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Tesis ini membahas tentang sumber daya manusia humas Polri dari sudut pandang
ilmu komunikasi, hubungan masyarakat, dan manajemen sumber daya manusia.
Humas Polri merupakan fungsi pendukung yang memiliki peran sangat strategis
dalam mewujudkan kepercayaan masyarakat dan membangun citra positif Polri.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitis.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa rekrutmen, seleksi, dan penempatan
personel humas Polri belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan personel yang memiliki
kemampuan kehumasan baik konseptual maupun operasional. Program pelatihan
dan pengembangan secara kualitas dan kuantitas juga belum mampu
meningkatkan kemampuan personel humas Polri. Untuk itu disarankan untuk
meningkatkan proses rekrutmen, seleksi dan penempatan serta pelatihan dan
pengembangan guna membangun sumber daya manusia humas Polri yang

This thesis studied about the human resources of the police public relations from
the perspective of communication, public relations, and human resource
management. Police Public Relations as a supporting function has a strategic role
in creating public trust and build a positive image of the police. This research is a
descriptive qualitative analysis. The results concluded that the recruitment,
selection, and placement of public relations personnel have not been able to fullfil
the needs of personnel who have public relations skills both conceptual and
operational. Training and development programs as well as the quality and
quantity have not been able to improve their competence. It is recommended to
manage the recruitment, selection, placement, training and development resources
in order to build a professional police public relations."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Pradnya Respati
Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia Polri pada jabatan Atase Kepolisian di Divisi Hubungan Internasional Polri belum memiliki aturan yang mendukung tugas-tugas operasional dan pembinaan personel yang efektif. Penelitian ini menganalisa gambaran umum penugasan Atase Kepolisian serta pengelolaan sumber daya manusia Atase Kepolisian saat ini. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memberikan penjelasan pengelolaan sumber daya manusia Atase Kepolisian yang efektif ssuai dengan kebutuhan. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan pengumpulan data melalui teknik wawancara, observasi serta studi literature. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori manajemen sumber daya manusia, dan teori sistem pengendalian manajemen. Konsep rekrutmen dan seleksi, pelatihan, dan penilaian kinerja digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penugasan Atase Kepolisian hanya merujuk pada 2 dua Peraturan Kapolri yang hanya menjelaskan pengertian dan tugas dari Atase Kepolisian. Pengelolaan SDM Atase Kepolisian saat ini meliputi aspek kompetensi, manajemen karir, pengawasan pengendalian yang didalamnya terdapat proses penilaian kinerjadan rentang kendali. Pengelolaan SDM Atase Kepolisian yang efektif memerlukan adanya integrasi dari 4 empat aspek pengelolaan sebelumnya yang didukung dengan adanya penetapan aturan dasar yang mengatur penetapan aturan karir bagi Atase Kepolisian serta terintegrasinya database sistem informasi manajemen Atase Kepolisian dan sistem pelaporan yang berada di Divhubinter Polri dan Kementrian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia guna pengembangan karir Atase Kepolisian.

The management of Polri 39 s human resources in the position of Police Attache in the International Relations Division of the Police does not have rules that support operational tasks and effective personnel development. This study analyzes the general description of Police Attache assignment and human resources management of Police Attache at this time. In addition, this study also provides an explanation of human resource management of Police Attache which is effective with the needs. This research approach uses qualitative approach and data collection through interview technique, observation and literature study. The theory used is the theory of human resource management, and the theory of management control systems. The concept of recruitment and selection, training, and performance appraisal was used in this study. The results of this study indicate that the assignment of Police Attache only refers to 2 two Police Regulations which only explain the meaning and duty of Police Attache. Human Resource Management The Police Attache currently includes aspects of competence, career management, supervision of controls in which there is a process of performance assessment and control span. Effective human resource management An effective police Attach requires integration of the four prior management aspects supported by the establishment of the basic rules governing the setting of career rules for Police Attache and the integration of the Police Attache Management Information System database and the reporting system located in the Division of Relations International Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia for the career development of Police Attache. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manoppo, Donny Molino
"Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Personel Polri dalam proses pembinaan karir personel Polri ditujukan pada terwujudnya pemenuhan norma-norma jabatan, kepangkatan, pendidikan pengembangan dan penggunaan personel secara tepat sesuai kebutuhan organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penyelenggaraan SIPP, menganalisis peran SIPP dalam pembinaan karier personel Polri dan untuk merumuskan upaya merevitalisasi SIPP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data data didapatkan dengan mewawancarai beberapa pejabat sebagai penyelenggara SIPP pada Mabes Polri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam penyelenggaraan SIPP terdapat beberapa permasalahan yaitu kualitas data yang dihasilkan oleh SIPP, keutuhan dan ketersediaan data, serta komponen komponen SIPP berupa operator, perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan jaringan. Permasalahan permasalahan tersebut berdampak terhadap kualitas keputusan yang dihasilkan dalam proses pembinaan karier personel. Upaya revitalisasi SIPP dilakukan dengan melakukan validasi data SIPP, memperbaiki framework dan konponen dalam SIPP.

Utilization of Information Systems of the Indonesian National Police Personnel in the process of fostering the career of Polri personnel aimed at realization of fulfillment of office norms, ranks, development education and personnel use appropriately according to the needs of the organization. This study aims to analyze the implementation of SIPP, analyze the role of SIPP in fostering career of Indonesian Police personnel and to formulate SIPP revitalization efforts. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data was obtained by interviewing several officials as SIPP organizers at the National Police Headquarters. The results of this study indicate that in the implementation of the SIPP there are several problems, namely the quality of data produced by the SIPP, the integrity and availability of data, and the SIPP components in the form of operators, hardware, software and networks. These problem problems have an impact on the quality of the decisions that are produced in the career development process of personnel. SIPP revitalization efforts are carried out by conducting SIPP data validation, improving the framework and components in the SIPP."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Kevin Ramadhan
"Pengembangan karir adalah kunci di dalam peningkatan kinerja. Hal ini karena pada hakikatnya, koordinasi dan pengelolaan SDM organisasi sangat penting dilakukan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, hal ini dapat dilakukan melalui manajemen karir. Persoalan yang ada di dalam bidang manajemen karir SDM Polri selanjutnnya yang tidak bisa dihindarkan adalah adanya kecenderungan antara individu dan organisasi yang memiliki posisi kekuasaan tertentu memiliki kecenderungan untuk menyalahgunakannya, yang mana hal ini terlihat pada kasus penyalahgunaan kewenangan jabatannya, yang mana hal ini dapat diamati pada kasus Irjen FS yang berupaya mengintervensi dan mengendalikan semua anggotanya untuk memanipulasi hasil penyidikan atas kematian Brigadir J. Pola pembinaan karir menuju SDM Polri yang Presisi ini juga penting digunakan untuk mengatasi adanya budaya code of silence, mengatasi masalah nepotisme dan mewujudkan model pembinaan karir SDM Polri yang ideal, khususnya yang pada pada proses penempatan SDM Polri yang lebih transparan, akuntabel agar mampu mencetak SDM Polri yang profesional.
Metode yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teori dalam penelitian ini menggunakan konsep pembinaan karir, konsep presisi, konsep akuntabel, dan konsep profesional. Pola pembinaan karir pada SDM Polri yang telah menempuh studi di Luar Negeri tidak hanya didasarkan pada program pendidikan yang telah ditempuh semasa bangku pendidikan. Upaya menciptakan pola karir SDM Polri yang akuntabel dan profesional dapat dilakukan dengan merit system yang didasarkan pada penilaian standar komptensi dan indikator di organisasi Polri, dan diintegrasikan dengan teknnologi big data, untuk membuat sistem menciptakan pola karir SDM Polri yang Presisi dan menjadi lebih transparan Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pola pembinaan karir pada SDM Polri yang telah menempuh studi di Luar Negeri tidak hanya didasarkan pada program pendidikan yang telah ditempuh semasa bangku pendidikan, tetapi cenderung berdasarkan pada komptensi dan dan indikator yang ditentukan oleh organisasi Polri seperti yang tertuang di dalam Perkap No. 5 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Assesment Center. Saran yang diberikan untuk mewujdukanSDM Polri yang Presisi adalah menerapkan merit system yang terintegrasi denganbig data dan membuat regulasi yang tetap terkait prosedur pelaksanaan pembinaankarir tersebut.

Career development is the key in improving performance. This is because in essence, the coordination and management of organizational human resources is very important. To achieve this goal, this can be done through career management. The next problem in the field of Polri HR career management that cannot be avoided is that there is a tendency between individuals and organizationswho have certain positions of power to have a tendency to abuse it, which can be seen in cases of abuse of authority in their positions, which can be observed in thecase of Inspector General FS who attempted to intervene and control all of its members to manipulate the results of the investigation into the death of Brigadier J. This pattern of career development towards precise Polri HR is also important to be used to overcome the existence of a culture of code of silence, overcome the problem of nepotism and create a career development model for Polri HR that is ideal, especially in the process of placing Polri human resources which is more transparent and accountable so that they are able to produce professional Polri human resources. The method used is using a qualitative approach. The theory in this study uses the concept of career development, the concept of precision, the concept of accountability, and the concept of professionalism. The pattern of career development for Polri human resources who have studied abroad is not only based on educational programs that have been taken during their studies. Efforts to create an accountable and professional Polri HR career pattern can be carried out with a merit system based on an assessment of competency standards and indicators within the Polri organization, and integrated with big data technology, to create a system for creating a career pattern for Polri HR that is precise and becomes more transparent.
The results of this study indicate that the pattern of career development for Polri human resources who have studied abroad is not only based on educational programs that have been taken during their studies, but tends to be based on competencies and indicators determined by the Polri organization as stipulated in the Perkap No. 5 of 2016 concerning Implementation of the Assessment Center. The advice given to create precise Polri human resources is to implement a merit system that is integrated with big data and make permanent regulations related to the procedure for implementing career development.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Dwijaya Arthandi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi implementasi assessment center pada Biro Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Polda Sulawesi Utara (Sulut). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode wawancara,
observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Teori implementasi kebijakan dan konsep assessment center digunakan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap implementasi assessment center. Hasil pada penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa praktek assessment center yang dilaksanakan oleh Biro SDM Polda Sulut masih belum menerapkan standar yang ideal terutama keterkaitannya pada fungsi serta peran di dalam melakukan evaluasi dan mengembangkan kompetensi sumber daya manusia.
Polri yang berkaitan dengan efektivitas organisasi. Berbagai karakteristik dan mekanisme penting dalam sebuah penyelenggaraan assessment center seperti analisis jabatan, kompetensi assessor, metode penilaian dan proses integrasi hasil observasi dalam assessment center pada Biro SDM Polda Sulut belum sepenuhnya menunjukkan pelaksanaan yang ideal dari sebuah pelaksanaan assessment center. Implementasi assessment center pada Biro SDM Polda Sulut belum sepenuhnya berjalan optimal ditinjau dari permasalahan yang masih terdapat di dalamnya yaitu belum terbangunnya penyampaian komunikasi yang baik sehingga berdampak pada lemahnya pemahaman assessee dalam pelaksanaan assessment center. Kondisi masih terbatasnya sumber daya manusia dalam pengelolaan unit kerja assessment center dan lemahnya dukungan anggaran untuk program strategis assessment center terutama sistem kompensasi bagi assessor. Masih kurangnya dukungan assessor untuk aktif dalam assessment center, belumnya dilakukan uji kompetensi pada seluruh jabatan serta pemahaman assessor yang masih kurang memadai. Secara struktur birokrasi unit kerja assessment center belum memiliki posisi strategis dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia Polri serta belum dijadikannya assessment center sebagai syarat mutlak untuk penempatan personel menjadikan pemanfaatan hasil dari assessment center belum dapat menjawab program pengembangan program sumber daya manusia terutama dalam penempatan personel yang sesuai dengan kompetensinya pada suatu jabatan tertentu.

This study aims to explore the implementation of assessment centers at the North Sulawesi Regional Police Bureau of Human Resources. Qualitative approach was used in this study by conducting interviews, observation and documentation studies.
Analysis on assessment center implementation was made based on the theory of policy implementation and assessment center concept. Result of this study showed that the assessment center practices carried out by the North Sumatra Regional.
Police Humah Resource Bureau still had not implemented ideal standard, especially in relation to its functions and roles in evaluating and developing competencies of human resources of the Indonesian National Police related to the effectiveness of the organization. Various important characteristics and mechanisms in the implementation of assessment centers such as job analysis, assessors competency, assessment methods and integrational process of observed results in the assessment center at the North Sulawesi Regional Police HR Bureau have not fully demonstrated the ideal implementation of an assessment center. Implementation of assessment center in HR bureau of North Sulawesi Regional Police had not been running optimally and can be seen by problems found such as the lack of a well-delivered communication which impacted on poor understanding of assessees about assessment center. There were limited number of human resources in the management of assessment center work units and scarce budget support for strategic assessment center programs, especially for assessors' compensation. There was still a lack of support from assessors to be active in the assessment center, tests for competency were not thoroughly carried out in all job positions and also inadequate knowledge of assessors. Structurally, the assessment center bureaucracy did not had a strategic position in the development of human resources of the National Police and the assessment center has not been made as an absolute requirement for the placement of personnels competence for their position.
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Dwi Ananto
"Proses pengembangan karir Perwira Menengah Bareskrim Polri selama ini belum efektif yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya kesulitan kenaikan pangkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi secara lebih jauh terhadap pola mutasi Perwira Menengah serta melihat faktor-faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam mutasi Perwira Menengah. Permasalahan yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana pola mutasi bagi Perwira Menengah yang saat ini diterapkan pada Sumber Daya Manusia Bareskrim Mabes Polri menghadapi era Revolusi Industri 4.0? dan (2) Faktor-faktor apa saja yang dipertimbangkan dalam mutasi bagi Perwira Menengah Bareskrim Mabes Polri untuk menghadapi era Revolusi Industri 4.0?. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-eksploratif dengan mengumpulkan data primer dan sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dengan teknik studi dokumentasi. Analisa data dilaksanakan dengan analisis flow model yang melibatkan proses validitas data, antisipasi, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua pola mutasi bagi Perwira Menengah Bareskrim Polri yaitu demosi dan promosi. Demosi didorong oleh pelanggaran yang dilakukan anggota sedangkan promosi berdasarkan pada kebutuhan organisasi atau pengajuan anggota. Keduanya hanya dapat tejadi ketika terdapat nota dinas. Faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan dalam mutasi bagi Perwira Menengah di era Revolusi Industri 4.0 dalam konteks promosi diantaranya adalah kompetensi siber, pengalaman kerja pada bidangnya, kemampuan pemberkasan, sertifikasi khusus penyidik, pendidikan kejuruan dan keterampilan penggunaan teknologi. Sedangkan dalam konteks demosi dengan mempertimbangkan faktor pelanggaran etika dan pelanggaran hukum yang didasarkan pada putusan sidang disiplin Polri bila telah terjadi pelanggaran disiplin sedang.

The era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has encouraged changes in the The career development process for Intermediate Bareskrim Polri officers has not been effective so far, as demonstrated by difficulties in promotion. This research aims to further explore the mutation patterns of Middle Officers and look at the factors that are taken into consideration when transferring Middle Officers. The problems examined in this research are (1) What is the pattern of transfers for Middle Officers currently applied to the Human Resources of Bareskrim Polri Headquarters facing the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0? and (2) What factors are considered in the transfer of Intermediate Criminal Investigation Officers at National Police Headquarters to face the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0? The method used is qualitative-exploratory by collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected using interview data collection techniques, while secondary data was collected using documentation study techniques. Data analysis was carried out using flow model analysis which involved the processes of data validity, anticipation, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that there are two patterns of mutation for Intermediate Bareskrim Polri officers, namely demotion and promotion. Demotions are driven by violations committed by members while promotions are based on organizational needs or member submissions. Both can only occur when there is an official note. Factors considered in transfers for Middle Officers in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era in the context of promotion include cyber competence, work experience in their field, filing skills, special certification for investigators, vocational education and skills in using technology. Meanwhile, in the context of demotion, considering the factors of ethical violations and legal violations which are based on the decision of the Police disciplinary hearing if there has been a moderate disciplinary violation."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Darwis Debby Hermawan
Fenomena praktek manajemen SDM merupakan permasalahan penelitian yang menarik untuk dikaji terkait dengan kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian, mengingat kepuasan kerja merupakan indikator efektivitas praktek manajemen SDM dalam organisasi. Kepuasan kerja anggota pada akhirnya akan berdampak terhadap mutu pelayanan yang dilakukan oleh anggota organisasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara praktek manajemen SDM dan kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian. Dimensi praktek manajemen SDM mengacu kepada model penelitian yang dikembangkan oleh Wright (2003) yang mencakup dimensi rekrutmen dan seleksi, pelatihan dan pengembangan, kompensasi, pengembangan karir dan dimensi penilaian kinerja.
Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 375 anggota kepolisian yang diambil secara stratified random sampling yang terdiri dari kelompok Pamen, Pama dan Brigadir. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan multiple regression analysis untuk mengkaji hubungan antara masing-masing dimensi praktek manajemen SDM dan kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian. Penelitian menemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara dimensi rekrutmen dan seleksi, pengembangan karir, kompensasi, dan pendidikan dan latihan.
Dimensi penilaian kinerja tidak mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian. Kontribusi ke empat dimensi praktek manajemen SDM sebesar 48.9% terhadap kepuasan kerja (p<0.000). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa makin profesional penerapan praktek manajemen SDM akan berdampak terhadap kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian.

The human resource practice in police organization care becoming a critical factor to the employee satisfaction. The fenomenon of human resource practices in this study include recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, training and development, and performance appraisals and how its implication to the police satisfaction
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between human resource practice and employee satisfaction. Dimension of human resource practices use the research model developed by Wright (2003) which include the dimension of recruitment and selection, career development, education and training, compensation and performance appraisals.
The 375 police officer was selected based on stratified random sampling which include upper, middle and lower level of the police officers. This study employ multiple regression analysis to measure the relationship of each dimension of human resource practices to police officer satisfaction. The study found that there was the relationship between recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, and training and development. The dimension of performance appraisals was not signicantly related to police officer job satisfaction. The contribution of recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, and training development was 48.9% to the police officer job satisfaction (p< 0.000). It could be concluded that the professional the human practices in police organization the better impact to the police officer job satisfaction, The human resource practice in police organization care becoming a critical factor to the employee satisfaction. The fenomenon of human resource practices in this study include recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, training and development, and performance appraisals and how its implication to the police satisfaction
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between human resource practice and employee satisfaction. Dimension of human resource practices use the research model developed by Wright (2003) which include the dimension of recruitment and selection, career development, education and training, compensation and performance appraisals.
The 375 police officer was selected based on stratified random sampling which include upper, middle and lower level of the police officers. This study employ multiple regression analysis to measure the relationship of each dimension of human resource practices to police officer satisfaction. The study found that there was the relationship between recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, and training and development. The dimension of performance appraisals was not signicantly related to police officer job satisfaction. The contribution of recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, and training development was 48.9% to the police officer job satisfaction (p< 0.000). It could be concluded that the professional the human practices in police organization the better impact to the police officer job satisfaction]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antony Anilo Sugoto
"Departemen Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah adalah instansi pemerintah yang mempunyai fungsi pembinaan, pengaturan, dan fasilitasi penyelenggaraan pembangunan fisik di bidang jalan raya, jembatan, pengairan, permukiman, dan penataan ruang. Permasalahan yang menjadi sorotan masyarakat selama ini adalah secara umum kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah dianggap belum memenuhi harapan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab rumusan pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu : bagaimana gaanbaran kondisi manajemen kinerja, kualitas pegawai, motivasi kerja, dan strategi apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh Departemen Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah untuk dapat meningkatkan kinerja pegawai. Teori tentang manajemen klnerja, motivasi, perencanaan sumber daya manusia, pelatihan dan pengembangan, serta manajemen strategi, digunakan sebagai dasar atau rujukan -dalam melakukan penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif, dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner. Sampel ditetapkan dengan menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik uji tanda positif dan negatif terhadap aspek-aspek manajemen kinerja, kualitas pegawai dan motivasi kerja.
Hasil analisis mengindikasikan bahwa kondisi ketiga aspek tersebut masiih rendah, belum memenuhi harapan pegawai. Dan ketiga aspek yang kondisinya cukup memprihatinkan adalah aspek motivasi pegawai, yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dari pimpinan Departemen Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah. Formulasi strategi untuk peningkatan kinerja pegawai, dimaksudkan agar dapat mencapai kualitas Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang prima di dalam melakukan pelayanan terhadap publik di era reformasi dan era globalisasi, dengan melakukan upaya pembenahan dan perbaikan-perbaikan terhadap aspek-aspek kritis yang berkaitan dengan kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil tersebut. Dalam melakukan strategi untuk meningkatkan kinerja pegawai, yang hares dilakukan Departemen Pemukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah terlebih dahulu adalah membenahi dan meningkatkan motivasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil, agar timbul gairah kerja. Selanjutnya melakukan pembenahan dan perbaikan terhadap kondisi manajemen kinei a dan kualitas pegawai, sehingga diharapkan kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil meningkat secara optimal sebagai abdi negara dan abdi masyarakat yang prima.

The Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure is an Government Institution than has a function of Building (Guiding), Arrangement and Facilitating the implementation of Physical Construction such as constructing Main Road, Bridge, Irrigation, Settlement, and Spatial Planning. Problem that becomes the public exposed along this time is generally the performance Government Official of The Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure assumed has not been fulfilling the public expectation. The goals of this research to answer the formulation of research question, which are how is the condition picture of performance management, employee quality, working motivation, and what strategy that has to done by The Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure so they can increase the employee performance. Theory about Performance Management, Motivation, Human Resource Planning, Training and Development, also the Strategy Management used as the basic or reference in conducting the research. The Research Method that used is the Descriptive Research Method, with gathering data through questionnaire. The sample determined by using stratified random sampling technique. The data analysis using the statistical technique that used positive sign and negative sign on the performance management aspect, employee quality aspect and work motivation aspect.
The analysis result indicating that the third condition aspect mentioned still very low, and it has not been fulfilling the employee expectation. From the three aspects that has a critical enough condition is the employee motivation aspect, which still has to get special attention from the leader of The Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure. The strategy formulation for employee performance improvement, intended to achieve the prime Government Officials Quality status in implementing service to the public in the reformation era and globalization era, with conducting efforts such as correction and improvements to the critical aspects that related with the Government Officers mentioned. In conducting the strategy, which to improve the employee performance, the thing that has to be done by The Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure at fist time is to rearrangement and improving the motivation of Official Government, in order to generating the working enthusiasm. Here in after conducting the rearrangement and improvement to the condition of performance management and employee quality, so it expected that the Government Official performance improving optimally as a prime State Servant and Society Servant.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fery Afrilio Christanto
"Sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan manajemen SDM agar dapat mengikuti perkembangan zaman, Polri mengadopsi konsep manajemen talenta yang dituangkan pada Peraturan Kapolri no. 3 Tahun 2019 tentang Manajemen Talenta Polri (MTP). Namun demikian, pada pelaksanaanya secara khsusus di polda Bali terdapat berbagai fenomena seperti fluktuasi jumlah kelompok talenta lulusan Akpol dan bintara remaja, kendala komunikasi internal, kendala anggaran, maupun tidak berjalannya mekanisme yang ada. Sehingga, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Implementasi MTP Pada Perwira Pertama Lulusan Akpol dan bintara remaja, faktor-faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam implementasi, dan langkah ideal dalam implementasi oleh Biro SDM Polda Bali. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode triangulasi dan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara sebanyak 12 orang, studi kasus, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi MTP pada lulusan Akpol dan bintara remaja terdapat perbedaan mencolok khususnya pada proses perekrutan, pendidikan/ pelatihan dan pengembangan kaderisasi. Sementara pada proses orientasi, manajemen kinerja dan retensi/ pengakuan cenderung sama. Selanjutnya, pada faktor - faktor menjadi pertimbangan dalam Implementasi MTP, faktor komunikasi dan struktur birokrasi khususnya pada MTP lulusan Akpol cenderung lebih menghambat dibanding pada MTP bintara remaja. Sedangkan, faktor sumber daya dan perilaku/tendensi relatif sama. Yang terakhir, langkah ideal implementasi MTP oleh Biro SDM Polda Bali sesuai dengan Perkap No.3 Tahun 2019 pada bintara remaja sebanyak 6 langkah dan pada lulusan Akpol terdiri dari 3 langkah karena langkah identifikasi, penetapan dan pengakhiran talenta pada lulusan Akpol diselenggarakan oleh SSDM Mabes Polri.

As an effort to improve human resource management that can keep up with the times, Indonesian National Police, also known as Polri, has adopted the concept of talent management as outlined in the Regulation of Polri’s Chief Number 3 of 2019 concerning MTP (Indonesian National Police Talent Management). However, there are various phenomena in its implementation, occurring in Bali Regional Police, such as the fluctuations in the number of talent groups graduating from police academy and young NCO (Non-Commissioned Officers), internal communication constraints, budgetary constraints, and the nonfunctioning of existing mechanisms. The study aims to analyze the implementation of MTP for young police officers graduating from police academy and young NCOs graduating from SPNs (State Police Schools), the factors that are considered in MTP implementation, and the ideal steps in MTP implementation taken by Bali Regional Police Human Resources Department. The study employs the qualitative approach using triangulation method. Data is collected through interviews with twelve people, case studies, and literature study. The results of the study show that there are several striking differences in MTP implementationbetween young police academy graduates and young NCOs, especially in the process of recruitment, education/training and forming of cadres, while, the processes of orientation, performance management and retention/recognition tend to be the same. Regarding the factors considered in MTP implementation, communication and bureaucratic structure factors, especially MTP for young police academy graduates tend to be more inhibiting than MTP for young NCOs, while resource and behavior/tendencies factors are relatively the same. Finally, there are six ideal steps for implementing MTP by Bali Regional Police Human Resources Department in accordance with the Regulation of Polri’s Chief Number 3 of 2019 for young police officers graduating from NCOs and three ideal steps for implementing MTP for young police officers graduating from police academy due to the facts that the steps for identifying, determining and terminating talents for police academy graduates are held by INP Headquarters Human Resources Department."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmawati Octaviani
"[Seiring dengan pembangunan yang dilakukan di berbagai bidang oleh pemerintah Indonesia, khususnya di Kementerian ESDM, yang merupakan salah satu Kementerian penyumbang pendapatan negara terbesar, jumlah Barang Milik Negara terus bertambah baik secara kuantitatif maupun secara kualitatif. Barang Milik Negara merupakan sumber daya penting bagi pemerintah sebagai penopang pendapatan Negara. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara
yang baik dan optimal untuk dapat mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh faktor implementasi pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara, akuntabilitas pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara serta monitoring dan evaluasi Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara terhadap efektivitas pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara, 2) pengaruh peran Sumber Daya
Manusia terhadap efektivitas pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara dan 3) pengaruh Sumber Daya Manusia terhadap hubungan antara faktor implementasi pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara, akuntabilitas pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara serta monitoring dan evaluasi Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara dengan efektivitas pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara. Populasi penelitian adalah 27 unit Satuan Kerja dan Pusat Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara di Kementerian ESDM dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 115 orang. Data yang didapat diolah dengan
menggunakan Software SPSS 19.0 dan Lisrel 8.7 dan dianalisis dengan path analysis model. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Sumber Daya Manusia merupakan moderasi murni (pure moderation) dimana Implementasi, Akuntabilitas, serta Monitoring dan Evaluasi Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara yang dimoderasi oleh Sumber Daya Manusia berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap Efektivitas Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara. Dimana semakin baik Implementasi, Akuntabilitas, serta Monitoring dan Evaluasi Pengelolaan Barang
Milik Negara yang didukung oleh Sumber Daya Manusia yang handal maka semakin efektif juga Pengelolaan Barang Milik Negara di Kementerian ESDM.;As the Government of Indonesia grows and develops, the amount of government assets continue to grow both quantitatively and qualitatively. This numbers grows exceptionally high in Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource of Indonesia which is one of the largest contributors to the government incomes. Therefore, a
good government assets management is required since it is a vital aspect to government incomes. An optimal government assets management will aid Indonesia to achieve good governance. This study aimed to determine: 1) the effect of implementation, accountability and
monitoring and evaluation of government assets management to the effectiveness of government assets management, 2) the role of human resources to the effectiveness of government assets management and 3) the influence of human resources role on the interaction of implementation, accountability and monitoring and evaluation of government assets management to the effectiveness of government assets management. In order to find out the outcome, this study
conducted a survey to 115 respondents from 27 different units within The Centre Management of Government Assets in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The data acquired from the survey was processed using SPSS 19.0 software for the descriptive analysis and Lisrel 8.7 software for path analysis model. The study indicated that Human Resource is a pure moderation which has significant effects on the relation between implementation, accountibility, monitoring, and evaluation of government assets to government assets management. This mean better implementation, accountibility, monitoring and
evaluation of government assets which supported by great human resource will lead to a better government assets management within Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource of Indonesia, As the Government of Indonesia grows and develops, the amount of government
assets continue to grow both quantitatively and qualitatively. This numbers grows
exceptionally high in Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource of Indonesia
which is one of the largest contributors to the government incomes. Therefore, a
good government assets management is required since it is a vital aspect to
government incomes. An optimal government assets management will aid
Indonesia to achieve good governance.
This study aimed to determine: 1) the effect of implementation, accountability and
monitoring and evaluation of government assets management to the effectiveness
of government assets management, 2) the role of human resources to the
effectiveness of government assets management and 3) the influence of human
resources role on the interaction of implementation, accountability and monitoring
and evaluation of government assets management to the effectiveness of
government assets management. In order to find out the outcome, this study
conducted a survey to 115 respondents from 27 different units within The Centre
Management of Government Assets in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources. The data acquired from the survey was processed using SPSS 19.0
software for the descriptive analysis and Lisrel 8.7 software for path analysis
The study indicated that Human Resource is a pure moderation which has
significant effects on the relation between implementation, accountibility,
monitoring, and evaluation of government assets to government assets
management. This mean better implementation, accountibility, monitoring and
evaluation of government assets which supported by great human resource will
lead to a better government assets management within Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resource of Indonesia]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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