"[Menghadapi tantangan pada abad ke 21, anak-anak perlu dipersiapkan mencapai tingkat perkembangan yang optimal meliputi seluruh aspek perkembangan dan mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang meliputi tidak hanya pemahaman serta ketrampilan, namun juga pembawaan diri dan perasaan. Guru-guru sebagai ujung tonggak pendidikan anak di sekolah perlu diberi pembekalan pemahaman dan kemampuan merancang pembelajaran yang dapat mempersiapkan anak menghadapi abad ke 21. Pendekatan proyek atau Project Approach merupakan sebuah pendekatan dengan pembelajaran aktif yang bermanfaat bagi anak. Subyek pada penelitian ini adalah guru-guru TK di sekolah TK Dwi Matra dan TK Kirana Preschool. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan before and after study design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui program pelatihan awal mengenai pembelajaran dengan pendekatan proyek yang diikuti oleh guru-guru TK, maka kemampuan menjelaskan pendekatan proyek termasuk pengertian, manfaat dan tahapan pendekatan proyek meningkat signifikan Selain itu, peningkatan yang signifikan juga terjadi pada kemampuan merancang pembelajaran dengan pendekatan proyek. Dari hasil rancangan pembelajaran menunjukkan pencapaian hasil yang cukup baik untuk perancangan tahap pertama pendekatan proyek, namun hasil perancangan tahap kedua dan tahap ketiga menunjukkan hasil yang belum optimal. Kendala dan tantangan yang dialami dalam penelitian ini selanjutnya dipaparkan dalam diskusi penelitian.
;In facing the 21st century, children need to be prepared in reaching their optimum development level which encompas all aspect of growth and to achieve the learning goals which include not only knowledge and skill, but also disposition and feeling. Teachers as the forefront of education need to be equipped with the understanding and skill of a learning method which can prepare the children to face this 21st century challenge. Project approach is an approach which utilizes active learning which is beneficial for the children. Subject to this research are kindergarten teachers at Dwi Matra Kindergarten and Kirana Preschool Kindergarten. This research is a quantitative research using before and after study design. The result suggest that through preliminary training program on learning with project approach, the kindergarten teachers ability to explain project approach including understanding, benefit and stages of project approach have increased significantly, the teachers ability to design learning with project approach have also improved significantly. The result of learning design that the teachers had made shows a remarkable result for the first stage of the project approach; however the second and third design result was not as optimal. Obstacle and challenges faced in the research will be elaborated further in the research discussion.
, In facing the 21st century, children need to be prepared in reaching their optimum development level which encompas all aspect of growth and to achieve the learning goals which include not only knowledge and skill, but also disposition and feeling. Teachers as the forefront of education need to be equipped with the understanding and skill of a learning method which can prepare the children to face this 21st century challenge. Project approach is an approach which utilizes active learning which is beneficial for the children. Subject to this research are kindergarten teachers at Dwi Matra Kindergarten and Kirana Preschool Kindergarten. This research is a quantitative research using before and after study design. The result suggest that through preliminary training program on learning with project approach, the kindergarten teachers ability to explain project approach including understanding, benefit and stages of project approach have increased significantly, the teachers ability to design learning with project approach have also improved significantly. The result of learning design that the teachers had made shows a remarkable result for the first stage of the project approach; however the second and third design result was not as optimal. Obstacle and challenges faced in the research will be elaborated further in the research discussion.