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Agus Suryanto
"Sistem manajemen kinerja merupakan proses sitematis yang memiliki ruang lingkup sangat luas mulai dari proses input, proses, output dan outcome untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Dokter spesialis merupakan SDM yang sangat sentral dalam rumah sakit. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi analisis manajemen kinerja dokter spesialis di RSUP Dr.Kariadi Semarang.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian ini input; perencanaan, rekrutmen, kredensial, pembinaan, pengembangan, imbal jasa, kelengkapan pedoman panduan klinis dan sarana prasarana sudah berjalan, program kerja, target kinerja dan tindak lanjut belum berjalan. Proses; kepatuhan terhadap pedoman pelayanan klinis belum baik. Output; pengukuran, evaluasi kinerja dan umpan balik belum berjalan.
Kesimpulan implementasisis manajemen kinerja dokter spesialis di RSUP Dr.Kariadi belum berjalan secara terpadu dan berkesinambugan. Saran untuk melaksanakan system manajemen kinerja secara benar dan konsisten.

Performance management system is a systematic process that has a very wide field of an organization including input, process, output and outcomes to achieve organizational goals. Specialists are the major of human resource in hospital. This study aims to determine the implementation of performance management system analytics of specialist at Dr.Kariadi Hospital Semarang. This study is descriptive qualitative research design.
The results of this study consist of input include planning, recruitment, credentials, training, development, reward, guidance of medical care and complete infrastructure is already running. Work programs and targets have not been running.Process; adherence to guidance of medical yet either. Output; measurement, performance evaluation and feedback mechanism are not running well.
Conclusion; the implementation of performance management systems of specialists at Dr.Kariadi Hospital have not been integrated and sustainable.The suggestion is to organize performance management system of specialists correctly and consistently at Dr.Kariadi Hospital.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hukom, Alexander Jacobus
[Jakarta;Jakarta;Jakarta;Jakarta;Jakarta;Jakarta;Jakarta;Jakarta, Jakarta]: Balai Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, [1990;1990;1990;1990;1990;1990;1990;1990, 1990]
616.89 HUK a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Olumoroti, Olumuyiwa John
London: Elsevier, 2005
616.89 OLU p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Purwaningsih Teguh Rahayu
"Prosentase pembayaran piutang Jamkesda terhadap jumlah piutang selama tiga tahun terakhir mengalami penurunan yaitu tahun 2010 sebesar 89,01 %, tahun 2011 sebesar 72,25 % dan tahun 2012 sebesar 70,54 %. Prosentase ini masih di bawah indikator mutu manajemen yaitu 90 % atau jumlah pasien belum terbayar kurang dari 10 %.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengelolaan piutang pasien jaminan kesehatan daerah di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang tahun 2012, Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian yang membicarakan beberapa kemungkinan untuk memecahkan masalah. Jenis penelitian bersifat deskriptif bertujuan memberikan gambaran pengelolaan piutang pasien jamkesda.
Dari hasil penelitian didapat bahwa rata-rata pembayaran klaim oleh Dinas Kesehatan adalah 93,75 % di atas satu bulan dari pengiriman tagihan. Keterlambatan pembayaran dipengaruhi oleh factor internal dan ekstenal. Faktor internal antara lain dari input yang melakukan proses pada pengelolaan piutang. Sedang factor eksternal adalah pihak penjamin atau pasien dan keluarga pasien.
Pada akhir penelitian disarankan penambahan SDM sesuai penghitungan analisis beban kerja, evaluasi dan monitoring PKS, melengkapi seluruh prosedur kerja dan membuat system informasi piutang yang handal.

Jamkesda percentage of receivables to total receivables during the last three years decreased in 2010 by 89.01%, in 2011 amounted to 72.25% and by 70.54% in 2012. This percentage is still under the management of quality indicators is 90% or the number of patients has not paid less than 10%.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the patient's health insurance receivable management area in Dr. Kariadi Semarang in 2012. Methods This study is a qualitative research approach to discuss some possible research to solve the problem. Type a descriptive study aims to provide an overview of patient accounts receivable management Jamkesda.
From the results obtained that the average claim payment by the Department of Health was 93.75% above the one month of the delivery bill. Late payments is influenced by internal factors and ekstenal. Internal factors such as the input of the receivables management process. Being an external factor is the guarantor or the patient and the patient's family.
At the end of the study suggested the addition of appropriate human resource calculation workload analysis, evaluation and monitoring of Cooperation Agreement, complete all work procedures and make the system reliable receivables information.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarigan, Ferdinan S.
"Walaupun sejak tahun 1992 telah diterapkan kebljakan penempatan dokter dan dokter gigi PIT tetapi penyebaran tenaga kesehatan khususnya dokter dan dokter gigi belum menggembirakan. Sekitar 25 - 40% Puskesmas tidak memiliki tenaga dokter, khususnya puskesmas yang berada di kawasan timur indonesia dan daerah konflik. Penyebaran dokter dan dokter gigi belum merata khususnya di daerah di kawasan Indonesia Bagian Timur. Rasio ldealnya I 00.000 jiwa dilayani 40 dokter, tetapi hanya 4 Propinsi yang mencapai rasio tersebut.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menganalisis kebijakan pemerintah pusat da1am pemerataan dokter dan dokter gigi di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini data yang digunakan terdiri atas data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan me!akukan wawancara mendalam. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui telaah dokumen. Data primer digali dari berbagai inforrnan yang berkompeten, yakni: Biro K!!pegawaian Departemen Kesehatan RJ. Biro Hukum dan Organisasi Departemen Kesehatan RI, Pusat Perencanaan dan Pendayagunaan SDM Kesehatan Badan PPSDM Depkes RI, Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, Ditjen Dikti Depdiknas, Pengurus Besar IDI dan PDGI.
Hasii penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyusunan kebijakan pemerataan dokter dan dokter gigi menjadi hal dilematis, ditengah-tengah issue pe]anggaran Hak Azasi Manusia, sementara disisi Iain masyarakat memerlukan pelayanan k.esehatan, tanpa membedakan status ekonomi. Koordinasi antara stakeholders di tingkat pusat masih kurang nptimal khususnya dalam penyusunan kebijakan serta monitoring implementasi kebijakan pemerataan doktcr dan dokter gigi.

Since 1992, the temporary placement policy of general practitioner and dentist (PTT) has been applied even though it distribution> particularly dentists and general practitioner, not satisfactory yet. Approximately 25 - 40% of local health center do not have general practitioner, especially those in eastern part of Indonesia and regional conflict. Within it ideal ratio where 40 general practitioners served 100,000 inhabitants, only 4 provinces could fulfill it.
This is a qualitative approach research aim of analyzing the central government policies on equity distribution of general practitioners and dentists in Indonesia, In this research, data used consists of primary obtained through in depth interview and secondary data obtained through the document assessment. Primary data gathered from various competent informants, namely the Bureau Employee Affair of Health Department, Bureau of Legal and Organization Affairs of Health Department, The Center of Human Resource Planning and Utility of Health~ PPSDM Agency of Health Department, the Indonesian Medical Council, the General Directorate of High Education Ministry, the Indonesian Association of Medical Doctor, and the Dentist Association of Indonesia.
The results of research showed that this policies fall into a dilemma in the middle issue of human rights violations, while in the other side people need a health care without distinction on economic status. Coordination between stakeholders at the central level is not optimal yet, particularly In the policies preparation and monitoring on the policy implementation.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Irawati Ismail
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Irawati Ismail
Depok: UI-Press, 2013
PGB 0065
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Indah Yuniati Dr
Coder mempengaruhi penerimaan rumah sakit karena kemampuan dalam
menetapkan kode menggunakan ICD untuk mengkode diagnosa dan prosedur
yang tercatat didalam dokumen rekam medis akan berdampak pada penerimaan
rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil koding
Coder di RSUP dr Kariadi Semarang dan potensi kerugian yang mungkin terjadi.
Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, melibatkan 6 orang Coder yang dibagi
menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu standar dan uji, berdasarkan masa kerja dan pelatihan
yang pernah diikuti. Hasil koding dan besaran klaim antar kelompok
dibandingkan. Dari penelitian didapatkan kompetensi Coder perlu ditingkatkan
karena rerata hasil tarif lebih rendah dari kelompok standar yang tinggi 32,6%,
berpotensi menurunkan pendapatan rumah sakit rata-rata sebesar 4,2% dari klaim
yang seharusnya diterima.

Coder influence hospital revenue due to ability to assign code using ICD for
diagnoses and procedures recorded in medical record. This study aims to
determine the competence of Coder in dr Kariadi Hospital and potential losses
that may occur. The method used in this research is quantitative, involving 6
Coders who were divided into 2 groups: standard and test groups, based on years
of experience and training which have been followed. Coding and the amount of
the claim results were compared between groups. The study showed Coder?s
competence still needs to be improved are characterized by a high average
undercoding result is 32.6%, potentially decrease hospital revenue by an average
of 4.2% of claims that should be accepted by the hospital.;Coder influence hospital revenue due to ability to assign code using ICD for
diagnoses and procedures recorded in medical record. This study aims to
determine the competence of Coder in dr Kariadi Hospital and potential losses
that may occur. The method used in this research is quantitative, involving 6
Coders who were divided into 2 groups: standard and test groups, based on years
of experience and training which have been followed. Coding and the amount of
the claim results were compared between groups. The study showed Coder?s
competence still needs to be improved are characterized by a high average
undercoding result is 32.6%, potentially decrease hospital revenue by an average
of 4.2% of claims that should be accepted by the hospital., Coder influence hospital revenue due to ability to assign code using ICD for
diagnoses and procedures recorded in medical record. This study aims to
determine the competence of Coder in dr Kariadi Hospital and potential losses
that may occur. The method used in this research is quantitative, involving 6
Coders who were divided into 2 groups: standard and test groups, based on years
of experience and training which have been followed. Coding and the amount of
the claim results were compared between groups. The study showed Coder‘s
competence still needs to be improved are characterized by a high average
undercoding result is 32.6%, potentially decrease hospital revenue by an average
of 4.2% of claims that should be accepted by the hospital.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Fatima Bessing
"Latar belakang: Kecemasan adalah salah satu gejala yang umum ditemui pada pasien geriatri yang menjalani rawat inap. Di sisi lain, kurangnya pergerakan merupakan kondisi yang juga sering ditemukan pada pasien geriatri. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan latihan fisik dan mindfulness pada pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan latihan fisik berbasis Tai Chi yang kemudian disebut dengan Protokol Mindfulness dalam Gerak (PMG) untuk mengatasi gejala cemas pada pasien geriatri yang dirawat inap.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Sebanyak 3 pasien mengikuti penelitian ini.
Hasil: Terdapat 3 pasien yang mengikuti penelitian ini dengan gangguan penyesuaian dengan gejala cemas. Pada ketiga pasien didapati bahwa PMG menurunkan skala nyeri, memperbaiki gangguan tidur, mengurangi sesak nafas dan meningkatkan motivasi pasien dalam mobilisasi dan aktivitas, selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa PMG dapat menurunkan gejala cemas pada pasien.
Kesimpulan: Protokol PMG secara aman dapat menurunkan gejala cemas pada pasien geriatri dengan gejala cemas yang menjalani rawat inap.

Background: Anxiety is one of the symptoms commonly found in hospitalized geriatric patients. On the other hand, lack of movement is a condition that is also often found in geriatric patients. This can be overcome by physical exercise and mindfulness. The aim of this study is to develop a Tai Chi-based physical exercise which is then called the Mindfulness in Motion Protocol (Protokol Minfulness dalam Gerak/PMG) to treat anxiety symptoms in hospitalized geriatric patients.
Methods: This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a case study approach. A total of 3 patients participated in this study.
Results: There were 3 patients who participated in this study with adjustment disorders with anxiety symptoms. In the three patients, it was found that PMG reduced pain scale, improved sleep disturbances, reduced shortness of breath and increased patient motivation in mobilization and activities. In addition, it was also found that PMG could reduce anxiety symptoms in patients.
Conclusion: The PMG protocol can safely reduce anxiety symptoms in hospitalized geriatric patients with anxiety symptoms.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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