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Boy Dwitama
"Tesis ini memodifikasi penelitian Fraser, Zhang, dan Derashid (2006) yang berjudul ?Capital Structure and Political Patronage: the Case of Malaysia.? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah adanya politik patronase di dalam struktur dewan perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan perusahaan untuk berhutang lebih. Penelitian ini mendeteksi adanya politik patronase di dalam perusahaan dengan adanya hubungan mantan menteri, mantan staf ahli kementerian, purnawirawan (baik TNI maupun Polri), relasi pejabat, dan/atau relasi bisnis di dalam struktur dewan perusahaan. Secara mengejutkan, adanya politik patronase pada Dewan Komisaris perusahaan akan mengurangi leverage perusahaan walaupun pada Dewan Direksi akan semakin meningkatkan leverage. Struktur kepemilikan, praktik tata kelola perusahaan, ukuran perusahaan, aset tetap, tingkat profitabilitas, dan kesempatan investasi memiliki pengaruh signifikan pula terhadap keputusan struktur modal perusahaan yang memiliki informasi patron. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa majority shareholders atau komisaris sebagai political executive akan meningkatkan kemampuan perusahaan untuk berhutang lebih.

This thesis is modifying research done by Fraser, Zhang, and Derashid (2006) named ?Capital Structure and Political Patronage: the Case of Malaysia.? This research aims to find out whether the presence of political patronage in the board could enhance the firm?s ability to carry more debt in its capital structure. The political patronage is detected by the presence of ties between the former ministers, the former ministry expert staff, the former high-rank military/police officers, the family of officials, and/or the business relation in the board. Surprisingly, the presence of political patronage on the board of commissioners may reduce debt despite the presence of it on the board of directors may increase the debt. Ownership structure, good corporate governance, firm size, fixed asset, profitability, and investment opportunities had significant impacts to decisionmaking process related with the capital structure of companies that had those patrons. In addition, the result also shows that majority shareholders or commissioners as a political executive will enhance the firm?s ability to carry more debt in its capital structure."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Legg, Keith R.
Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 1983
324.204 LEG p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dita Puspa Riane
Tesis ini membahas mengenai pengaruh koneksi politik terhadap kinerja perusahaan
dengan berdasarkan pada teori resource dependence. Kinerja perusahaan pada
penelitian ini diukur menggunakan dua pengukuran yaitu return on sales (ROS) dan
return on assets (ROA). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan meneliti seluruh perusahaan
yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2004-2013. Hasil dari penelitian
ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan dibangunnya koneksi politik, terdapat pengaruh
positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hasil dari
penelitian ini mendukung teori resource dependence.;

This thesis discussed about the affect of political connection on firms' performance
based on resource dependence theory. Firm performance on this research using two
ratios that is return on sales (ROS) and return on assets (ROA). The research
observed listed companies on Indonesia Stock Exchange on 2004-2013. The evidence
shows that political connection had significant and positive impact on listed
companies' performance. In addition, this research supports the resource dependence
theory., This thesis discussed about the affect of political connection on firms' performance
based on resource dependence theory. Firm performance on this research using two
ratios that is return on sales (ROS) and return on assets (ROA). The research
observed listed companies on Indonesia Stock Exchange on 2004-2013. The evidence
shows that political connection had significant and positive impact on listed
companies' performance. In addition, this research supports the resource dependence
[, ], 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nakamura Shohei
"The fall of Suharto’s authoritarian regime and the subsequent dissolution of vertical political patronage led to an upsurge of mass mobilization based on religion and/or ethnicity. In Jakarta, newly emerged vigilante groups that initially sought to represent small-scale neighborhood communities rapidly grew in size by receiving endorsements from local political authorities as well as by gaining extensive popular support. Despite their persistent association with violence and illicitness in popular discourse, some of those vigilante groups quickly increased their membership to hundreds of thousands. Highlighting the activities of the Forum Betawi Rempug (FBR), one of the biggest of these groups, this paper explains the causes, processes, and consequences of its expansion. The nature of the Betawi ethnic identity that has been constructed over decades, as well as an alternative mode of populist discourse that became prevalent in Jakarta during the last couple of decades, were the key background conditions through which such groups expanded in both size and geographic reach. These conditions also led to a loosely disciplined and highly autonomous organizational structure. An explanation of this process calls for a radical revision of the conventional model of ethnic mobilization that takes for granted disciplined organization and hierarchical control. In contemporary Jakarta, successful mass mobilization is not the sheer result of people’s response to populist calls. Attention must be paid to the logic of the mobilized in order to explain why vigilante organizations have been able to gain popular support despite their notorious reputation. This paper investigates the perspectives of the mobilized by focusing on neighborhood-level activities of the FBR. In so doing, it exemplifies how some residents perceive the FBR as a provider of potential socioeconomic resources for the enhancement of their life environment."
Japan: Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2021
330 JJSAS 58:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Indratno Gunawan
Fisheries based livelihoods in the Berau Delta are diverse. The everyday life of small-scale fishers shows that gear diversification, changing fishing gear over a lifetime and practical knowledge to access good fishing grounds in the rich coastal waters are the main livelihood strategies developed by fishers. Fishing practices in the coastal frontier of Berau are influenced by the Bugis habitus of patronage networks between the punggawa and the dependent fishers. An essential element in decision making of fishers is their embeddedness in political-economic patronage networks as the result of the values, interests and knowledge contestations. Livelihood trajectories of different fishers from various classes confirm that as social actors, whether rich or poor, they have the agency to search for better livelihoods."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-WACANA 17:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Octavian Imam Renaldo
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memverifikasi efek dari berbagai metode pembiayaan utang pada nilai perusahaan. Metode yang paling umum digunakan oleh perusahaan di Indonesia untuk pembiayaan utang adalah dengan (Pinjaman Bank), menerbitkan Public Debt (Obligasi dan Sukuk), dan Private Debt (Surat Berharga Komersial, Surat Utang Jangka Menengah, Wesel Bayar, Utang Hipotik, dan Utang Sewa Guna Usaha/leasing). Dari perspektif akuntansi, tidak ada perbedaan antara Public Debt (Obligasi/Sukuk) dan Loan (Pinjaman Bank). Namun, dari perspektif ekonomi/bisnis, surat utang perusahaan dan pinjaman bank berbeda dalam hal karakteristik mereka. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan asumsi bahwa atribut dari jenis utang yang dipilih memiliki dampak terhadap nilai perusahaan. Hasilnya akan menunjukkan karakteristik yang berbeda akan mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan.

This study aims to verify the effects of various debt financing methods on firm value. The most common method used by companies in Indonesia for debt financing is by Loans, issuing Public Debt (Bonds and Islamic Bonds), and Private Debt (Commercial Securities, Medium-Term Notes, Notes Payable, Mortgage Debt, and Lease). From an accounting perspective, there is no difference between Public Debt (Bonds and Islamic Bonds) and Loans. However, from an economic/business perspective, corporate debt and bank loans differ in their characteristics. This research was conducted with the assumption that the attributes of the type of debt chosen had an impact on the value of the company. The results will show different characteristics that will affect the value of the company."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Siti Halidah Paramitha Permatasari
Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah mal yang berada di kota Jakarta berdampak pada terjadinya persaingan ketat diantara para pengelola mal dalam hal menarik pengunjung mal, sekaligus menarik perilaku patronasi yang diidamkan oleh para
penyewa ruang ritel di mal tersebut. Sebagai contoh perilaku patronasi tersebut
adalah meluangkan waktu untuk berlama ? lama untuk berada di mal, berbelanja
dalam frekuensi dan jumlah yang besar, berbelanja baik yang direncanakan
ataupun tidak direncanakan. Mal yang dibangun kini tidak hanya terpusat pada
kawasan - kawasan pusat perkantoran ataupun perdagangan. Namun sudah mulai
mendekati pada lokasi hunian sebagai kelengkapan dari pengembang hunian yang
ditawarkan demi memberi akses berbelanja yang mudah bagi para penghuni
kawasan hunian disekitarnya. Dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi nyata tersebut,
maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi adanya perbedaan yang
mempengaruhi patronasi mal pada mal yang berlokasi di kawasan residensial
dengan kawasan perkantoran.

As the number of malls in Jakarta increases, it indirectly impacts a fierce competition between mall managements to attract mall visitors, while also to
attract patronage behavior desired by the mall retail tenants. For example,
patronage behavior means to spend more time at the mall, planned or unplanned
shopping in a large amount and frequency. Now days, mall are built not only at
the central business district, but also near residential district as a part of package
offered from the residential developers to give residence an easier shopping
access. By considering these real conditions, this research aims to identify
differences that affects patronized mall towards to mall located at residential
district with business district and by seeing the difference between mall locations"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwin Adiyatno
"Tesis ini membahas pengaruh political connections terhadap cost of equity dengan menggunakan analisis regresi data panel model pooled least square. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 141 data observasi periode 2005, 2008 dan 2011. Cost of equity diukur dengan menggunakan pendekatan CAPM dengan modifikasi beta Dimson. Sedangkan political connections menggunakan variabel dummy yaitu nilai 1 jika perusahaan teridentifikasi memiliki political connections dan nilai 0 jika teridentifikasi tidak memiliki political connections. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa political connections terbukti memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap cost of equity yang berarti bahwa perusahaan harus menanggung cost of equity yang lebih tinggi atas political connections yang dimilikinya.

This thesis discusses influence of political connections on the cost of equity using panel data regression analysis with pooled least square model. 141 samples were used as observation data period 2005, 2008 and 2011. Cost of equity measured using the CAPM approach with Dimson beta modification. While political connections using a dummy variable, given 1 if company have political connections identified, and 0 if it does not have political connections identified. The results show that political connections have proven significant positive effect on the cost of equity, which means that the company must bear higher cost of equity for the company`s political connections."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suci Noor Aeny
Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh koneksi politik terhadap agresivitas pajak
perusahaan. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu perusahaan yang
terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara koneksi politik dengan
agresivitas pajak yang diukur dengan menggunakan proksi Book Tax Difference.
Sedangkan koneksi politik tidak terbukti signifikan berpengaruh terhadap
agresivitas pajak yang diukur dengan menggunakan proksi diskresi perbedaan
permanen.;This Research examines the influence of political connections on tax
aggresiveness of a company. The sample used for this research are the company
listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013. This research shows that there is a
positive relationship between a firm's political connections and tax aggresiveness,
and proven to affect significantly measured with the Book Tax Difference proxy
However, the political connections are not proven significantly to affect the tax
aggresiveness measured with the discretionary permanent differences proxy., This Research examines the influence of political connections on tax
aggresiveness of a company. The sample used for this research are the company
listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013. This research shows that there is a
positive relationship between a firm's political connections and tax aggresiveness,
and proven to affect significantly measured with the Book Tax Difference proxy
However, the political connections are not proven significantly to affect the tax
aggresiveness measured with the discretionary permanent differences proxy.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudy Kurniawan
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh keputusan investasi (investment decision) dan keputusan pendanaan (financing decision) terhadap performa (performance) dan nilai (value) perusahaan industri jasa pelayaran di Indonesia. Economic Value Added (EVA) digunakan sebagai proksi pengukuran performa perusahaan dan Tobin’s Q (TOBIN-Q) digunakan sebagai proksi pengukuran nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan laporan keuangan seluruh perusahaan pelayaran yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada periode tahun 2016 sampai dengan tahun 2020. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode regresi data panel (panel data regression). Hasil analisis regresi tersebut kemudian dikonfirmasi lebih lanjut melalui wawancara online dengan 3 (tiga) orang narasumber dari 3 (tiga) perusahaan pelayaran Indonesia. Deskripsi statistik menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan pelayaran di Indonesia lebih mengandalkan utang bank sebagai sumber pendanaan utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keputusan investasi, yang diukur dengan tingkat pertumbuhan aktiva tetap (Fixed Asset Growth, FAG), berdampak positif signifikan terhadap performa dan nilai perusahaan pelayaran di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan hubungan negatif signifikan antara nilai rata-rata tertimbang biaya modal (Weighted Average Cost of Capital, WACC) dengan performa dan nilai perusahaan. Lebih lanjut, perusahaan pelayaran Indonesia terindikasi kuat menyelaraskan investasi yang dilakukan dengan sumber pendanaannya, sehingga fleksibilitas pendanaan menjadi hal yang penting bagi perusahaan pelayaran Indonesia dalam memutuskan suatu investasi.

This paper analyses the impact of investment and financing decisions on the performance and value of Indonesian shipping companies. Economic Value Added (EVA) is used as the proxy to measure the company's performance and Tobin's Q (TOBIN-Q) is used to measure the company's value. This paper uses annual audited financial reports of all Indonesian shipping companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from the year 2016 to the year 2020. The data are analyzed using panel data regression and the main findings are confirmed further through online interviews with 3 (three) decision makers from 3 (three) listed Indonesian shipping companies. The statistical description shows that Indonesian shipping companies rely on bank loans as the primary financing source. Result shows that investment decision, as measured with Fixed Asset Growth (FAG), has a significantly positive relationship with the company’s performance and value. Result also finds a significantly negative relationship between the company’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and its performance and value. Furthermore, research finding strongly indicates that Indonesian shipping companies align their investments with their funding sources. Thus, flexible funding terms are important for Indonesian shipping companies in making investment decision."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisinis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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