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Fredy Harsono
Artritis rematoid merupakan penyakit otoimun sistemik yang paling sering ditemukan di dunia pada berbagai populasi dan ras, ditandai oleh inflamasi menetap pada jaringan sendi yang meliputi sendi perifer, distribusi simetris, dengan atau tanpa kerusakan rawan sendi dan erosi tulang. Pemantauan aktivitas penyakit diperlukan untuk menentukan keberhasilan terapi. Selama ini, pemantauan aktivitas penyakit menggunakan Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28), meskipun terdapat kekurangan berupa parameter klinis yang bersifat subjektif, menggunakan perhitungan yang rumit, dan terdapat ketidakseragaman nilai titik potong derajat aktivitas penyakit pada berbagai penelitian.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang untuk menilai korelasi antara kadar anti-CCP serum dan cairan sendi dengan aktivitas penyakit (DAS28) pada 30 subjek dengan artritis rematoid. Subjek yang memenuhi kriteria masukan dan tidak ada kriteria tolakan dilakukan penentuan skor DAS28 serta pemeriksaan anti-CCP serum dan cairan sendi.
Median (rentang) kadar anti-CCP serum secara keseluruhan, pada tingkat aktivitas penyakit sedang, dan berat adalah 112.23 (1.02-1853.07), 70.98 (1.02-1224.07), dan 157.59 (1.07-1853.07) RU/mL. Median (rentang) kadar anti-CCP cairan sendi secara keseluruhan, pada tingkat aktivitas penyakit sedang dan berat adalah 85.54 (0.90-4150.58), 58.90 (1.03-2477.81), dan 110.23 (0.90-4150.58) RU/mL. Median (rentang) skor DAS28 pada keseluruhan subjek ditemukan 5.04 (4.04-7.10). Uji korelasi Spearman didapatkan korelasi positif lemah namun tidak bermakna secara statistik antara kadar anti-CCP serum dan DAS28 dengan rs = 0.296, p = 0.056, korelasi positif lemah yang bermakna secara statistik antara anti- CCP cairan sendi dan DAS28 dengan rs = 0.331, p = 0.037, sedangkan korelasi antara anti-CCP serum dengan cairan sendi ditemukan kuat yang bermakna secara statistik dengan rs = 0.907, p <0.01.
Kami menyimpulkan kadar anti-CCP cairan sendi berkorelasi lemah dengan aktivitas penyakit (DAS28). Tidak ditemukan korelasi yang bermakna secara statistik antara kadar anti-CCP serum dengan aktivitas penyakit (DAS28). Terdapat korelasi kuat antara kadar anti-CCP serum dengan kadar anti-CCP dalam cairan sendi.

Rheumatoid arhtritis is the most common chronic systemic autoimmune disease worldwide among many populations and races, characterized by persistent joint inflammation affecting peripheral joints, symmetrical distribution, with or without joint damage or bone erosion. Disease activity monitoring is needed to determine treatment response. Nowadays, Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28) is used to monitor disease activity, although it uses subjective clinical parameter, complicated calculation, and ununiformity cut-off value for disease activity stages on various researches.
This study was a cross sectional study to assess wheter there was any correlation between anti-CCP serum and synovial fluid concentration with disease activity (DAS28) in 30 rheumatoid arhtritis subject. Blood and synovial fluid specimen collection and DAS28 determination was performed on subjects who fulfill inclusion and exclusion criteria, followed by anti-CCP assay on each specimen.
Median (range) anti-CCP serum concentration in overall, moderate, and severe disease activity were 112.23 (1.02-1853.07), 70.98 (1.02-1224.07), and 157.59 (1.07-1853.07) RU/mL, respectively. Median (range) anti-CCP synovial fluid concentration in overall, moderate, and severe disease activity were 85.54 (0.90-4150.58), 58.90 (1.03-2477.81), and 110.23 (0.90-4150.58) RU/mL, respectively. Median (range) of DAS28 were 5.04 (4.04-7.10). A weak but not statistically significant correlation was found between serum anti-CCP concentration and DAS28 with rs = 0.296 (p = 0.056). A weak and significant correlation was found between synovial fluid anti-CCP concentration and DAS28 with rs = 0.331 (p = 0.037). A strong and significant correlation are found between serum and synovial fluid anti-CCP concentration, with rs = 0.907 (p <0.01) using Spearman correlation test.
We concluded that synovial fluid anti-CCP concentration weakly correlated with disease activity. No significant correlation was found between serum anti-CCP concentration with disease activity. Strong correlation was found between serum and synovial fluid anti-CCP concentration."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Isbagio
"Pada awal penyakit diagnosis Artritis reumatoid (AR) sering dikacaukan dengan Lupus eritematosus sistemik (LES). Persendian terutama pada tangan dapat terserang pada kedua penyakit, sehingga pasien LES sering salah diagnosis sebagai AR. Oleh karena hasil-akhir dari kedua penyakit ini sangat berbeda , maka dibutuhkan suatu marker serologik untuk membedakan keduanya pada saat awitan penyakit. Antibodi anti-citrullinated peptide (anti ?CCP) telah dilaporkan sangat spesifik pada AR. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memastikan spesifitas antibodi anti-CCP pada AR dan kemungkinan antibodi ini dapat membedakan pasien RA dari SLE. Penelitian ini suatu studi potong-lintang pada pasien AR (n=27), LES dengan artritis (n=20). penyakit otoimun lain (non-reumatik, n=8) dan kontrol dewasa (n=20). Anti-CCP diperiksa dengan cara Elisa dan faktor-reumatoid (FR) dengan uji latex. Sensitivitas dan spesifitas anti-CCP untuk diagnosis RA adalah 63.0% dan 97.9%, dibandingkan dengan FR yang hanya sebesar 40.7% dan 85.4%. Hanya 1 dewasa sehat dengan anti-CCP+, tidak satupun pasien LES maupun pasien penyakit otoimun lain yang mempunyai anti-CCP+. Nilai rerata titer anti-CCP pada dewasa sehat, penyakit otoimun lain, LES dan AR berturut-turut sebesar 1.35 ± 2.04, 0.63 ± 0.59, 0.75 ± 0.59, and 38.17 ± 44.22 RU/ml. Terdapat perbedaan sangat bermakna di antara titer anti-CCP pada pasien AR dengan yang lainnya (p<0.001). Disimpulkan bahwa deteksi anti-CCP sangat berguna untuk diagnosis AR, dan untuk membedakan AR dari LES. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 227-31)

Diagnosis of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can be confused in their initial stages. The joints, especially the hands, are commonly affected in both disorders, many patients with SLE are initially misdiagnosed as having RA Given that the outcome for the two diseases is diverse, it would be helpful to have serological marker to distinguish between them at onset. Anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP) have recently been described as highly specific for RA. The objective of this study is to confirm the specificity of anti-CCP antibodies and to determine whether they might distinguish patients with RA from those with SLE. This study is a cross sectional study on a group of patients with RA (n=27), SLE with arthritis (n=20), other autoimmune diseases (non-rheumatic diseases, n = 8), and healthy adults (n=20). Anti-CCP was determined by a commercial Elisa test and Rheumatoid factor (RF) was determined by the standard slide latex test. The sensitivity and specificity of anti-CCP for the diagnosis of RA was 63.0% and 97.9% respectively, comparing with RF for RA that was 40.7 % and 85.4 %. Only 1 healthy adult was anti-CCP+, no anti-CCP was detected from SLE and other autoimmune disease. The mean of titer anti CCP in normal healthy adult, other autoimmune diseases, SLE and RA was 1.35 ± 2.04, 0.63 ± 0.59, 0.75 ± 0.59, and 38.17 ± 44.22 RU/ml, respectively. There was a highly significant difference between the mean of titer anti CCP for RA with others diseases (p<0.001). We conclude that detection of anti-CCP is very useful for the diagnosis of RA and distinguishing RA from SLE. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 227-31).
Jakarta: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeti Hariyati
Latar Belakang:Artritis Reumatoid (AR) merupakan penyakit inflamasi sendi autoimun yang multi-sistemik persisten, eksaserbatif dan progresif. Anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibodies (Anti MCV) adalah autoantibodi golongan anti citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) yang memiliki sensitifitas sama namun lebih spesifik dibandingkan dengan anti cyclic citrullinated protein (Anti CCP). Anti MCV berkaitan erat dengan gen HLA DRB1*04 yang berperan penting dalam patogenesis AR. Studi korelasi anti MCV dengan destruksi sendi dan aktifitas penyakit masih kontroversial dan karakteristik pasien AR di Indonesia yang berbeda, menjadi alasan penting dilakukannya penelitian ini.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara kadar anti MCV dengan destruksi sendi dan aktifitas penyakit pada pasien artritis reumatoid
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang pada 37 pasien AR berdasarkan kriteria EULAR/ACR 2010 yang berobat di poliklinik Reumatologi RSCM periode September-Nopember 2014 dengan metode consecutive sampling. Anti MCV diukur dengan metode ELISA. Penilaian destruksi sendi menggunakan skor Sharp yang dimodifikasi Van der Heijde (SSvH) sedangkan aktifitas penyakit dinilai dengan disease activity score (DAS) 28 meliputi DAS 28-CRP dan DAS 28-LED. Korelasi anti MCV dengan destruksi sendi dan aktifitas penyakit dinilai dengan uji korelasi Spearman serta p untuk kemaknaan. Data penyerta lain adalah data demografis, jenis dan dosis terapi, status gizi, faktor reumatoid (FR), CRP, LED, dan darah tepi.
Hasil: Sebanyak 37 subjek diikutsertakan pada penelitian ini, dengan 34 (91,9%) adalah perempuan. Anti MCV positif ditemukan 26 subjek (70,3%), sedangkan FR positif ditemukan 21 (56.%). Median anti MCV didapatkan 26 IU/ml (minimal 10 IU/ml, maksimal 151 IU/ml) termasuk titer rendah. Median SSvH yaitu 31 (2-107), dengan nilai median erosi 5(0-49) dan joint space narrowing (JSN) 26 (0-64). Rerata nilai DAS 28-CRP 2,69 (SB 1,34) dan median DAS 28-LED 4,08 (2,10-5,97) yang masing-masing termasuk dalam kelompok aktivitas penyakit rendah dan sedang.Pada analisis bivariat didapatkan korelasi positif yang lemah antara anti MCV dengan SSvH sebesar r = 0,393 (p=0,016) dan korelasi positif yang lemah antara anti MCV dengan skor DAS 28-CRP (r=0,365, p=0,013) namun tidak ada korelasi antara anti MCV dengan skor DAS 28-LED.
Simpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif lemah yang bermakna antara titer anti MCV dengan destruksi sendi dan skor aktivitas penyakit DAS 28-CRP, korelasi antara titer anti MCV dengan skor DAS 28-LED tidak ada.;

Background:Rheumatoid Arthritis is a multi-systemic, persistent, exasperated and progressive auto immune joint inflamation disease. Anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibodies (Anti MCV) is an auto antibody in the category of anti citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) that has same sensitivity but more specific compared with anti cyclic citrullinated protein (anti CCP). Anti MCV is closely related to gen HLA DRB1*04 which has important role in pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Study on correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction and disease activity is still controversial and the different characteristics of AR patients in Indonesia become a strong reason for this study.
Objective:The aim of this study was to described the correlation between anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti MCV) with joint destruction and disease activity of in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Methods:This is a cross-sectional study on 37 RA patients based on criteria of EULAR/ACR 2010 who came to Rheumatology outpatient clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, period of September ? November 2014 with the method of consecutive sampling. Anti MCV is measured with ELISA method, while joint destruction is scored with Sharp score modified with Van der Heijde ( SSvH ). disease activity score (DAS) 28 is used in disease activity covering DAS 28-CRP and DAS 28-LED. Correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction as well as disease activity is measured with Spearman correlation test with p for significance. Other supporting data include demography, type and dose of therapy, nutrition status, rheumathoid factor, CRP, LED, and peripheral blood.
Results:37 subjects were taken into this study, with 34 (91,9%) are women. Positive anti MCV was found in 26 subjects (70,3%) while positive FR was found in 21 subjects (56%). Median of anti MCV was obtained 26 IU/ml (minimal 10 IU/ml, maximal 151 IU/ml )which is including in low titer. Median of SSvH was 31 (2 ?107) with erosion median score of 5 (0-49) and joint space narrowing (JSN) of 26 (0-64). Average score of DAS 28-CRP was 2,69 (SD1,34) and median score of DAS 28-LED was 4,08 (2,10-5,97), each of which is included in low and medium disease activity. In bivariate analysis it?s found that there is a weak significant positive correlation between anti MCV and SSvH of r = 0,393 (p=0,016) and between anti MCV and score of DAS 28-CRP (r= 0,365 , p=0,013) but there is no correlation between anti MCV and score of DAS 28-LED.
Conclusion:There is a weak significant positive correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction and level of disease activity score DAS 28-CRP. Apart from that, there is no correlation between anti MCV and DAS 28-LED., Background:Rheumatoid Arthritis is a multi-systemic, persistent, exasperated and progressive auto immune joint inflamation disease. Anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibodies (Anti MCV) is an auto antibody in the category of anti citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) that has same sensitivity but more specific compared with anti cyclic citrullinated protein (anti CCP). Anti MCV is closely related to gen HLA DRB1*04 which has important role in pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Study on correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction and disease activity is still controversial and the different characteristics of AR patients in Indonesia become a strong reason for this study.
Objective:The aim of this study was to described the correlation between anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti MCV) with joint destruction and disease activity of in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Methods:This is a cross-sectional study on 37 RA patients based on criteria of EULAR/ACR 2010 who came to Rheumatology outpatient clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, period of September – November 2014 with the method of consecutive sampling. Anti MCV is measured with ELISA method, while joint destruction is scored with Sharp score modified with Van der Heijde ( SSvH ). disease activity score (DAS) 28 is used in disease activity covering DAS 28-CRP and DAS 28-LED. Correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction as well as disease activity is measured with Spearman correlation test with p for significance. Other supporting data include demography, type and dose of therapy, nutrition status, rheumathoid factor, CRP, LED, and peripheral blood.
Results:37 subjects were taken into this study, with 34 (91,9%) are women. Positive anti MCV was found in 26 subjects (70,3%) while positive FR was found in 21 subjects (56%). Median of anti MCV was obtained 26 IU/ml (minimal 10 IU/ml, maximal 151 IU/ml )which is including in low titer. Median of SSvH was 31 (2 –107) with erosion median score of 5 (0-49) and joint space narrowing (JSN) of 26 (0-64). Average score of DAS 28-CRP was 2,69 (SD1,34) and median score of DAS 28-LED was 4,08 (2,10-5,97), each of which is included in low and medium disease activity. In bivariate analysis it’s found that there is a weak significant positive correlation between anti MCV and SSvH of r = 0,393 (p=0,016) and between anti MCV and score of DAS 28-CRP (r= 0,365 , p=0,013) but there is no correlation between anti MCV and score of DAS 28-LED.
Conclusion:There is a weak significant positive correlation between anti MCV and joint destruction and level of disease activity score DAS 28-CRP. Apart from that, there is no correlation between anti MCV and DAS 28-LED.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Ariane
"Latar Belakang: Artritis Reumatoid (AR) adalah penyakit inflamasi kronik progresif, yang selain menyebabkan peningkatan morbiditas akibat kecacatan sendi, juga menyebabkan peningkatan mortalitas terkait kejadian kardiovaskular. Salah satu prediktor peningkatan risiko mortalitas kardiovaskular adalah kekakuan arteri (KA) lokal. Proses inflamasi pada AR yang dicerminkan oleh derajat aktivitas penyakit berupa disease activity score (DAS) 28, baik yang dinilai dengan c reactive protein (CRP) dan laju endap darah (LED) diduga memiliki hubungan terhadap KA. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara derajat aktivitas penyakit dengan kekakuan arteri pada penderita AR.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang pada penderita AR yang berobat di poliklinik Reumatologi RSCM dalam periode April-Mei 2014. Dilakukan pengukuran KA lokal dengan USG arteri karotis komunis menggunakan teknik rf-echotracking untuk mendapatkan nilai pulse wave velocity (PWV) serta penilaian DAS 28-CRP dan DAS 28-LED. Data penyerta yang juga dikumpulkan adalah data demografis, durasi dan jenis pengobatan, glukosa darah sewaktu, profil lemak darah, kreatinin, dan faktor risiko tradisional kejadian kardiovaskular.
Hasil: Sebanyak 74 subjek diikutsertakan pada penelitian ini, dengan 68 (91,9%) adalah wanita. Rerata nilai KA (PWV) yaitu 7,89 (SB 1,92) m/detik yang termasuk dalam kategori kaku. Rerata nilai DAS 28-CRP 2,46 (SB 0,82) dan DAS 28-LED 3,49 (SB 0,91) yang masing-masing termasuk dalam kelompok aktivitas penyakit rendah dan sedang. Pada analisis bivariat didapatkan korelasi DAS 28-CRP dan DAS 28-LED terhadap KA, masing-masing dengan nilai r = 0,529 (p = 0,001) dan r = 0,493 (p = 0,001).
Simpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif sedang yang bermakna antara derajat aktivitas penyakit (DAS 28-CRP dan DAS 28-LED) dengan kekakuan arteri (PWV).

Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic progressive inflammatory disease related to increase in morbidity due to joint deformity and increase in mortality due to cardiovascular event. One of cardiovascular event predictor is local arterial stiffness (AS). Inflammatory process in RA that is reflected on disease activity score (DAS) 28 calculated by c-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) suspect to be related with AS. This study was aimed to find correlation between disease activity score and arterial stiffness in RA patients.
Methods: a cross sectional study was conducted in Rheumatology outpatient clinic, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between April-May 2014. Arterial stiffness was measured by carotid artery ultrasound using echotracking technic to get pulse wave velocity (PWV) value, also DAS 28-CRP and DAS 28-ESR measurement was done in every subject. Others data which also collected in this study are demographic profile, duration and drugs of treatment, random blood glucose, lipid profile, creatinin, and others cardiovascular risk factors.
Results: 74 subjects met the inclusion criteria, with 68 (91,9%) are women. Mean of AS (PWV) 7,89 (SD 1,92) m/second, which categorized in stiff artery. Mean of DAS 28-CRP 2,46 (SD 0,82) and DAS 28-ESR 3,49 (SD 0,91), each of them was categorized in low and moderate disease activity. In bivariate analysis we found correlation of DAS 28-CRP and DAS 28 ESR to AS (PWV) r = 0,529 (p= 0,001) and r = 0,493 (p = 0,001).
Conclusion: There was positive and significant correlation between disease activity score (DAS 28-CRP and DAS 28-ESR) with arterial stiffness (PWV).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Pitarini Utari
Backgrounds : There was a two-fold increase in cardiovascular-related mortality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Postprandial triglyceride (PPTG) related to increased risk of ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, mortality and elevated level of adhesion molecules. Increased endothelial adhesion molecules was a sign of endothelial activation, an early process in the development of atherosclerotic lesion. There was no study evaluating the role of NTG in cardiovascular risk assessment in RA patients. Aim : This study observed the relationship between PPTG and sICAM-1 and sE-selectin, as markers of endothelial activation. Methods : This was a cross-sectional study of fifty consecutively-recruited RA patients. Lipid profiles, sICAM-1, and sE-selectin were measured postprandially. Further analysis using multiple regression was performed. Results : There was no correlation found between PPTG and sICAM-1, nor NTG and sE-selectin. Level of sICAM-1 was influenced by HDL (R2=0,087) while sE-selectin was influenced by DAS-28 (R2=0,174), body mass index (R2=0,125), and postprandial glucose (R2=0,138). Conclusion : PPTG did not correlated with sICAM-1 and sE-selectin in RA patients.

Backgrounds : There was a two-fold increase in cardiovascular-related mortality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Postprandial triglyceride (PPTG) related to increased risk of ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, mortality and elevated level of adhesion molecules. Increased endothelial adhesion molecules was a sign of endothelial activation, an early process in the development of atherosclerotic lesion. There was no study evaluating the role of NTG in cardiovascular risk assessment in RA patients. Aim : This study observed the relationship between PPTG and sICAM-1 and sE-selectin, as markers of endothelial activation. Methods : This was a cross-sectional study of fifty consecutively-recruited RA patients. Lipid profiles, sICAM-1, and sE-selectin were measured postprandially. Further analysis using multiple regression was performed. Results : There was no correlation found between PPTG and sICAM-1, nor NTG and sE-selectin. Level of sICAM-1 was influenced by HDL (R2=0,087) while sE-selectin was influenced by DAS-28 (R2=0,174), body mass index (R2=0,125), and postprandial glucose (R2=0,138). Conclusion : PPTG did not correlated with sICAM-1 and sE-selectin in RA patients."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Ariska
"Latar Belakang: Aktivitas penyakit Artritis Reumatoid (AR) merupakan ekspresi dari kaskade inflamasi. Inflamasi jaringan sinovium yang disertai pembentukan pannus memerlukan asupan nutrisi dan oksigen melalui angiogenesis. Peningkatan penanda angiogenik menunjukkan inflamasi sendi yang progresif dan peningkatan aktivitas penyakit. Salah satu faktor pertumbuhan yang memiliki peran pada angiogenesis adalah nerve growth factor (NGF). Beberapa penelitian terdahulu mendapatkan kadar NGF yang meningkat baik pada serum maupun pada cairan sinovium pasien AR. Nerve growth factor (NGF) dapat menginduksi faktor-faktor pro-angiogenik dan faktor pertumbuhan lain yang berperan pada AR. Saat ini belum ada penelitian yang menghubungkan kadar serum NGF terhadap aktivitas penyakit AR.
Tujuan: Mengetahui korelasi antara kadar NGF dengan aktivitas penyakit (yang dinilai dengan DAS28 LED dan DAS28 CRP) pada pasien AR di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang yang mengevaluasi kadar NGF menggunakan two site immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA) pada 50 pasien (47 orang perempuan dan 3 orang laki-laki) AR di poliklinik Reumatologi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo pada Oktober sampai Desember 2015. Aktivitas penyakit AR pada penelitian ini dinilai menggunakan skor DAS28 LED dan DAS28 CRP melalui kalkulator yang diakses dari internet pada http://www.das-score.nl/. Analisis statistik bivariat digunakan untuk mendapatkan korelasi antara NGF dengan aktivitas penyakit AR.
Hasil: Rerata usia subjek penelitian ini adalah 43,44 tahun. Median kadar serum NGF adalah 4,33 pg/mL (2,35-20,83). Hasil analisis memperlihatkan korelasi antara kadar serum NGF dengan skor DAS28 LED (r = +0,427; p = 0,002) dan DAS28 CRP (r =+0.407; p = 0,003).
Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif sedang antara kadar serum NGF dengan aktivitas penyakit AR.

Background: Disease activity of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an expression of the inflammatory cascade. Disease activity of a given joint is correlated with the synovial vascularization. Synovial tissue inflammation accompanied by pannus formation requires intake of nutrients and oxygen through angiogenesis. Angiogenesis plays an integral part of the development of the pannus formation. Increased angiogenic markers shows a progressive increase of joint inflammation and disease activity. One of the contributing factors to angiogenesis is the nerve growth factor (NGF). Several previous studies show increased NGF concentrations in both the serum and synovial fluid of RA. Nerve growth factor can induce pro-angiogenic factors and other growth factors contribute in RA. Currently, there has not been any studies yet that correlates the NGF serum concentration with RA disease activity.
Objective: To determine the correlation between the serum concentration of NGF and disease activity of RA patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (using DAS28 ESR and DAS28 CRP score).
Methods: A cross-sectional study was used. Recruited were 50 RA patients (47 women and 3 men) of outpatient clinic of Rheumatology at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital from October to December 2015. Concentrations of NGF were evaluated with a two site immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA). Disease activity in this study was assessed using DAS28 ESR and DAS28 CRP score using a calculator accessible from the internet on http://www.das-score.nl/. The correlation between NGF with disease activity was analyzed by bivariate analysis.
Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 43.44 years. Median serum NGF was 4.33 pg / mL (2.35 to 20.83). The results shows correlation between serum NGF with DAS28 ESR (r = +0.427; p = 0.002) and DAS28 CRP (r = + 0407; p = 0.003).
Conclusion: Significant positive correlation between serum concentration of NGF with diesease activity in patient with AR was found.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanna Marsinta Uli
"Mortalitas penderita artritis reumatoid(AR) yang cukup tinggi disebabkan oleh penyakit kardiovaskular akibat aterosklerosis.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sensitivitas dan spesifitas skor kalsifikasi arkus aorta di foto polos toraks berdasarkan klasifikasi Ogawa dalam mendeteksi aterosklerosis pada penderita AR. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 76 pasien AR di Poliklinik Reumatologi RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sensitivitas 25% dan spesifitas 91,7% pada titik potong skor Ogawa 3,125%, dengan demikian lebih baik untuk mendeteksi pasien AR tanpa aterosklerosis. Pasien AR dengan kalsifikasi arkus aorta kemungkinan memiliki aterosklerosis sebesar 3,7 kali daripada pasien AR tanpa kalsifikasi arkus aorta.

Mortality of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients which is quite high caused by cardiovascular disease due to atherosclerosis. This study aims to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the aortic arch calcification score on plain chest X-ray based on classification Ogawa in detecting atherosclerosis in RA patients. This study used a cross-sectional design in 76 patients at the Rheumatology Division Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. The results showed a sensitivity of 25% and specificity of 91.7% at the cut off point Ogawa scores 3.125%, thus it is better to detect RA patients without atherosclerosis. The possibility of arthritis rheumatoid patients with aortic arch calcification having atherosclerosis by 3.7 times than RA patients without aortic arch calcification."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deka Yuli Fadillah
"Artritis Reumatoid AR merupakan salah satu penyakit yang berhubungan dengan sistem imun yang menyebabkan kerusakan sendi dan mengakibatkan terjadi penurunan kualitas hidup pasien. Nilai DAS28 CRP menggambarkan aktivitas penyakit AR. Titer Anti-CCP merupakan pemeriksaan yang sangat spesifik digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran prognosis penyakit pasien AR. Penelitian tentang korelasi titer Anti-CCP dengan nilai DAS28 CRP belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara titer Anti-CCP dengan nilai DAS28 CRP di RSCM. Pada peneltian ini desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional dengan sampel berjumlah 43 data. Data mengenai titer Anti-CCP dan DAS28 CRP didapatkan melalui rekam medis pasien. Hasil menyatakan bahwa tidak terdapat korelasi p=0,582 antara titer Anti-CCP dengan DAS28 CRP dengan nilai r yang menunjukkan korelasi sangat lemah r=0,086.

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of a disease relating with immunity that causes destruction in joints which affects quality of life of its patients. DAS28 CRP score represents the activity of the disease. Anti CCP titer is a specific test to portray the prognosis for the patients. Study about correlation between DAS28 CRP score and Anti CCP titer has not been done in Indonesia. Therefore, this study rsquo s done to understand the correlation between DAS28 CRP score and Anti CCP titer in RSCM. The design of this study is cross sectional study with 43 samples. Data of Anti CCP score and DAS28 CRP score are collected from patients rsquo medical records. The result of this study shows that there is no correlation between Anti CCP titer and DAS 28 CRP score in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients in RSCM with a very low correlation p 0,582 r 0,086."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
David Santosa
Latar Belakang : Strategi terapi Artritis Reumatoid (AR) menggunakan strategi terapi untuk mencapai
target sehingga membutuhkan suatu intrumen yang valid dan akurat dalam menilai aktivitas penyakit
AR. Instrumen yang paling banyak digunakan adalah DAS28, yang dikembangkan dari DAS namun
tidak melibatkan pemeriksaan pada persenidan kaki dan pergelangan kaki. Telah terdapat banyak
kritikan mengenai akurasi DAS28 dalam mengklasifikasikan kondisi aktivitas penyakit AR, terutama
bila suatu kondisi aktivitas penyakit aktif diklasifikasikan sebagai tidak aktif (negatif palsu) karena hal
ini dapat menyebabkan terapi yang tidak optimal dan pada akhirnya menyebabkan terjadinya disabilitas.
Perbedaan utama antara DAS28 dan DAS terletak pada eksklusi persendian kaki dan pergelangan kaki,
karena itu suatu instrumen baru DAS28-squeeze telah diajukan. Instrumen ini memeriksa 28 sendi yang
ada pada DAS28 ditambah dengan tes penekanan pada sendi metatarsofalangeal. Namun instrumen
baru ini belum pernah divalidasi secara radiologis.
Tujuan : Menilai nilai diagnostic DAS28 dan DAS28-squeeze.
Metode : Studi potong menggunakan USG Power Doppler sebagai acuan untuk mengevaluasi nilai
diagnostik DAS28 dan DAS28-squeeze. Studi ini menggunakan kriteria USG paling ketat untuk
mendefinisikan kondisi aktivitas penyakit aktif, yaitu sinyal Doppler positif disertai dengan hipertrofi
synovium sedang pada B-mode.
Hasil : Lima puluh enam subyek dilakukan pemeriksaan DAS28, DAS28-squeeze dan USG Power
Doppler. Terdapat 4 kasus negatif palsu pada DAS28 dan 1 kasus pada DAS28-squeeze. Sensitivitas
DAS28 dan DAS28-squeeze untuk mendeteksi kondisi aktivitas penyakit aktif masing-masing sebesar
73.3% dan 93.3%. Spesifisitas masing-masing sebesar 36.6% dan 34.1%, dan likelihood ratio negatif
sebesar 0.73 dan 0.19.
Simpulan : Studi ini adalah studi pertama yang memvalidasi DAS28-squeeze secara radiologis. Nilai
negatif palsu DAS28-squeeze lebih rendah daripada DAS28 dan memiliki sensitivitas dan likelihood
ratio negatif yang lebih baik daripada DAS28 untuk menentukan kondisi aktivitas penyakit AR.

Background : Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) treatment is based on ?treat to target? strategy which
requires a valid and accurate tool in assessing disease activity. The most widely used tool is
DAS28, which was developed from DAS with the omission of ankle and foot joints.
Misclassification of disease state in DAS28, most importantly when an active disease state
misclassified as unactive could lead to undertreatment and subsequently to disability. The main
difference between DAS28 and DAS is the exclusion of ankle and foot joints, thus DAS28-
squeeze has been proposed. It comprises the same 28 joints in DAS28 added with squeeze test
on both metatarsophalangeal joints.
Objective : To assess the diagnostic values of DAS28 and DAS28-squeeze.
Methods : This is a cross-sectional diagnostic study using Power Doppler sonography as a
reference standard in evaluating the diagnostic value of DAS28 and DAS28-squeeze.
Results : Over the study period, 56 subjects underwent diagnostic tests using DAS28, DAS28-
squeeze and Power Doppler sonography. There were 4 false negative in DAS28 and 1 in
DAS28-squeeze. The sensitivities of DAS28 and DAS28-squeeze to identify active disease
using Power Doppler sonography as reference standard were 73.3% and 93.3% respectively.
While the specificities were 36.6% and 34.1% respectively. Furthermore the negative
likelihood ratio were 0.73 and 0.19 respectively.
Conclusion : This study is the first to validate DAS28-squeeze using imaging techniques.
DAS28-squeeze false negative rate is much lower than DAS28. DAS28-squeeze has better
sensitivity and negative likelihood ratio than DAS28 in identifying RA active disease state."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khadijah Fitrah
"Background. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is one of the diseases associated with the immune system which causes joint damage and effect to the quality of patients life. DAS28 CRP value describes RA disease activity. The antiCCP titer is a very specific examination which provide an overview prognosis of RA patients illness. The research on the correlation of anti CCP Titers with DAS28 CRP values has never been done in Indonesia. Therefore, this research aims to determine the correlation between anti CCP Titer and DAS28 CRP value in RA patient in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital with DAS28 CRP value in RSCM.
Method. The research design is crosssectional with the sample amounted to 34. anti CCP and DAS28 CRP were obtained through patients medical records.
Result. The result of this correlationstudy is (p = 0,582) and r = 0,086.
Conclusion. In conclusion, there is no correlation between antiCCP and DAS28 in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia School of Medicine, 2018
616 IJR 10:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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