ABSTRAKTesis ini mengkaji tentang memori kolektif Tentara Peta melalui memoar,
autobiografi, dan wawancara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat sebuah
konsep tata pamer yang akan disajikan dalam pameran tetap di Museum Peta,
yang dapat merepresentasikan seluruh memori yang dimiliki oleh para mantan
Tentara Peta, agar masyarakat (pengunjung) dapat memahami sejarah Tentara
Peta secara lebih komprehensif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif
melalui studi pustaka, observasi, dan wawancara (tidak terstruktur). Hasil dari
penelitian ini yaitu enam storyline bertema sejarah sosial untuk ditampilkan
melalui tata pamer dalam pameran tetap di Museum Peta. Keenam tema tersebut
adalah: Perang Dunia Kedua: Runtuhnya Hindia Belanda; Zaman Jepang:
Kesempatan menjadi Tentara Peta; Dasar motivasi dan alasan menjadi Tentara
Peta; Makna pendidikan dan pelatihan Tentara Peta; Kekecewaan Tentara Peta
terhadap Jepang; dan Profil serta peranan para mantan Tentara Peta.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses about the collective memory of the Peta?s Armies with
memoirs, autobiographies, and interviews. The purpose of this study is to create a
concept exhibiting will be presented in the permanent exhibition at the Peta
Museum, which can represent the memories of ex-Peta?s Armies, so that people
(visitors) can understand the history of Peta?s Armies more comprehensively. This
study used a qualitative approach with literature study, observation, and interview
(unstructured). Results from this study are six themed storyline social history to
be communicated through the exhibiting in permanent exhibition at the Peta
Museum. The six themes are: World War II: The collapse of the Dutch East
Indies; Japan period: The opportunity to become Peta?s Armies; Basic motivation
and reasons to be a Peta?s Army. The meaning of education and training?s the
Peta?s Army; The disappointment of the Peta?s Armies to Japanese Occupation;
The profile and role of the ex-Peta?s Armies., This thesis discusses about the collective memory of the Peta’s Armies with
memoirs, autobiographies, and interviews. The purpose of this study is to create a
concept exhibiting will be presented in the permanent exhibition at the Peta
Museum, which can represent the memories of ex-Peta’s Armies, so that people
(visitors) can understand the history of Peta’s Armies more comprehensively. This
study used a qualitative approach with literature study, observation, and interview
(unstructured). Results from this study are six themed storyline social history to
be communicated through the exhibiting in permanent exhibition at the Peta
Museum. The six themes are: World War II: The collapse of the Dutch East
Indies; Japan period: The opportunity to become Peta’s Armies; Basic motivation
and reasons to be a Peta’s Army. The meaning of education and training’s the
Peta’s Army; The disappointment of the Peta’s Armies to Japanese Occupation;
The profile and role of the ex-Peta’s Armies.]"