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Diana Yoseva L. Aksah
Thesis ini membahas analisis efisiensi di Industri asuransi Indonesia periode
2006-2010 dengan menggunakan data industry asuransi jiwa dan asuransi
kerugian/umum. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah non parametric
menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis untuk melihat efisiensi teknikal.
Kemudian analisis efisiensi dilakukan berdasarkan kelompok ukuran bank
berdasarkan kepemilikan dan ukuran yang dilihat dari besaran modal sendiri.
Hasilnya adalah bahwa asuransi dengan modal sendiri di atas 100 Miliar
merupakan kelompok perusahaan asuransi yang lebih efisien dibandingkan
perushaaan asuransi dengan modal sendiri di bawah 100 Miliar. Selain itu
kelompok asuransi kerugian swasta rata-rata lebih efisien dibandingkan
perusahaan patungannya. Sementara di kelompok asuransi jiwa, perusahaan
patungan sedikit lebih efisien dibandingkan perusahaan swastanya

This Thesis investigate Indonesian Insurance Industry between 2006-2010.
Medotodology used is non parametrics analysis using Data Envelopment Analysis
to analyse the technical efficiency. Efficiency analysis is conducted across
different group by the size and ownership. The results indicates that insurance
with equity capital above 100 Bilion Rupiah more efficient than insurance below
100 Bilion Rupiah. Other results show that private general insurance is more
efficient on average than its joint ventures. While in the group life insurance, joint
venture slightly more efficient than private enterprise"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Kuswanti
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pientha Glenys Amanti
"Penelitian ini analisis efisiensi perusahaan Asuransi Umum di Indonesia periode 2014-2015 sebagai akibat kebijakan mengenai rekapitalisasi modal inti perusahaan asuransi yang tertera pada Peraturan OJK Otoritas Jasa Keuangan 67/POJK.05/2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah Data Envelopment Analysis ndash; model CCR dan BCC dengan orientasi output untuk melihat nilai efisiensi masing- masing perusahaan dari waktu ke waktu. Perusahaan asuransi yang diteliti adalah asuransi umum berjumlah 70 perusahaan. Variabel input yang digunakan adalah beban operasional dan ekuitas, sedangkan variabel output yang digunakan adalah hasil underwriting dan hasil investasi.
Dari hasil nilai skala efisiensi, yaitu gabungan antara CCR dan BCC, diperoleh terdapat 7 perusahaan yang efisien pada tahun 2014 dan 5 perusahaan yang efisien pada tahun 2015. Berdasarkan nilai skala efisiensi yang ditunjukkan, terdapat perbedaan rata-rata efisiensi perusahaan pada tahun 2014 dengan tahun 2015. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa kebijakan yang dikeluarkan OJK tentang penaikan dana modal inti mendorong perusahaan lebih efisien.

This study analyzes the efficiency of General Insurance companies in Indonesia for the period 2014 2015 as a result of the policy on recapitalization of insurance company 39 s core capital as stated in the OJK Regulation 67 POJK.05 2015. The method used is Data Envelopment Analysis CCR and BCC model with output orientation to see the efficiency value of each company from time to time. Insurance companies studied are general insurance amounted to 70 companies. The input variables used are operational expenses and equity capital, while the output variables used are underwriting and investment returns.
From the value of efficiency scales, ie, a combination of CCR and BCC, there are 7 efficient companies in 2014 and 5 efficient companies by 2015. Based on the value of the efficiency scale shown, there is a difference in the average efficiency of the company in 2014 with the year 2015. This indicates that the OJK 39 s policy of raising core capital funds encourages companies to be more efficient.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salam Fadillah Alzah
"Penelitian ini menganalisis corporate governance yang diukur dengan jumlah dewan komisaris, presentase komisaris independen, komite audit, dan kepemilikan institusional, dengan variabel kontrol ukuran perusahaan dan leverage, dan pengaruhnya terhadap industri asuransi di Indonesia yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dalam periode 2008-2016. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan 8 sampel perusahaan asuransi yang ditentukan berdasarkan metode purposive sampling. Metode yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa corporate governance belum memberikan pengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan asuransi di Indonesia.
Hasil regresi pada ROA, jumlah dewan komisaris dan leverage berpengaruh negatif terhadap ROA, sedangkan presentase komisaris independen, komite audit, kepemilikan institusional, dan ukuran perusahaan tidak memberi pengaruh. Regresi pada Tobin'sQ, komite audit dan ukuran perusahaan yang berpengaruh negatif, sedangkan jumlah dewan komisaris, presentase komisaris independen, kepemilikan institusional, dan leverage tidak memberikan pengaruh.

This study analyzes the effect of corporate governance as measured by the number of boards of commissioners, the percentage of independent commissioners, audit committees, and institutional ownership, with firm size and leverage as control variables, on the performance of the insurance industry in Indonesia listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2008 2016. This research is quantitative research with 8 sample of the insurance company which determined by purposive sampling method. The method used is multiple linear regression.
The results of this study indicate that corporate governance has not affected the performance of insurance companies in Indonesia. Regression results on ROA, the number of boards of commissioners and leverage have a negative effect on ROA, while the percentage of independent commissioners, audit committee, institutional ownership, and firm size have no effect. Regressions on Tobin 39 sQ, audit committees, and firm size are negatively affected, while the number of boards of commissioners, the percentage of independent commissioners, institutional ownership, and leverage have no effect."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shidko Argi Norreza
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh efisiensi alokasi asuransi alat berat (rasio klaim dan waktu penyelesaian klaim) terhadap kinerja perusahaan sewa guna usaha (ROA). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) dan Regresi Berganda.
Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa efisiensi alokasi asuransi alat berat memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan sewa guna usaha. Semakin tinggi tingkat efisiensi alokasi asuransi alat berat, semakin tinggi pula tingkat kinerja perusahaan sewa guna usaha.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, peneliti menyarankan kepada perusahaan sewa guna usaha supaya memilih perusahaan asuransi rekanan yang mempunyai tingkat efisiensi alokasi yang tinggi supaya dapat meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan sewa guna usaha tersebut.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of allocation efficiency of heavy equipment insurance (claim ratio and claim settlement period) to leasing company's performance (ROA). The research is quantitative which using Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) dan Multiple Regression Methods.
The research's result has showed that allocation efficiency of heavy equipment insurance has significant influence to leasing company's performance. If the degree of allocation efficiency of heavy equipment insurance is high, the degree of leasing company's performance will be high too.
Based on the research's result, researcher has suggestion to the leasing company in order to choose the insurance company as its partner which has high degree of allocation efficiency, so that the leasing company can be probably increasing the degree of its performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadjar Isdijanto
"Looking at the brutto premium of PT. Asuransi Jasindo and the development of loss insurance industry in Indonesia, it was obvious that the market competition of insurance industry was very competitive. Such competition could be handled if PT. Asuransi Jasindo could apply a marketing strategy that had a sustainable competitive advantage. This served as the background of the research which aimed at identifying the feasibility of applying the sustainable competitive advantage concept as the marketing strategy and to what extent it can be applied to identify competitive position of PT. Asuransi Jasindo towards other competitors in the loss insurance industry in Indonesia.
The research adopted descriptive method through data collection in a form of secondary and primary data. The former used books, annual reports and other documents related with the research. As for the latter, questionnaires designed based on the Likert Scale were distributed to the personnel of PT. Asuransi Jasindo in the units in the head quarter office and 15 branch offices.
The research adopted Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrixs theory and the Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) approach. The BCG matrixs was used to identify the competitive position of PT. Asuransi Jasindo towards the competitors in the loss insurance industry and the SCA approach here was to analyse the components of competitors covering own products familiarity, familiarity towards competitors, familiarty towards the competitors? products and the components of competition techniques comprising of cost advantage, product differenciation, market focus, pioneering products and market sinergy.
The results of this research depicted that the competitive position of PT. Asuransi Jasindo in the loss insurance industry in Indonesia was in the star quadrant possessing the growth of long-run opportunities. The strategies that could be adopted were forward integration, backward integration, horizontal integration, market penetration, market development and product development.
Whereas the results of analysis ofthe components of prequisite condition of SCA concept was things like the familiarity of own products, familiarity of competitors? products, cost advantage, product differenciation, market focus and pioneering products receiving good/high level category and as for being familiar with the competitors possessing very good/very high category whereas the market sinergy obtained relatively good/relatively high category. Therefore it could be concluded that the SCA concept could be adopted as the marketing strategy of PT. Asuransi Jasindo.
The optirnalize the adopt on of the SCA concept as the marketing strategy that possessed the sustainable competition required mending and improvement of such strategies as market synergy, human resource development and the market extention."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Fariz Darmawan
"Insurance Technology atau InsurTech adalah perusahaan asuransi, perantara, atau perusahaan berbasis teknologi yang memasuki sektor asuransi, yang memanfaatkan teknologi baru untuk memberikan nilai tambah baru bagi industri serta memberikan cakupan ke basis pelanggan yang lebih cerdas secara digital. Namun, Indonesia saat ini belum memiliki pengaturan yang komprehensif mengenai penyelenggaraan InsurTech dan tanpa adanya regulasi yang menyeluruh akan berpotensi memunculkan sejumlah risiko. Dengan demikian, penulis merasa perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan pokok permasalahan mengenai bagaimana eksistensi InsurTech ditinjau dari peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia dan bagaimana perbandingan pengaturan dan pelaksanaan InsurTech di Indonesia dan Singapura. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode yuridis-normatif dengan pendekatan komparatif. Dari penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaturan InsurTech di Indonesia saat ini masih diatur secara parsial dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur mengenai asuransi, transaksi elektronik, maupun perlindungan konsumen. Terlebih, saat ini InsurTech di Indonesia masih didominasi oleh produk micro-insurance yang dipasarkan oleh InsurTech berbentuk aggregator maupun intermediaries. Jika dibandingkan dengan Singapura, kini InsurTech di Singapura telah berfokus pada penyempurnaan layanan dari produk yang telah ada dengan pengaturan yang telah mampu mengatasi persoalan risiko dan tantangan dari InsurTech yaitu dengan adanya peraturan khusus yang mengatur mengenai perlindungan data pribadi dan perlindungan konsumen bagi penyelenggara InsurTech. Oleh karena itu, OJK sebagai regulator memiliki urgensi untuk menerbitkan produk hukum yang spesifik dan komprehensif untuk mengatur detail penyelenggaran InsurTech di Indonesia dengan mempelajari pengaturan serta implementasi dari Singapura.

Insurance Technology, also known as InsurTech, is a new insurance company, intermediary, or technology-based company that enters the insurance sector and uses new technologies to provide new added value to the industry as well as coverage to a digitally smarter customer base. However, Indonesia appears to lack comprehensive arrangements for the implementation of InsurTech, which could pose a number of risks in the absence of comprehensive regulation. As a result, the author believes there is a need for additional research on how the existence of InsurTech is reviewed from the laws and regulations in Indonesia, as well as how to compare the regulation and implementation of InsurTech in Indonesia and Singapore. A juridical-normative method with a comparative approach was used for the research. According to the findings of this research, InsurTech regulations in Indonesia are currently only partially regulated by laws and regulations governing insurance, electronic transactions, and consumer protection. Furthermore, micro-insurance products marketed by InsurTech in the form of aggregators and intermediaries continue to dominate InsurTech in Indonesia. InsurTech in Singapore has now focused on improving the services of existing products with arrangements that have been able to overcome the risks and challenges of InsurTech, namely the existence of special regulations governing the protection of personal data and consumer protection for InsurTech operators. As a result, OJK, as a regulator, is under pressure to issue specific and comprehensive legal products to govern the details of InsurTech implementation in Indonesia by studying the arrangements and implementation in Singapore."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudi Triyana
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agresius R. Kadiaman
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Hariono
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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