"Keong tutut (Bellamya javanica) merupakan bahan alam yang secara empiris digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk mencegah kerusakan hati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan secara ilmiah efek hepatoprotektif daging keong tutut dalam menurunkan aktivitas enzim aspartat aminotransferase (AST) dan alanin aminotransferase (ALT) yang merupakan parameter kerusakan hati. Tiga puluh enam (36) ekor tikus dibagi menjadi enam kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kontrol normal (CMC 0,5%), kontrol negatif (CMC 0,5%), kontrol positif (silymarin 9,45 mg/200 g BB), dosis 1 (serbuk daging keong tutut 56 mg/200 g BB), dosis 2 (serbuk daging keong tutut 112 mg/200 g BB), dan dosis 3 (serbuk daging keong tutut 224 mg/200 g BB). Bahan tersebut diberikan secara peroral selama 14 hari. Pada hari ke-15, semua tikus, kecuali kontrol normal diinduksi dengan CCl4 1 ml/kg BB melalui rute yang sama. Dua puluh empat jam setelah induksi, dilakukan pengambilan darah melalui sinus orbital. Aktivitas AST dan ALT plasma diukur menggunakan kit dan ditunjukkan melalui perbedaan serapan. Hasilnya menunjukkan kelompok dosis 112 mg/200 g BB dan dosis 224 mg/200 g BB memiliki aktivitas AST dan ALT yang berbeda bermakna (p ≤ 0,05) dengan kelompok kontrol negatif. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa daging keong tutut berpotensi sebagai hepatoprotekor karena mampu menurunkan aktivitas AST dan ALT.
Freshwater snail (Bellamya javanica) is natural materials that are empirically used by society to prevent liver damage. This study aimed to prove scientifically hepatoprotective effect of flesh of tutut snail in lowering the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzymes which are the parameters of liver damage. Thirty-six (36) rats were divided into six treatment groups. Those are normal control (0,5% CMC), negative control (0,5% CMC), positive control (silymarin 9,45 mg/200 g BW), dose 1 (flesh powder of freshwater snail 56 mg/200 g BW), dose 2 (flesh powder of freshwater snail 112 mg/200 g BW), and dose 3 (flesh powder of freshwater snail 224 mg/200 g BW). Those ingredients were given orally for 14 days. On the fifteenth day, all rats, except the normal control were induced by CCl4 1 ml/200 kg BW via the same route. Twenty-four hours after the induction, blood sampling done through orbital sinus. AST and ALT plasma activity were measured using kit and shown through the absorbance differences. The results show AST and ALT activity among dose 112 mg/200 g BW group and dose 224 mg/200 g BWgroup were significantly different (p ≤ 0,05) with the negative control group. It can be concluded that freshwater snail is a potential hepatoprotector due to its ability in lowering AST and ALT activity."