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I Nyoman Indra Kresna Wijaya
"Pada tahun 1998, terbentuk sebuah kelompok petani yang menamai diri mereka sebagai Kelompok Tani Pramuka Ujung Rawasari. Kelompok tani ini menempati sebuah lahan di wilayah Pramuka dan menjalankan praktik pertanian kota seperti di wilayah lain di Jakarta. Satu hal yang menarik adalah,mereka menempati lahan yang rentan karena masalah kepemilikan. Kelompok tani ini mendapatkan akses pengolahan lahan dari pihak Pemda kemudian menjalankan access control atas lahan yang mereka kuasai dengan cara mereka sendiri. Sebagai bentuk access maintenance mereka menjalin hubungan dengan pihak Pemda, bertujuan memelihara akses yang sudah dimiliki. Access maintenance tersebut merupakan sebuah mekanisme patronclient yang melibatkan pihak Pemda (pemberi akses) dan penguasa lahan (para petani). Pada akhirnya, access control dan access maintenance dilakukan untuk memastikan kegiatan pertanian kota di kebun Pramuka tetap berjalan. Kasus Kelompok Tani Pramuka Ujung Rawasari menunjukan fungsi lain dari pertanian kota, yakni sebagai cara untuk memantapkan kedudukan atas penguasaan lahan. Penelitian skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam.

Back in 1998, a farmer groups who called Pramuka Ujung Rawasari Farmer Group formed. This group occupy a land in the region of Pramuka, they run agricultural practice like in other area in Jakarta. one thing that's interesting is they occupied the issue of ownership of land which is vulnerable for this group. This group of farmers gets access to land from local government then run processing access control over land that they mastered by themselves. As a form of access maintenance they strained a relationship with the local government, for the purpose of maintaining the access they already owned. Access maintenance is a patron-client mechanism involving local government (as a giver of access) and land master (the farmers). In the end, access control and access maintenance is performed to ensure that the activities of the urban agriculture keep running on Pramuka. The case of Pramuka Ujung Rawasari Farmer Group indicated the other function of urban agriculture, which is to establish a notch over the land tenure. This thesis research uses qualitative approach with the collecting data through observation and in-depth interviews techniques."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Janice Jacob Kayan Jap
"Telah ada beberapa program pertanian perkotaan yang dipraktikkan di Jakarta sebagai salah satu strategi untuk menanggulangi isu-isu terkait ketahanan pangan, RTH, dan stimulasi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan ketahanan sosial. Namun, akomodasi praktik kegiatan pertanian perkotaan saat ini masih terbatas untuk menjadi bagian dari perencanaan kota. Permasalahan yang diidentifikasikan dalam penelitian ini adalah perancangan kebijakan dan insentif untuk mendukung pengembangan pertanian perkotaan masih belum disesuaikan dengan karakteristik praktek pertanian perkotaan yang sebenarnya, sehingga manfaat dari bertani/berkebun dapat dialami oleh pelaku-pelaku pertanian perkotaan belum dapat dialami secara meluas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi peran pertanian perkotaan dalam mendukung kemampanan kota di Jakarta Pusat dengan pendekatan permodelan. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan metode campuran wawancara semi-terstruktur, focus group discussion (FGD), kuesioner dan Systems Dynamics. Penarikan sampel pelaku pertanian perkotaan yang dilakukan secara snowball menghasilkan 221 orang responden yang sesuai dengan kriteria target populasi. Dari wawancara, FGD, dan pengisian kuesioner, diperoleh data mengenai aspek-aspek berikut mengenai bertani/berkebun: motivasi, manfaat, hambatan, dan akses pelaku pada sumber daya, sarana, dan dukungan untuk bertani/berkebun. Hasil analisis data digunakan untuk membangun model perkembangan pertanian perkotaan dengan jumlah kader penanggungjawab program Gang Hijau di Jakarta Pusat sebagai salah satu stock utama. Hasil permodelan business as usual (BAU) menunjukkan jumlah pertambahan beberapa aspek pertanian perkotaan dari tahun ke tahun: jumlah kader, luas tutupan penghijauan, kohesi sosial dari bertani/berkebun, dan total pendapatan dari penjualan hasil panen. Dilakukan skenario intervensi untuk mencapai salah satu target perluasan tutupan penghijauan sesuai dengan capaian program tahun 2030.

Several urban agriculture programs have been practiced in Jakarta as a strategy to approach issues related to food security, green space, and stimulation of economic growth and social security. However, accommodation for urban agriculture activities as a part of urban planning is still limited. The identified problem in this study is that the design of policies and incentives to support the development of urban agriculture has not yet been adjusted to the actual characteristics of urban agriculture practices, so that farming/gardening benefits have not been widely experienced. This study aimed to evaluate the role of urban agriculture to support urban sustainability in Central Jakarta using a modeling approach. The research employed qualitatively approach with mixed methods including: semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), questionnaires and Systems Dynamics modeling. Snowball sampling resulted in 221 respondents who met this study's target population criteria. From interviews, FGDs, and filling out questionnaires, data were obtained on the following aspects regarding farming/gardening: motivation, benefits, obstacles, and state of access to resources, facilities, and support for farming/gardening. The results of data analysis were used to build a model of urban agricultural development with the number of coordinators in Central Jakarta's Gang Hijau program as one of the main stocks. Results of business as usual (BAU) modeling showed increase in the number of increments of several aspects of urban agriculture from year to year: number of cadres, area of ​​green cover, social cohesion from farming/gardening, and total income from sales of crops. Intervention scenario was conducted to achieve one of the targets for expansion of green cover in accordance to urban agricutlture roadmap for 2030."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarigan, Henni Kristina
"Tesis ini membahas tentang strategi produksi dan strategi pemasaran dalam pengembangan pertanian perkotaan komoditas belimbing di Kota Depok, dimana belimbing merupakan buah memiliki prospek pemasaran yang baik, ekonomis dan memiliki nilai tambah bagi peningkatan pendapatan petani belimbing. Namun kendala yang dihadapai yakni kualitas buah yang belum optimal, kuantitas buah yang belum kontinyu dan keterbatasan kepemilikan sarana produksi seperti modal. Oleh karena itu, perlu upaya untuk menyusun strategi untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut. Peningkatan pengetahuan/kompetensi dan keterampilan petani merupakan prioritas strategi yang paling utama dalam pengembangan pertanian perkotaan tanaman belimbing di Kota Depok, berdasarkan analisa dengan pendekatan AHP (the Analytical Hierarchi Process).

The focus of this study is the production and marketing strategies in development urban agricultural for Dewa strafruits comodity in Depok City, where the starfruit is fruit comodity has good marketing prospect, economies and high value added for increase income starfruits farmers. However, the problem which quality of fruit not optimal, quantity of fruits not continue and restriction of posession production tools. So, we have to design strategy for solving this problem. The knowledge/competence and skills of farmers are main priority strategies in development urban agricultural for starfruits comodity in Depok City, based on approach The Analytical Hierarchy Process."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmia Nurwulandari
"Pertanian Perkotaan adalah sebuah fenomena yang terjadi di Jakarta. Di tengah opini masyarakat mengenai ketidaksesuaian kegiatan agraris dilakukan di kota, komuniti agraris menjadi salah satu dari sekian banyak komuniti di Jakarta. Tulisan ini adalah sebuah kajian yang mengungkap keberadaan pertanian perkotaan di Jakarta, khususnya pada beberapa tempat di bagian timur Jakarta. Keberadaan para petani di kota diwujudkan dalam lahan-lahan pertanian dan pola permukiman mereka. Pembangunan kota telah mengakibatkan keberadaan komuniti agraris terdesak namun adanya guncangan ekonomi akibat krisis moneter beberapa tahun yang lalu teiah memunculkan mereka kembali. Kajian pertanian perkotaan bermanfaat dalam memberikan informasi tentang keberadaan komuniti agrarls melalui studi kegiatan yang mereka lakukan dan pola permukiman yang mereka buat. Dengan informasi tersebut masyarakat di kota dapat memahami pentingnya keberadaan komuniti agraris dan prospeknya di masa depan bagi sebuah kota yang berkelanjutan."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Urban agriculture comprises a variety of farming systems,ranging from subsistence to fully commercialized agriculture.Pollution from automobile exhaust,industrial and commercial activities may affect humans,crops,and water in and around urban agriculture areas....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fardzan Rukmana
"Dalam dua dekade terakhir Kota Bekasi mengalami transformasi pesat menjadi wilayah urban. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari meluasnya lahan terbangun, bertambahnya kepadatan penduduk, dan kegiatan ekonomi yang berfokus pada industry dan jasa. Kondisi ini membuat lahan pertanian di Kota Bekasi terbatas, yaitu ditemukan dalam bentuk sawah, lahan kering, dan tanah perkarangan yang tersebar dalam luasan kecil. Kegiatan pertanian di Kota Bekasi masih bertahan karena peranan multifungsi yang dimilikinya, dan dilakukan secara marjinal oleh rumah tangga pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan variasi spasial lahan pertanian urban di kota Bekasi yang terlihat dari pola sebarannya dan karakteristik pelaku serta produksinya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analisis spasial deskriptif yang diperdalam dengan adanya survei lapangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertanian Kota Bekasi tersebar akibat minimnya lahan terbuka untuk digarap, lahan pertanian yang sempit ditemukan pada wilayah kota dengan kepadatan penduduk tinggi dan jaringan jalan rapat, begitu pula sebaliknya. Pelaku pertanian didominasi oleh rumah tangga petani gurem dan terkonsentrasi pada wilayah kecamatan dengan luas lahan pertanian yang sedikit. Sementara luas lahan pertanian menjadi faktor penting pada jumlah produksi pertanian namun keterkaitannya berkurang ketika membahas produktivitas yang faktor penentunya tak sebatas luas lahan pertanian belaka.

In the last two decades, Bekasi City has undergone rapid transformation into an urban area. This can be seen from the expansion of built-up land, increasing population density, and economic activities that focus on industry and services. This condition makes agricultural land in Bekasi City limited, which is found in the form of rice fields, dry land, and garden land which are spread over a small area. Agricultural activities in Bekasi City still survive because of their multifunctional role, and are carried out marginally by agricultural households. This study aims to explain the spatial variation of urban agricultural land in the city of Bekasi which can be seen from the distribution pattern and the characteristics of the actors and their production. To achieve this goal, this study uses quantitative methods with a descriptive spatial analysis approach which is deepened by field surveys. The results of this study indicate that agriculture in Bekasi City is spread due to the lack of open land for cultivation, narrow agricultural land is found in urban areas with high population density and dense road networks, and vice versa. Agricultural actors are dominated by smallholder farmer households and are concentrated in sub- districts with a small area of agricultural land. While the area of agricultural land is an important factor in the amount of agricultural production, the relationship is reduced when discussing productivity, the determining factor is not only the area of agricultural land."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nandhita Zefania Maharani

Ketahanan pangan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan menjadi perhatian utama masyarakat perkotaan karena tingginya urbanisasi, keterbatasan lahan, dan rendahnya produksi makanan lokal. Urban farming muncul sebagai solusi dengan tujuan memproduksi makanan lokal, meningkatkan nutrisi, dan mendorong pertanian berkelanjutan di lahan sempit. Dalam konteks urban farming, pengetahuan tentang metode bercocok tanam di lahan sempit menjadi kunci sukses dalam budidaya produk pangan. Namun, tantangan memasuki urban farming cukup besar karena dibutuhkan pengetahuan yang cukup dan kurangnya sistem pendukung lainnya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan layanan digital yang menyediakan informasi komprehensif, detail, dan terstruktur mengenai urban farming yang dapat diakses secara luas oleh masyarakat. Pada mulanya, penulis melakukan systematic literature review untuk menemukan gap dengan penelitian sebelumnya. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah Design Science Research yang menerapkan mixed method, yaitu gabungan antara penelitian kualitatif dan penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur terhadap 20 narasumber menggunakan open question. Kemudian, hasil dari penelitian kualitatif dianalisis dengan thematic analysis dan akan menjadi sumber acuan pembuatan model adopsi layanan digital urban farming. Pada penelitian kuantitatif, penulis menyebarkan kuesioner secara daring dan didapatkan 573 responden. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini yaitu berupa desain antarmuka layanan digital urban farming dalam bentuk high fidelity prototype sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna dari perspektif pelaku urban farming dan praktisi di bidang ilmu terkait yang didapatkan melalui wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner. Analisis dan perancangan aplikasi memberikan solusi desain antarmuka, serta evaluasi oleh pelaku urban farming dan masyarakat melalui expert review, usability testing, dan Post Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ). Hasil evaluasi desain antarmuka tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perancangan layanan digital urban farming dapat memberikan kepuasan kepada pengguna untuk mengadopsi layanan tersebut dari sisi usability. Hasil penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendukung pengguna mendapatkan informasi, sumber daya, dan dukungan yang dibutuhkan dalam urban farming. Berdasarkan metodologi Design Science Research, purwarupa ini menggabungkan berbagai fitur, seperti edukasi, forum, konsultasi ahli, pengingat, pemberian bantuan, dan e-marketplace. Penelitian ini berkontribusi untuk mempromosikan dan mendukung ketahanan pangan dengan bantuan platform digital di lingkungan perkotaan.

Food security and sustainable development are major concerns for urban communities due to high urbanization, limited land, and low local food production. Urban farming emerged as a solution with the aim of producing local food, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture on small plots of land. In the context of urban farming, knowledge of farming methods on narrow land is the key to success in cultivating food products. However, the challenge of entering urban farming is considerable as it requires sufficient knowledge and lack of other support systems. Therefore, there is a need for a digital service that provides comprehensive, detailed and structured information on urban farming that can be widely accessed by the public. At first, the author conducted a systematic literature review to find gaps with previous research. The research methodology used is design science research that combines mixed methods consisting of qualitative research and quantitative research. Qualitative research was conducted on 20 interviewees with semi structured using open questions. Then, the results of the qualitative research were analyzed with thematic analysis and were the source of reference for making the digital urban farming service adoption model. In the quantitative research, researchers distributed questionnaires online and obtained 573 respondents. The final result is a digital urban farming service interface design in the form of a high fidelity prototype according to user needs from the perspective of urban farming actors and practitioners in related fields of science obtained through interviews and questionnaires. Analysis and design of the application provides interface design solutions, and will be tested by urban farming actors and the public through expert review, usability testing, and Post Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ). The results of the interface design evaluation show that the design of urban farming digital services can provide satisfaction to users to adopt these services in terms of usability. This research aims to support users to get the information, resources, and support needed in urban farming. Based on the Design Science Research methodology, the prototype incorporates various features, such as education, forum, expert consultation, reminders, assistance, and e-marketplace. This research contributes to promoting and supporting food security with the help of digital platforms in urban environments.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Betty Lisbet Pagawak
Tesis ini membahas Pola Perilaku Komunitas Lokal yang berada di bantaran sungai dan
bantaran rel kereta api. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola perilaku komunitas
lokal, kondisi eksisting dan sanitasi dasar rumah yang berada di 2 (dua) daerah pemukiman
kumuh di bantaran sungai Ciliwung dan di bantaran rel kereta api Bukit Duri, Tebet.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif.
Pertumbuhan penduduk dan migrasi desa - kota yang terus meningkat pada sebuah kota
memicu timbulnya arus urbanisasi yang akhirnya menimbulkan suatu permasalahan pada
sektor permukiman dan ketersediaan lahan. Keadaan tersebut memicu tumbuhnya
permukiman kumuh dan liar di bantaran sungai dan bantaran rel kereta api. Wilayah
permukiman di bantaran sungai dan rel menjadikan permasalahan tersendiri seperti banjir di
pemukiman; penggunaan sungai untuk tempat mandi cuci, buang air besar dan juga
pembuangan sampah domestik rumah tangga; pola tatanan rumah yang tidak teratur dengan
jenis bangunan yang bervariasi mulai dari gubuk dan semi permanen. Walau dengan kondisi
perumahan yang sedemikian, warga masih tetap bertahan dan tinggal di permukiman
tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan karena, banyak tersedia tempat kerja di sektor informal dekat
dengan hunian mereka dan juga mereka sering mendapatkan manfaat atau bantuan dari
kondisi kekumuhan tersebut.
Serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam sektor informal menciptakan hubungan timbal
balik dengan lingkungan tempat tinggal. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan perbedaan pola
perilaku yang terdapat pada masing-masing lokasi berdasarkan kondisi fisik dan sanitasi.
Bantaran sungai menjadi tempat berkumpul, mengobrol serta duduk-duduk bersantai,
sedangkan kegiatan serupa tidak dapat dilakukan dengan santai oleh warga di bantaran rel
kereta api. Warga di bantaran sungai dan bantaran rel kereta api pada umumnya bekerja di sektor
informal namun warga di bantaran rel ada yang bekerja sebagai pengemis dan pemulung.
Warga di bantaran sungai Ciliwung menempati rumah permanen dan semi permanen
sementara rumah di bantaran rel kereta api pada umumnya adalah semi permanen dan gubuk.
Mereka yang tinggal dibantaran sungai dan bantaran rel kereta api umumnya menyadari dan
merasa khawatir terhadap penggusuran yang mungkin dilakukan oleh petugas Satpol PP.
Namun demikian warga yang tinggal di bantaran rel kereta api lebih siap dan mau menerima
perlakuan tersebut.
Warga di bantaran sungai Ciliwung menikmati keberadaan MCK di sungai, dan mereka
bebas melakukan interaksi sosial antara satu dengan lainnya sementara warga di bantaran rel
memanfaatkan MCK umum milik PT KAI dan milik Manajemen Pasar Pagi untuk
melakukan aktivitas serupa.
Air sungai yang mengalir dan pepohonan hijau tumbuh disekitar bantaran sungai
menimbulkan suasana yang nyaman dan santai dikalangan warga/penghuni. Sementara
kondisi di bantaran rel kereta api selalu penuh dengan kebisingan dan tidak senyaman seperti
suasana di bantaran sungai. Interaksi sosial di dibantaran rel kereta api berlangsung
seperlunya saja, kurang akrab dan tidak santai.

This thesis discusses about a daily behavior pattern of Local Community located in the banks
of the river and the bank of railway. The purpose of this study is to know behavior pattern of
the existing condition and the basic sanitary of the local community located on the bank of
river and on the bank of railway. This study uses the qualitative method. This study was
conducted in 2 (two) slum residences on the bank of Ciliwung River and on bank of railway
in Bukit Duri Tebet.
The growth of population and rural ? urban migration create some problems in settlement and
land availability in urban area. This condition triggered the slum and illegal settlements on
the bank of the river and on the bank of the railway. Those settlements have specific
problems such as flooding in the settlements, using river for bathing, washing, defecation and
domestic waste disposal. Though they live in that condition they can still survive because
there are many availability of informal sector workplaces close to those settlements and they
can get some benefits and funding due to that ?slummy? condition.
A series activities done in informal sector creates interaction with their settlement
environment. This study found that there are some differences of behavior pattern between
those two locations based on physical condition and sanitary condition. The bank of the river
becomes the place for talking, sitting and resting among community, while the community in
the banks of railway do those similar activities just for necesarry situation because they
should aware for almost every five minutes due to the train traffic and its noise. The
community in the bank of railway also should aware of the eviction by Satpol PP (the city
police). The community in the bank of the river has permanent and semi permanent houses
while the community the banks of railway generally live in semi permanent houses and huts. The community in the banks of the river and railway generally work in informal sector but
some of the community in the banks of railway work as beggars and scavengers. Regarding
activities of MCK (Bathing, Washing, and Defecation) the community in the river prefer to
use the river of Ciliwung, because they can use it for social interactions among them while
the citizen the bank of railway prefer to use railway and some public MCKs belongs to PT
KAI and the Morning Marjet Management.
The atmosphere along the river which is shown by the flowing water and trees around it
poses a comfortable and relaxed situation for interaction among the community while the
conditions on the banks of the railway is always full of noise and not as comfortable as on the
banks of the river. Furthermore the community on the banks of railway should stay alert for
the possibility of eviction by the local government., This thesis discusses about a daily behavior pattern of Local Community located in the banks
of the river and the bank of railway. The purpose of this study is to know behavior pattern of
the existing condition and the basic sanitary of the local community located on the bank of
river and on the bank of railway. This study uses the qualitative method. This study was
conducted in 2 (two) slum residences on the bank of Ciliwung River and on bank of railway
in Bukit Duri Tebet.
The growth of population and rural – urban migration create some problems in settlement and
land availability in urban area. This condition triggered the slum and illegal settlements on
the bank of the river and on the bank of the railway. Those settlements have specific
problems such as flooding in the settlements, using river for bathing, washing, defecation and
domestic waste disposal. Though they live in that condition they can still survive because
there are many availability of informal sector workplaces close to those settlements and they
can get some benefits and funding due to that “slummy” condition.
A series activities done in informal sector creates interaction with their settlement
environment. This study found that there are some differences of behavior pattern between
those two locations based on physical condition and sanitary condition. The bank of the river
becomes the place for talking, sitting and resting among community, while the community in
the banks of railway do those similar activities just for necesarry situation because they
should aware for almost every five minutes due to the train traffic and its noise. The
community in the bank of railway also should aware of the eviction by Satpol PP (the city
police). The community in the bank of the river has permanent and semi permanent houses
while the community the banks of railway generally live in semi permanent houses and huts. The community in the banks of the river and railway generally work in informal sector but
some of the community in the banks of railway work as beggars and scavengers. Regarding
activities of MCK (Bathing, Washing, and Defecation) the community in the river prefer to
use the river of Ciliwung, because they can use it for social interactions among them while
the citizen the bank of railway prefer to use railway and some public MCKs belongs to PT
KAI and the Morning Marjet Management.
The atmosphere along the river which is shown by the flowing water and trees around it
poses a comfortable and relaxed situation for interaction among the community while the
conditions on the banks of the railway is always full of noise and not as comfortable as on the
banks of the river. Furthermore the community on the banks of railway should stay alert for
the possibility of eviction by the local government.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper examines the role of rainfall in the urban development of Kenya. The rainfall characteristics have been analysed and their influence on agricultural and urban development assesed. It is noted that since Eldoret is one of the rapidly expanding towns in Kenya located in highly potential agriculturall region, variability of rainfall and drought can seriously affect urban development as farmers in the hinterland will abandon their farms and migrate to the town thus creating food shortage. Secondly, in times of drought, the water supply problems in the town will be exacerbated as it depends on surface water source. The tempo of rural-urban migration will be speeded up and this will create more socio-economic problems. "
GEOUGM 21:62 (1991)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatih Nasria Rahmawati
"Kampung Deret Cipinang Besar Selatan adalah salah satu wilayah yang melaksanakan program pertanian perkotaan di Jakarta Timur. Pada pelaksanaannya, partisipasi dari masyarakat sekitar masih sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengorganisasian masyarakat Kampung Deret Cipinang Besar Selatan dalam program pemberdayaan masyarakat yaitu program pertanian perkotaan dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip community organizing yang dikemukakan oleh Parachini dan Covington.
Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah post-positivist dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, pengamatan, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan masyarakat Kampung Deret Cipinang Besar Selatan pada proses pengorganisasian masyarakat masih mengalami beberapa kendala walaupun hasil dari kegiatan tersebut sudah dapat memberikan manfaat untuk masyarakat sekitar.

Kampung Deret Cipinang Besar Selatan is one of the areas implementing urban farming program in East Jakarta. In practice, the participation of the local community is still lacking. This study aims to describe community organizing at Kampung Deret Cipinang Besar Selatan in the community empowerment that is urban farming program with using community organizing principles by Parachini and Covington.
This research uses post positivist approach with in depth interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this study show that community engagement in the process of community organizing in Kampung Deret Cipinang Besar Selatan is still having some problems, but the outcome of these activities has been to provide benefits to the community.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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