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Fitri Yuliama
Tesis ini membahas mengenai bagaimana suatu kebijakan yang dibuat oleh Pejabat
Administrasi Pemerintahan dapat dikenai sanksi pidana. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian
menyarankan agar segera disahkannya Rancangan Undang-Undang Administrasi
Pemerintahan. Dengan disahkannya Rancangan Undang-Undang Administrasi
Pemerintahan, jika pejabat administrasi pemerintahan melakukan suatu kesalahan
atau pelanggaran, dapat dengan mudah dilihat apakah hal tersebut merupakan suatu
pelanggaran administrasi atau pelanggaran hukum sehingga tidak ada lagi pejabat
yang kebal hukum. Adanya sanksi pidana bagi pejabat administrasi pemerintahan
yang menyalahgunakan wewenangnya dalam mengambil suatu kebijakan, diharapkan
dapat membuat pejabat administrasi pemerintahan selalu menggunakan segenap
kemampuan intelektual dan keahliannya serta mengedepankan prinsip kehati-hatian
secara obyektif dan tanggung jawab dalam mengambil suatu kebijakan.

This thesis examines how a policy made by Governance Administration Official
could be subject to criminal sanctions. This study is a qualitative research with
normative juridical approach. The results of the study suggest that the Bill of
Governance Administration should pass immediately. With the law, if the governance
administration officials happen to make a mistake or violate the law, it is easy to
define whether it is an administrative or law violation, so there will be no more
officials are above the law. The criminal sanctions for governance administration
officials, who abuse their authority in making a policy, is expected to make them
always use all their intellectual abilities and expertise as well as to put forward
prudential principle objectively and responsibly."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article aims to discuss various phase of po/icy formulation during President Megawati Soekarnoputri era for fighting against corruption in Indonesia. The research uses qualitative approach and shows that policy formulation on criminal matters in President Megawati Soekamoputri?s administration consisted of legislation and law made as seem sufficient and appropriate. The research suggests that production of legislation have to be implemented as soon as possible to measure up output and outcome of it."
[Departemen Kriminologi. FISIP UI, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia], 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The criminal justice system encompasses the most severe instrument at the state's disposal in times of peace. For this and many other reasons, overuse of that system is a serious matter. It may present itself in different forms. Overuse of criminalization may mean that too much conduct is criminalized without necessity. Overuse of prosecution may present itself if too many violations of criminal offences are prosecuted, while in certain individual cases or specific categories of cases it would be more effective, fairer, more efficient or otherwise desirable to refrain from prosecution and/or to apply alternative means, such as negotiating justice or administrative fines. Finally, the criminal justice system can be overused through the application and execution of too many or too severe prison sentences. All these forms of overuse are discussed in this volume. It contains one introductory chapter, seven thematic chapters and sixteen chapters on individual countries around the world. Themes discussed in these chapters are, among others, the principle that criminal law is and must be regarded as a so-called ultima ratio or ultimum remedium, the relevant human rights framework, worldwide statistics, and legal and practical restraints as well as possibilities to solve overuse. Containing an extensive collection of expert knowledge, this volume intends to expose legal possibilities, good practices and the many challenges that lie ahead when attempting to prevent overuse in the criminal justice system."
Cambridge: Intersentia, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Basir
"Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP) mengandung beberapa asas didalamnya, Salah satunya adalah asas diferensiasi fungsional. Asas ini berarti penegasan pembagian tugas dan kewenangan antara jajaran aparat penegak hukum secara instansional. KUHAP meletakan suatu asas 'penjernihan' (clarification) dan ?modifikasi? (modification) fungsi dan wewenang antara aparat penegak hukum. Asas diferensiasi fungsional mulanya bertujuan untuk dipergunakan sebagai sarana koordinasi horizontal dan saling checking antara penegak hukum, terutama antara polisi selaku penyidik dengan jaksa selaku penuntut umum. Berdasarkan pasal 1 butir 1 dan 4 jo pasal 1 butir 6 huruf a jo pasal 13 KUHAP, maka jelas terlihat penjernihan dan pembagian secara tegas antara fungsi dan wewenang polisi sebagai penyidik dan jaksa sebagai penuntut umum serta pelaksana putusan pengadilan. Walaupun asas diferensiasi fungsional ditekankan antara polisi dengan jaksa, namun berpengaruh terhadap semua sub sistem dalam sistem peradilan pidana. Bagi Polri hal itu berakibat menumpuknya penanganan laporan dan pengaduan yang harus ditindaklanjuti yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan kurang maksimalnya pelaksanaan tugas-tugas penyidikan, seperti lambatnya pengiriman Surat Pemberitahuan Dimulainya Penyidikan dan bolak baliknya berkas perkara. Bagi jaksa asas diferensiasi fungsional telah menjadikan spektrum dan cara pandang jaksa dalam memberantas kejahatan menjadi sempit. Hal ini karena jaksa tidak terlibat secara langsung dalam proses penyidikan. Sedangkan pada proses persidangan di pengadilan, hanya tidak lebih dari mengkonfirmasi dan memverifikasi kebenaran isi Berita Acara pemeriksaan yang sebenarnya tidak mengikat. Sedangkan bagi tersangka dan pelapor / pengadu asas diferensiasi fungsional, telah merugikan hak-haknya karena perkaranya tidak dapat diproses berdasarkan peradilan yang cepat, sederhana dan biaya murah. Pada akhirnya asas diferensiasi fungsional menjadi salah satu penyebab over capacity pada lembaga pemasyarakatan. Lembaga ini tidak dapat melakukan pembinaan terhadap narapidana sebagaimana mestinya, bahkan dapat menjadi school of crime yang melahirkan residivis baru. Berdasarkan hal itu asas diferensiasi fungsional dirasa tidak dapat menciptakan keterpaduan antara penyidik dengan penuntut umum. Oleh karena itu perubahan KUHAP merupakan sesuatu yang urgent dan harus segera dilaksanakan.

Act No. 8 of 1981 on Procedure of Criminal Law (Criminal Procedure Code) contains some of the principles therein. The one of them is functional differentiation principle. The functional differentiation principle means the affirmation of the division of duties and authority between the law enforcement officers in institutional. The criminal procedure code put a principle of "purification" (clarification) and ?modification? functions and powers among law enforcement officers. The functional differentiation principle originally intended to be used as a means of horizontal coordination and mutual checking between law enforcement agencies, especially between polices as investigator and prosecutors as public prosecutor. Based on criminal procedure code article 1, point 1 and 4 jo article 1 point 6 letter a jo article 13, it is clearly seen purification and distribution between the functions and powers of the police as investigators and prosecutors as a public prosecutor and executor of verdict. Although the principle of functional differentiation stressed in between the investigators and the public prosecutor, but it influent all the sub systems in criminal justice system. For the police, it resulted in deposition of handling reports and complaints that should be followed up, in the end it can be implementation tasks which is not fulfilled maximal, such as the slow delivery of the notice of investigation letter and back and forth the docket. For prosecutors, principle of functional differentiation has made spectrum and perspective in combating crimes prosecutor becomes narrower. This is because prosecutors are not directly involved in investigation process. The trial process in court is nothing more than confirmation and verifying the correctness of the content of the examination dossier which is not binding. At the same time, for the suspect and the complainant, the functional differentiation principle has been detrimental to their rights because the case can't be processed with fast, simple and low cost trial. In the end the principle of functional differentiation be one cause of over capacity in the penitentiary. This institution can not conduct training of prisoners, even can be a school crime that spawned a new recidivist. Based on this principle of functional differentiation deemed not to create integration between law enforcement agencies, especially the investigators with the prosecutors. Therefore, conversion of the criminal procedure code is urgent and should be implemented immediately."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
H. Budi Santoso
Jakarta: [publisher not identified], 2009
345 BUD y
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barda Nawawi Arief, 1943-
Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2010
345 BAR m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barda Nawawi Arief, 1943-
Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2011
345 BAR b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guntur Ferry Fathar
Hutan Indonesia sebagai salah satu paru-paru dunia selain hutan di Brazil, pada saat ini telah mengalami kerusakan yang parah. Kerusakan yang terjadi salah satunya disebabkan pembakaran hutan oleh perusahaan pengolah hasil hutan dan perkebunan maupun masyarakat tradisional. Pembakaran tersebut biasanya dilakukan untuk membuka atau menyiapkan lahan untuk ditanarni. Akibat dari pembakaran hutan tersebut menimbulkan kerugian yang mencakup seluruh bidang kehidupan politik, ekonorni, sosial, budaya, pertahanan dan keamanan (poleksosbudhankam). Memperhatikan akibat yang ditimbulkan begitu luas, sewajibnya pemerintah melindungi hutan dari kerusakan yang lebih parah. Pemerintah harus berani dan tegas menindak setiap pelaku pembakaran dengan hukuman seberat-beratnya sehingga menimbulkan efek jera. Untuk mewujudkannya diperlukan penegakan hukum yang kuat berdasarkan sistem peradilan pidana yang terpadu. Namun pada kenyataannya penegakan hukum masih lemah. Pemerintah masih terkesan tidak serius dalam menangani masalah yang membukt malu Indonesia terhadap negara-negara tetangga ini. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan masih maraknya pembakaran hutan setiap tahunnya. Masih terdapat kelemahan--kelemahan baik itu dari peraturan perundang-undangannya maupun lernbaga atau aparat penegak hukumnya. Pengenaan sanksi pidana yang tidak mengindahkan azas lex specialis derogat legi generalis dapat mengakibatkan "dipermainkannya" aturan hukum oleh penyidik dengan yang disidik. Disamping itu, Pejabat Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PPNS) kehutanan dan perkebunan tidak bekerja secara optimal membantu pihak kepolisian menyidik terjadinya tindak pidana pembakaran yang terjadi diwilayah yurisdiksinya. Tidak seriusnya pemerintah jugs terlihat dari kecilnya anggaran yang dialokasikan untuk memperlancar proses penegakan hukum yang dilakukan. Ini menyebabkan penanganan perkara menjadi lamban ditambah lagi dengan minimnya sumber daya rnanusia yang dimiliki oleh lembagalembaga yang memiliki kewenangan penyidikan disamping kepolisian. Yang terpenting dalam kasus pembakaran hutan ini adalah adanya kemauan dari aparat penegak hukum untuk menindak pelaku karena menyidik satu kasus saja memerlukan biaya operasional yang besar.

Forest Indonesia as one of the world lung besides forest in Brazil, at the moment have experienced of hard damage. Damages that happened is one of them caused by combustion of forest by company of processor result of plantation and forest and traditional society. The combustion is usually done to open or prepare farm to be cultivated. Effect of combustion of the forest generates loss including all area life of politics, economic, social, cultural, security and defense. Considering generated effect so wide, is government's duty to protect forest from even bigger damage. Government should be brave and straight to put the man behind the bar with the smallest punishment that make people not going to do that again. To realize it needed the straightening of strong law pursuant to integrated criminal justice system. But practically the straightening of law still weaken. Government still impress not serious in handling problem making Indonesia shame to this neighbor countries. This proved by a large number of forest combustion each years. There are weakness from the law and regulation of and government officer or institute enforcers. Imposition of crime sanction which heedless of principality of "lex specialis derogat legi generalis" occur because the investigator can somehow make the rule by himself. Beside that, civil investigator of forest and land are not optimally work to help police to investigated the combustion in their jurisdiction region. Unserious of governmental also seen from the so small budget for process the straightening of law enforcement going smooth. There for, the case handling became slower and with the small number of person in these institution which have its own investigating duty beside police. The most important in forest combustion is the willingness from law enforcer to act to the person, because investigating a single case cost a lot of operational fee.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lamintang, P.A.F., 1926-
Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2010
364.15 LAM d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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