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Ditemukan 1724 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lab, Steven P.
"This timely revision provides an up-to-date collection of the research on crime prevention. The prevailing approaches and strategies are organized into categories of primary prevention (designed to prevent conditions that foster deviance), secondary prevention (directed toward persons or conditions with a high potential for deviance), and tertiary prevention (dealing with those who have already committed offenses). The effects of physical environments, the mass media, displacement and diffusion, electronic monitoring, and home confinement are also explored. In addition to presenting a discussion of the different prevention approaches, the author provides insight into the effectiveness of each approach. Features: a new chapter on developmental crime prevention focuses on the early life experiences that predispose individuals to commit deviant acts and using risk factors in predicting behaviour for secondary prevention; new attention is brought to situational prevention, partnerships for crime prevention, the politics of prevention strategies, and the tangential topic of organizing dysfunctional neighbourhoods; and all chapters now include updated tables that indicate the state of the evidence as well as key terms, learning objectives, web references, and a helpful glossary."
Cincinnati, Ohio: Elesevier, 2014
364.409 73 LAB c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
McCray, Arthur W.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975
338.2 MCC p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chemie, B.G.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1990
615.907 CHE t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gould, Jonathan W.
Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1998
346.730 1 GOU c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kuzmits, Frank E.
Homewood: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1984
658.312 5 KUZ i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tolle, Lauren Woodward
"[Improving the Quality of child custody evaluations raises significant questions of accuracy, reliability, and validity in the way even the best-intentioned evaluations are conducted, and proposes standardized guidelines for correction. Identifying conceptual as well as empirical shortcomings in the evaluation process, the authors analyze the current state of custody evaluation protocols and the welter of laws surrounding the concept of the best interests of the child. An empirically-based framework, the egregious/promotive factors model, is presented as a reliable alternative, supported by rigorous assessment tools and backed by the results of a pilot study of the model among family court judges. Throughout, the book never loses sight of the optimum end result : a reliable foundation for children’s future well-being. , Improving the Quality of child custody evaluations raises significant questions of accuracy, reliability, and validity in the way even the best-intentioned evaluations are conducted, and proposes standardized guidelines for correction. Identifying conceptual as well as empirical shortcomings in the evaluation process, the authors analyze the current state of custody evaluation protocols and the welter of laws surrounding the concept of the best interests of the child. An empirically-based framework, the egregious/promotive factors model, is presented as a reliable alternative, supported by rigorous assessment tools and backed by the results of a pilot study of the model among family court judges. Throughout, the book never loses sight of the optimum end result : a reliable foundation for children’s future well-being. ]"
New York: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Measuring the impact of learning continues to be one of the most challenging aspects of the learning function. ASTDs Value of Evaluation report explores the complex issue of learning evaluation, the techniques being used, barriers to effective implementation, and strategic use of learning metrics..
Companies employ myriad strategies to identify and quantify the results of training, but most are not satisfied with the evaluation efforts. Organizations are not giving up on successful measurement of the learning function, as they continue to explore ways to communicate and document the value of training and development they provide to employees. The data in this report can help many firms become more proficient in these areas."
Alexandria, Virginia: American Management Association, 2009
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Acton, MA: Publishing Science Group, Inc., 1973
615.1 AMA
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aszhari Kurniawan
Permasalahan yang menimpa Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) di luar negeri tentu
tidak terlepas dari permasalahan TKI yang terjadi di dalam negeri, sebagai sumber
TKI itu sendiri. Untuk itu bentuk dan upaya dari stakeholder yang ada di Bandara
Soekarno Hatta sebagai salah satu pintu gerbang pada TKI baik mereka yang
pergi maupun datang kembali dalam memberikan pelayanan, perlindungan
terhadap para TKI tersebut dari praktik-praktik yang merugikan TKI menjadi
sangat penting. Tesis ini menggambarkan praktik-praktik tindak kejahatan yang
terjadi atas Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Bandara Soekarno Hatta, dan bagaimana
perlindungan terhadap TKI yang dilakukan Polresta Bandara Soekarno-Hatta
bersama stakeholder di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta.
Dalam Tesis ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Menurut
Parsudi Suparlan penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang memusatkan
perhatian pada prinsip-prinsip umum yang mendasari perwujudan satuan-satuan
gejala yang ada dalam kehidupan manusia atau pola-pola. Dalam melakukan
penelitian ini, peneliti dituntut untuk dapat memiliki strategi dan kemampuan
sebagai seorang penyelidik dalam memperoleh data. Seperti yang diutarakan oleh
Denzin dan Lincoln mengutip pernyataan Becker, bahwa peneliti kualitatif
sebagai seorang yang memanfaatkan sarana kepakaran, metodologisnya sendiri,
dengan menggunakan strategi, metode atau data empiris apapun yang ada.
Praktik-praktik tindak kejahatan terhadap CTKI dan TKI khususnya pengiriman
TKI secara non prosedural merupakan sebuah kejahatan yang terorganisir dengan
melibatkan oknum-oknum dari instansi yang seharusnya melaksanakan tugas
dalam memberikan pelayanan dan perlindungan terhadap CTKI maupun TKI.
Penanganan dan perlindungan terhadap CTKI maupun TKI yang baru tiba di
Tanah air belum berjalan maksimal, dikarenakan belum adanya kerjasama antar
instansi terkait yang dikuatkan dengan suatu kesepakatan atau putusan bersama.
Masih terjadinya praktik-praktik kejahatan terhadap TKI di Bandara Soekarno
Hatta tersebut dikarenakan masih ada beberapa kelemahan dalam perlindungan
dan penegakan hukum terhadap permasalahan yang dialami para TKI yang
seharusnya dilakukan oleh semua instansi dan para pihak terkait secara bersamasama,
yaitu Badan Nasional Perlindungan Penempatan TKI (BNP2TKI), Polresta
Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Imigrasi, pihak Maskapai, maupun PPTKIS (PJTKI) dan
juga pihak pengelola Bandara Soekarno Hatta dalam hal ini PT. (Persero)
Angkasa Pura II.

The shape and the efforts of stakeholders in Soekarno Hatta Airport as one of the
gate on Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) both those who go and come back in
providing services, protection of migrant workers from the harmful practices of
migrant workers is very important. This thesis describes the practices of the
crimes committed on Indonesian Workers at Soekarno Hatta Airport, and how the
protection of workers who do Resort Police Soekarno-Hatta together stakeholders
at the Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
In this thesis, the author uses a qualitative research approach. According Parsudi
Suparlan qualitative research is research that focuses on the general principles
underlying the embodiment units existing symptoms in people's lives or patterns.
In conducting this study, researchers are required to be able to have a strategy and
ability as an investigator in obtaining data. As expressed by Denzin and Lincoln
quoted Becker, that qualitative researchers as a means of utilizing the expertise,
methodological itself, using the strategies, methods, or any empirical data exist.
Practices CTKI and crimes against migrant workers in particular in nonprocedural
sending workers is a crime that is organized with the involvement of
elements of the agency should carry out the task in providing services and
protection against CTKI and workers. Handling and protection of migrant workers
CTKI or newly arrived in the Land of the water not running optimally, due to the
lack of cooperation among relevant agencies boosted by an agreement or a
collective decision.
Still the evil practices against migrant workers at Soekarno Hatta is because there
are still some weaknesses in the protection and enforcement of the problems
experienced by the workers that should be done by all agencies and stakeholders
together, namely the National Agency for the Protection of Indonesian Migrant
Workers Placement (BNP2TKI), Police Soekarno Hatta Airport, Immigration, the
Airlines, and PPTKIS (recruitment agency) and also the manager of Soekarno-
Hatta in this case PT. (Persero) Angkasa Pura II., The shape and the efforts of stakeholders in Soekarno Hatta Airport as one of the
gate on Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) both those who go and come back in
providing services, protection of migrant workers from the harmful practices of
migrant workers is very important. This thesis describes the practices of the
crimes committed on Indonesian Workers at Soekarno Hatta Airport, and how the
protection of workers who do Resort Police Soekarno-Hatta together stakeholders
at the Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
In this thesis, the author uses a qualitative research approach. According Parsudi
Suparlan qualitative research is research that focuses on the general principles
underlying the embodiment units existing symptoms in people's lives or patterns.
In conducting this study, researchers are required to be able to have a strategy and
ability as an investigator in obtaining data. As expressed by Denzin and Lincoln
quoted Becker, that qualitative researchers as a means of utilizing the expertise,
methodological itself, using the strategies, methods, or any empirical data exist.
Practices CTKI and crimes against migrant workers in particular in nonprocedural
sending workers is a crime that is organized with the involvement of
elements of the agency should carry out the task in providing services and
protection against CTKI and workers. Handling and protection of migrant workers
CTKI or newly arrived in the Land of the water not running optimally, due to the
lack of cooperation among relevant agencies boosted by an agreement or a
collective decision.
Still the evil practices against migrant workers at Soekarno Hatta is because there
are still some weaknesses in the protection and enforcement of the problems
experienced by the workers that should be done by all agencies and stakeholders
together, namely the National Agency for the Protection of Indonesian Migrant
Workers Placement (BNP2TKI), Police Soekarno Hatta Airport, Immigration, the
Airlines, and PPTKIS (recruitment agency) and also the manager of Soekarno-
Hatta in this case PT. (Persero) Angkasa Pura II.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santos, Rachel Boba
"This edition provides students and practitioners with a solid foundation for understanding the conceptual nature and practice of crime analysis to assist police in preventing and reducing crime and disorder. Author Rachel Boba Santos offers an in-depth description of this emerging field, as well as guidelines and techniques for conducting crime analysis supported by evidence-based research, real world application, and recent innovations in the field."
Los Angeles: Sage, 2017
364 SAN c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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