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Eva Salsabilla
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami bagaimana peran spiritualitas dalam memprediksi gejala depresi pada emerging adult. Penelitian ini menduga bahwa spiritualitas merupakan prediktor depresi, semakin tinggi spiritualitas maka semakin rendah gejala depresi. Untuk membuktikan dugaan, penulis melibatkan 129 partisipan dengan rentang umur 18-25 tahun dalam penelitian cross-sectional. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini mengerjakan dua alat ukur (spiritualitas dan depresi). Spiritualitas diukur menggunakan Spiritual and Activity Involvement List (SAIL), sedangkan gejala depresi diukur menggunakan Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Adapun analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear sederhana untuk menguji hipotesis. Hasilnya, spiritualitas terbukti memprediksi gejala depresi secara negatif (B = -0.17, p < .05). Dari hasil penelitian ini, terdapat sumbangan temuan untuk teori dan solusi praktis untuk emerging adult dalam meraih kesehatan mental yang lebih baik.

This research aims to understand the role of spirituality in predicting the symptoms of depression in emerging adults. This study hypothesized that spirituality is the predictor of depression; the higher the spirituality, the lower the symptoms of depression. To test the hypotheses, the author studied 129 participants aged 18-25 in this cross-sectional study. The participant in this study did two measurements (Spirituality and Depression). The Spiritual and Activity Involvement List (SAIL) was used to measure Spirituality, while the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) was used to measure the symptoms of depression. As for the analysis, the author used Simple Linear Regression to test that hypothesis. The result showed that spirituality is proven to predict the symptoms of depression negatively (B = -0.17, p<.05). From this result, we can find a contribution of theoretical findings and practical solutions for emerging adults in achieving better mental health."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Solution focused anxiety management provides the clinician with evidence-based techniques to help clients manage anxiety. Cognitive behavioral and strategic tools, acceptance-based ideas, and mindfulness are introduced from a solution-focused perspective and tailored to client strengths and preferences.
The book presents the conceptual foundation, methods, and attitudes of a solution-focused approach. Case examples illustrate how to transform anxiety into the "Four Cs" (courage, coping, appropriate caution and choice). Readers learn how to utilize solution focused anxiety management in single-session, brief, and intermittent therapy as well as in a class setting.
The book additionally includes all materials needed for teaching solution focused anxiety management in a four-session psychoeducational class: complete instructor notes, learner readings, and companion online materials.
Special features :
- Focuses on what works in anxiety management
- Presents evidenced based techniques from a solution-focused perspective
- Increases effectiveness by utilizing client strengths and preferences
- Describes applications in single session, brief, and intermittent therapy
- Supplies forms and worksheets for the therapist to use in practice
- Features clinically rich case examples
- Supplements text with online companion material
- Suitable for use as a treatment manual, reference, or course text"
London: Academic Press, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sianipar, Helisa Rachel Patricie
Stereotip dan stigma di kalangan masyarakat terhadap penyakit kejiwaan telah menjadi masalah kesehatan yang mendunia. Stigma ini melingkupi bagaimana pengobatan psikiatri dipercayai kurang dasar ilmiah dan tidak efektif dalam hal menyembuhkan para pasien. Kepercayaan tersebut telah banyak mempengaruhi sikap tenaga kerja kesehatan yang merawat pasien psikiatri. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa kedokteran Universitas Indonesia untuk mengetahui apakah sikap tersebut dapat ditingkatkan dengan durasi pendidikan dan keterpaparan terhadap rotasi klinik psikiatri. Metode yang digunakan adalah potong lintang dengan kuesioner Perceptions of Psychiatry, dengan subyek mahasiswa kedokteran di tahun pertama, ketiga, keempat dan mahasiswa kedokteran pada tahun internship Universitas Indonesia. Data dianalisis dengan metode distribusi frekuensi chi-square. 224 siswa telah menyelesaikan kuesioner. Dua pertanyaan memiliki hasil signifikan di antara empat golongan mahasiswa tersebut (p<0.05), yang brhubungan dengan fasilitas spesial para pasien dan rumah sakit jiwa yang menyerupai penjara. Terlepas dari itu, pandangan dan sikap mengenai perawatan psikiatri ditemukan membaik secara positif pasca rotasi klinik psikiatri meskipun dengan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan.

The stereotype and stigma circulating mental illness among the public have become a global healthcare problem. This stigma includes how psychiatric treatment is believed to have a lack of good evidence and ineffective in treating the patients. This belief has influenced the attitudes of health professionals toward psychiatric patients. This research is done on the medical students of Universitas Indonesia to identify the view of medical students towards psychiatric treatment and to see whether the attitude may differ with the duration of exposure to a psychiatric rotation. The research is done in a cross-sectional method using the Perceptions of Psychiatry questionnaire, with medical students in their first, third, fourth, and internship year as the subjects. The data were analyzed by using frequency distribution method chi-square analysis to compare all four groups. 224 students completed the questionnaire. Two questions have significant results (p<0.05) by correlating between before and after rotation responses related to specialized psychiatric facilities and prison-like psychiatric hospitals. In spite of that, the views and attitudes concerning psychiatric treatment are found positively improved post-clerkship even with insignificant differences."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Watson, Jeanne C.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2007
616.852 7 WAT c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aritonang, Viona Maria
Lansia merupakan populasi yang rentan mengalami depresi seiring dengan berlangsungnya proses penuaan. Kejadian depresi lansia ini seringkali tidak terdeteksi sehingga membutuhkan perhatian lebih dari keluarga, masyarakat, dan tenaga kesehatan. Partisipasi sosial direkomendasikan menjadi salah satu upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya depresi lansia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan partisipasi sosial dengan kejadian depresi lansia di Kecamatan Sukmajaya Kota Depok. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalahcross-sectional dengan107 responden, diambil dengan metode cluster sampling dari tiga kelurahan terpilih yang berada di kecamatan Sukmajaya, Depok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata partisipasi sosial yaitu 99,76 dalam interval nilai kepercayaan CI 95 sebesar 97,04 ndash; 102,47 dan nilai tengah depresi lansia sebesar 2 dalam interval nilai kepercayaan CI sebesar 95. Uji korelasi Spearman menunjukan terdapat hubungan signifikan antara partisipasi sosial dengan depresi lansia pvalue = 0,001, dengan kekuatan hubungan sedang r = 0,313. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin rendah partisipasi sosial, maka semakin tinggi tingkat depresi lansia dan semakin tinggi partisipasi sosial, maka semakin rendah tingkat depresi lansia. Kegiatan sosial yang melibatkan kontribusi lansia perlu dilaksanakan di setiap posbindu untuk meningkatkan kesehatan psikososial di hari tua.

Elderly people are vulnerable to depression as they undergone aging process. In regard to this issue, social participation is recommended as one way to prevent geriatric depression. This study aims to identify the relation between social participation and cases geriatric depression in Sukmajaya district, Depok city. Using the cross sectional design, 107 respondents from three sub districts in the Sukmajaya district are chosen using the cluster sampling method. The result of this study reveals that the mean score of social participation is still low at 99,76 with a 95 confidence interval CI around 97,04 ndash 102,47, whereas the median score for depression among elderly people is low at 2 with a 95 CI. Moreover, the Spearman rsquo s Correlation shows that there exists significant relation between social participation and geriatric depression pvalue 0,001 with a moderate correlation r 0,313. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the lower social participation, the higher the geriatric depression and vice versa. Therefore, social activity that involves the participation and contribution from the elderly needs to be done in every integrated care post in order to increase their psychosocial health during the old age. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aufira Utami
"Skripsi ini merupakan sebuah telaah filsofis terhadap kondisi mental illness pada manusia. Dengan menggali kembali kondisi mind manusia yang terbentuk melalui pengalaman, maka muncullah dialog sebagai pola interaksi bagi ‘penderita’ mental illness. Berbeda dengan telaah psikologis yang bersifat empiris dan menekankan terapi pada tiap tahapnya, telaah filosofis menaruh perhatian pada kondisi abstrak mind yang bersentuhan dengan lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membongkar kembali kondisi mind manusia dan hubungannya dengan pengalaman sebagai langkah awal mengenal mental illness dan pemulihannya.

This undergraduate thesis is a philosophical analysis of mental illness in human being. By recollecting mind condition of human which is shaped by experience, dialogue appears as an interaction model for patient of mental illness. It is different with the psychological, which is more empirical and talk more about stages of therapy, the philosophical analysis talk about abstraction of human mind condition related to their society. This observation using phenomenological method by re-knowing human experience and find dialogue as the first step to cure mental illness."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raditya Wahyuni

Kecemasan adalah emosi dasar berupa pikiran negatif akan ketidakpastian yang muncul ketika adanya ancaman, seringkali disertai nyeri kepala, jantung berdebar, gangguan lambung ringan maupun berkeringat. Rasa cemas berlebih akan menghambat fungsi seseorang dalam hidup. Di dunia, prevalensi gangguan kecemasan mencapai 5% dari jumlah penduduk, sedangkan di Indonesia gangguan mental emosional (depresi dan kecemasan) mencapai 9,8%. Pada tahun 2018 ditemukan proporsi kecemasan pada mahasiswa FKM UI sebesar 87,2%, proporsi tertinggi pada tingkat severe (25,3%) dan terendah pada tingkat moderate (18,3%). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kecemasan pada mahasiswa S1 Reguler FKM UI tahun 2020. Pendekatan dilakukan secara kuantitatif, dengan desain studi cross-sectional, serta analisis dengan uji Chi Square untuk melihat hubungan antara 8 variabel independen dengan kecemasan. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 146 orang dari populasi 1121 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner DASS-21, dan pengumpulan data menggunakan google form. Ditemukan proporsi kecemasan pada mahasiswa S1 reguler FKM UI tahun 2020 sebesar 83,6%, proporsi tertinggi pada tingkat extremely severe (39,7%), dan terendah pada tingkat mild (4,1%). Uji statistik menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara faktor jenis kelamin dan usia dengan kecemasan. Diharapkan UI dan FKM UI dapat meningkatkan intervensi promotif dan preventif terkait kesehatan mental terutama kecemasan, serta meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas SDM di Klinik Makara agar dapat menangani kasus kesehatan mental lebih optimal kedepannya.

Anxiety is a basic emotion in the form of negative thoughts of uncertainty that arise when there is a threat, often accompanied by headaches, palpitations, mild gastric disturbances or sweating. Excessive anxiety will inhibit a persons function in life. In the world, the prevalence of anxiety disorders reaches 5% of the population, while in Indonesia mental emotional disorders (depression and anxiety) reach 9.8%. In 2018 the proportion of anxiety found in FKM UI students was 87.2%, the highest proportion was at the severe level (25.3%) and the lowest was at the moderate level (18.3%). The purpose of this study is to determine the factors associated with anxiety in FKM UI students in 2020. The approach was carried out quantitatively, with cross-sectional study design, and analysis with the Chi Square test to see the relationship between 8 independent variables with anxiety. The research sample of 146 people from a population of 1121 people. The instrument used was the DASS-21 questionnaire, and data collection using google forms. The proportion of anxiety found in regular S1 FKM UI students in 2020 was 83.6%, the highest proportion was at the extremely severe level (39.7%), and the lowest was at the mild level (4.1%). Statistical tests show there is a relationship between sex and age factors with anxiety. It is hoped that UI and FKM UI can improve promotive and preventive interventions related to mental health, especially anxiety, and improve the quality and quantity of human resources at the Makara Clinic so that they can handle mental health cases more optimally in the future.

Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yanti Harjono Hadiwiardjo
"Latar Belakang: Depresi merupakan masalah kesehatan mental yang sering terjadi pada lansia dengan persentase sebesar 12%-16%. Depresi dapat menurunkan fungsi kehidupan sehari-hari dan menurunkan kualitas hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas terapi tawa dalam menurunkan depresi dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pada lanjut usia serta evaluasi ekonominya.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian true experimental dan times series dengan menggunakan desain crossover pada terapi tawa dan terapi puzzle. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Panti Werdha Jakarta Timur. Populasi lansia adalah 250 orang dengan jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak 86 orang yang dipilih menggunakan proporsional random sampling dan randomnisasi untuk dijadikan dua kelompok. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) dan Older People’s Quality of Life (OPQOL) modifikasi. Analisis data untuk menilai efektifitas menggunakan uji Different in Different (DID) dan menilai efektifitas biaya menggunakan ICER.
Hasil: Terdapat pengaruh terapi tawa terhadap depresi diawal intervensi sebelum crossover secara statistik( p= 0,011), sehingga terapi tawa menurunkan depresi lebih besar dibandingkan terapi puzzle. Setelah crossover tidak terdapat perbedaan terapi tawa dan terapi puzzle sama-sama dapat menurunkan depresi (P=0,347). Pada skor OPQOL tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh intervensi terapi tawa dan terapi puzzle secara statistik baik sebelum crossover (p=0,581) maupun setelah crossover (p=0,140), sehingga terapi tawa dan terapi puzzle sama-sama dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Pada efektifitas biaya, terapi tawa lebih efektif (65,1%) dibandingkan terapi puzzle (37,2%) dalam menurunkan tingkat/kategori depresi. Untuk peningkatan efektivitas penurunan tingkat atau kategori depresi sebesar 1% pada kelompok terapi tawa diperlukan tambahan biaya sebesar Rp 5.640,-. Nilai tersebut dianggap sepadan (Worth spent) menurut para klinisi dan memiliki efektivitas penurunan tingkat atau kategori depresi dan efektivitas biaya dibandingkan terapi puzzle dalam menurunkan depresi.
Kesimpulan: Terapi tawa dan terapi puzzle memiliki pengaruh pada penurunan tingkat/kategori depresi dan peningkatan kualitas hidup pada lansia namun pengaruh penurunan tingkat/kategori depresi pada terapi tawa lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan terapi puzzle. Biaya yang dikeluarkan sepadan (Worth spent) dengan penurunan tingkat/kategori depresi.
Saran: Melakukan advokasi kepada Kementerian Sosial, Dinas Sosial, dan Panti Werdha agar dapat menambahkan program terapi tawa dalam upaya meningkatkan kesehatan lanjut usia khususnya menurunkan depresi.

Background: Depression is a mental health problem that often occurs in people over 65 years old with a percentage of 12%-16%. Depression can decrease the functioning of daily life. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness and cost of laughter therapy in reducing depression and improving the quality of life in the elderly and its economic evaluation.
Method: This study uses a crossover design and true experimental research with a time series. The location of the research was carried out at the East Jakarta Nursing Home. The elderly population was 250 with the number of 86 research subjects selected using proportional random sampling and randomization. Data were collected using modified Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and Older People's Quality of Life (OPQOL) questionnaires. Data analysis used the Different in Different (DID) test and the calculation of the cost-effectiveness of laughter therapy and puzzle therapy.
Results: There was a statistically significant effect of laughter therapy on depression at the beginning of the intervention before crossover (p= 0.011), so that laughter therapy reduced depression more than puzzle therapy. After crossover, there was no difference between laughter therapy and puzzle therapy, both of which could reduce depression (P=0.347). In the OPQOL score, there was no statistically different effect of laughter therapy and puzzle therapy interventions both before the crossover (p=0.581) and after the crossover (p=0.140), so that laughter therapy and puzzle therapy could both improve the quality of life. In terms of cost-effectiveness, laughter therapy more effective (65.1%) than puzzle therapy (37.2%) in lowering the level/category of depression. For an increase
in the effectiveness of reducing the level or category of depression by 1% in the laughter therapy group, an additional cost of Rp 5,640 is required, and the value is considered worth spent according to the clinicians and has the effectiveness of reducing the level or category of depression and cost-effectiveness compared to puzzle therapy in reducing depression.
Conclusion: The effect of depression reduction on laughter therapy was more than puzzle therapy at the beginning of the intervention before the crossover. Laughter and puzzle therapy has an effect on improving the quality of life in the elderly. The costs incurred are commensurate with the decrease in the level/category of depression.
Suggestion: Advocate to the Ministry of Social Affairs, Social Services, and Nursing Homes so that they can add a laughter therapy program in an effort to improve the health of the elderly, especially to reduce depression.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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