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Fendi Budi Prabowo
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai hubungan antara tingkah laku prososial dalam bermain MMORPG dan tingkah laku prososial di kehidupan nyata serta hubungan antara lama bermain MMORPG dan tingkah laku prososial dalam bermain MMORPG. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua alat ukur yang diadaptasi dari alat ukur Abidin (2000), yaitu Tingkah Laku Prososial dalam Bermain MMORPG dan Tingkah Laku Prososial di Kehidupan Nyata. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 115 orang yang merupakan pemain MMORPG.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif satu arah yang signifikan antara tingkah laku prososial dalam bermain MMORPG dan tingkah laku prososial dalam kehidupan nyata pada pemain MMORPG (r = 0.418; p = 0.000). Hal ini menandakan bahwa semakin sering pemain MMORPG melakukan tingkah laku prososial dalam permainan MMORPG, maka ia akan semakin cenderung melakukan tingkah laku prososial di kehidupan nyata. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara lama bermain MMORPG dan tingkah laku prososial dalam bermain MMORPG pada pemain MMORPG (r = 0.208; p = 0.026). Dengan kata lain, semakin lama pemain MMORPG bermain permainan tersebut, maka ia akan semakin cenderung melakukan tingkah laku prososial dalam permainan MMORPG. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, game developer perlu menciptakan permainan yang mendorong pemainnya untuk melakukan tingkah laku prososial dengan pemain lain di dalam permainan tersebut sehingga mereka cenderung melakukan tingkah laku prososial di kehidupan nyata.

The purpose of this research is to find the correlation between prosocial behavior in massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) and prosocial behavior in real life among MMORPG player. In addition, this research is also conducted to find the correlation between the length of playing MMORPG and prosocial behavior in MMORPG. the two instruments used this research are the Instrument of Prosocial Behavior in MMORPG and the Instrument of Prosocial Behavior in Real Life. Both of the instruments are adapted from Abidin (2000). The participants of this research are 115 MMORPG players.
The results of this research show that prosocial behavior in MMORPG significantly correlated with prosocial behavior in real life (r = 0.418; p = 0.000). That is, if the MMORPG player conduct prosocial behavior in the game, then he/she will tend to conduct prosocial behavior in real life. Moreover, the result of this research show that the length of playing MMORPG significantly correlated with prosocial behavior in MMORPG (r = 0.208; p = 0.026). That is, the longer someone play MMORPG, he/she will tend to conduct prosocial behavior in MMORPG. Based on this results, the game developer should create more games which will reinforce the players to conduct prosocial behavior in that game, so they will tend to conduct prosocial behavior in real life.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Nashaq
Pada beberapa penelitian mengenai video game prososial, telah ditemukan bukti bahwa video game prososial dapat memengaruhi tingkah laku prososial. Salah satu penelitian yang berhasil menemukan bukti dari pengaruh video game prososial terhadap tingkah laku prososial adalah penelitian Greitemeyer dan Osswald (2010). Namun, ada beberapa aspek yang luput dari manipulation check salah satu eksperimen dalam penelitian tersebut, yaitu aspek afeksi dan arousal. Didasari oleh General Learning Model (Buckley dan Anderson, 2006), penelitian eksperimen ini merupakan penelitian replikasi dari eksperimen dua penelitian Greitemeyer dan Osswald (2010). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti tentang sejauh mana video game prososial dapat memengaruhi tingkah laku prososial dengan menambahkan aspek afeksi dan arousal dalam manipulation check. Sebanyak 69 responden diminta untuk memainkan salah satu dari video game yang disediakan oleh peneliti (video game netral atau video game prososial), kemudian diukur tingkah laku prososialnya setelah memainkan video game. Berdasarkan hasil analisis one way anova, tidak ditemukan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari video game prososial terhadap tingkah laku prososial.

In several researches about prosocial video games, the evidence has been found that prosocial video game affects prosocial behaviors. One of the research that found the evidence of the prosocial video game effect on prosocial behavior is a research that conducted by Greitemeyer dan Osswald (2010). However, there is something that missed on the manipulation check of that research, that is affective and arousal aspect. Based on General Learning Model (Buckley and Anderson, 2006), this research is a replication of experiment two in Greitemeyer dan Osswald (2010) research. This research aimed to study the extent to which prosocial video games affects prosocial behavior by adding the affective and arousal aspect in manipulation check. 69 respondents were asked to play one of the video games that the research provided (neutral or prosocial) and the prosocial behaviors was measured afterwards. Based on one way anova analysis result, there is no significant effect of prosocial video games towards prosocial behavior."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anindya Asri Hastungkara
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh kepribadian berdasarkan Big Five Theory dan motivasi dalam bermain game online terhadap tingkat adiksi pada gamer MMORPG. Alat ukur Indonesian Online Game Addiction Questionnaire digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat adiksi responden (Jap, Tiatri, Jaya, & Suteja, 2013), sedangkan pengukuran kepribadian dilakukan menggunakan Big Five Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999) yang telah diadaptasi. Jumlah responden yang digunakan sebanyak 82 orang dengan karakteristik berada pada tahap perkembangan late adolescence dan bermain game online MMORPG selama 6 bulan terakhir.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah tidak adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari kepribadian maupun motivasi dalam bermain game terhadap adiksi yang dimiliki individu. Walaupun ditemukan korelasi yang signfikan antara adiksi terhadap game online dengan tingkat extraversion individu dan durasi bermain selama seminggu.

This research was conducted to see the effect of personality and gamers’ motivation of playing on MMORPG addiction. Indonesian Online Game Addiction Questionnaire was used to measure online game addiction (Jap, Tiatri, Jaya, & Suteja, 2013), while personality was measured using an adaptation of Big Five Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999). Total respondents used in this research are 82 people from online games forums and communities. Respondents are late adolescents and plays MMORPG for the past 6 months.
The results from this research show that neither personality nor motivation of playing have any significant effect on MMORPG addiction. Yet there is negative significant correlation between extraversion and their duration of playing in a week with their addiction.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bimo Bramantyo
"Dunia modern tidak lepas dari internet. Salah satu fenomena yang berperan penting di internet adalah situs jejaring sosial dan tingkah laku berbagi. Penelitian ini berusaha mencari tahu alasan di balik tingkah laku berbagi konten informasi berupa artikel berita. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan empat jenis motivasi prososial berdasarkan teori Batson dan intensi berbagi konten berita pada situs jejaring sosial. Partisipan dari penelitian ini adalah 70 mahasiswa dari Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia yang memiliki akun di situs jejaring sosial. Analisis penelitian menggunakan analisis regresi berganda menggunakan metode stepwise. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa motivasi egoisme dan motivasi altruisme memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan intensi berbagi. Sedangkan motivasi kolektivisme dan prinsipilisme tidak ditemukan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan intensi berbagi.

The modern world can`t be separated from the internet. One of the phenomenon that plays an important role on the internet is social networking sites and sharing behavior. This research is trying to look for the reasons behind online sharing behavior of informational content in the form of news article. The purpose of this research is to discover the relationship between Batson`s four kind of prosocial motivation and sharing intention of news article on social networking sites. The participants of this research are 70 undergraduate students from Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia that have account on social networking site. The research use multiple regression with stepwise method. The results shows that egoistic motivation and altruistic motivation have significant relationship with sharing intention. On the other hand, there is no correlation between sharing intention and both collectivistic motivation and principlistic motivation."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Eka Sari Prawiro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran penalaran moral prososial dan persepsi gaya pengasuhan sebagai prediktor tingkah laku prososial. Penelitian ini melibatkan 307 orang remaja (219 remaja putri, 88 remaja putra) dengan rata- rata usia 17,63 tahun (rentang usia 13-24 tahun). Tingkah laku prososial diukur dengan Prosocial Tendencies Measures-Revised (Carlo & Randall, 2003) yang mencakup kategori altruism, anonymous, compliant, dire, emotional dan public Penalaran Moral Prososial diukur dengan Prosocial Reasoning Objective Measures (Eisenberg, Carlo & Knight, 1992) yang mengidentifikasi orientasi penalaran hedonistic, approval, needs, stereotyped dan internalized. Persepsi gaya pengasuhan diukur dengan Parental Authority Questionnaire (Trinkner, 2012) yang memilah gaya otoritatif, otoritarian dan permisif. Ketiga instrumen tersebut memiliki nilai reliabilitas yang tinggi dengan nilai r berturut-turut r = 0,78, r = 0,71 dan r = 0,72.
Penalaran moral prososial dan persepsi gaya pengasuhan dapat memprediksi tingkah laku prososial pada remaja. Persepsi remaja terhadap gaya pengasuhan orang tua berkontribusi lebih besar (11,4%) dibandingkan penalaran moral prososial (5,2%). Semakin kuat persepsi bahwa orang tua bergaya pengasuhan otoritatif, semakin kuat kecenderungan remaja untuk bertingkah laku altuistik. Semakin kuat persepsi bahwa orang tua bergaya pengasuhan permisif, semakin kuat kecenderungan remaja untuk bertingkah laku prososial emosional. Remaja putra lebih banyak menampilkan tingkah laku prososial dire, sementara remaja putri lebih banyak bertingkah laku altruistik

This research aimed at exploring prosocial moral reasoning and perceived parenting style as predictors of prosocial behavior. Involving 307 adolescents (219 female, 88 male, Mage = 17,6, range = 13-24), prosocial behavior was measured using Prosocial Tendencies Measure-Revised (Carlo & Randall, 2003) which identifies altruism, anonymous, compliant, dire, emotional and public. Prosocial moral reasoning was measured using Prosocial Reasoning Objective Measure (Eisenberg, Carlo & Knight, 1992) indicating hedonistic, approval, needs, stereotyped and internalized reasoning orientation. Perceived Parenting Style measured by PAQ (Parental Authority Questionnaire, Trinkner 2012) identifying authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parenting style. Those instruments have high reliability i.e, r = 0,78, r = 0,71, and r = 0,72 respectively.
Prosocial behavior was predicted by prosocial moral reasoning and perceived parenting style. Perceived parenting style contributed (11,4%) more than prosocial moral reasoning (5,2%). The stronger the adolescent?s perception that their parents used authoritative parenting style, the more they showed altruistic prosocial behavior. The stronger adolescent?s perception that their parents used permissive parenting style, the more they showed emotional prosocial behavior. Male adolescent showed more dire prosocial behavior while female adolescent more altruistic prosocial behavior"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alifah Indalika Mulyadi Razak
Perilaku prososial merupakan modal penting untuk berhasil beradaptasi dalam kehidupan sosial (Berns, 2010). Keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan taman kanak-kanak memperluas mikrosistem anak dan menuntut pengembangan perilaku sosial sesuai dengan situasi sosial yang berbeda dan lebih luas. Upaya sistematik perlu dilakukan di tingkat prasekolah untuk memastikan bahwa perilaku prososial berkembang sesuai dengan harapan. Upaya menumbuhkembangkan tingkah laku prososial pernah dilakukan dengan menerapkan berbagai metode, antara lain, bermain peran, bermain konstruktif, pembacaan cerita dan metode bercerita shared reading. Metode shared reading dengan komponen membacakan cerita (C), berdiskusi (D) mengenai isi cerita serta mempraktekkan langsung informasi yang terdapat dalam isi cerita (K) akan diterapkan dalam Program Cerita Prososial Aktif rancangan peneliti. Efektivitas program cerita prososial aktif yang secara konseptual merupakan implementasi dari metode shared reading, akan diuji melalui penelitian eksperimental yang berdesain before-and-after . Partisipan berjumlah 20 murid taman kanak-kanak berusia antara 4-5 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 1 kelompok eksperimen (CDK) yang diintervensi dengan metode shared reading dan 3 kelompok kontrol berturut-turut: kelompok CD, C dan CG. Kelompok CD diintervensi dengan cerita dan diskusi, kelompok C dibacakan cerita oleh peneliti dan CG dibacakan cerita oleh guru murid-murid tersebut. Dilakukan intervensi selama 15 sesi. Perilaku prososial diukur melalui observasi terhadap 15 item senarai tingkah laku prososial. Program Cerita Prososial Aktif yang menggunakan metode shared reading ternyata efektif meningkatkan tingkah laku prososial anak prasekolah secara signifikan (Z=-2.032) setelah dilakukan 5 sesi intervensi dan tingkahlaku prososial secara konsisten terus meningkat frekuensinya sampai penelitian berakhir. Metode bercerita tanpa diskusi dan kegiatan efektivitasnya paling rendah.

Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.;Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.;Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual?s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups., Adaptation to social interactions in a larger social environment is determined by individual’s prosocial behavior (Berns, 2010). With their expanding microsystem prosocial behavior of preschool children need to be develop accordingly, to establish and enhance the repertoire learned in their home environment. Various methods had been implemented in the enterprises of developing prosocial behavior of preschool children i.e.. role play, constructive play, story reading and shared reading. Cerita Prososial Aktif (CPA) that implements shared reading method presumably more effectively increases prosocial behavior considering that the prosocial story reading (C) is complemented with discussion (D) and relevant activities (K) for the children to apply prosocial behavior. With the before and after experimental design, this study aims at comparing the effectiveness of shared reading (CDK) method against active story telling (CD) and story telling without discussion(C). Prosocial behavior was measured by observation using prosocial behavior checklist consisits of 15 items. After 5 sessions the experimental gourp (CDK) showed significantly higher increase of prosocial behavior, while the other 3 control groups: treated with story and discussion (CD), C (story telling by investigator) and story telling by teacher (CG) showed no significant increases. After 15 sessions CDK group showed highest increase compared to CD, C or CG groups. Significant increase of prosocial behavior was achieved after 15 sessions of listening to prosocial story without discussiion and relevant activities, with the lowest size compared to CDK and CD groups.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Kautsar Ramadhan
"Dalam penelitian ini penulis ingin mencari tahu pengaruh motivasi prososial dan orientasi nilai terhadap tingkah laku berbagi artikel daring. Motivasi prososial dan orientasi nilai yang digunakan adalah alturisme dan egoisme, dimana alturisme menunjukkan tingkah laku berbagi demi kebermanfaatan orang lain sedangkan egoisme menunjukkan tingkah laku berbagi demi kebermanfaatan diri sendiri. Pengaruh bisa diketahui dengan melihat besaran skor tingkah laku berbagi artikel yang menunjukkan intensi berbagi dan pemilihan judul artikel yang dibagikan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain 3 (induksi motivasi alturisme x motivasi egoisme x kontrol, between) x 2 (dibagikannya judul artikel berorientasi nilai altruisme x egoisme, within) mixed design. Partisipan adalah 82 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia dari berbagai fakultas.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan skor rata-rata tingkah laku berbagi artikel yang signifikan di 3 kelompok perlakuan, F(2,79) = 7,52, p = 0,001 dan mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat pengaruh motivasi prososial terhadap tingkah laku berbagi artikel, sedangkan nilai pada judul artikel terbukti tidak memberikan dampak berbeda pada tingkah laku berbagi artikel partisipan. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa motivasi prososial alturisme dan egoisme dapat memberikan dampak yang signifikan berbeda pada tingkah laku berbagi artikel dan orientasi nilai pada judul artikel tidak dapat mempengaruhi tingkah laku berbagi artikel.

In this study, authors want to find out the effect of prosocial motivation and value orientation in article?s title on online article sharing behavior. Prosocial motivation and value orientation used are alturism and egoism, where alturism demonstrated the usefulness of sharing behavior for the sake of others, while egoisme demonstrate the usefulness of sharing behavior for the sake of themselves. The effect can be known by looking at the amount of sharing behavior score that indicates the intention to share articles and article titles distribution. This research is an experimental research design with 3 (induction motivation egoism x alturism x control, between) x 2 (the distribution of article title with alturism value x egoism value, within) mixed design. Participants were 82 students from various faculties of the University of Indonesia.
The results showed that there are significant differences in the average scores online article sharing behavior in the 3 treatment groups, F (2,79) = 7.52, p = 0.001 indicate that prosocial motivation can affect online article sharing behavior, while the value of title article haven?t give different impact on the online article sharing behavior of the participants. Therefore it can be concluded that the alturisme and egoisme prosocial motivation can have a significant different impact on the online article sharing behavior and value orientation on the article title can not affect the online article sharing behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdan Syakuura
"Toxic Behaviour (TB) dapat menyebar dengan cepat dalam komunitas video game, serta dapat memberikan dampak negatif dan merusak pengalaman bermain. Empati diketahui dapat menurunkan kecenderungan seseorang untuk melakukan TB. Empati juga tidak terpengaruh oleh video game kekerasan dalam jangka panjang, dapat meningkatkan perilaku prososial, serta menurunkan kemungkinan terjadinya perilaku agresif. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkonfirmasi kembali hubungan antara TB dalam multiplayer online video game terhadap empati dengan menggunakan desain korelasional. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 225 orang merupakan pemain video game online aktif yang bermain secara kompetitif dengan rentang usia 13-36 tahun (M=21,22, SD= 4,71). Partisipam direkrut secara online dengan menyebarkan kuisioner ke berbagai komunitas video game. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur Toxic Behaviour Scale (TBS) dan Basic Empathy Scale (BES) yang dilakukan secara daring. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, tidak terdapat hubungan antara antara toxic behaviour dalam multiplayer online video game terhadap empati. Selain itu, TB terbukti memiliki hubungan positif terhadap total waktu bermain video game, serta memiliki hubungan negatif terhadap umur.

Toxic Behaviour (TB) can spread quickly among the gaming community, also it caused negative effects and ruined gaming experience. Empathy is known to be reducing one’s toxic behaviour. Empathy also doesn’t get affected by violent video games in the long term, instead it improves prosocial behaviour and reduces aggressive tendencies. Hence, this study is conducted to reconfirm the correlation of Toxic Behaviour in Multiplayer Online Video Game toward Empathy by using correlational research. Participants in this research are 225 active online video game players who play competitively with age ranged from 13-26 years old (M=21,22; SD= 4,71). Participants were recruited online by distributing questionnaires to various video game communities. This study used Toxic Behaviour Scale (TBS) and Basic Empathy Scale (BES) as measurement instruments. The results of this study indicated, that there is no correlation of toxic behaviour in the multiplayer online game toward empathy. In addition, TB was shown to have a positive correlation with total video game playing time, and a negative correlation with age."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yanuar Galih Wiryawan
"Dramaturgi merupakan sebuah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Erving Goffman dalam
memandang interaksi sosial. Teori tersebut telah digunakan dalam banyak penelitian baik interaksi tatap muka ataupun interaksi termediasi. Penelitian-penelitian dramaturgi pada komunikasi termediasi mengesampingkan latar dimana teori ini dibuat yaitu interaksi tatap muka. Konsep-konsep pada dunia tatap muka memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda sehingga peneliti perlu menganalisis ulang penggunaan teori ini dalam komunikasi termediasi khususnya MMOG. Di dalam Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG), interaksi sosial terjadi melalui komunikasi termediasi. Pemain dapat melakukan hal-hal yang sama dengan komunikasi tatap muka namun dengan cara yang berbeda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitan kualitatif dengan menggunakan strategi etnografi digital. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa avatar merupakan representasi diri pemain yang terdiri dari tiga bentuk yaitu penampilan karakter, perpanjangan suara, dan perpanjangan teks dari pemain. Definisi wilayah atau panggung pada Dramaturgi mengalami pembauran dan menghasilkan panggung baru yaitu panggung virtual. Perilaku dan tampilan pemain MMOG merupakan hasil dari narasi developer game dan interaksi antar pemain

Dramaturgy is a theory by Erving Goffman that looks at social interaction. This theory
has been used in many studies, both face-to-face and mediated interactions.
Dramaturgical research on mediated communication ignores the setting where this theory
was created: face-to-face interaction. Concepts in the face-to-face world have different
characteristics, so researchers need to re-analyze the use of this theory in mediated
communication, especially MMOG. In Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOG),
social interaction occurs through mediated communication. Players can do the same
things as face-to-face communication but differently. This research is qualitative research
using digital ethnography strategies. The results of this research show that the avatar
represents the player's self, consisting of three forms: the appearance of the character, an
extension of the voice, and an extension of the player's text. The definition of area or stage
in Dramaturgy has experienced a blending and produced a new stage, namely the virtual
stage. The behavior and appearance of MMOG players result from the game developer's
narrative and interactions between players
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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