ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas tentang upaya representasi self appointed yang dilakukan oleh kelompok lesbian, gay, biseksual, transgender/transeksual, dan interseks (LGBTI) sebagai komisioner Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) Periode 2012-2017. Dengan metode kualitatif dan jenis penelitian eksplanatif, penelitian ini menggambarkan upaya reprentasi self appointed kelompok LGBTI sebagai komisioner Komnas HAM. Mami Yuli dan Dede Oetomo adalah wakil dari kelompok LGBTI yang maju sebagai calon komisioner Komnas HAM. Melalui analisis menggunakan teori representasi self appointed, the politics of presence, subaltern counterpublics, dan gerakan sosial baru, hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa adanya hambatan eksternal dan internal dari perjuangan representasi self appointed Mami Yuli dan Dede Oetomo. Hambatan eksternal dipahami berasal dari masyarakat dan DPR, sedangkan hambatan internal berasal dari gerakan LGBTI. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa upaya representasi self appointed kelompok LGBTI belum berhasil sebagai komisioner Komnas HAM. Hal ini dapat dipahami bahwa LGBTI belum mendapatkan pengakuan dari masyarakat dan negara.
ABSTRACTThis thesis describe about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transexual,and intersex (LGBTI) group in their self appointed representation effort as commisioner(s) in The National Commision of Human Rights (Komnas HAM) on 2012-2017 period. Using qualitative method and explanative type of research, this study describe self appointed representation effort of LGBTI group to become commisioner(s) in Komnas HAM. Mami Yuli and Dede Oetomo are the candidates that represent the LGBTI group itself. Through analysis using theories of selfappointed representation,the politics of presence, subaltern counterpublics, and the new social movements, this study findings show several obstacles, both external and internal, on Mami Yuli and Dede Utomo's struggle on doing their self appointed representation effort. The external obstacles have been realized come from the society and the council, while the internal obstacles come from LGBTI movements. In summary, this study shows that self appointed representation effort on LGBTI group has not earned a success as commisioner(s) in Komnas HAM. It could be understood that LGBTI has not gained any recognition from the society and the government."