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Rio Nogo Akbar
"Penelitian terhadap tanaman pepaya Carica papaya L varietas IPB9 Callina dilakukan untuk menentukan stabilitas genetik F1 terkait ekspresi seks pada tanaman tersebut Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengamati organ generatif pada tanaman pepaya IPB9 yakni bunga betina dan bunga hermaprodit Stabilitas genetik F1 ditentukan berdasarkan Hukum Mendel II mengenai pasangan bebas dari setiap gen dan alel pada tanaman pepaya IPB9 Dari 100 tanaman pepaya IPB9 F1 yang ditanam di perkebunan pepaya komersial milik Bapak Petri di Parung Bogor didapatkan jumlah tanaman betina sebanyak 31 tanaman dan tanaman hermaprodit sebanyak 69 tanaman Hasil penghitungan jumlah bunga dari 31 tanaman pepaya betina didapatkan 55 bunga sedangkan dari 69 tanaman pepaya hermaprodit didapatkan 92 bunga Perbandingan jumlah tanaman pepaya betina dengan jumlah tanaman pepaya hermaprodit sebesar 1 banding 2 begitu pula dengan jumlah bunga pada tanaman pepaya betina dengan jumlah bunga pada tanaman pepaya hermaprodit sebesar 1 banding 2 Hasil pengamatan anatomi dari 92 bunga hermaprodit yang tumbuh semuanya adalah jenis elongata Stabilitas genetik F1 terkait variasi ekspresi seks pada tanaman pepaya varietas IPB9 sesuai dengan Hukum Mendel.

Research has been conducted for papaya Carica papaya L var IPB9 Callina to find out about the genetic stability on F1 linked to sex expression in that plant Research conducted by observing female flowers and hermaprodhite flowers which are generative organs of papaya IPB9 The genetic stability of F1 based on Mendel's second law about independent assortment on every genes and alleles in that papaya IPB9 plant About 100 F1 IPB9 papaya tree were planted in a commercial papaya plantation owned by Mr Petri in Parung Bogor have been founded female tree number as many as 31 trees and hermaphrodite tree as many as 69 trees The total number flower from 31 female trees are 55 flowers while from 69 hermaphrodite trees obtained 92 papaya flowers Thus the ratio number of female and hermaphrodite is 1 to 2 Anatomical observations of 92 hermaphroditic flowers in hermaphrodite trees are totally elongata Based on the amount of female trees and hermphrodite trees the amount of female flowers and hermaphodrite flowers and also the kind of all hermaphrodite flowers are elongata genetic stability of F1 linked to sex expression of papaya var IPB9 is corresponding to Mendelian's Law."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Postlethwait, John H.
Australia: Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning, 2003
570.1 POS e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Minneapolis : Burgess Publishing Company, 1969
570 BIO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angga Pratama
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh inokulasi kombinasi dua strain Nostoc terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif tanaman padi varietas Ciherang. Strain Nostoc yang digunakan yaitu CPG24 dan GIA13a yang dibuat dengan perbandingan 1:1; 1:2; dan 2;1. Pemeliharaan padi dilakukan dengan sistem SRI modifikasi sampai 112 hari setelah tanam. Parameter pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman yang diukur mencakup fase vegetatif dan generatif tanaman padi. Dilakukan juga pengukuran kandungan unsur hara tanah dan parameter lingkungan.
Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemupukan kombinasi Nostoc, secara umum memberi pengaruh yang bervariasi terhadap parameter vegetatif dan generatif tanaman padi varietas Ciherang. Pemupukan strain Nostoc tunggal CPG24 berpengaruh cukup signifikan dalam meningkatkan berat kering tanaman padi sampai 138%. Pemupukan strain Nostoc tunggal GIA13a berpengaruh cukup signifikan dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan akar 147%, berat kering buah isi sampai 186%, dan rasio jumlah buah isi terhadap total jumlah buah sebesar 69,40%.

The purpose of this experiment is to study the combination effect of inoculation of two Nostoc strains to the vegetative and generative growth of Ciherang paddy. Two Nostoc strains, CPG24 and GIA13a were used. Fertilizing treatments were designed with comparison 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1. Paddy plant were prepared using SRI modification method until 112 days old after planted. Biological parameters are including vegetative and generative growth of paddy. Also soil nutrients content and environment parameter have been analized.
The results show that combination fertilizing of two Nostoc strain CPG24 and GIA13a give variative effect to vegetative and generative growth parameter of Ciherang paddy. Single Nostoc CPG24 fertilizing give significat effect to increase dry weight of Ciherang paddy until 183%. Single Nostoc GIA13a fertilizing give significant effect to increase root growth until 147%, dry weight of grain until 186%, and filled/total grain ratio until 69,40%.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syahrul Ramdoni
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui identitas khamir yang hidup pada putik bunga Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn dan saluran pencernaan Apis mellifera L., lebah pengumpul polen yang mengunjungi bunga Ceiba pentandra. Sebanyak 12 isolat khamir yang terdiri dari tiga isolat dari putik bunga Ceiba pentandra dan sembilan isolat dari saluran pencernaan Apis mellifera digunakan pada penelitian. Isolat-isolat khamir diidentifikasi berdasarkan hasil Basic Local Alignment Searching Tools (BLAST) data sequence daerah ITS rDNA, analisis filogenetik dengan metode Neighbor Joining, dan pengamatan alat reproduksi seksual dan aseksual. Primer forward ITS1 dan primer reverse ITS4 digunakan untuk mengamplifikasi daerah ITS rDNA. Hasil elektroforesis gel produk PCR menunjukkan ukuran daerah ITS rDNA isolat khamir tersebut bervariasi antara 400 hingga 800 pb.
Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 12 isolat khamir terdiri dari enam species. Lima species khamir termasuk ke dalam phylum Ascomycota, order Saccharomycetales, class Saccharomycetes dan satu species khamir termasuk ke dalam phylum Basidiomycota, order Tremellales,dan class Tremellomycetes. Tiga isolat khamir dari putik bunga C. pentandra diidentifikasi sebagai Bullera coprosmaensis (JZ137), Candida orthopsilosis (JZ053), dan Debaryomyces hansenii (JZ051). Sembilan isolat khamir dari saluran pencernaan A. mellifera diidentifikasi sebagai Candida fermentatii (JZ059 dan JZ060), Candida mesorugosa (JZ057, JZ058, dan JZ063), Candida orthopsilosis (JZ064 dan JZ065), Candida parapsilosis (JZ066), dan Debaryomyces hansenii (JZ061). Dua species khamir yaitu Candida orthopsilosis dan Debaryomces hansenii ditemukan pada putik C. pentandra dan saluran pencernaan A. mellifera.

The aim of this study was to identify yeasts from the pistils of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn and digestive tracts of pollen collecting bee, Apis mellifera L. Twelve yeast isolates were identified which were consisted of three isolates from the pistils of C. pentandra and nine isolates from digestive tracts of A. mellifera. Identification was based on homology sequences analysis using Basic Local Alignment Searching Tools (BLAST), phylogenetic analysis by Neighbor Joining method, and observation of sexual and asexual reproduction. The primer set of ITS1 (forward primer) and ITS4 (reverse primer) were used to amplify ITS region rDNA of the isolates. Gel electrophoresis results showed that the size of ITS region of the isolates were varied on the range of 400--800 bp.
The results showed that twelve yeast isolates were identified as six species. Taxonomically, five species belong to phylum Ascomycota, order Saccharomycetales, class Saccharomycetes and one species belong to phylum Basidiomycota order Tremellales, class Tremellomycetes. Three yeast isolates from the pistils of C. pentandra were identified as Bullera coprosmaensis (JZ137), Candida orthopsilosis (JZ053), and Debaryomyces hansenii (JZ051). Nine yeast isolates from digestive tracts of pollen collecting A. mellifera were identified as Candida fermentatii (JZ059 & JZ060), Candida mesorugosa (JZ057, JZ058, dan JZ063), Candida orthopsilosis (JZ064 & JZ065), Candida parapsilosis (JZ066), and Debaryomyces hansenii (JZ061). Debaryomyces hansenii and Candida orthopsilosis were found on the pistils of C. pentandra and digestive tracts of A. mellifera.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The research on exploration and study of garcinia L.varieties at Souith Sumatera based on source of macromorfology evidences had been done from June to November 2004 which was located on some areas at South Sumatra...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayuningtyas Tina Paramitha
"Uji aktivitas antivirus ekstrak etanol daun angsana (Pterocarpus indicus Willd.) menyatakan bahwa daun angsana berpotensi sebagai media pengobatan demam berdarah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol daun angsana dengan tingkatan dosis 0,5 , 5, 50, dan 500 mg/kg bb terhadap morfologi fetus mencit galur DDY. Bahan uji diberikan secara oral sejak hari ke-6 hingga hari ke-15 kebuntingan. Induk mencit dikorbankan dan dibedah caesar pada hari ke-18 kebuntingan. Pengamatan meliputi jumlah corpus luteum, jumlah kematian dan resorpsi, jenis kelamin fetus, penimbangan berat badan fetus, pengukuran panjang fetus, serta pengamatan visual terhadap kelengkapan morfologi fetus.
Hasil uji anava (P>0,05) menyatakan bahwa pemberian ekstrak etanol daun angsana tidak memengaruhi jumlah implantasi, berat dan panjang badan fetus, serta jenis kelamin fetus. Hasil uji Kruskal-Wallis (P>0,05) menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah fetus hidup, mati, resorpsi dan kelainan morfologi, sedangkan hasil uji Mann-Whitney (P>0,05) terhadap berat plasenta menunjukkan ada pengaruh nyata akibat pemberian ekstrak etanol daun angsana.

Antiviral activity of ethanol extract of angsana leaves (Pterocarpus indicus Willd.) showed that angsana potentially as dengue fever treatment. This study was performed to examine the influence of ethanol extract of angsana leaves at dose level 0,5 , 5, 50, and 500 mg/kg bw to mice fetus DDY strain. Substance test given by oral at 6th until 15th gestation period. At the 18th gestation, mice were euthanased by caesarian sectioned. Observation include the number of corpus luteum, number of death and resorption, weight body and crown-rump of fetus, and observation to completeness of morphological visually.
Anava test (P>0,05) showed that ethanol extract of angsana leaves did not influence the implantation number, fetus weight and crown-rump, and fetus sex. Kruskal-Wallis test (P>0,05) showed that there is no significant difference on alive, dead, and resorption fetus; and morphological abnormality, whereas Mann-Whitney test (P>0,05) on placenta weight showed there is significant difference due to administration of ethanol extract of angsana leaves.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mader, Sylvia S.
Dubuque: Iowa Wm. C. Brown, 1995
572.8 MAD b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Sobari
Penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas diatom epifit pada daun lamun di padang lamun perairan Muara Binuangeun, Banten telah dilakukan pada tanggal 30 April -- 3 Mei 2015. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas Diatom epifitik pada daun lamun Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb. ex Solms) Asch. antara lain, komposisi genus, kepadatan, dominansi, keanekaragaman, dan kemerataan pada setiap stasiun di Muara Binuangeun, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten. Penentuan lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa komposisi Diatom epifitik yang diperoleh di lokasi penelitian sebanyak 12 genus dari 4 kelas. Kepadatan Diatom epifitik tiap stasiun berkisar antara 91800 – 420560 sel/ dm2. Nilai indeks dominansi berkisar antara 0,617—0,917 dan tergolong tinggi di setiap stasiun, hal tersebut disebabkan karena terdapat genus Navicula yang mendominasi disetiap stasiun. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman di setiap stasiun penelitian tergolong rendah (berkisar antara 0,25—0,86). Nilai indeks kemerataan berkisar antara 0,1—0,36 dengan stasiun 1 dan 4 tergolong tidak merata, sedangkan pada stasiun 2 dan 3 tergolong kurang merata. Rendahnya nilai indeks keanekaragaman dan kemerataan disebabkan karena adanya tekanan ekologis pada lokasi penelitian. Secara umum, struktur komunitas Diatom epifitik pada lokasi penelitian tergolong tidak stabil karena tingkat dominansi yang tinggi, keanekaragaman yang rendah, dan kemerataan yang tidak merata dan kurang merata.
;Research on community structure of epiphyte Diatom on Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb. ex Solms) Asch. leaves at seagrass beds Muara Binuangeun Coastal, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten was conducted on 30 April -- 3 May 2015. The aim of this study was to determine community structure of epiphyte Diatom on Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb. ex Solms) Asch. leaves include genus composition, abundance, dominance, diversity, and evenness each stations at Muara Binuangeun, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten. Sampling location was determineted by purposive sampling method. Result shows that 4 classis 12 genera Diatom epiphytic composition was obtained . Diatom epiphytic abundance range in each station was 91800 – 420560 sel/ dm2. Dominance index score range was 0,617—0,917 and was classified as high at each stations because genus Navicula dominant in each stations. Diversity index score was classified as low (0,25—0,86) at each stations. Evenness index score range was 0,1—0,36 with station 1 and 4 classifed as highly unevenn and station 2 and 3 was classified as unevenly. Diversity and evenness index score was low because there were ecological pressures. In general, community structure of epiphyte Diatom in research location was unstable because dominance index was high, diversity index was low, and evenness index was highly uneven and unevenly.
, Research on community structure of epiphyte Diatom on Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb. ex Solms) Asch. leaves at seagrass beds Muara Binuangeun Coastal, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten was conducted on 30 April -- 3 May 2015. The aim of this study was to determine community structure of epiphyte Diatom on Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb. ex Solms) Asch. leaves include genus composition, abundance, dominance, diversity, and evenness each stations at Muara Binuangeun, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten. Sampling location was determineted by purposive sampling method. Result shows that 4 classis 12 genera Diatom epiphytic composition was obtained . Diatom epiphytic abundance range in each station was 91800 – 420560 sel/ dm2. Dominance index score range was 0,617—0,917 and was classified as high at each stations because genus Navicula dominant in each stations. Diversity index score was classified as low (0,25—0,86) at each stations. Evenness index score range was 0,1—0,36 with station 1 and 4 classifed as highly unevenn and station 2 and 3 was classified as unevenly. Diversity and evenness index score was low because there were ecological pressures. In general, community structure of epiphyte Diatom in research location was unstable because dominance index was high, diversity index was low, and evenness index was highly uneven and unevenly.
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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