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Ani Purwanti
"Affirmative Action (tindakan khusus sementara) untuk perempuan di bidang politik, pertama kali termuat dalam Undang Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 2002 tentang Partai Politik dan Undang Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2003 tentang Pemilu Anggota DPR RI, DPD dan DPRD. Regulasi tersebut berlanjut pada Undang Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2008 dan Nomor 2 Tahun 2011 tentang Partai Politik dan Undang Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2008 dan Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 tentang Pemilu Anggota DPR,DPD dan DPRD (Legislatif). Ketentuan tersebut merupakan hal baru di Indonesia karena mengatur keadilan gender dalam rekruitmen dan manajemen partai politik dan memasukkan 30% keterwakilan perempuan dalam pencalonan anggota legislatif, selain itu ada keharusan partai politik untuk memasukkan setidaknya 1 orang perempuan dalam setiap 3 bakal calon Legislatif (zipper system).
Politik hukum dianggap sebagai kebijakan hukum (legal policy) yang diharapkan bisa membantu mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan masyarakat, karena politik akan mempengaruhi hukum dengan cara melihat konfigurasi kekuatan yang ada di belakang pembuatan dan penegakan hukumnya serta akan dilaksanakan secara nasional oleh pemerintah. Politik Hukum adalah aktivitas memilih cara yang hendak dipakai untuk mencapai suatu tujuan sosial dan tujuan hukum tertentu. Undang-Undang Paket Politik yang ada sejak Reformasi merupakan representasi dari keinginan masyarakat (perempuan) untuk mempengaruhi pembuatan kebijakan di bidang Legislatif, dan hasilnya pada Pemilu Legislatif pada Tahun 2004 jumlah keterwakilan perempuan sebesar 11,3 %. Pada Pemilu Legislatif Tahun 2009, setelah Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi tentang suara terbanyak, keterwakilan perempuan di DPR sebesar 18,04% , di DPRD Provinsi sebesar 16,0 % dan pada DPRD Kabupaten/Kota sebesar 12,0 % .Jumlah tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada masa sebelum diterapkannya affirmative action pada masa Orde Lama dan Baru yaitu pada Pemilu Tahun 1992 (sebesar 12,50%).
Penelitian dalam disertasi ini melihat hukum dalam konsepnya sebagai norma sekaligus perilaku dan implementasinya, metode yang digunakan adalah sosio legal research, dengan demikian teks yang mengatur partisipasi perempuan dikaji dengan konteksnya di masyarakat. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) bagaimana perkembangan politik hukum pengaturan partisipasi perempuan di bidang politik khususnya di Lembaga Legislatif (Perwakilan), (2) bagaimana implementasi pengaturan keterwakilan perempuan di bidang Legislatif sebagaimana diamanatkan Undang-Undang Partai Politik dan Undang-Undang Pemilu Legislatif. Sedangkan permasalahan (3) adalah merumuskan bagaimana sebaiknya pengaturan partisipasi perempuan di Legislatif (Perwakilan) yang akan datang.
Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan mengunakan teori dari Hans Kelsen, Teori Responsif Philippe Nonet dan Philippe Selznick, Teori Hukum Progresif, Lawrence M Friedman dan William J Chambliss dan Robert B Seidman, dan Teori Pembentukan Agenda dari J.M.Otto Lokasi penelitian adalah Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Sumatera Barat dan Bali, dengan perbandingan negara Swedia, The Netherlands dan Malaysia dan 3 Partai Politik yaitu PDI Perjuangan, Golkar dan PKB.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) perkembangan politik hukum terutama sejak era reformasi tahun 1998 mendorong meningkatnya partisipasi perempuan di bidang politik khususnya di lembaga Legislatif (Perwakilan), (2) Budaya patriarkhi yang masih berkelindan pada stakeholder termasuk partai politik dan masyarakat pemilih termasuk perempuan menjadi kendala belum optimalnya partisipasi perempuan di Legislatif (Perwakilan) di Jawa Tengah, Sumatra Barat dan Bali. (3) pengaturan ideal keterwakilan perempuan di bidang politik khususnya pada Legislatif (Perwakilan) memerlukan pengaturan yang bersifat responsif dan progresif khususnya pada pembentukan Undang-Undang Partai Politik dan Undang-Undang Pemilu Legislatif yang akan datang.
Partai Politik segera memasukkan program terkait dengan pendidikan politik dan pemberdayaan perempuan di dalam Anggaran Dasar/Anggaran Rumah Tangga. dengan demikian Partai Politik dapat melaksanakan program kaderisasi, rekruitmen, pendidikan politik bagi perempuan, sehingga akan tersedia cukup banyak calon legislatif perempuan yang berkualitas. Hasil lainnya adalah memaksimalkan lembaga suprastruktur, infrastruktur dan lembaga non departemen dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas perempuan di bidang politik.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diatas, penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar tetap memasukkam prinsip affirmatif action di dalam Undang-Undang Partai Politik dan Undang-Undang Pemilu Legislatif. Selain itu Partai Politik sebagai stakeholder utama diwajibkan memasukkan program pemberdayaan perempuan dalam AD/ART sebagai syarat utama menjadi peserta pemilu Legislatif. Hal ini disebabkan karena dari 12 partai politik peserta pemilu tahun 2014 hanya 3 partai politik yang mempunyai program pemberdayaan perempuan di dalam AD/ART yaitu (PKB, Gerindra, dan PAN). Partisipasi perempuan di Lembaga Legislatif akan meningkat sebagaimana diamanatkan Undang-Undang yaitu sebesar 30% jika pada Paket Undang-Undang Politik yang akan datang menggunakan sistem proporsional dengan daftar tertutup, dengan syarat partai politik mempunyai komitmen yang kuat terhadap peningkatan partisipasi perempuan di lembaga Legislatif.

Affirmative Action is temporary special measure for woman in political area has regulated on Act of Political Party (UU Nomor 31 Tahun 2002) and Act of Parliament Election (UU Nomor 12 Tahun 2003), it is regulate further and revised on Act Number 2 Year 2008 and Act Number 2 Year 2011 on Political Party and Act Number 10 Year 2008 and Act Number 8 Year 2012 on Parliament Election. Those regulation on affirmative action for woman are considered as a "new stuff" in Indonesia that specificly regulate about the gender equility on political party recruitment and management thats include the 30% woman representation on legislative candidate selection, it is also regulate that political party have to included at least one woman in every three candidate of preliminary legislative (zipper system).
Legal policy are considered as a legal policy that expected to change purpose on society because political will in law making process could make an impact on law from the basis of the configuration of political background process on law making process in legislative. The Act of Political Parties which had been exist since reformation can be considered as reflaction of people will to influence on policy making. The result from Legislative Election at 2004 has make woman representation in parliament about 11,3% and Legislative Election at 2009, after Constitutional Court Decree result 18,04 woman representation in Legislative and 16% on Province Legislative and 12% on City Legislative , those numbers are higher if its compared to the legislative election on the new order regime (12,5% on the 1992 election).
This doctoral research is trying to see the problem of woman representation based on law as norm and also behavior include its implementation by using socio legal research method to actualize law on its text and context. The problem that appear on this research are : first, how the development of the legal policy on woman representation in the political field especially in legislative, the second is how the regulation of woman representation works in reality according to the Act of Political Parties and the Act of Parliament Election, and third is how to formulate the ideal regulation of woman political legislative participation in the upcoming election.
This qualitative research using the theories from, Hans Kelsen, , Lawrence M Friedman and William J Chambliss and Robert B Seidman, Satjipto Rahardjo Progressive Law Theories and Agenda?s Theories from JM Otto. This research took place in Central Java, West Sumatra and Bali, with the comparison three different nation state Swedia, Netherlands dan Malaysia, the study of political party in Indonesia take place on PDI Perjuangan, Golkar and PKB.
The results from this research are (1) the development of the legal policy especially in reformation era after 1998 is very determining woman representation in political field especially legislative field. (2) Patriarkhi culture is still give an impact to the stakeholders such as political party and the voters include women it self become the main factor in the optimalization of woman participation number in Central Java, West Sumatra and Bali. (3) The ideal woman legislative representation should be regulate with progressive and responsif laws which is required in the formulated of Political Party Acts should held women empowering programme on their basic principles, so they could run and should be given on the party that doesnt obey the woman political representation both on the recruitment or in the management of the party.
Political parties as the main stakeholders that related to the woman participation especially political party should have a clear agenda to achieve the ideal condition of woman representation in political field from the level of caderization, recruitment, political education for woman, that have a clear impact both on the quality and quantity on the woman politician. The Maximalization of the suprastructure and infrastructure institution, and even the grassroot political movement and woman movement from NGO's.
Based on these Research, I recommend that the future Political Party Act and Legislative Election Acts should maintain the affirmative action principles. On the other hand, all of the stakeholders that correlated with empowering woman, on political area, especially the Political Party to held an woman empowerement programmes. So far, there are only three among twelve party on the 2014 election that has already have woman empowerement program on their rule of conduct; PKB, Gerindra and PAN. On the future,the rule of conduct that consist the woman empowerement and political agenda as one of the election's verification reqruienment. The number of woman participation on Parliament could raised if on the future election act is using the Proportional Closed List System, plus the commitment of political party to enhance the number of woman member is a must.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nurludfah
"Aspek-aspek yang menjadi sorotan dalam sebuah komitmen partai adalah (1) Bagaimana visi dan misi partai diinternalisasikan, (2) Bagaimana program-program partai mendorong partisipasi perempuan, (3) Bagaimana kaderisasi meningkatkan kualitas keterwakilan, (4) Bagaimana pola rekrutmen, (5) Bagaimana keterserapan perempuan dalam jabatan struktual partai. Selama ini kelima hal tersebut diduga menjadi penghambat partisipasi dan keberperanan dalam partai politik.
Meskipun jumlah populasi penduduk perempuan adalah mayoritas namun partisipasi dan keterwakilan perempuan dalam parlemen belum memenuhi kuota yang diharapkan keterlibatan anggota perempuan pada forum-forum permusyawaratan serta penempatan perempuan pada posisi jabatan partai mengalami banyak hambatan terutama faktor budaya organisasi serta kultur sumber daya perempuan itu sendiri, akan tetapi perjuangan untuk mendapatkan kesetaraan gender dijumpai terus berkembang baik secara kuantitas keanggotaan parlemen maupun secara kualitas keberperanannya yaitu ikut menentukan kebijakan-kebijakan politik. Persepsi kelompok perempuan yang selama ini termarginalkan mulai terkikis oleh komunikasi politik yang semakin terbuka demikian pula meskipun sangat terbatas pengembangan, pemberdayaan, dan kaderisasi anggota parlemen perempuan.
Agar partai politik dapat memenuhi keterwakilan 30% tersebut perlu membangun kaderisasi dan kemitraan stratejik dengan aktivis perempuan diberbagai lintas organisasi baik parpol, ormas, dan LSM serta lembaga pendidikan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas secara berkelanjutan.

Aspects that become the spotlight in a party commitment are (1) How internalized party vision and mission, (2) how the party's programs encourage women's participation, (3) how to improve the quality of cadre recruitment representation, (4) how the pattern of recruitment, (5) How keterserapan women in the Office of structural party. During these five things are thought to be a barrier to participation and function in political parties.
Although the number of female population are the majority but the participation and representation of women in Parliament has not met the expected quota for women members involvement in consultative forums as well as the placement of women in positions of the party although women participation experienced many obstacles especially factors organizational culture as well as cultural resources women itselfbut the struggle to obtain gender equality found growing both in quantity and quality of membership of Parliament in its role of taking decisive political policies. Perceptions of women's groups that had been marginalized eroded by an increasingly open political communication as well although very limited development, empowerment, and the regeneration of women parliaments.
In order to, political parties meet the 30% representation of the need to build strategic partnerships with cadres and activists across various organizations both political parties, organizations, and NGO?s and educational institutions to increase capacity on an ongoing basis."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salma Salsabila
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran perempuan di dunia politik yang berdampak pada perubahan sosial budaya di Yordania. Perempuan di Yordania masih relatif sedikit dalam keterlibatan di dunia politik, padahal gerakan feminisme dan kesetaraan gender sudah ada sejak 1974. Pertanyaan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana peran perempuan di dunia politik berpengaruh dalam perubahan sosial Budaya di Yordania. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan studi pustaka dan teknik wawancara jarak jauh dengan seorang perempuan Yordania. Peneliti menggunakan Teori Feminisme Islam dan Teori Partisipasi Politik. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa, keterlibatan perempuan di dalam politik di Yordania memang masih relatif rendah, namun telah memberikan dampak signifikan di dalam perubahan sosial budaya. Hal tersebut nampak dari meningkatnya jumlah perempuan terdidik yang pada gilirannya semakin meningkatkan kesadaran perempuan untuk dilibatkan lebih lebih luas di dunia politik. Keterlibatan perempuan di dunia politik juga penting untuk membangun kesadaran perempuan-perempuan Yordania untuk lebih mandiri dan lebih percaya kepada kemampuan mereka sendiri, sehingga dapat turut serta dalam berbagai aktivitas di dunia publik. Namun, perjuangan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan perempuan di dunia politik masih mendapat tantangan dari norma budaya dan masyarakat Yordania yang patriaki.

This study aims to analyze the role of women in the world of politics which has an impact on socio-cultural changes in Jordan. Women in Jordan are still relatively few involved in politics, even though the feminist movement and gender equality have existed since 1974. The question raised in this research is how the role of women in politics influences socio-cultural changes in Jordan. The method used is a qualitative method with literature study and remote interview techniques with a Jordanian woman. This study uses Islamic Feminist Theory and Political Participation Theory. The results of this study conclude that, women's involvement in politics in Jordan is still relatively low, but has had a significant impact on socio-cultural changes. This can be seen from the increasing number of educated women which in turn has increased women's awareness to be involved more broadly in the world of politics. The involvement of women in the world of politics is also important to build the awareness of Jordanian women to be more independent and have more confidence in their own abilities, so they can participate in various activities in the public world. However, the struggle to increase women's involvement in politics is still being challenged by cultural norms and Jordan's patriarchal society."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umi Illiyina
"Tesis yang merupakan kajian interdisipliner antara kajian lembaga negara dengan kajian politik ini membahas perkembangan koalisi partai politik di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dalam era reformasi. Penelitian ini menganalisis dinamika koalisi partai politik dan pengaruhnya terhadap pelaksanaan fungsi legislatif di Indonesia. Dalam menganalisis dinamika koalisi partai politik dan pengaruhnya terhadap pelaksanaan fungsi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat di Indonesia penulis menemukan bahwa konfigurasi partai politik dan koalisi partai politik yang terbangun turut mempengaruhi pelaksanaan fungsi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statutory approach), dan pendekatan kasus (case approach) ini merekomendasikan perlunya koalisi berbasis kesamaan ideologi dan haluan (platform) politik diantara partai politik yang berkoalisi, menata pelembagaan koalisi yang mapan, menata ulang format pemilu dalam arti luas.

This thesis is an interdisciplinary study between state organ studies and political studies that discusses the development of political party coalition in reformation era of the House of Representative of the Republic of Indonesia. In analyze the dynamic of political party coalition and its influence to application to the House of Representative function in Indonesia, the author find that the configuration of political party and political party coalition that was built also influences the function of the House of Representative of the Republic of Indonesia. The research conducted by statutory approach and case approach recommend that need to set up the coalition base on similarity ideology and political platform among political party in coalition, to institutionalizing of establish coalition and reformulation of general electoral design in broader sense."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati
"Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualititatif yang menempatkan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera dan Partai Persatuan Pembangunan sebagai obyek penelitian. Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah masih rendahnya keterwakilan perempuan dalam pemilu yang disebabkan karena masih rendahnya komitmen partai politik dalam menerapkan kebijakan afirmasi dalam pemilu. Adanya peraturan yang mewajibkan partai untuk memenuhi kebijakan afirmasi ini memang mendorong partai memenuhi keterwakilan perempuan dalam pencalonan calon anggota legislatif, untuk itu penelitian ini berusaha mencari jawaban bagaimana strategi partai dalam memenuhi kebijakan afirmasi tersebut.Menjelang Pemilu 2014 KPU mengeluarkan PKPU No 7/2013 mengenai pencalonan yang salah satu klausulnya adalah mewajibkan partai politik peserta pemilu untuk memenuhi ketentuan mencalonkan 1 orang bakal calon perempuan diantara 3 bakal calon di masing-masing daerah pemilihan. Jika partai politik tidak memenuhi ketentuan tersebut maka partai politik ini akan didiskualifikasi sebagai peserta pemilu di daerah pemilihan tersebut. Hal ini kemudian mendorong partai politik untuk mau tidak mau harus memenuhi kuota 30 pencalonan perempuan. Masing-masing partai politik memiliki strateginya sendiri dalam memenuhi kebijakan tersebut, termasuk Partai Keadilan Sejahteran PKS dan Partai Persatuan Pembangunan PPP. Strategi yang diambil partai ini tidak dipungkiri terkait dengan ketersediaan kader yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing partai dan juga sistem pemilu yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam mencalonkan perempuan di dalam pemilu partai belum sepenuhnya menerapkan sistem merit dalam menjaring kader karena sejumlah alasan, seperti partai mencari figur yang populer, yang memiliki kedekatan dengan elit partai, memiliki sumber dana yang cukup, hal ini menujukan bahwa budaya patriartki masih berlaku dalam partai politik.

This research is a qualitative research that puts PKS and PPP as the object of research. The background of this research is still the low representation of women in the election due to the low commitment of political parties in applying affirmation policy in the election. The existence of a regulation requiring the party to fulfill this affirmative policy does encourage the party to fulfill women 39 s representation in nomination of legislative candidate. Therefore, this research seeks to answer how the party 39 s strategy in fulfilling the affirmation policy.In the lead up to the 2014 General Election the KPU issues PKPU No 7 2013 regarding the nomination of which one of its clauses is to require the political parties participating in the election to fulfill the requirements of nominating one prospective female among 3 candidates in each electoral district. If a political party fails to comply with this provision then this political party shall be disqualified as an election participant in the electoral district. This then encourages political parties to inevitably have to meet the quota of 30 nomination of women. Each political party has its own strategy to comply with the policy, including the Justice Party PKS and the United Development Party PPP .The strategy adopted by the party is undeniably related to the availability of cadres owned by each party and also the electoral system used.This study shows that in nominating women in party elections has not yet fully implemented a merit system in recruiting cadres for a number of reasons, such as parties looking for popular figures, who have close ties to party elites, have sufficient funding sources, this implies that the patriarchic culture is still Apply in political parties."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghunarsa Sujatnika
"Tesis ini membahas tentang politik hukum pemerintahan Indonesia Periode 1999-2014 tentang demokrasi politik dengan menganalisis undang-undang partai politik. Hal yang dianalasis mencakup tiga aspek, yakni pembentukan partai politik, perselisihan sengketa partai politik, dan pembubaran partai politik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perbandingan hukum dan sejarah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian sinkronisasi peraturan perundang-undangan, yakni antara UUD NRI Tahun 1945 dengan UU Partai Politik yang berlaku di Indonesia, khususnya pada periode 1999-2014. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pengaturan tentang partai politik di Indonesia pada setiap masa pemerintahan. Pada masa Orde Lama, pembentukan partai politik hanya berdasarkan suatu Maklumat Pemerintah dan pembubaran partai politik dilakukan oleh Presiden. Pada masa Orde Baru, terdapat pembatasan dan fusi partai politik, sedangkan pembubaran partai politik tetap dilakukan oleh Presiden. Sedangkan pada masa reformasi, pembentukan partai politik dapat bebas dilakukan dengan mengikuti aturan yang berlaku, perselisihan partai politik mengarah kepada kemandirian partai politik dengan terdapatnya Mahkamah Partai Politik, dan pembubaran partai politik dilakukan dengan melalui suatu proses peradilan yang dilakukan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi. Politik hukum terkait dengan partai politik ini menginginkan bahwa tidak terdapat intervensi dari pemerintah, seperti pada masa Orde Lama dan Orde Baru, sehingga partai politik menjadi lebih mandiri dan berdaulat.

The focus research of this thesis is legal policy of Indonesian government during 2014 on political democracy by analyzing the political party law. The analyze include three aspects, the formation of political parties, political parties disputes, and dissolution of political parties. The method used in this thesis are normative juridical by comparative law approach and historical approach. This research is a synchronization of legislation between UUD NRI 1945 with political party law, particulary in the 1999-2014 period. The result of this research indicate that there are differences in the regulation of the political party in every reign. In the Old Order, the formation of political party based solely on a government edict and dissolution of political party by the President. During the New Order, there are restrictions and fusion of political party, while the dissolution of political party is still being done by the President. In the reform period, the formation of political party may be freely done by following the rules, disputes political party has led to the independence of political party with the presence of the Political Party Court, and the dissolution of political party is done through a judicial process conducted byt he Constitutional Court. Legal policy of political party led to there is no intervention from the government, as in the Olde Order and New Order. So, that political party more independent and sovereign."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlanda Juliansyah Putra
Didalam penelitian ini peniliti memberikan gagasan mengenai pembubaran partai
politik korup melalui celah hukum pembubaran partai politik di indonesia dengan
memberikan tafsir terhadap makna hukum positif yang mengatur tentang pembubaran
partai politik, salah satunya yaitu adanya nomenklatur yang disebutkan didalam Pasal 2
huruf b Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 12 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pedoman
Beracara Pembubaran Partai Politik yang menyebutkan bahwa partai politik dapat
dibubarkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi apabila kegiatan/akibat yang dilakukan oleh
partai politik tersebut bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Klausul
?akibat? yang ditimbulkan tersebut dapat disamakan dengan kegiatan korupsi yang
melibatkan pengurus/anggota partai politik yang melaksanakan kegiatan aktifitas
kepartaian untuk dapat dibubarkan. Adanya persamaan pengertian yang ditujukan
antara korporasi selaku badan hukum yang disamakan dengan pengertian partai politik
selaku badan hukum dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan untuk menarik keterlibatan
partai politik melalui pengurusnya dalam melakukan tindak pidana korupsi dengan
mempergunakan doktrin strict liability dan doktrin vicarious liability yang
memungkinkan partai politik tersebut bertanggungjawab atas perbuatan yang dilakukan
oleh pengurus/anggota partai politik yang menjalankan aktivitas kepartaian.

Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.;Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party., Researcher in this study provides an idea of the dissolution of the corrupt political
parties through legal loopholes dissolution of political parties in Indonesia to provide
interpretation of the meaning of positive law governing the dissolution of political
parties, one of which is the existence of the nomenclature referred to in Article 2
paragraph b of the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 12 year 2008 on Guidelines for
the Proceedings In the Dissolution of Political Parties which states that a political party
can be dissolved by the Constitutional Court if the activities/result conducted by the
political parties in conflict with the Constitution of 1945. Clause " due " posed is what
can be equated with corruption involving officials/members of a political party
conducting the activities of the party to be dissolved. The existence of the common
understanding between the corporation intended as a legal entity which is equated with
the notion of a political party as a legal entity can be used as a reference for the
involvement of political parties through its officials in committing corruption by using
the doctrine of strict liability and vicarious liability doctrine that allows the political
party responsible for acts committed by officials/members of political parties that run
the activities of the party.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Rahayu
"Tasawuf dan politik cenderung dianggap sebagai konsep yang saling bertolak belakang. Tasawuf politik merupakan istilah yang menunjukkan sinergitas antara tasawuf dan politik, dimana politik dapat mencapai tujuan idealnya dengan menerapkan nilai-nilai tasawuf. Dalam karya ilmiah ini, hubungan antara tasawuf dan politik diteliti pada komunitas tasawuf perkotaan, yaitu komunitas Kenduri Cinta dan hubungannya dengan partisipasi politik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat partisipasi politik dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat partisipasi politik jamaah Kenduri Cinta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif melalui penyebaran kuesioner dengan teknik purposive sampling. Selain kategori demografi yang meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, dan tingkat ekonomi yang akan dianalisis pengaruhnya terhadap partisipasi politik, terdapat variabel bebas yang diuji antara lain Kepedulian Politik, Motivasi Politik, Situasi dan Lingkungan Politik, Pendidikan Politik, dan Orientasi Politik. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel dan metode inferensial untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel, baik secara parsial maupun global. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi politik jamaah Kenduri Cinta cenderung rendah. Berdasarkan hasil uji global, semua variabel bebas secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap tingkat partisipasi politik jamaah Kenduri Cinta. Sementara pada hasil uji regresi, variabel Kepedulian Politik, Motivasi Politik, Pendidikan Politik, dan Orientasi Politik berpengaruh secara positif terhadap tingkat partisipasi politik. Namun, variabel Motivasi Politik berpengaruh secara negatif, sehingga semakin meningkat motivasi politik, maka semakin menurun tingkat partisipasi politiknya. Penelitian ini dapat disempurnakan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk memperoleh informasi yang lebih detail dan mendalam terkait kecenderungan tingkat partisipasi politik yang rendah pada jamaah Kenduri Cinta.

Sufism and politics tend to be considered as contradictory concepts. Political Sufism is a term that shows the synergy between Sufism and politics, where politics can achieve its ideal goals by applying the values of Sufism. In this study, the relationship between Sufism and politics is examined in an urban Sufism community, namely the Kenduri Cinta community and its relationship with political participation. The aim of this research is to determine the level of political participation and analyze the factors that influence the level of political participation of the Kenduri Cinta congregation. The method used in this research is a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires with a purposive sampling technique. Apart from the demographic categories which include age, gender, education level, and economic level which will be analyzed how the impact toward political participation, other independent variables also had been tested including Political Concern, Political Motivation, Political Situation and Environment, Political Education and Political Orientation. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive methods to determine the relationship between variables and inferential methods to determine the influence of variables, both partially and globally. The results show that the level of political participation of the Kenduri Cinta congregation tends to be low. Based on the results of the global test, all independent variables together have an impact toward the level of political participation of the Kenduri Cinta congregation. Meanwhile, in the regression test results, Political Concern, Political Motivation, Political Education and Political Orientation have a positive effect on the level of political participation. However, the Political Motivation variable has a negative impact, so that the more political motivation increases, the lower the level of political participation. This research can be refined by using qualitative methods to obtain more detailed and in-depth information regarding the tendency for low levels of political participation among the Kenduri Cinta congregation."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Skripsi ini membahas peran dari Women and Constitution Network dalam proses penyusunan konstitusi Thailand 1997, terutama pembentukan pasal kesetaraan gender, dan implementasi pasal tersebut dalam Pemilihan Umum Thailand 2001.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisa peran dari Women and Constitution Network dalam proses pembentukan pasal kesetaraan gender. Penelitian ini juga melihat bagaimana penggunaan pasal kesetaraan gender dalam Undang-Undang Pemilihan Umum Thailand 2001.
Temuan penelitian ini adalah jaminan kesetaraan gender membuka peluang peningkatan partisipasi politik perempuan Thailand. Dengan adanya jaminan konstitusional dan dukungan dari organisasi masyarakat sipil, terdapat peningkatan partisipasi politik perempuan pada Pemilihan Umum 2001.

This undergraduate thesis examines the role of Women and Constitution Network (WCN) in Thailand's 1997 Constitution legislation process, escpecially in the introduction of gender equality article, and its application in Thailand's 2001 General Election.
This study uses qualitative methods to analyze the role of Women and Constitution Network in legislation process of gender equality article.
This study finds the law of gender equality is giving an opportunity to increase women political participation in Thailand. Through the constitutional guarantee of gender equality and support from civil society organizations, women's political participation increased in Thailand's 2001 General Election.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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