"Ch. 1. Rationale for Mergers and Acquisitions
Ch. 2. Structuring M&A Transactions
Ch. 3. Regulatory Framework, Securities Industry Council and the Takeover Code
Ch. 4. Preparatory Work for M&A Transactions
Ch. 5. Conditions, Pre-conditions, Consideration, Terms and Offer Time-table
Ch. 6. Deal Documentation and Informational Requirements
Ch. 7. Restrictions on Dealings in Shares; Disclosure Requirements
Ch. 8. Duties of Directors in Takeovers, Deal Protections and Takeover Defences
Ch. 9. Mandatory Offers
Ch. 10. Duties of Professional Advisors in M&A Transactions
Ch. 11. Equality of Treatment and Special Deals
Ch. 12. Asset Valuations and Profit Forecasts
Ch. 13. Schemes of Arrangement and Amalgamations
Ch. 14. Compulsory Acquisitions and Squeeze Out of Minority Shareholders
Ch. 15. Financing Takeovers, Leveraged Buy-outs and Management Buy-outs
Ch. 16. Enforcement of the Takeover Code and Market Misconduct in the Course of Takeovers.
"Table of cases": pages xxi-xxxiii.
"Table of statutes": pages xxxv-xxxix.
"Table of subsidiary legislation": page xli.
"Table of foreign legislation": pages xliii-xliv.
"Table of foreign subsidiary legislation": page xlv.
"Table of codes and listing rules": pages xlvii-lvii.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
In English."