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Ditemukan 22937 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Provost, Lloyd P.
"Step by step this comprehensive resource explores the statistical process control (SPC), a philosophy, a strategy, and a set of methods for ongoing improvement of processes and systems to yield better outcomes in health care organizations. It includes information on processes, stratification, rational subgrouping and stability and capability analysis, measurement, data collection methods, planned experimentation, and graphical methods. This book shows how to apply SPC to evaluate current process performance, search for ideas for improvement, tell if changes have resulted in evidence of improvement, and track implementation efforts to document sustainability of the improvement."
San Fancisco: Jossey-Bass, 2011
362.1 PRO h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dlugacz, Yosef D.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006
362.1068 DLU m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lighter, Donald
"From the Back Cover: The Health Care Leader's Essential Guide to driving quality, value, and performance. Advanced Performance Improvement in Health Care: Principles and Methods provides healthcare educators, leaders, and clinicians with the specific knowledge and tools vital for creating and advocating for quality-centric, next-generation healthcare organizations. This unique compilation of management, analytical, and statistical methods and techniques serves as a comprehensive guide to harnessing today's technology and developing a culture of quality that delivers sustainable, quantifiable value in healthcare organizations. Amidst a deepening crisis in U.S. health care, Advanced Performance Improvement provides a results-oriented approach to rehabilitating an ailing healthcare system. With his innovative, instructive strategies, the author offers a welcome road map to guide meaningful change in the industry and to equip healthcare managers to meet 21st century challenges. Offers a comprehensive methodology for improving quality in healthcare organizations. Details a process analysis toolkit with dozens of proven techniques. Illustrated with easy-to-follow diagrams and flow charts. Provides best practices for measuring value and performance. Includes extensive discussion of medical informatics, Lean, Six-Sigma, and more."
Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers,, 2011
362.1 LIG a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sollecito, William A.
Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2013
362.106 8 SOL m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johnson, Julie K.
Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2020
362.1 JOH m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sebastian-Coleman, Laura.
Waltham, MA : Morgan Kaufmann, 2013
005.73 SEB m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fabregas, Antonio
"This textbook discussing morphology and its processes within a general framework that will incorporate the most recent developments in the field, but also in their relation with syntax, lexical semantics and phonology. It pays particular attention to the debate between lexicalism and constructionism, and provides open activities designed to help students start their own original research and stimulate their own thinking over the morphology of their languages beyond what is usually described in published works. This approach is particularly important because many textbooks ignore some of the most recent developments in syntax when it comes to defining the place of morphology and the lexicon in the architecture of grammar or to providing evidence about the existence of morphology as an independent module. This textbook discusses developments in Construction Grammar and in the Minimalist Program which have helped reframe the discussion about the Lexical Integrity Hypothesis and related issues. By presenting the latest theories and highlighting the current challenges in morphology, upper level undergraduate and postgraduate students will find this textbook an invigorating and inspiring resource."
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012
415.9 FAB m
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Efi Indarti
"SP3 yang berjalan selama ini belum menghasilkan data/informasi program kesehatan yang lengkap, cepat dan keakurasiannya masih diragukan, oleh karenanya pemanfaatan hasil luaran SP3 oleh pengelola program di tingkat Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten belum optimal.
SP3 bukan merupakan satu-satunya pelaporan yang harus dibuat oleh Puskesmas, tetapi masih terdapat laporan lain dari para pengelola program Dinas Kesehatan. Hal ini disamping menjadi beban bagi Puskesmas, juga menyebabkan pelaporan tidak lengkap, tidak tepat waktu dan adanya duplikasi data antra pengelola program dengan data pada pengelola SP3. Hal lain yaitu tidak berjalannya mekanisme umpan balik dari tingkat Dinas Kesehatan kepada Puskesmas.
Sejalan dengan era desentralisasi, maka Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten mempunyai kewenangan dalam pengembangan Sistem Kesehatan di tingkat Kabupaten maupun dalam pengembangan Sistem Informasi Kesehatannya. Kebijakan organisasi dan komitmen yang tinggi dari Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tangerang beserta jajarannya, serta dukungan sumber daya yang memadai dalam pengembangan Sistem Informasi Kesehatan di wilayahnya. Sistem Informasi Program Kesehatan (SIPK) berbasis data Puskesmas merupakan pengembangan dari SP3, yang diharapkan menghasilkan data/informasi mengenai program kesehatan di Puskesmas sehingga dapat mendukung pelaksanaan manajemen program kesehatan di tingkat Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten, baik perencanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi program.
Pengembangan SIPK berbasis data Puskesmas ini, dimulai dengan menetapkan informasi, indikator dan data yang dibutuhkan, mendesain sistem pengumpulan, pengolahan dan penyajian data, mendesain format input dan output laporan, serta perancangan program aplikasinya. Kebijaksanaan satu pintu keluar-masuk data pada Sub Bagian Perencanaan, yang mempunyai tugas dan fungsi dalam pengelolaan data program kesehatan, serta pelaksanaan mekanisme umpan balik akan lebih mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan sistem ini dalam menghasilkan data/informasi program kesehatan yang berkualitas.

The existing Public Health Center Recording and Reporting System has not yet sufficient and satisfy our need to gather a complete health program data and information, in fact the speed and accuracy is still questionable. Therefore the output utilization by the Program Manager in the Health Office Tangerang District is far from optimum.
The major problem of Public Health Center Recording and Reporting System is on its data collection, in which it is not the only report should prepared by the Public Health Center, but there are many other reports required by the Program Manager in the Health Department as well. It is more often becoming an additional workload to them and resulting incomplete reports made and not submitted on time. It is also containing data duplications between the report received by the Program Manager in the Health Department with another one delivered to the Recording and Reporting System Manager. Another problem is the inaccuracy information will affect the feedback mechanism from Chief Executive of Health District Office to the Public Health Center. Along with decentralization era, the Health District Office has an authority to develop the health system in the level of district and to develop the health information system as necessary. Policy and strong commitments of the organization supported by adequate human resources to maintain the development of health information system in the District.
The Health Program Information System is an outcome of Public Health Center Recording and Reporting System development. The expectation is to produce data and information concerning health program in the Public Health Center, and to have the ability to support managing the health program management in the Health Office Tangerang District. The development of Health Program System Information begins with verifying the information, data and indicator required, designing the collection system, processing and data presentation, designing the output and input format of reports, and application program design.
The one gate policy of data in the Planning Section which has task and function in handling health program data, and maintaining a feedback mechanism which will optimizing the system achievement to produce high quality health program data and information.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mieska Despitasari
"Penguatan sistem kesehatan memerlukan upaya terfokus pada pelayanan promotif dan preventif di puskesmas sebagai pemberi layanan primer. Sumber Daya Manusia Kesehatan (SDMK) puskesmas memegang peranan penting dalam kinerja pelayanan puskesmas karena SDMK puskesmas yang bahagia dapat bekerja lebih produktif. Setidaknya terdapat tiga masalah SDMK puskesmas, yaitu maldistribusi, beban kerja berlebih, dan regulasi kepegawaian yang menimbulkan berbagai persepsi. Ketiganya berpotensi menyebabkan turunnya tingkat kebahagiaan. Diperlukan pengukuran indeks kebahagiaan yang dapat secara berkala dipantau sehingga dapat segera dilakukan intervensi yang tepat setiap saat.
Penelitian ini merupakan analisis data sekunder yang menggunakan data Riset Ketenagaan di Bidang Kesehatan tahun 2017. Risnakes adalah survey nasional SDMK yang diselenggarakan oleh NIHRD MoH. Jumlah responden yang terlibat dalam total coverage survey ini adalah 249.910 orang. Instrumen kebahagiaan pada Risnakes 2017 mengacu pada instrumen Survey Pengukuran Tingkat Kebahagiaan Badan Pusat Statistik yang mengadaptasi konsep better life index OECD.
Evaluasi instrumen kebahagiaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pemodelan Rasch. Model kebahagiaan dikembangkan dengan analisis faktor dan pemodelan Rasch. Validitas konkuren model kebahagiaan dinilai dengan menggunakan dua konstruk relevan yaitu kepuasan kerja dan motivasi kerja. Indeks kebahagiaan diperoleh melalu pemodelan Rasch dan dibuat peringkat tingkat kabupaen/kota serta provinsi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh parameter evaluasi instrumen (item fit, outfit meansquare, point measure correlation, wright map, DIF, unidimensionalitas, rating scale analysis, cronbach alpha, dan separation index ) bernilai baik. Hasil pemodelan dengan analaisis faktor menunjukkan hasil bahwa model kebahagiaan terbentuk dari 18 indikator yang mengelompok menjadi 4 dimensi yaitu retensi, kesehatan, sosial, dan insentif dengan nilai total variance explained 59,61%. Model secara statistik dinyatakan memiliki validitas konkuren karena berhubungan dengan kepuasan dan motivasi kerja dalam model regresi linear berganda. Rata-rata tingkat kebahagiaan individu SDMK puskesmas di Indonesia adalah 0,6542 ± 0,1040. Berdasarkan provinsi, DKI Jakarta menempati posisi tertinggi indeks kebahagiaan SDMK puskesmas, sementara posisi terendah adalah Kalimantan Utara. Berdasarkan kabupaten/kota, peringkat tertinggi indeks kebahagiaan diduduki oleh Kabupaten Sumba Barat dan terendah Kabupaten Nduga.
Diperlukan pengukuran kebahagiaan secara berkala pada SDMK puskesmas agar dapat segera diintervensi apabila terjadi masalah. Dengan demikian kinerja pelayanan puskesmas menjadi optimal dan berdampak pada peningkatan status kesehatan masyarakat.

Health system strengthening requires efforts focused on promotive and preventive services at the puskesmas as the primary health care provider. Human Resources for Health (HRH) plays an important role in the performance of puskesmas because happy HRH can work more productively. At least, there are three potential problems related to Puskesmas’ HRH nowadays, namely maldistribution, excessive workload, and ambiguous staffing regulations. All problems are potential to decrease HRH level of happiness. It is necessary to measure the happiness index which can be periodically monitored so that appropriate interventions can be made at any time.
This research was a secondary data analysis that used Risnakes 2017 data. Risnakes was a national HRH survey held by National Health Research and Development (NIHRD MoH) with 249,910 respondents involved. The happiness instrument Risnakes 2017 refers to the Central Statistics Agency’s (BPS’s) happiness survey which adapts OECD better life index concepts.
Evaluation of the happiness instrument was carried out using Rasch modeling. The happiness model was developed by factor analysis and Rasch modeling. The concurrent validity of the happiness model was assessed using two relevant constructs, namely job satisfaction and work motivation. The happiness index was obtained through Rasch modeling and rankings were made at the district/city and provincial levels.
The results showed that all instrument evaluation parameters (item fit, outfit mean square, point measure correlation, wright-map, DIF, unidimensionality, rating scale analysis, Cronbach alpha, and separation index) were good. The happiness model was formed from 18 indicators grouped into 4 dimensions, namely retention, health, social, and incentives. The total variance explained was 59.61%. The model was statistically stated to have concurrent validity because it relates to job satisfaction and motivation in a multiple linear regression model. The average happiness level of puskesmas’ HRH in Indonesia was 0.6542 ± 0.1040. Based on the province, DKI Jakarta occupies the highest position in the HRH happiness index. While North Kalimantan was the lowest. Based on districts/cities, West Sumba Regency has the highest happiness index and the lowest was Nduga Regency.
Periodic measurements of HRH happiness are needed in order to immediately intervene if a problem occurs. Thus, the performance of puskesmas services will increase and have an impact on the public health status.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesiae, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keisya Karami
"Latar Belakang: Prevalensi BBLR di Indonesia sudah mengalami penurunan sejak tahun 2000 akan tetapi penurunan ini belum mencapai target gizi global. Prevalensi BBLR kembali meningkat di tahun 2019 dan terus mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya hingga di tahun 2022 prevalensi BBLR mencapai 12,58%. BBLR berpengaruh besar terhadap angka kematian neonatal dan kematian bayi. Di Indonesia, BBLR mejadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat sebab BBLR berkontribusi selama bertahun-tahun sebagai penyebab utama kematian neonatal. Tingginya angka kejadian BBLR akan berpengaruh pada tingginya AKB. BBLR dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang salah satunya adalah hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan hubungan hipertensi dalam kehamilan pada ibu yang melakukan kunjungan ANC dengan bayi BBLR di Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain studi cross sectional dan menggunakan data sekunder berupa data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2018. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah bayi dengan BBLR sedangkan variabel independennya adalah hipertensi dalam kehamilan. Penelitian ini juga memiliki variabel kovariat yang meliputi variabel usia ibu, tingkat pendidikan, tempat tinggal, jumlah kunjungan ANC, riwayat aborsi, suplementasi Fe, status merokok, dan jenis kelamin bayi. Sampel penelitian ini merupakan perempuan berusia 15-49 tahun yang pernah melahirkan dalam 5 tahun terakhir sebelum pelaksaan survei. Data akan dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat, dan stratifikasi.
Hasil: Diantara ibu yang melakukan kunjungan ANC didapatkan proporsi ibu dengan hipertensi dalam kehamilan yang melahirkan bayi BBLR sebesar 5% sedangkan ibu yang tidak mengalami hipertensi dalam kehamilan dan melahirkan bayi BBLR memiliki proporsi sebesar 3,3%. Ibu yang mengalami hipertensi dalam kehamilan akan berisiko lebih tinggi untuk melahirkan bayi dengan berat badan lahir yang rendah dibanding ibu yang tidak mengalami hipertensi dalam kehamilan (OR=1,54; 95% CI: 1,036-2,304). Penelitian ini juga menemukan terdapat risiko yang lebih tinggi pada ibu berusia ≥35 tahun untuk melahirkan bayi BBLR dibanding ibu pada kelompok usia 20-34 tahun (OR=1,41; 95% CI: 1,053-1,909). Analisis stratifikasi menemukan variabel usia ibu, pendidikan ibu, wilayah tempat tinggal, jumlah kunjungan ANC, riwayat aborsi, suplementasi Fe, status paparan rokok, dan jenis kelamin bayi sebagai variabel confounding terhadap hubungan hipertensi dalam kehamilan pada ibu yang melakukan kunjungan ANC dengan bayi BBLR di Indonesia.
Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan hipertensi dalam kehamilan pada ibu yang melakukan kunjungan ANC dengan bayi BBLR.

Background: The prevalence of Low Birth Weight (LBW) in Indonesia has decreased since 2000, but the decreases have not yet reached the global nutritional target. The prevalence of LBW increased again in 2019 and continues to increase every year until 2022 the prevalence of LBW reaches 12.58%. LBW has a major effect on neonatal mortality and infant mortality. In Indonesia, LBW is a public health problem because LBW has contributed for many years as the main cause of neonatal death. The high incidence of LBW will affect the high Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). LBW can be influenced by several factors, one of the factors is hypertension. This study aims to determine the description and relationship of hypertension in pregnancy in mothers who conduct ANC visits with LBW babies in Indonesia.
Methods: This research was conducted using a cross-sectional study design and used secondary data (Basic Health Research data for 2018). The dependent variable in this study was infants with LBW while the independent variable was hypertension in pregnancy. This study also has covariate variables which include mother's age, education level, place of residence, number of ANC visits, history of abortion, Fe supplementation, smoking status, and baby's gender. The sample of this study were women aged 15-49 years who had given birth in the last 5 years prior to the survey. The data will be analyzed by univariate, bivariate and stratification.
Results: Among mothers who did ANC visits, the proportion of mothers with hypertension in pregnancy who gave birth to LBW babies was 5%, while mothers who did not experience hypertension in pregnancy and gave birth to LBW babies had a proportion of 3.3%. Mothers who experience hypertension in pregnancy will have a higher risk of giving birth to babies with low birth weight than mothers who do not experience hypertension in pregnancy (OR=1.54; 95% CI: 1.036-2.304). This study also found that there was a higher risk for mothers aged ≥35 years to give birth to LBW babies than mothers in the age group 20-34 years (OR=1.41; 95% CI: 1.053-1.909). Stratification analysis found the variables of mother's age, mother's education, area of residence, number of ANC visits, history of abortion, Fe supplementation, smoking exposure status, and baby's sex as confounding variables on the relationship between hypertension in pregnancy in mothers who had ANC visits with LBW babies in Indonesia.
Conclusion: This study conclude that there is a relationship between hypertension in pregnancy in mothers who visit ANC with LBW babies.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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