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Metty Anggraeni
Basis gigi tiruan selalu berkontak dengan mikroorganisme rongga mulut dan saliva
sehingga menjadi tempat tumbuhnya plak dan perkembangan mikroorganisme,
khususnya C.albicans. Diperlukan pembersihan yang dapat secara efektif menghambat
pertumbuhan C. albicans. Larutan pembersih gigi tiruan yang sering digunakan adalah
alkalin peroksida dan sodium hipoklorid. Masih terdapat kontradiksi mengenai
keefektifan alkalin peroksida dalam menghambat pertumbuhan C.albicans pada nilon
termoplastik. Sodium hipoklorid dengan konsentrasi yang tinggi dan waktu perendaman
yang lama akan menyebabkan kerusakan pada basis gigi tiruan. Tujuan penelitian ini
adalah menganalisis efektifitas sodium hipoklorid dengan konsentrasi yang rendah,
yaitu 0,125% dan pengaruh lama perendaman terhadap pertumbuhan C. albicans, juga
sodium hipoklorid 0,5% dan alkalin peroksida sebagai pembanding. Penelitian
eksperimental laboratorik menggunakan 24 spesimen, sebelumnya dilakukan uji
kekasaran permukaan pada sisi permukaan halus dan kasar pada masing-masing
spesimen. Kemudian dikontaminasi dengan C.albicans, direndam dalam 3 macam
larutan pembersih selama 5 menit dan 10 menit. Dibiakkan pada media Agar Sabouraud
Dextrose, diinkubasi selama 48 jam, koloni yang tumbuh dihitung dan dianalisis. Dari
hasil analisis data didapatkan bahwa nilai rerata larutan sodium hipoklorid 0,125% sama
dengan sodium hipoklorid 0,5% pada perendaman selama 5 menit (p=1,000) dan 10
menit (p=1,000). Nilai rerata sodium hipoklorid 0,125% lebih kecil dari pada nilai rerata
alkalin peroksida pada perendaman 5 menit (p=0,014) dan 10 menit (p=0,014). Dari
penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa larutan sodium hipoklorid 0,125% sangat efektif
dalam menghambat pertumbuhan C.albicans pada nilon termoplastik dengan lama
perendaman 5 menit.

Due to constant contact between denture surface and oral environment, denture surfaces
usually act as a reservoir for microorganism, especially C. albicans. Proper cleaning
technique is needed to inhibit the growth of C. albicans. Soaking denture in a chemical
solution is known as the simplest and the most effective way to maintain a clean
denture. The widely used substances to soak the dentures are alkaline peroxide and
sodium hypochlorite. There have been numerous researches done on the effectiveness
of soaking solution against C. albicans, but there is some contradiction on the
effectiveness of alkaline peroxide as a denture cleanser especially for thermoplastic
nylon material. Soaking denture in high concentration of sodium hypochlorite during a
long period of time can deteriorate the texture and color of denture surface. The
purpose of this study is to analyzed the effectiveness of low concentration sodium
hypochlorite 0.125% in inhibiting the growth of C.albicans on thermoplastic nylon with
variables in soaking duration and different soaking solution such as 0.5% sodium
hypochlorite and alkaline peroxide. This is an experimental laboratory study. The study
is conducted using 24 thermoplastic nylon plate specimens with surface roughness test
conducted before the immersion procedure. The specimens were exposed to C. albicans
and soaked in 3 different cleaning solutions (0.125% sodium hypochlorite, 0.5% sodium
hypochlorite, and alkaline peroxide) for 5 minutes and 10 minutes. Afterwards, the
specimens were cultured in SDA medium and kept inside incubator for 48 hours, and
the colonies of C. albicans formed in the SDA medium were counted. Statistical
analysis showed there was no significancy mean differences between 0.125% sodium
hypochlorite with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 5 and 10 minutes soaking duration
(p=1.000). But there was a mean difference between 0.125% sodium hypochlorite and
alkaline peroxide, with smaller mean value in 0.125% sodium hypochlorite in both 5
and 10 minutes soaking duration (p=0.014). The result showed that 0.125% sodium
hypochlorite was the most effective solution in inhibiting the growth of C. albicans on
nylon thermoplastic in 5 minutes soaking duration."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fauzan
"Pendahuluan: Kandidiasis merupakan penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh jamur jenis Candida sp. Beberapa jenisnya adalah Candida albicans, spesies Candida sp. yang menjadi etiologi terbanyak kasus kandidiasis dan Candida krusei, spesies Candida sp. yang memiliki resistensi tertinggi terhadap flukonazol. Dewasa ini, kejadian kandidiasis semakin meningkat disebabkan tingginya insidens HIV dan semakin maraknya penggunaan antibiotika spektrum luas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola kepekaan Candida albicans dan Candida krusei terhadap antifungal flukonazol secara in vitro di Indonesia. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional in vitro menggunakan data sekunder hasil uji kepekaan difusi cakram kultur Candida albicans dan Candida krusei yang didapat dari spesimen klinik yang masuk ke Laboratorium Departemen Parasitologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia periode 2013-2018. Setiap spesimen dimasukkan cakram antifungal flukonazol dan dilakukan interpretasi hasil kepekaan sesuai panduan dari CLSI yang terdiri atas sensitif, peka tergantung dosis, dan resisten. Hasil: Uji kepekaan Candida albicans terhadap flukonazol menunjukkan dari 1554 isolat Candida albicans didapatkan 1545 isolat (99,421%) sensitif, 4 isolat (0,257%) peka tergantung dosis, dan 5 isolat (0,322%) resisten. Sementara itu, uji kepekaan Candida krusei terhadap flukonazol menunjukkan dari 191 isolat Candida krusei, didapatkan 96 isolat (50,262%) sensitif, 4 isolat (2,094%) peka tergantung dosis, dan 91 isolat (4,31%) resisten. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pola kepekaan Candida albicans dan Candida krusei terhadap antijamur flukonazol secara in vitro (p <0,001). Kesimpulan: Candida krusei memiliki presentase resistensi terhadap flukonazol yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan Candida albicans.

Introduction: Candidiasis is an infectious disease caused by a fungus type Candida sp. Several types of them are Candida albicans, species of Candida sp. which became the most etiological cases of candidiasis and Candida krusei, species of Candida sp. which has the highest resistance to fluconazole. Nowadays, the incidence of candidiasis is increasing due to the high incidence of HIV and the increasingly widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of sensitivity of Candida albicans and Candida krusei to antifungal fluconazole in vitro in Indonesia. Method: This study was an in vitro observational study using secondary data from the diffusion sensitivity test of Candida albicans and Candida krusei culture discs obtained from clinical specimens that entered the Laboratory of the Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, 2013-2018. Each specimen was inserted fluconazole antifungal discs and interpreted the sensitivity results according to the guidelines of CLSI which consisted of sensitive, dose-dependent, and resistant. Result: Candida albicans sensitivity to fluconazole showed that from 1554 Candida albicans isolates of which 1545 isolates (99.421%) were sensitive, 4 isolates (0.257%) were susceptible dose dependent (SDD), and 5 isolates (0.322%) were resistant. Meanwhile, Candida krusei sensitivity to fluconazole showed that from 191 Candida krusei isolates of which 96 isolates (50.262%) were sensitive, 4 isolates (2.094%) were susceptible dose dependent (SDD), and 91 isolates (4.31%) were resistant. Statistical test results showed that there were significant differences between the sensitivity patterns of Candida albicans and Candida krusei to fluconazole antifungals in vitro (p <0.001). Conclusion: Candida krusei has a higher percentage of resistance to fluconazole than Candida albicans."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Viandra Salsabilla Arif Tjokroadiredjo
"Background: One of the major challenges in developing an antifungal against Candida albicans as a therapeutic strategy for oral candidiasis is its resistance towards antimicrobial agents. Currently, medicinal plants are continuously being developed as a therapeutic agent, including Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.), an Indonesian plant widely used as a traditional medicine. Its main active compound, xanthorrhizol, as well as the Javanese turmeric Ethanol Extract (EET) had been reported to have antifungal properties. However, extract quality as well as cultivation site of a medicinal plant may affect its’ effectivity as a therapeutic agent. Objective: To analyze the influence of Javanese turmeric cultivation site against its’ ethanolic extract effectivity in inhibiting C. albicans biofilms. Methods: 2 Javanese turmeric ethanolic extract were collected from different cultivation sites, which were Bogor, West Java and Malang, East Java. The extracts were tested for inhibitory activity against C. albicans biofilm using OD600, TPC, and MTT assay measurements. Results: There were concentration differences of xanthorrhizol content in between the two extracts. Despite so, both extracts showed insignificant MBIC50 differences at roughly 0,10 µg/mL, while their MBIC90 were measured to be constant at all biofilm development phases, at 0,30 µg/mL. Conclusion: The different cultivation site of Javanese turmeric in Java island does not influence the effectivity of JtET in inhibiting C. albicans biofilm.

Background: One of the major challenges in developing an antifungal against Candida albicans as a therapeutic strategy for oral candidiasis, an opportunistic oral fungal infection, is its resistance towards antimicrobial agents. Currently, medicinal plants are being developed as a therapeutic agent, including Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.), an Indonesian plant widely used as a traditional medicine. Its main active compound, xanthorrhizol, is known to have antifungal properties. However, extract quality as well as cultivation site of a medicinal plant may affect its’ effectivity as a therapeutic agent. Up until now, there hasn’t been any datas that explain how these factors affect Javanese turmeric ethanolic extract as a C. albicans strategy. Objective: To analyze the effect of Javanese turmeric cultivation site against its’ ethanolic extract ability to inhibit C. albicans biofilms. Methods: 2 Javanese turmeric ethanolic extract were collected from different cultivation sites, which were Bogor, West Java and Malang, East Java. The extracts were tested for inhibitory activity against C. albicans biofilm using OD600, TPC, and MTT assay measurements. Results: There were concentration differences of xanthorrhizol between the extracts. Despite so, both extracts’ MBIC50 differences were insignificant at roughly 0,10 µg/mL, while their MBIC90 were measured to be constant at all biofilm development phases, at 0,30 µg/mL. Conclusion: There were no significant differences between the MBICs of both extracts against C. albicans biofilm. More research needs to be done to confirm the role of other factors such as storage time on their MBIC."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shandy Sastra
"Penyebab utama kandidiasis yang merupakan infeksi jamur tersering pada manusia, adalah Candida albicans. Asupan glukosa yang tinggi merupakan salah satu faktor predisposisi kandidiasis oral. Substitusi asupan glukosa dengan xylitol dilaporkan mampu mengontrol pertumbuhan C. albicans. Berbagai penelitian in vitro terdahulu tentang konsentrasi efektif xylitol dalam menghambat pertumbuhan C. albicans bervariasi, yaitu xylitol 1%, 5%, atau 10%.
Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi dan durasi pemaparan xylitol dalam menurunkan jumlah koloni C. albicans in vitro.
Metode: Sampel C. albicans diambil dari usapan lesi mukosa mulut seorang pasien laki-laki penderita kandidiasis oral. Identifikasi spesies menggunakan CHROMagar dan uji serum. Setelah teridentifikasi positif, dibuat suspensi C. albicans pengenceran 108 kali. Pemaparan xylitol konsentrasi 1%, 5%, 10% (kelompok uji) serta tanpa xylitol (kelompok kontrol) dilakukan dalam Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (SDB) selama 3 hari dan 7 hari. Selanjutnya, C. albicans diinkubasi pada suhu 37oC selama 48 jam dalam Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) untuk mendapatkan jumlah CFU/ml. Sebagai pembanding, prosedur yang sama dilakukan terhadap C. albicans strain ATCC 10231.
Hasil: Pada kultur C. albicans yang diberi xylitol selama 3 hari, peningkatan konsentrasi xylitol menyebabkan penurunan jumlah koloni C. albicans secara bermakna (p = 0,044). Konsentrasi xylitol 10% menyebabkan penurunan jumlah koloni C. albicans yang sangat bermakna dibandingkan kontrol (p = 0,024). Pada kultur C. albicans yang diberi xylitol selama 7 hari, konsentrasi xylitol tidak mempengaruhi jumlah koloni C. albicans secara bermakna (p = 0,396).
Kesimpulan: Konsentrasi dan durasi pemaparan xylitol mempengaruhi efek xylitol dalam menurunkan jumlah koloni C. albicans in vitro. Pemaparan xylitol 10% selama 3 hari sangat berpengaruh dalam menurunkan jumlah koloni C. albicans in vitro.

Candidiasis which is the most common fungal infection of human, primarily caused by Candida albicans. The growth of C. albicans is influenced by glucose intake. Substitution of glucose intake with xylitol is reported to inhibit the growth of C. albicans. Several previous studies reported various concentrations of xylitol, 1%, 5%, or 10%, as an effective concentration in inhibiting C. albicans in vitro.
Objectives: Investigating the effect of different concentration and duration of xylitol exposure in inhibiting C. albicans growth in vitro.
Methods: C. albicans sample was taken from oral swab of a male oral candidiasis patient. Identification of C. albicans was conducted using CHROMagar, confirmed by germ tube test. The cultures were serially diluted and inoculated in Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (SDB) contained 1%, 5%, 10% xylitol, and without xylitol (as control), for 3 and 7 days. These inoculations were then incubated in 37oC on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA). The Colony Forming Unit (CFU) were counted after 48 hours. As a comparison, the same procedure was conducted for the C. albicans ATCC 10231 strain.
Results: After 3 days, increased concentration of xylitol added to C. albicans media lead to decreased growth of C. albicans significantly (p = 0,044). Ten percent xylitol resulted in significant lower growth of C. albicans compared to control (p = 0,024). After 7 days, there?s no significant effect of the three concentrations of xylitol in decreasing the growth of C. albicans (p = 0,396).
Conclusion: Concentration and duration of xylitol exposure influent the inhibitory effect of xylitol on the growth of C. albicans. Three days exposure of 10% xylitol could significantly inhibit the growth of C. albicans in vitro.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Rusli
"Scope and Method of Study: Typhoid and paratyphoid fever are still a major problem in developing countries viewed from epidemiological, laboratory, as well as clinical aspects. Reliable laboratory diagnosis is the blood culture. However, failure of the blood culture occurs, due to the bactericidal effect of blood (phagocytes, complement, and specific and nonspecific antibodies, among others). Microbiologists are challenged to improve the blood culture by adding sodium polyanethol sulphonate (SPS) in the media. SPS is capable to inactivate the blood bactericidal effect, is an effective anticoagulant, non-toxic to most pathogens, stable to high temperature, acid and alkaline solutions, and is water-soluble.
The objective of this study is to compare bile culture plus 0.05% SPS to conventional bile culture for the growth of salmonella in blood. The result was evaluated by the rate of growth in both cultures after 1 minute, 4 hours and 12 hours (logarithmic phase). The number of organisms was calculated from growth on nutrient agar plates when the range-of growth were 30-300 colonies per 0.1 ml inoculum, and the dilution of both cultures.
Findings and Conclusions: Fifty isolates representing five species of salmonellae has been tested and showed that the number of organisms per ml in the SPS bile culture was not significantly different compared to conventional bile culture. In conclusion, the SPS bile culture is the same as conventional bile culture for the growth of S. typhi, S. pa-atyphi A, B, C, and S. typhimurium in blood from healthy humans, with a blood-broth ratio of 1: 10."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1989
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faiqueen Dhia Salsabila Firlana Adnan
"Meningkatnya kasus resistensi Candida albicans terhadap pengobatan yang ada membuat penemuan terapi alternatif menjadi penting. Bahan alami menjadi peluang alternatif karena diharapkan menimbulkan efek samping yang lebih sedikit, salah satunya adalah propolis. Propolis memiliki komponen fenol dan flavonoid yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan jamur, propolis jenis campuran dari Sulawesi, Indonesia memiliki belum pernah diteliti efeknya terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Candida sp. Uji daya hambat dilakukan pada Candida albicans sebagai penyebab tertinggi kandidiasis, diharapkan inovasi dari zat alami dapat ditemukan dengan biaya produksi murah untuk menanggulangi resistensi obat. Pengujian dilakukan dengan meletakkan cakram rendaman emulsi propolis pada biakan Candida albicans ATCC di agar Mueller-Hinton, dengan tiga kelompok uji konsentrasi yaitu 1%, 5%, dan 7%. Setelah inkubasi selama 24-48 jam dilakukan pengukuran zona inhibisi menggunakan jangka sorong. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 5% merupakan konsentrasi optimal dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Candida albicans, namun tidak lebih efektif dari nystatin yang merupakan kontrol positif. Sistem imun diduga meningkatkan efek propolis dengan konsentrasi yang sama dalam uji in vivo, sehingga diharapkan hasil riset ini bisa menjadi dasar untuk percobaan selanjutnya.

The raising number of resistant Candida albicans has drawn attention to find an alternative treatment. Natural substances like propolis becomes a preferred option because it is expected to have less side effects. Propolis contains phenolic acid and flavonoid that might have antifungal property. Mixed propolis from Sulawesi, Indonesia have never been tested on Candida sp. The test subject is Candida albicans, which is the most frequent etiology of candidiasis. This innovation of natural substance and low production cost are expected to provide a solution for the resistance. Three groups of Candida albicans ATCC in Mueller-Hinton agars were tested to a disk diffusion that contains propolis with different concentrations, 1%, 5%, and 7%. After 24 - 48 hours incubation, inhibitory zones were measured by calipers. The result indicates that 5% propolis has the optimum antifungal potency, although it does not show better result than nystatin as the positive control. Immune system is predicted to enhance the effect of propolis in in vivo test , therefore this research is expected to be the foundation of further studies.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Farid Ar-Rizq
"Latar belakang: Kandidiasis merupakan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh anggota genus jamur Candida, dikaitkan dengan morbiditas serta mortalitas tinggi. Telah terjadi peningkatan jumlah isolat spesies non-albicans (NAC), salah satunya C. krusei. Jamur ini memiliki resistensi alami terhadap flukonazol, dan merespon buruk terhadap terapi antijamur, dengan mortalitas 40–58%. Salah satu mekanisme molekuler terjadinya resistensi adalah penurunan akumulasi obat intraseluler akibat pompa efluks (protein ATP-binding cassette; ABC). Analisis bioinformatika sekuens protein ABC2 C. krusei dapat memberikan pemahaman komprehensif terkait mekanisme molekuler yang terlibat. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental observasional untuk mengkarakterisasi sekuens gen dan protein ABC2 Candida krusei. Sekuens didapatkan dari UniProtKB dan GenBank, lalu dianalisis menggunakan BLAST pada genom 18 sampel C. krusei dan spesies Candida lainnya. Analisis filogeni dilakukan menggunakan program MEGA11. Pemodelan struktur 3D didapatkan dari I-TASSER, AlphaFold, dan SWISS-MODEL. Prediksi mutasi berefek dicari menggunakan SNAP2. Hasil: Sekuens ABC2 didapatkan pada seluruh spesimen, utamanya pada kromosom 2, dengan panjang 358 bp. ABC2 memiliki homolog pada C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, dan C. parapsilosis dengan kemiripan konsisten. Analisis filogenetik menunjukkan kekerabatan terdekat dengan protein pada C. glabrata, meski kurang didukung secara statistik. Pemodelan 3D menghasilkan struktur yang tersusun mayoritas oleh alfa-heliks, area pengikatan ligan ADP, dan kemiripan terhadap transporter Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Prediksi varian efek oleh SNAP2 mengidentifikasi residu G16 sebagai area berpotensi berpengaruh signifikan pada fungsi protein. Kesimpulan: Sekuens protein ABC2 C. krusei menunjukkan divergensi genetik dari homolog-homolognya di spesies Candida lain, meski kurang didukung secara statistik; belum dapat ditentukan hubungan kausal antara divergensi dengan peran ABC2 dalam resistensi intrinsik flukonazol C. krusei. Profil mutasi yang diprediksi menunjukkan residu G16 sebagai asam amino dengan potensi efek tertinggi terhadap fungsi protein ABC2; hubungannya dengan resistensi flukonazol belum dapat dijelaskan, sebab residu tidak terletak pada area pengikatan ligan. Dari pemodelan 3D, ditemukan variasi struktur alfa heliks ABC2 jika dibandingkan dengan CDR4 C. albicans.

Background: Candidiasis is an infection caused by members of the genus Candida, associated with high morbidity and mortality. There has been an increase in the number of non-albicans species (NAC) isolates, among them C. krusei. Having a natural fluconazole resistance, C. krusei responds poorly to antifungal therapy, with 40–58% mortality. One molecular mechanisms of resistance is intracellular drug accumulation reduction due to efflux pumps (ATP-binding cassette protein; ABC). Bioinformatics analysis of C. krusei ABC2 protein sequences could elucidate the mechanisms involved. Methods: This was an observational-experimental study characterizing the gene and protein sequences of C. kruseiABC2. Sequences obtained from UniProtKB and GenBank were BLAST-searched in the genomes of 18 C. kruseisamples and other Candida. Phylogeny analysis was done using MEGA11. 3D models were obtained from I-TASSER, AlphaFold, and SWISS-MODEL. Prediction of effected mutation was searched using SNAP2. Results: ABC2 sequences were obtained in all specimens, especially on chromosome 2, spanning 358 bp. ABC2 has homologs in C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, and C. parapsilosis with consistent similarities. Phylogenetic analysis showed closest relationship to a C. glabrata protein, although statistically unsupported. 3D-modelling resulted in a structure composed mostly of alpha-helices, ADP-binding areas, and similarity to a Saccharomyces cerevisiae transporter. Prediction of effect variance by SNAP2 identified G16 residue as a potentially significant area of ​​effect on protein function.Conclusions: ABC2 protein shows genetic divergence from its homologs in other Candida, although not statistically supported; the causal relationship between the divergence and its role of ABC2 in C. krusei resistance to fluconazole is undetermined. Predicted mutation profile showed G16 as the residue with the highest potential effect on protein function; its relationship with fluconazole resistance is inconclusive, as it is not located in the ligand binding site. 3D-modelling shows variations in the alpha-helix of ABC2 when compared to C. albicans CDR4.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sumarmi Hamid
"Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan data langka mengenai berapa banyak penderita diabetes yang terkena kandidiasis mulut, karena sampai saat ini di Indonesia belum ada angka/ data tersebut. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan data kelainan mulut pada penderita diabetes. Pengambilan usap mulut dilakukan pada penderita diabetes yang datang ke Subg Met.Endokrinologi (Penyakit.Dalam) RSCM, yang kemudian dikirim kebagian Parasitologi FKUI untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium. Diagnosa kandidiasis mulut ditegakkan dengan pemeriksaan klinis yang didukung dengan pemeriksaan laboratorium.
Hasil Penelitian: Dari 95 penderita diabetes tanpa gigi tiruan yang diteliti didapatkan 42 pria diabetes {44,2%) dan 53 wanita diabetes (55,8%), yang berumur antara 25-80 th. 14 penderita diabetes (14,7%), berumur antara 20-40th. Sedangkan 81 penderita diabetes (85,37.) berumur diatas 40 th. Dan dari 95 usap mulut penderita diabetes setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan langsung terdapat 60% Candida positif, sedangkan pada biakan usap mulut ditemukan 62 penderita diabetes {65,2%) Candida positif. Ternyata dari 62 Candida positif pada biakan usap mulut, 33,9% positif 1, 50% positif 2, dan 16,1% positif 3. Kandidiasis mulut terdapat pada 12 penderita diabetes (12,6%), yang terdiri dari 7 pria dibetes dan 5 wanita diabetes. Dan kandidiasis mulut terdapat pada 70% dari Candida positif 3, 16,1% dari Candida positif 2, sedangkan pada positif 1 tidak terjadi kandidiasis mulut."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sofwan Ardiansyah
Latar Belakang: Temulawak Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. merupakan tanaman obat asli Indonesia yang diketahui memiliki efek antijamur. Infeksi jamur yang paling umum terjadi di rongga mulut yaitu kandidiasis oral sering disebabkan oleh jamur Candida albicans. Salah satu faktor virulensi C. albicans yaitu kemampuannya untuk membentuk biofilm. Pada biofilm C. albicans fase menengah terjadi perubahan bentuk dari ragi menjadi hifa muda dengan matriks ekstraseluler yang dapat meningkatkan resistensi agen antijamur. Tujuan: Menganalisis efek ekstrak etanol temulawak dalam menghambat pertumbuhan fase menengah biofilm C. albicans. Metode: Pemaparan ekstrak etanol temulawak pada biofilm C. albicans strain klinis dan ATCC 10231 usia 1.5 jam selama 24 jam untuk mencapai biofilm fase menengah. MTT assay digunakan untuk menguji viabilitas biofilm C. albicans. Hasil: Ekstrak etanol temulawak memiliki nilai Konsentrasi Hambat Biofilm Minimal KHBM50 untuk biofilm C. albicans strain klinis dan ATCC 10231 pada fase menengah berturut-turut sebesar 30 dan 35 . Kesimpulan: Ekstrak etanol temulawak berpotensi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan fase menengah biofilm C. albicans.

Background Javanese turmeric Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. is an Indonesian rsquo s native medicinal plant which is known to have antifungal effect. The most common fungal infection occurs in the oral cavity is oral candidiasis caused by Candida albicans. One of the virulence factors of C. albicans is the ability to form biofilm. In intermediate phase of biofilm, C. albicans may change forms from yeast into hyphae with extracellular matrix which can inhibit the penetration of antifungal agent. Objective To invesitigate the inhibitory effect of Javanese turmeric ethanol extract againts C. albicans biofilm in intermediate phase. Method Javanese Turmeric ethanol extract was exposed to 1.5 hours aged of C. albicans clinical strain and C. albicans ATCC 10231 biofilm for 24 hours to achieve intermediate phase. MTT assay was used to asses the viability of C. albicans biofilm. Result The Minimum Biofilm Inhibitory Concentrations MBIC50 of Javanese turmeric ethanol extract for C. albicans clinical strain and ATCC 10231 in intermediate phase were 30 and 35 , respectively. Conclusion Javanese turmeric ethanol extract had potential to inhibit the the growth of Candida albicans biofilm in intermediate phase."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfiani Guntari Mahadewi
"Peningkatan resistensi jamur terhadap obat antijamur yang tersedia dipasaran mengurangi efektivitas treatment untuk Candidiasis. Propolis mengandung berbagai senyawa dengan sifat antijamur Candida albicans, namun kandungan setiap jenisnya sangat beragam. Sebagai sampel digunakan propolis asal Sulawesi berjenis halus diambil dari dalam sarang , kasar diambil dari luar sarang dan mix gabungan keduanya . Molekul penanda anti C. albicans merupakan senyawa penanda untuk menyeleksi propolis dengan kemampuan mengatasi Candidiasis. Langkah awal adalah melakukan pengujian kadar senyawa flavonoid, fenolik dan alkaloid dengan menggunakan metode spektrometri UV -Vis. Didapati bahwa setiap sampel tidak selalu unggul pada setiap zat, sehingga propolis tidak dapat langsung diseleksi. Selanjutnya propolis diseleksi dengan uji aktivitas antijamur dengan metode difusi well. Propolis mix memiliki keunggulan sementara propolis halus dan kasar memiliki kemapuan yang sama. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian LC-MS, terdapat beberapa senyawa antijamur pada propolis mix yaitu tetralin, thymol, p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, curcumene, guaizulene, dan mandelic acid. Senyawa guaizulene hanya terdapat pada propolis kasar, sementara senyawa caffeic acid dan mandelic acid hanya terdapat pada propolis halus. Terjadi sinergisitas propolis kasar dan halus yang terlihat pada propolis mix. Senyawa penanda yang terdapat pada semua sampel yang menandakan kemampuan anti C. albicans adalah senyawa tetralin, thymol, p-coumaric acid, dan curcumene.

The increase in fungal resistance against antifungal drugs available in the market will reduce the effectiveness of treatment for Candidiasis. Propolis contains various compounds with antifungal properties Candida albicans, but the content of each type is very diverse. The sample used is Sulawesi propolis type smooth taken from inside the nest , rough taken from outside the hive and mix a combination of both . Anti C. albicans molecule marker, is a marker compound for selecting propolis with the ability to overcome Candidiasis. The initial step is to test the levels of flavonoids, phenolics, and alkaloids by using UV Vis spectrometry method. It was found that each sample is not always superior to any substance, so propolis cannot be directly selected. Furthermore, propolis selected by antifungal activity test with well diffusion method. Propolis mix has advantage while propolis smooth and rough have the same capability. LC MS test, there are several antifungal compounds in propolis mix, namely tetralin, thymol, p coumaric acid, caffeic acid, curcumene, guaizulene, and mandelic acid. Guaiazulene compounds are found only in rough propolis, while caffeic acid and mandelic acid compounds are present only in smooth propolis. A rough and smooth propolis synergy occurs in the propolis mix. The marking compound present in all samples showing the anti C. albicans capability was tetralin, thymol, p coumaric acid, and curcumene compounds.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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