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Fanny Alda Putri
"Uni Eropa adalah organisasi internasional di wilayah Eropa yang bertujuan untuk mencapai integrasi Eropa. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, Uni Eropa membentuk sistem hukum regionalnya sendiri yang saat ini sudah menjadi komponen yang tidak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan politik dan bermasyarakat di Uni Eropa. Walaupun demikian, keberlakuan hukum internasional dalam sistem hukum regional Uni Eropa jarang sekali dibahas. Beberapa tahun belakang, hubungan antara hukum internasional dan hukum regional Uni Eropa baru banyak dibicarakan dalam kaitannya dengan otonomi hukum regional Uni Eropa.
Dalam beberapa kondisi, Uni Eropa tidak terikat dengan perjanjian internasional atau norma-norma hukum internasional. Putusan-putusan Mahkamah Eropa baru-baru ini menekankan otonomi hukum regional Uni Eropa di atas hukum internasional. Putusan-putusan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa hubungan antara hukum internasional dengan hukum regional Uni Eropa tidak lagi dilihat menurut teori monisme dan dualisme saja, tetapi dengan teori lain yang lebih kompleks.

European Union is an international organization whose obejective is to develop a European integration. In order to achieve the idea of European integration, European Union created its own legal order which has already becomean established component of European Union's political life and society. Yet, the effect of international law within the Union's domestic order receives far less attention. Over the past decade, the relationship between European and international law has largely been commented through the prism of the autonomy.
In some instances, however, the European Union is not bound by a treaty or international norm. Recent decisions issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union having emphasized the integrity of the European Union legal system.It indicates the relationship between the EU and international law can no longer be understood on the basis of monism or dualism theory, but a much more complex theory.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizkita Alamanda
"Organisasi internasional memiliki berbagai klasifikasi, salah satunya dibedakan menurut sifat supranasional dan intergovernmental. Organisasi internasional yang bersifat supranasional dan intergovernmental memiliki perbedaan dalam beberapa hal, termasuk dalam pengambilan suara untuk pengambilan keputusan, organisasi internasional yang bersifat intergovernmental seperti halnya organisasi internasional pada umumnya, memerlukan suara bulat dalam pengambilan keputusan, sedangkan organisasi internasional yang bersifat supranasional menggunakan suara terbanyak dalam pengambilan keputusan, hasil dari pengambilan keputusan tersebut mengikat negara anggotanya. Uni Eropa sebagai organisasi internasional memiliki sejarah yang panjang sejak pembentukannya, selain itu Uni Eropa juga memiliki perbedaan dengan organisasi internasional lainnya, karena sejak awal Uni Eropa dibentuk sebagai organisasi supranasional. Hal tersebut selanjutnya mempengaruhi berbagai hal, salah satunya mengenai pengambilan keputusan dalam Uni Eropa.
Skripsi ini berusaha memaparkan permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut dengan menggunakan bentuk penelitian yuridis-normatif, sehingga menghasilkan data deskriptif-analitis yang dapat menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan di atas. Pada kesimpulannya, pengambilan keputusan dalam Uni Eropa terkait dengan institusi-institusi yang berwenang serta pengambilan suara yang digunakan. Uni Eropa selain mengenal pengambilan suara secara bulat, juga mengenal pengambilan suara menggunakan suara terbanyak, dan sejak berlakunya Traktat Lisbon semakin banyak bidang-bidang yang diputuskan berdasarkan suara terbanyak, dalam mekanisme Uni Eropa dikenal sebagai qualified majority voting (QMV).

International organizations are classified in numerous ways, depending on the purpose for which the classification is being made, for instance the distinction between intergovernmental and supranational organizations. Intergovernmental and supranational organizations have different characteristics, including in the decision making process. Intergovernmental organization enjoys the unanimous approval from all members to adopt a decision, which is different in supranational organization, majority voting is become the main system. European Union as an international organization has supranational characteristics for the very first time, which take an effect on several things and decision making process in particular.
This thesis explains how that matters perform in juridical-normative method. At the conclusion, the decision making process always related to the institution's power and the voting system. However, the European Union recognizes not only unanimity, but also qualified majority voting (QMV) as the voting system which is needed in many areas, especially after the Lisbon Treaty 2007 came into force.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abid Abdurrahman Adonis
"Semakin berkembangnya kelembagaan dan misi eksternal Uni Eropa khususnya dalam mempromosikan norma-normanya mendorong literatur-literatur untuk membahas peran Uni Eropa sebagai normative power. Normative power dianggap sebagai salah satu peran internasional Uni Eropa yang membedakannya dengan aktor-aktor internasional lainnya. Kendati telah banyak digunakan dalam berbagai literatur mengenai Uni Eropa, namun konsep normative power belum mendapat perhatian serius dari literatur-literatur disiplin Ilmu Hubungan Internasional yang lebih luas.
Kajian literatur ini membahas bagaimana perkembangan literatur mengenai Uni Eropa sebagai normative power. Dengan metode taksonomi, kajian literatur ini menunjukkan perkembangan literatur Uni Eropa sebagai normative power berada dalam empat kategori: 1 konseptualisasi normative power; 2 penggunaan normative power, 3 persepsi aktor mitra terhadap normative power, dan 4 Uni Eropa sebagai normative power dalam perspektif Hubungan Internasional.
Berdasarkan berbagai literatur yang sudah dikaji, kajian literatur ini berpendapat bahwa peran Uni Eropa sebagai normative power merupakan suatu konstruksi yang dikembangkan oleh akademisi dan pejabat Uni Eropa untuk menemukan relevansi dan mengangkat posisi politik Uni Eropa dalam peran internasionalnya. Konstruksi ini dipertegas melalui seleksi memori yang dilakukan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap klaim normative power-nya.
Kajian literatur ini juga menunjukkan terbatasnya keberhasilan penggunaan normative power oleh Uni Eropa terhadap para mitranya. Perkembangan literatur turut mengidentifikasi kecenderungan skeptisisme aktor-aktor mitra Uni Eropa terhadap penggunaan normative power oleh Uni Eropa. Selain itu, kajian literatur ini berargumen bahwa konsep normative power memiliki kecenderungan adanya bias Eurosentris dan perkembangan literatur didominasi oleh literatur-literatur liberal dan konstruktivis.
Berdasarkan literatur-literatur yang ditinjau, tulisan ini menemukan adanya celah riset pada persepsi aktor mitra Uni Eropa terhadap normative power dan penulisan melalui perspektif non Eropa.

The development of European Union's institutions and external mission, especially in promoting its norms, encourages literature to discuss the role of the EU as normative power. Normative power is considered one of the EU's international roles that distinguishes it from other international actors. Although widely used in literature on the European Union, the concept of normative power has not received serious attention from the wider International Relations readers.
This literature review discusses how the development of literature on the European Union as normative power. Using taxonomy method, this literature review shows the literature development of the EU as normative power fall into four categories: 1 the conceptualization of normative power; 2 the use of normative power, 3 partner actors' perceptions of normative power; and 4 EU as normative power according to IR perspectives.
Based on the literature that has been studied, this literature review argues that the role of the EU as normative power is a construction developed by academics and EU officials to find relevance and elevate the political position of the European Union in its international role. It is reasserted by how EU do memory selection to its own history in claiming its normative power.
This literature review also shows the limited success of normative usage power by the EU against its partners. The development of literature also identifies the tendency of skepticism of EU partner actors against the use of normative power by the European Union. In addition, this literature review argues that the concept of normative power has a tendency for Eurocentric bias and the development of literature dominated by liberal and constructivist literature.
Based on the literature reviewed, this paper found a research gap on the perceptions of EU partner actors and writing through a non-European perspective.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Yudhistira Henuhili
"Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, terjadi peningkatan perdebatan mengenai kedaulatan dalam kajian Ilmu Hubungan Internasional. Salah satu titik krusial yang mendorong perdebatan ini adalah terbentuknya Uni Eropa melalui Maastricht Treaty pada tahun 1992. Setelah itu, terdapat beragam literatur yang membahas mengenai kedaulatan di Uni Eropa, sehingga diperlukan sebuah kajian kepustakaan. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, studi ini memetakan perkembangan literatur mengenai kedaulatan di Uni Eropa pasca Maastricht Treaty. Dari tiga puluh artikel jurnal/buku/chapter edited volume yang dikaji, terdapat empat tema besar yaitu (1) karakteristik kedaulatan di Uni Eropa; (2) dinamika kedaulatan dalam kebijakan di Uni Eropa: antara intergovernmentalisme dan supranasionalisme (3) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan terhadap perubahan bentuk kedaulatan di Uni Eropa dan (4) kritik terhadap penerapan kedaulatan di Uni Eropa. Setelah melakukan pemetaan dan analisis literatur, kajian kepustakaan ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Pertama, karakter kedaulatan di Uni Eropa memiliki penafsiran yang berbeda-beda, mulai dari kedaulatan dipandang disatukan (pooled sovereignty), dibagi (shared sovereignty), hingga dianggap masih berada di negara. Kedua, penerapan kedaulatan dalam tatanan praktis dalam level kebijakan di Uni Eropa dapat bertahan maupun berubah, menyesuaikan preferensi negara-negara anggotanya. Ketiga, penerimaan negara terhadap beragam bentuk kedaulatan di Uni Eropa dipengaruhi oleh faktor ekonomi, faktor interdependensi, dan faktor keamanan. Keempat, dinamika serta cara pandang terhadap kedaulatan di Uni Eropa tampaknya dipengaruhi oleh fenomena-fenomena empirik atau perkembangan yang terjadi di Uni Eropa. Terakhir, dari keseluruhan literatur, studi ini mengindentifikasi celah literatur yang terdapat dalam sedikitnya analisis mengenai kedaulatan dalam kebijakan di Uni Eropa, serta kurangnya studi komparatif yang membandingkan kedaulatan di Uni Eropa dengan kedaulatan dalam entitas politik lainnya.

Over the last few decades, the topic of Sovereignty has been increasingly discussed in International Relations. One of the crucial factors leading to the debate was the establishment of the European Union through the enactment of Maastricht Treaty in 1992. As an effect, various literature discussing sovereignty in the European Union emerged and subsequently neccessitates a literature review on it. This study mapped various literature on sovereignty in the European Union after Maastricht Treaty. By taking into account thirty journal articles/books/chapters of edited volume, this study found four major themes in the literature: (1) the characteristics of sovereignty in the European Union; (2) the dynamics of sovereignty in the European Union policies: between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism; (3) the factors influencing the acceptance of the changing form of sovereignty in the European Union; and (4) the critiques on the implementation of sovereignty in the European Union. After mapping and analyzing the literature, this study found several important points. First, the characters of sovereignty in the European Union result in various interpretations such as pooled sovereignty, shared sovereignty, and sovereignty that are embedded within member states. Second, the implementation of sovereignty in the European Union policies could both be static or dynamic, depending on the member states' preferences. Third, member states’ acceptance of various sovereignty forms in the European Union are influenced by economic, interdependence, and security factors. Fourth, the dynamics of the sovereignty in the European Union are perceived to be influenced by events happening in the European Union. Lastly, this study identifies several literature gaps on the lack of literature analyzing sovereignty aspect of European Union’s policies and the minimum amount of comparative studies between sovereignty in the European Union and sovereignty in other political entities."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jimly Asshiddiqie, 1956-
"The treaty establishing the European Union constitution has not been fully accepted by European society, which is marked with the resulth of the vote (referendum) in France and the Netherlands.But this does not mean the end of regionalization of Europe. The earlier agreements will remain to be the bases for continuation effort. The interaction growing among the citizens of Europe,which is no longer limited by states, will improve cultural assimilation as well as build awareness in further integration process."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Breteche, Jean
"This article examines the state of play of the relations between the European Union and Indonesia.It proposes a review of the progress achieved since the publication in 2000 of the communication from the European Comission that is aimed at strengthening the relations between Indonesia and The European Union. It underlines that both the European Union and Indonesia have become stronger players in the international and regional arena. It also finds that the EU-Indonesia relations have intensified,diversified and given new perspectives for stronger EU-Indonesia partnership."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Manan Aruli
"The European Union (EU) has signed a co-operation agreement with Indonesia in form of an economic relation since the beginning of the 1980s. comparing to other co-operations is this agreement in the lowest level of economic relations without any preferential treatment in trade except for the common Generalized system of Preferences (GSP). Under the agreement like this, Indonesia doesn't receive and enjoy special treatments and facilities like the other countries grouping such as African, Caribia and Pacific (ACP) countries."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ultranationalism in Europe
Analysis and Outlook with regard to Ultranasionalisme di Eropa yang telah berakar sekian lama tidak dapat dipandang
hanya dari kondisi lingkungan yang di sekelilingnya maupun digeneralisasi. Hal ini
disebabkan kondisi historis, sosiologis, politik, negara-negara di Eropa berbeda satu
sama lain, sehingga diperlukan pendefinisian yang jelas. Tulisan ini memaparkan
perbandingan ultranasionalisme di Eropa Barat, Tengah, dan Timur; yang antara
lain disebabkan masih tidak jelasnya profil ideologi politik negara-negara Eropa Timur
pasca Perang Dingin. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ultranasionalisme perlu untuk
dipelajari lebih lanjut. Ketika kelompok ekstrimis sayap kanan memegang kekuasaan,
kelompok masyarakat sipil perlu mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapinya. Namun
mengucilkan pandangan ultranasionalisme dan kelompok tersebut, dari perdebatan
publik juga bukan tindakan yang tepat. Fenomena ini harus dipahami dan dikaji
secara mendalam agar negara-ngara Eropa dan Uni Eropa mampu menghadapinya
dan menjaga Eropa untuk tetap ?berpegang teguh pada prinsip-prinsip demokrasinya.
Tulisan ini juga menyatakan bahwa generasi muda di Eropa perlu diyakinkan pada
njlai-nilai dasar yang fundamental dalam sebuah masyarakat yang demokratis agar
tidak terjadi persepsi dan mispersepsi terhadap dinamika ultranasionalisme itu
sendiri di Eropa.
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah Eropa Vol. 3 No. 2 2007: 5-25, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bretherton, Charlotte
London and New York: Routledge, 1999
341.242 BRE e
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simie, Andelko
"Drawing upon Croatia's past and present situation, this paper attempts to propose actions that need to be taken in adopting new economic, legal and political standards. Our approach shall include an overview of historical foundations of modern Europe. Accordingly, we shall conclude this paper with an assessment of future economic and societal directions of the European circle. Owing much to her geography and culture. Croatia has, in effect, belonged to the European community of nations throughout its thirteen-century long history. At the beginning of her historical route, having been a sovereign kingdom in the 10lh century. Croatia had existed as a functional part of European civilization. In Thousand Years that ensued, Croatia came under a number of multiethnic political entities. First, it entered the union with I lungary. then Austria, followed by Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 20'" century, it entered into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, which later on was renamed the Kingdom of Jugoslavia. Following the end of WWII, Croatia entered Socialist Federative Yugoslavia, together with other South Slavic peoples. However, Croatia has only recently as the 1990s become an independent nation state, in a modern sense. In this way, Croatia can effectively fulfil her historical path by entering the European Union, therefore reverting to her historical roots. It is the challenges of this most recent era of Croatian history, that form the backbone of this paper. Several basic aspects of Croatian accession to the EU are put into perspective. First, we make certain assumptions regarding the integration, with respect to the shift from transition to transformation brought about by integration. Second, we bring to mind the procedure of European integration, both in form and content. Third, we talk about the effects of integration, from societal to economic achievements."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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