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Barak, Aharon
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012
342 BAR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""With contributions from leading scholars in constitutional law, this volume examines how carefully designed and limited doctrines of proportionality can improve judicial decision-making, how it is applied in different jurisdictions, its role on constitutionalism outside the courts, and whether the principle of proportionality actually advances or detracts from democracy. Contributions from some of the seminal thinkers on the development of scholarship on proportionality (e.g. Alexy, Barak, and Beatty) extend their prior work and engage in an important dialogue on the topic. Some offer substantial critiques, others defend the doctrine and offer important clarifications and extensions of their prior work. Throughout, the authors engage not only with case law from around the world but also with existing scholarly treatments of the subject. Mathematical treatments are avoided, making the book accessible to readers from both 'soft' and hard' social science backgrounds"--
"With contributions from leading scholars in constitutional law, this volume examines how carefully designed and limited doctrines of proportionality can improve judicial decision-making, how it is applied in different jurisdictions, its role on constitutionalism outside of courts and whether the principle of proportionality actually advances or detracts from democracy. Contributions from some of the seminal thinkers on the development of scholarship on proportionality (e.g. Alexy, Barak and Beatty) extend their prior work and engage in an important dialogue on the topic. Some offer substantial critiques, others defend the doctrine and offer important clarifications and extensions of their prior work. Throughout, the authors engage not only with case law from around the world, but also with existing scholarly treatments of the subject. Mathematical treatments are avoided, making the book accessible to readers from both 'soft' and hard' social science backgrounds"--"
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
340.11 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""With contributions from leading scholars in constitutional law, this volume examines how carefully designed and limited doctrines of proportionality can improve judicial decision-making, how it is applied in different jurisdictions, its role on constitutionalism outside the courts, and whether the principle of proportionality actually advances or detracts from democracy. Contributions from some of the seminal thinkers on the development of scholarship on proportionality (e.g. Alexy, Barak, and Beatty) extend their prior work and engage in an important dialogue on the topic. Some offer substantial critiques, others defend the doctrine and offer important clarifications and extensions of their prior work. Throughout, the authors engage not only with case law from around the world but also with existing scholarly treatments of the subject. Mathematical treatments are avoided, making the book accessible to readers from both 'soft' and hard' social science backgrounds"--
"With contributions from leading scholars in constitutional law, this volume examines how carefully designed and limited doctrines of proportionality can improve judicial decision-making, how it is applied in different jurisdictions, its role on constitutionalism outside of courts and whether the principle of proportionality actually advances or detracts from democracy. Contributions from some of the seminal thinkers on the development of scholarship on proportionality (e.g. Alexy, Barak and Beatty) extend their prior work and engage in an important dialogue on the topic. Some offer substantial critiques, others defend the doctrine and offer important clarifications and extensions of their prior work. Throughout, the authors engage not only with case law from around the world, but also with existing scholarly treatments of the subject. Mathematical treatments are avoided, making the book accessible to readers from both 'soft' and hard' social science backgrounds"--"
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
340.11 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reyhan Savero Pradietya
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai penerapan asas proporsionalitas dalam melandasi pembagian hak dan kewajiban antara Pemberi Waralaba dan Penerima Waralaba dalam setiap proses perjanjian waralaba. Asas proporsionalitas ini akan dilihat dari peraturan perundang-undangan dan pendapat ahli hukum. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan metode kepustakaan dan wawancara narasumber. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perjanjian waralaba yang dibuat oleh para pihak dinilai sah dan telah sesuai dengan ketentuan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Namun demikian, masih terdapat permasalahan dalam proses pembentukan dan pelaksanaan perjanjian yang kurang sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan mengenai waralaba. Permasalahan tersebut berpengaruh terhadap kurang tercapainya penerapan asas proporsionalitas yang baik dan fair. Penulis menyarankan agar pemerintah sebaiknya membuat ketentuan waralaba yang lebih spesifik dan terarah, serta lebih berorientasi pada prinsip proporsionalitas.

This thesis provides explanation regarding the implementation of principle of proportionality in distributing the rights and obligations for franchisor and franchisee in each process of franchise agreement, which will be observed from the perspective of law and doctrines. This thesis applies a normative legal study with bibligraphical method and interviews. Subsequently, it has discovered that the agreement made by the parties is valid and appropriate in accordance with the Indonesian Civil Code. However, there are considerable amount of matters in the process of formation and implementation of this agreement which do not comply with the current franchising law. These matters affect on how the principle of proportionality on this agreement cannot be achieved properly and fairly. The writer suggests that the government should provide more specific, direct and proportionality oriented provision on the franchising law."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Grisella Giovany
"Perjanjian kemitraan merupakan pedoman bagi para pihak dalam melaksanakan suatu hubungan kemitraan yang berisi hak dan kewajiban para pihak. Dalam suatu hubungan kemitraan yang baik diperlukan diterapkannya suatu asas proporsionalitas agar tercipta bentuk hubungan kemitraan yang berlandaskan prinsip saling memerlukan, menguntungkan, dan memperkuat. Namun dalam perjanjian kemitraan GO-RIDE, PT GO-JEK Indonesia dan PT. Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa selaku perusahaan penyedia aplikasi dianggap merugikan mitra driver. Perjanjian kemitraan yang dibuat secara sepihak oleh perusahaan tersebut dianggap berdampak pada ketidakseimbangan hak dan kewajiban yang tidak mencerminkan keadilan dan asas proporsionalitas yang seharusnya diterapkan dalam perjanjian kemitraan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan tipe penelitian yuridis-normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa asas proporsionalitas yang seharusnya diterapkan dalam perjanjian kemitraan GO-RIDE masih belum diterapkan dengan baik dalam tahap pra-kontraktual, pembentukan, isi, dan pelaksanaan kontrak.

Partnership agreement as the guideline for the parties in executing partnership project contains the rights and obligation of each party. In an ideal partnership agreement, it is very necessary to apply the principle of proportionality in order to create a form of partnership which is based on the mutual need, benefits of each party to create a win-win partnership. But in GO-RIDE partnership agreement, PT GO-JEK Indonesia and PT. Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa as the application provider company is considered to be detrimental to GO-RIDE driver. The partnership agreement which is made by the company is considered to have impact on the imbalance of rights and obligations that do not reflect justice and the principle of proportionality that should be applied in the partnership agreement. The research method used is library research with juridical-normative research type. The results of the study indicate that the principle of proportionality that should be applied in the GO-RIDE partnership agreement is still not well implemented in the pre-contractual, formation, content and implementation stages of the contract."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Josua Satria Collins
Mahkamah Konstitusi mempunyai fungsi untuk mengawal konstitusi agar dilaksanakan dan dihormati baik penyelenggara kekuasaan negara maupun warga negara. Tak ayal, reformasi hukum di Indonesia menjadi prasyarat untuk menjadi negara hukum yang demokratis. Salah satu bentuk reformasi hukum dalam institusi kekuasan kehakiman adalah gagasan mengadopsi mekanisme constitusional question kedalam sistem peradilan konstitusi. Constitutional question merujuk pada suatu mekanisme pengujian konstitusionalitas undang- undang, yaitu dalam hal seorang hakim yang sedang mengadili suatu perkara ragu-ragu mengenai konstitusionalitas undang-undang yang berlaku untuk perkara tersebut. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini ingin membahas mengenai urgensi penerapan kewenangan constitutional question di Indonesia dan alternatif penerapan constitutional question di Indonesia. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah penulisan yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan bahan kepustakaan serta wawancara. Dari hasil riset didapati bahwa terdapat urgensi untuk menambahkan kewenangan constitutional question di Indonesia. Diadopsinya mekanisme constitutional question adalah bentuk pemberian perlindungan maksimum terhadap hak konstitusional warga negara. Dengan adanya mekanisme tersebut, dapat dihindari adanya putusan hakim yang bertentangan dengan konstitusi dan melanggar hak konstitusional warga negara; ruang pengujian terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan semakin luas; dan dapat dihindari adanya pelanggaran hak konstitusional yang tidak diperlukan. Bila diterapkan di Indonesia, dasar kewenangan constitutional question dapat diatur melalui amandemen konstitusi, revisi Undang-Undang Mahkamah Konstitusi, Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi, ataupun perluasan legal standing lembaga negara sebagai salah satu pemohon constitutional review. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pemohon constitutional question, baik hanya hakim peradilan umum maupun dibuka peluang bagi pihak yang berperkara, mengajukan permohonannya melalui kepaniteraan pengadilan tersebut untuk selanjutnya diolah oleh Ketua Pengadilan dan diajukan ke Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam bentuk serupa dengan constitutional review. Selain itu, perlu diatur mengenai kualifikasi pemohon constitutional question dan pembatasan waktu penanganan perkara constitutional question oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi.

The Constitutional Court functions to oversee the implementation of the constitution both by state and citizen. Needless to say, legal reform in Indonesia is a requirement to be a democratic legal state. One part of legal reform in the institution of judicial power is the idea of adopting a constitutional questioning mechanism into the constitutional court system. Constitutional question refers to a mechanism for examining the constitutionality of a law, namely in the case of a judge who is adjudicating a case has a doubt regarding the constitutionality of the law applicable in the case. Therefore, this thesis would like to examine about the urgency of applying constitutional question and alternative way to implement constitutional question in Indonesia. Research method used is normative juridical writing with qualitative approach from library materials and interview. The research results found the urgency for the implementation of constitutional question in Indonesia. The adoption of the constitutional question mechanism is a form of maximum protection to the citizen rsquo s constitutional rights. With the existence of such mechanism, court decisions that are contrary to the constitution and violate the constitutional rights of the citizens can be avoided the testing material of the legislation becomes expansive and unnecessary constitutional rights violations can be avoided. If applied in Indonesia, the basis of the authority of constitutional question may be regulated through constitutional amendment, the revision of the Constitutional Court Law, the Constitutional Court Decision, or the extension of legal standing of state institutions as one of the applicants for constitutional review. In implementation, the applicant of constituional question, whether only judges from general courts or the opportunty will also be opened for litigant, files the application through the secretariat of the court. Henceforth the application will be processed by chairman of court and submitted to Constitutional Court in form similar to constitutional review. In addition, it is necessary to regulate the applicant 39 s qualification of constitutional question and time limitation for handling of constitutional question by the Constitutional Court. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfonso D.K. Tahapary
"Hak interpelasi merupakan salah satu hak yang dapat digunakan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dalam melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan yang dimilikinya berdasarkan konstitusi. Mekanisme pelaksanaannya telah diatur dalam undang- undang dan aturan pelaksananya yaitu tata tertib. Pelaksanaannya pun sudah dilakukan beberapa kali sejak Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945 diamandemen, walaupun hanya sedikit di antaranya yang benar-benar digunakan atau disetujui untuk digunakan dalam rapat paripurna DPR. Dalam penggunaan hak interpelasi, beberapa kali terjadi perbedaan penafsiran antar sesama anggota Dewan terhadap ketentuan yang mengaturnya yang disebabkan adanya pertentangan antara undang-undang dan peraturan tata tertib DPR sebagai peraturan pelaksana dari undang-undang dimaksud. Untuk itu diperlukan metode penafsiran sesuai dengan doktrin untuk dapat menjelaskan pengertian tersebut, sehingga dapat menciptakan kepastian hukum dalam menerapkan hak interpelasi.

The right of interpellation is a right that can be used by The House of Representatives in carrying out its oversight function by the constitution. Implementation mechanisms are set in statute and the rules implementing the order. Implementation were already done several times since the Constitution of 1945 was amended, although only a few are actually used or approved for use in the plenary session of Parliament. In the use of interpellation, some times there is a difference of interpretation among fellow members of the Board of the provisions that govern them are caused by the contradiction between the law and disciplinary rules of the House of Representatives as the regulations implementing the law in question. It required a method of interpretation in accordance with the doctrine to be able to explain the sense, so as to create legal certainty in applying the right of interpellation."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bhaktiarsa Bagus Syaifullah
Penelitian ini ditulis untuk menjawab beberapa masalah, seperti kewenangan membuat UU dan Peraturan Menteri Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor 23 Tahun 2018 tentang Harmonisasi The Rancangan Peraturan Menteri, Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah Non-Menteri
Institusi, dan Rancangan Peraturan dari Lembaga Non-struktural oleh Legislasi Drafter berdasarkan prinsip dasar regulasi. Tesis ini didasarkan pada normatif studi hukum dengan menerapkan sinkronisasi hukum dengan penelitian metode kepustakaan. Tesis ini menyimpulkan bahwa ditetapkannya Undang-Undang dan Hak Asasi Manusia Menteri Peraturan Nomor 23 Tahun 2018 yang memberikan kewenangan kepada Menteri Hukum dan Manusia Hak untuk Harmonisasi Rancangan Peraturan Menteri, Rancangan Peraturan Non-Pemerintah Instansi Pemerintah Kementerian, dan Rancangan Peraturan dari Non-struktural Lembaga tidak didasarkan pada prinsip dasar regulasi, seperti prinsip formal dan prinsip-prinsip material. Oleh karena itu, Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor 23 Tahun 2018 tentang Harmonisasi Rancangan Peraturan Menteri, Rancangan Peraturan Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen, dan Rancangan Peraturan dari Lembaga Non-struktural oleh Perencana Legislasi harus dihapus.

This research was written to answer several problems, such as the authority to make laws and Regulation of the Minister of Human Rights No. 23 of 2018 concerning The Harmonization Draft Ministerial Regulation, Draft Non-Ministerial Government Regulation
Institutions, and Draft Regulations of Non-structural Institutions by Legislation Drafter is based on the basic principles of regulation. This thesis is based on normative legal studies by applying law synchronization with library research methods. This thesis concludes that the enactment of the Minister's Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 23 of 2018 which gives authority to the Minister of Law and Human Affairs The Right to Harmonize the Draft Ministerial Regulation, Draft Non-Governmental Regulation Ministry of Government Agencies, and Draft Regulations from Non-structural
Institutions are not based on basic principles of regulation, such as formal principles and material principles. Therefore, the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 23 of 2018 concerning Harmonization of Ministerial Draft Regulation, Draft
Non-Departmental Government Institution Regulations, and Draft Regulations from Non-structural institutions by Legislation Planners must be removed."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunther, Gerald
New York: Foundation Press, 1973
342 GUN c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Young, Katherine G.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014
342.085 YOU c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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