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Fiona Sarah
"Skripsi ini membahas peran penggunaan gadget, aktivitas fisik dan asupan dengan kejadian overweight dan obesitas pada anak usia sekolah (7-12 tahun). Responden diambil dari SD Marsudirini Matraman, Jakarta Timur dengan data yang berasal dari siswa dengan pengisian food frequency questionnaire, physical activity questionnaire, dan wawancara 24h food recall. Perbedaan antar kelompok diuji dengan menggunakan uji chi-square dan uji ANOVA. Berdasarkan 263 responden, 52.1% merupakan siswa laki-laki. Prevalensi responden dengan berat badan normal, overweight, obesitas masing-masing sebesar 47.9%, 21.7%, dan 30.4%. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kejadian obesitas dan overweight antara jenis kelamin dan umur (p < 0.05). Prevalensi obesitas dan overweight cenderung lebih besar pada anak laki-laki. Sementara tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara status berat badan dengan penggunaan gadget, aktivitas fisik, kebiasaan konsumsi dan asupan makanan, kecuali asupan lemak (p = 0.018). Responden dengan overweight/obesitas memiliki rata-rata persentase asupan lemak lebih tinggi dibandingkan responden dengan berat badan normal. Serta sebagian besar anak menggunakan gadget < 2 jam setiap hari dan tidak cukup aktif dalam melakukan aktivitas fisik. Terdapat peningkatan risiko obesitas 1.57 kali dan risiko overweight 1.43 kali pada anakanak yang bermain gadget > 2 jam setiap hari.

The aim of this study was to describe gadget using, physical activity and dietary intake in normal weight, overweight and obese school-aged children (7-12 years old). Children were recruited from Marsudirini Matraman Elementary School, East Jakarta. All data were obtained by child report using food frequency questionnaire, physical activity questionnaire for older-children (PAQ-C) and 24h food recall interview. Principal component analysis used chi-square and one-way ANOVA to identify difference in each group. Among 263 participants, 52.1% were boys; the percentages of normal, overweight, obese were 47.9%, 21.7%, and 30.4%, respectively. These prevalence rates were greater in boys than girls and vary according to age (p < 0.05). There are no difference between gadget using duration and physical activity for normal, overweight, and obese. Moreover the difference between dietary intake and dietary habits were not significant, except for fat intake (p = 0.018). Obese and overweight children have higher average percentage in fat intake than normal weight children. Most of the children use their gadget not more than 2 hours each day and not active in physical activity. Children who spent more than 2 hours in playing gadget 1.57 times were more likely to be obese and 1.43 times become overweight."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evelyn, Yasashi I.
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai hubungan antara pola konsumsi (konsumsi fast food, konsumsi soft drink, kebiasaan sarapan), karakteristik remaja (berat lahir, jenis kelamin, pengetahuan gizi), karakteristik orang tua (durasi menyusui, IMT ayah, IMT ibu) dan asupan gizi (energi, karbohidrat, protein, lemak, serat) dengan overweight pada remaja di SMA Marsudirini Bekasi tahun 2013. Penelitian menggunakan studi deskriptif dengan disain penelitian cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan total populasi setelah memenuhi krtiteia inklusi dan eksklusi yaitu sebanyak 117 orang. Analisis data meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat dengan chi square, dan multivariat dengan analisis regresi logistik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi overweight pada remaja sebesar 39,3%. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara IMT ayah, IMT ibu dan asupan lemak dengan overweight. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang memiliki pengaruh paling dominan terhadap overweight ialah asupan lemak. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu remaja rutin mengecek status gizinya dan menerapkan pola makan yang sesuai dengan pedoman umum gizi seimbang serta melakukan peer group discussion agar termotivasi untuk menjaga pola hidup sehat dan asupan gizi seimbang.

This thesis discusses relation between nutrient intake (energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber), consumption patterns (fast food consumption, soft drink consumption, breakfast habit), adolescents characteristic (birth weight, gender, nutrition knowledge) and parents characteristic (breastfeeding duration, father's Body Mass Index, mother's Body Mass Index) in adolescents at Marsudirini Bekasi Senior High School in 2013. The research uses a desciptive study with cross-sectional research design. Sampling using total population after fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were 117 people. Data analysis includes univariate, bivariate with chi square and multivariate with logistic regression analysis.
The result showed that the prevalence of overweight on adolescents as much as 39,3%. Bivariate analysis result indicate a relation between father's Body Mass Index, mother's Body Mass Index, and fat intake with overweight in adolescents, whereas there was no relation between consumption pattern, birth weight, gender, nutrition knowledge, breastfeeding duration and nutrient intake (energy, carbohydrate, protein, fiber) with overweight in adolescents. Multivariate analysis showed that the variables that have the most dominant influence on overweight is fat intake. Advice can be given that adolescents routinely check their nutritional status and diet apply in accordance with general guidelines balanced diet and doing peer group discussion for mantaining healthy life style and balance nutrient intake.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widya Aprilita Minamilail
"Kegemukan pada anak terjadi karena adanya ketidakseimbangan antara energi yang diasup dan energi yang digunakan. Prevalensi kegemukan pada anak di Indonesia terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan adanya perbedaan proporsi asupan makanan, aktivitas fisik, durasi tidur, screen time, kebiasaan konsumsi kudapan, dan kebiasaan sarapan pada kejadian kegemukan pada siswa di SD Islam Al-Falaah tahun 2014.
Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan desain studi cross sectional pada siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SD Islam Al Falaah dengan jumlah responden 154 yang berusia 10-12 tahun, dipilih menggunakan sistem simple random sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji chi square dan analisis stratifikasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 35,7% siswa yang dikategorikan gemuk. Ditemukan bahwa ada perbedaan bermakna di tingkat asupan energi pada kejadian kegemukan sebelum dan sesudah dikontrol oleh jenis kelamin (p value = 0,022). Disarankan untuk pihak sekolah memiliki program untuk memantau status gizi (IMT/U) siswa melalui UKS dan melakukan penyuluhan mengenai Gizi Seimbang.

Overweight in children occurs because of an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. In Indonesia, prevalence of overweight in children increases gradually. This study aims to prove proportion differences of food intake, physical activity, sleep duration, screen time, snacking habits, and breakfast habits on overweight of Al-Falaah Islamic Elementary School students in 2014.
This study was conducted with a cross-sectional design in 4th and 5th grade of Al-Falaah Islamic Elementary School. The subjects were 154 students aged 10-12 years old, chosen by simple random sampling. Data were analyzed using chi square test and stratified analysis.
The results showed that there were 35.7% of students who are classified as overweight. There are significant differences in the levels of energy intake on the incidence of overweight before and after controlled by sex (p value = 0.022). It would be advisable for the school to has a program to monitor the nutritional status (BMI/U) students through UKS and do counseling regarding Gizi Seimbang.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tsania Rachmah Rahayu
"Berat badan berlebih merupakan suatu masalah kesehatan yang perlu diperhatikan karena saat ini jumlah penderitanya semakin meningkat Keadaan ini tidak hanya terjadi pada orang dewasa tetapi juga anak usia sekolah Namun kondisi ini merupakan suatu hal yang bisa dicegah sehingga diperlukan identifikasi mengenai faktor apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya berat badan lebih Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prevalensi berat badan lebih pada suatu sekolah serta mencari faktor yang hubungan dengan berat badan lebih terkait karakteristik keluarga Desain penelitian menggunakan studi cross sectional Penelitian dilakukan pada Januari 2013 dengan sampel 288 siswa masing masing 48 siswa dari kelas 1 6 SDN Duren Sawit 08 Pagi Jakarta Data didapat melalui pengukuran antropometri serta indeks massa tubuh dan data karakteristik keluarga didapat melalui kuesioner Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan program pengolahan data SPSS 11 5 kemudian dianalisis dengan uji chi square Pada penelitian didapatkan proporsi berat badan berlebih anak usia sekolah yaitu 25 8 serta adanya hubungan salah satu karakteristik keluarga yaitu pekerjaan ibu terhadap kejadian berat badan lebih pada anak usia sekolah Disimpulkan bahwa prevalensi berat badan berlebih pada usia sekolah berhubungan dengan pekerjaan ibu

Overweight and obesity is one of the health problem that need more attention The number of people with overweight and obesity is increase over the time This condition is not only happen in adults but also happen in school age However overweight and obesity is a problem that can be prevented Therefore it is so important to know what factor that can affect the incidence of overweight and obesity The purpose of this study is to know the prevalence of child's overweight and obesity in a school and to know what factors in family that have influence on child's overweight and obesity The design of this study is cross sectional This study was held in January 2013 with a total sample 288 students 48 students from each class from grades 1 6 SDN Duren Sawit 08 Pagi Jakarta The method to collect data are anthropometric measurements and body mass index BMI and quetionaire about family's characteristic The data was processed by SPSS 11 5 and analyzed by chi square test This study found that the proportion of overweight and obesity in SDN Duren Sawit 08 Pagi Jakarta is 25 8 and there is a relation between on of family's characteristic that is mother's occupation and child's nutritional status To conclude children in school age's overweight or obesity is associated with mother's occupation
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Calvin Kurnia Mulyadi
"Asupan makanan berlebih dan rendahnya aktivitas fisik adalah dua faktor risiko obesitas pada remaja. Kurangnya pemahaman akan hubungan antarfaktor risiko ini membuat obesitas remaja sulit ditangani dan cenderung berlanjut ke usia dewasa. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat aktivitas fisik (physical activity level/PAL) dengan asupan energi dan makronutrien. Penelitian dilakukan di salah satu fakultas kedokteran di Jakarta dalam periode Juni 2011-Juni 2013, dengan metode total sampling pada populasi mahasiswa berusia 15-18 tahun. Data asupan energi dan makronutrien dari sampel yang terdiri atas laki-laki (n=30) dan perempuan (n=43), dinilai menggunakan Food-Frequency Questionnaire semikuantitatif, sedangkan PAL dengan Bouchard three-days physical activity record. Dengan uji one-way anova, terdapat hubungan antara PAL dengan asupan energi dan lemak (p=0,025 dan 0,019), sedangkan asupan karbohidrat dan protein sebaliknya. Dengan analisis post-hoc LSD, perbedaan bermakna terdapat pada PAL sedang dan tinggi (asupan energi p=0,007; lemak p=0,005), sedangkan rata-rata asupan energi dan makronutrien tetap tinggi pada PAL rendah. Disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan keluaran energi total akan meningkatkan asupan energi, sedangkan PAL rendah tidak akan mengubah kebutuhan energi individual.

Excessive nutrient intake and low physical activity are two obesity risk factors in adolescent. Lack of understanding in relationship amongst these risk factors has made adolescent obesity become health problems and tends to progress into adulthood. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between physical activity level (PAL) with energy and macronutrient intake. Study was held in one of medical school in Jakarta from June 2011-June 2013, with total sampling on medical students aged 15-18. Energy and macronutrient intake from boys (n=30) and girls (n=43) were assessed using semiquantitative Food-Frequency Questionnaire, while PALs were assessed using Bouchard-three days physical activity record. One-way anova analysis showed significant relationship of PAL toward energy and fat intake (p=0,025 and 0,019), and none of carbohydrate and protein intake. The post-hoc LSD analysis revealed the significant mean difference were found in subjects classified as high and moderate PAL (for energy intake p=0,007; fat intake p=0,005). Meanwhile, energy and all macronutrients intake were found to be persistently high in subject with low PAL. In conclusion, increase in total energy expenditure will subsequently induce increase in energy intake, but low PAL did not change the individual energy requirement."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratu Tatya Rachman
"Obesitas merupakan epidemi global yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya dan faktor risiko dari berbagai penyakit degeneratif seperti penyakit jantung iskemik, diabetes, dan kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari faktor dominan obesitas pada polisi Satuan Samapta Bhayangkara (Sabhara) Polresta Depok tahun 2013 dan juga mencari hubungan antara faktor risiko yang dapat diubah dengan obesitas.
Desain penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 127 responden. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2013. Pengumpulan data diambil dengan pengukuran primer tinggi badan dan berat badan, pengisian kuesioner mandiri, dan wawancara 2x24 hours food recall. Didapatkan sebanyak 34,6% polisi mengalami obesitas.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara durasi tidur, asupan lemak, dan kebiasaan sarapan dengan kejadian obesitas serta ditemukan bahwa asupan lemak merupakan faktor dominan obesitas. Peneliti menyarankan agar polisi Satuan Sabhara Polresta Depok diberi edukasi dan penyuluhan mengenai konsumsi lemak yang baik dan diet gizi seimbang sehingga dapat menurunkan risiko terjadinya obesitas.

Obesity is global epidemic that continually increase every year and a risk factor for degenerative diseases. This study aimed to find the dominant factor of obesity in Samapta Bhayangkara (Sabhara) Unit in Police Station Depok year 2013, also to find the relationship between modifiable risk factors with obesity.
This study used cross-sectional method with 127 respondents and held in April-May 2013. Data were collected with primary measuring height and weight, self-administered questionnaire, and 2x24-hours food recall. Thirty four point six percent policemen are obese.
The result show that there’s a relationship between sleep duration, fat intake, and breakfast habit with obesity and fat intake is the dominant factor of obesity. The researcher suggests that policemen should be given education as well as counseling about the right way to consume fat in order to reduce the risk of obesity.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Mulya Verakadita
"[Latar belakang: Konsumsi MRDPG meningkat secara paralel dengan peningkatan prevalens obesitas di seluruh dunia sehingga diduga menjadi salah satu faktor risiko obesitas yang bermakna. Data di Indonesia terbatas. Tujuan: Mengetahui pola konsumsi MRDPG dan hubungannya dengan obesitas pada anak sekolah usia 10-12 tahun. Metode: Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 tahap. Tahap I (studi potong lintang) didesain untuk mengetahui pola konsumsi MRDPG (total sampling). Uji hipotesis dilakukan pada Tahap II (studi kasus kontrol) secara purposive sampling (subjek obes dan gizi baik) dengan matching (usia dan jenis kelamin). MRDPG yang diteliti adalah soda, fruit drink, sport drink, energy drink, teh manis, dan kopi instan/siap saji. Konsumsi MRDPG dinilai dengan semi kuantitatif FFQ yang telah divalidasi sebelumnya. Pemeriksaan antropometri dilakukan dengan cara standar sesuai protokol. Risiko obes karena konsumsi MRDPG dianalisis dengan conditional logistic regression bersama dengan faktor perancu. Hasil: Sebanyak 421 dan 182 subjek memenuhi kriteria penelitian tahap I dan II. Proporsi subjek yang mengonsumsi MRDPG adalah 92,2% dan 63,9% di antaranya mengonsumsi 1 kali atau lebih setiap hari. Konsumsi MRDPG pada anak lelaki lebih banyak dibandingkan perempuan (P<0,001). Rerata konsumsi MRDPG berdasarkan volume, kalori, dan gula tambahan adalah 348 ml, 117 kkal, dan 26,6 gram per hari (≈ 5 sdt gula pasir setiap hari). Kontribusi kalori terbesar adalah teh manis dan yang terkecil soda. Subjek mengonsumsi MRDPG di antara 2 waktu makan dan di semua tempat. Setelah mengontrol faktor perancu, subjek yang mengonsumsi MRDPG 1 kali atau lebih setiap hari memiliki risiko obes sebesar 2,54 kali (RO 2,54; IK 95% 1,07-6,05; P=0,03). Risiko tersebut bertambah sebesar 45% untuk setiap konsumsi 1 porsi (RO 1,45; IK 95% 1,08-1,94; P=0,01)(1 porsi=240 ml). Teh manis dan kopi instan/siap saji menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna dengan obesitas. Simpulan: Pola konsumsi MRDPG pada anak sekolah usia 10-12 tahun mengkhawatirkan. Semakin sering seorang anak mengonsumsi MRDPG, semakin besar kemungkinannya menjadi obes;Background: there is a global parallel increased between SSB consumption and obesity prevalence. Therefore, SSB consumption has been hypotized as one of risk factors of obesity. Limited data found in Indonesia. Aim: to describe the pattern of SSBs consumption and its association with obesity in school children age 10-12 years old. Method: a two phase study has been studied. Phase I (a cross sectional study) was designed to describe the pattern of SSB consumption as a total sampling. Hypotesis test was done in phase II (a case control study) as a purposive sampling (obese and healthy weight subjects) with individual matching (sex and age) between groups. SSBs were include reguler soda, fruit drink, sport drink, energy drink, sweat tea, and instant/ready to drink coffee. SSBs consumption were measured with a previously validated FFQ. Anthropometrical measures were taken using standardize protocol. Obesity risk related to SSB consumption was assesed together with confounding factors in a conditional logistic regression multivariate analysis. Result: There were 421 and 182 subjects fullfilled the criteria of study in phase I and II. The proportion of subject to consume SSBs was 92,2% and 63,9% of them consumed it one or more daily. Boys were more in drinking SSBs than girls (P<0,001). Mean of SSBs consumption based on volume, calories, and added-sugar were 348 ml, 117 kkal, and 26,6 gram per day (≈ 5 tsp of table sugar per day). The highest contribution of energy was found in sweat tea and the lowest was soda. All subjects consumed SSBs between 2 time meal at all place. After controling the confounding factors, We found a risk of obesity related to SSB consumption as 2,54 higher (RO 2,54; 95% CI 1,07-6,05; P=0,003) if they drank SSBs one or more daily. Besides, each additional daily serving was associated with a 45% relative increased in the risk of obesity (RO 1,45; 95% CI 1,08-1,94; P=0,01)(1 serving=240 ml). Sweat tea and instant/ready to drink coffee were significantly associated with obesity in this study. Conclusion: The pattern of SSBs consumption in school children age 10-12 years old is concerned. The more frequent in drinking SSBs the more likely a child to become obese., Background: there is a global parallel increased between SSB consumption and obesity prevalence. Therefore, SSB consumption has been hypotized as one of risk factors of obesity. Limited data found in Indonesia. Aim: to describe the pattern of SSBs consumption and its association with obesity in school children age 10-12 years old. Method: a two phase study has been studied. Phase I (a cross sectional study) was designed to describe the pattern of SSB consumption as a total sampling. Hypotesis test was done in phase II (a case control study) as a purposive sampling (obese and healthy weight subjects) with individual matching (sex and age) between groups. SSBs were include reguler soda, fruit drink, sport drink, energy drink, sweat tea, and instant/ready to drink coffee. SSBs consumption were measured with a previously validated FFQ. Anthropometrical measures were taken using standardize protocol. Obesity risk related to SSB consumption was assesed together with confounding factors in a conditional logistic regression multivariate analysis. Result: There were 421 and 182 subjects fullfilled the criteria of study in phase I and II. The proportion of subject to consume SSBs was 92,2% and 63,9% of them consumed it one or more daily. Boys were more in drinking SSBs than girls (P<0,001). Mean of SSBs consumption based on volume, calories, and added-sugar were 348 ml, 117 kkal, and 26,6 gram per day (≈ 5 tsp of table sugar per day). The highest contribution of energy was found in sweat tea and the lowest was soda. All subjects consumed SSBs between 2 time meal at all place. After controling the confounding factors, We found a risk of obesity related to SSB consumption as 2,54 higher (RO 2,54; 95% CI 1,07-6,05; P=0,003) if they drank SSBs one or more daily. Besides, each additional daily serving was associated with a 45% relative increased in the risk of obesity (RO 1,45; 95% CI 1,08-1,94; P=0,01)(1 serving=240 ml). Sweat tea and instant/ready to drink coffee were significantly associated with obesity in this study. Conclusion: The pattern of SSBs consumption in school children age 10-12 years old is concerned. The more frequent in drinking SSBs the more likely a child to become obese.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pendahuluan: WHO menyatakan pada tahun 2013 terdapat lebih dari 42 juta anak-anak mengalami obesitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara pola makan dengan obesitas pada anak usia sekolah dasar.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian potong lintang yang dilakukan pada Juli-September 2015 di SDN 01 Menteng Jakarta. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan antropometri dan kuesioner food recall 48 jam. Data yang diperoleh kemudian di analisis dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square.
Hasil: Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa pola makan tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan obesitas dengan nilai p>0.05.
Diskusi: Hasil ini berbedadengan beberapa penelitian terdahulu yang mungkin disebabkan oleh pro.

Introduction: WHO states that in 2013 there were more than 42 million children are obese. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between diet and obesity in primary school age.
Method: This study uses a crosssectional study design conducted in July-September 2015 at SDN 01 Menteng Jakarta. Data taken from anthropometry and 48-hour food recall questionnaire. The data analyzed using Chi-Square test.
Result: Statistical analysis showed that the diet has no significant association with obesity with p> 0.05.
Discussion: This result is in contrast to some previous studies that might be caused by inappropriate proportion of subjects, information bias, and low questionnaires return rate.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The prevalance of obesity is increasing globally, both in developed and developing countries including Indonesia. Obesity accurs due to imbalance between energy intake and energy release for a long time as indicated by body mass index (BMI)...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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