"Pelaksanaan SPM bidang farmasi Di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Tugu Ibu dipengaruhi faktor input: SDM, jenis pasien, jenis resep, ketersediaan obat, peresepan dokter, sarana dan prasarana, formularium obat, SOP pelayanan resep serta faktor proses pelayanan resep yang meliputi: penerimaan resep dan pemberian harga obat, pembayaran, pengambilan dan peracikan obat, pemberian etiket obat, dan penyerahan obat kepada pasien.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan ratarata waktu tunggu pelayanan resep jadi tunai 13,07 menit, resep jadi jaminan 21,36 menit, resep racikan tunai 26,31 menit, resep jadi jaminan 31,28 menit; tidak adanya kejadian kesalahan pemberian obat 100%; kepuasan pelanggan 90,17 %; penulisan resep sesuai formularium 100 %.
The implementation of the minimum service standard in the pharmacy section at Tugu Ibu hospital influenced by input factors: human resources, types of patients, kinds of prescription, availability of medicines, doctor's prescribing, facilities, medicine formulation, prescription service operational standard and the process of prescription service, which includes the acceptance of the prescription and priceing medicines, the payment, the receipt and extraction of medicines, the medicine procedure and medicine delivery to patients. From the research, the average waiting period needed to change a prescription into cash is 13,07 minutes, a prescription into a guaranty 21,36 minutes, medicine extraction into cash 26,31 minutes, a prescription into a guaranty 31,28 minutes; prescription delivery with no mistakes is 100%; customers' satisfaction 90,17%; the accuracy of prescription with medicine formulation 100%."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012