderungan berkurangnya curah hujan di Daerah Aliran Way Sekampung selama periode 1980 – 2009. Melalui perhitungan statistik dengan menggunakan Uji Mann-Kendall dan dibantu oleh analisis spasial, telah ditemukan bahwa tren perubahan curah hujan yang terjadi di DA Way Sekampung didominasi oleh tren berkurangnya curah hujan. Uji tren terhadap curah hujan tahunan dan musiman yang dilakukan mengungkapkan bahwa bagian tengah dari DA Way Sekampung yang mencakup wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Pringsewu, Pesawaran, sebagian barat Lampung Selatan, dan sebagian utara Kota Bandar Lampung, adalah daerah dengan tren berkurangnya curah hujan yang sangat signifikan pada periode 1980-2009.

Rainfall is highly variable climatic elements based on time and place. The changing trend of rainfall in a certain period can indicate the climate change phenomena that happening. Through the statistical calculation and analysis of spatio - temporal, this study reveals that there is a decreasing trend in rainfall in the watershed Way Sekampung during the period 1980 – 2009. Through statistical calculations using the Mann - Kendall and assisted by the spatial analysis, it was found that the trend of the rainfall changes in Way Sekampung catchment area dominated by reduced rainfall trends. Trend test for seasonal and annual precipitation were carried out revealed that the central region of the Way Sekampung catchment area which covers area of district administration Pringsewu, Pesawaran, most of western South Lampung, and the most northern city of Bandar Lampung, are areas with very significant decreasing rainfall trend in the period 1980-2009."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Baroroh
"Pertanian, khususnya pertanian padi sangat bergantung pada ketersediaan air. Terjadinya perubahan iklim mempengaruhi pola musim dan ketersediaan air, sehingga mengakibatkan perubahan lingkungan bagi petani padi. Perubahan lingkungan yang terjadi menyebabkan perubahan perilaku, yaitu adaptasi.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh petani padi pada perbedaan wilayah ketinggian. Adaptasi yang dilakukan petani padi adalah untuk menyesuaikan diri terhadap dampak-dampak perubahan iklim pada tanaman padi. Bentuk adaptasi dipengaruhi oleh keadaan lingkungan. Perbedaan keadaan lingkungan dalam penelitian ini adalah pebedaan wilayah ketinggian, dimana mempengaruhi pula perbedaan budaya bertani yang pada akhirnya mempengaruhi perbedaan pola adaptasi.
Bentuk adaptasi yang dilakukan petani berupa teknologi, sumber pendapatan, dan perubahan pola tanam, dimana wilayah ketinggian 25-500m memiliki kapasitas adaptif yang paling tinggi dan wilayah ketinggian diatas 500m memiliki kapasitas adaptif paling rendah.

Agriculture, especially rice farming it's depends on water availability. Climate change affects weather patterns and water availability, resulting in changes in the environment for rice farmers. Environmental changes that occur cause behavioral changes, namely adaptation.
The purpose of this research is to know the difference adaptations made by rice farmers in the difference in height. Adaptations made rice farmers is to adapt to the impacts of climate change on rice. Form of adaptation is influenced by environmental conditions. The difference in environmental conditions in the study area is the average difference between the height, which influence the differences in farming culture, which in turn affects the different patterns of adaptation.
Forms of adaptation by farmers in the form of technology, sources of revenue, and changes in cropping patterns, which the height of 25-500m region has the highest adaptive capacity and areas above 500m altitude the lowest adaptive capacity.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Numberi, Freddy
Jakarta : Fortuna, 2009
577.22 FRE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dash, S.K.
New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2007
551.69 DAS c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The book presents results of CLUVA (CLimate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa), a large European Commission funded research project (2010-2013). The project aimed to develop a better understanding of the risks and impacts of climate change related hazards to African cities, assess their vulnerability to these risks, and identify innovative strategies for planning and governance to increase their resilience. For the first time, a systematic and groundbreaking study of this kind was applied in an inter- and trans-disciplinary approach. CLUVA was unique in that it combined: a top-down perspective of climate change modeling with a bottom-up perspective of vulnerability assessment; quantitative approaches from engineering sciences and qualitative approaches of the social sciences; a novel multi-risk modeling methodology; strategic approaches to urban and green infrastructure planning with neighborhood perspectives of adaptation. The book broadly follows the approach taken in the CLUVA project. First, the combined pressures of urbanisation and climate change on the African continent and the potential impacts these will have on cities are illustrated. Then, the vulnerability of three main elements of the urban system is explored: built structures and infrastructures, urban ecosystems and people. Rich material from five case studies is provided for in-depth discussion of the factors that make these elements vulnerable to climate change, while alternatives for increasing their adaptive capacity are outlined. Another section is dedicated to the role of urban planning and governance for climate change adaptation, which is approached from diverse perspectives. Finally, the different dimensions of the CLUVA project are synthesised to develop an outlook on future coping strategies for urbanisation and climate change in African cities. Leading researchers in the fields of vulnerability and urban planning have been invited to contribute complementary chapters. Thus, the book should be of wide interest to scholars in the field of urban vulnerability and climate change."
Heidelberg: Springer, 2015
551.6 URB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edenhofer, Ottmar, editor
"Analysing and synthesising vast data sets from a multitude of disciplines including climate science, economics, hydrology and agricultural research, this volume seeks new methods of combining climate change mitigation, adaptation, development, and poverty reduction in ways that are effective, efficient and equitable. A guiding principle of the project is that new alliances of state and non-state sector partners are urgently required to establish cooperative responses to the threats posed by climate change. This volume offers a vital policy framework for linking our response to this change with progressive principles of global justice and sustainable development."
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miftah Abdul Ghani
"Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh variabel iklim terhadap hasil dan risiko produksi padi di delapan sentra produksi padi Indonesia dalam kurun waktu 30 tahun (1982-2011). Fungsi produksi stokastik model Just-Pope dengan analisis data panel digunakan untuk mengukur pengaruh variabel iklim terhadap hasil dan risiko produksi padi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu dan curah hujan mempengaruhi hasil padi di daerah sentra. Curah hujan termasuk faktor yang meningkatkan risiko, sedangkan suhu tidak berpengaruh terhadap risiko. Pengaruh perubahan iklim terhadap hasil dan risiko produksi padi di daerah Jawa relatif lebih rendah dibanding luar Jawa.

This study examines the impacts of climate variables on rice yield and production risk from eight main provinces of rice producers in Indonesia, over a period of 30 years (1982-2011). Stochastic production function Just-Pope model with panel data analysis is used to estimate the effect of climate variables on rice yield and production risk. Data analysis shows that temperature and precipitation affect the mean crop yield. Precipitation is risk increasing factor, while temperature is not significant. Effect of climate change on rice yield and production risk is relatively low in Java region than other regions."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Perubahan iklim yang dipicu oleh pemanasan global dapat mengakibatkan adanya ancaman gelombang ekstrim, yang pada gilirannya menimbulkan kerawanan wilayah pesisir terutama untuk wilayah pesisir utara Jawa yang relatif datar dan padat penduduknya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kerentanan wilayah pesisir utara Jawa Barat terhadap ancaman kenaikan muka laut berdasarkan variabel fisik dan sosial-ekonomi. Pengolahan data dan analisis spasial kerentanan dilakukan dengan menerapkan SIG dengan teknik tumpang
susun, yang digabungkan dengan analisis sensitivitas MRAS dan metode regresi linier untuk mengkaji kaitan variabel-variabel penyebab kerentanan wilayah.
Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa distribusi kerentanan desa-desa di daerah penelitian sebagai berikut : 12 % berada pada tingkat kerentanan fisik sangat tinggi, 21 % dengan tingkat kerentanan tinggi, 31 % dengan tingkat kerentanan sedang, 26 % dengan tingkat
kerentanan rendah dan 9,3 % dengan tingkat kerentanan sangat rendah.
Dari 10 variabel kerentanan ternyata variabel gelombang memiliki kontribusi paling tinggi dan variabel kepadatan penduduk memiliki kontribusi paling rendah pada kerentanan wilayah. Sedangkan dari analisis statistik diperoleh model persamaan yang menunjukan
hubungan antara variabel IKF dan IKSE terhadap IKT, yaitu : IKT = 0,237 + 0,990 IKF + 0,996 IKSE.

Climate change triggered by global warming could lead to the threat of extreme waves, which in turn lead to vulnerability of coastal areas, especially to the north coast of Java are relatively flat and densely populated. This study aims to assess the vulnerability of
coastal areas of northern West Java to the threat of sea level rise based on physical variables and socio-economic. Processing of vulnerability data and spatial analysis carried out by applying GIS to overlapping stacking technique, which combined with MRAS sensitivity
analysis and linear regression methods to examines the link variables of the cause of vulnerability.
The analysis shows that the distribution of vulnerability in the study area as follows: 12% of the villages are at very high levels of physical vulnerability, 21% with a high degree of vulnerability, the vulnerability level of 31% with moderate, 26% with low susceptibility and 9.3 % with a degree of vulnerability very low. Of the 10 variables, wave variable has
highest contribution and variable population density has the lowest contribution to the vulnerability of the region.
From the statistical analysis obtained regression equation model that shows the vulnerability of the relationship between variables IKF and IKSE to IKT, the equation is IKT = 0.237 + 0.990 IKF + 0.996 IKSE."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neneng Eva Nurfadillah
Climate change is one of the natural events that influence plant growth, such as annual plant. This study examines the vulnerability of ​​seasonal crops area to climate change in the Dramaga sub district and Cisarua sub district, Bogor district, where the phenomenon of climate change that occurred in the study area are detected by analyzing the trend of changes in temperature and rainfall. The vulnerability of the region is influenced by three dimensions: exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. The third dimension is composed by variables that are determined based on literature study and previous research. Before
Perubahan Iklim merupakan salahsatu peristiwa alam yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman, seperti tanaman semusim. Penelitian ini mengkaji kerentanan wilayah tanaman semusim di Kecamatan Dramaga dan Kecamatan Cisarua yang berada Kabupaten Bogor terhadap perubahan iklim, dimana fenomena perubahan iklim yang terjadi di wilayah penelitian dideteksi dengan menganalisis tren perubahan suhu dan curah hujan. Kerentanan wilayah terhadap perubahan iklim dipengaruhi oleh tiga dimensi kerentanan yaitu keterpaparan, sensitivitas, dan kapasitas adaptif. Ketiga dimensi tersebut disusun oleh variabel-variabel yang ditentukan berdasarkan studi literatur dan penelitian terdahulu. Sebelum dianalisis, maka dilakukan skoring terlebih dahulu terhadap variabel dengan menggunakan metode AHP sehingga dihasilkan bobot pengaruh setiap variabel terhadap nilai kerentanan wilayah. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerentanan wilayah tanaman semusim terhadap perubahan iklim di kecamatan Dramaga dan Cisarua adalah sedang dan rendah, dimana kategori sedang mendominasi. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa pengaruh variabel, dimana variabel (ketersediaan) irigasi adalah penyebab utama perbedaan kerentanan tersebut.

analyzed, the scoring is done prior to variable by using AHP to produce the weight of influence of each variable on the value of the vulnerability of the region. Analysis showed that the degree of vulnerability of seasonal plant area to climate change in the sub-district Dramaga and Cisarua are low and medium, which medium is most dominate. It is caused by several influences of variables, where variables (availability) of irrigation is the main cause of the susceptibility differences.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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