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Lontoh, Semuel Robert
"Penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian madu PS (Pollen Substitute) terhadap konsentrasi High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) dan Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) dalam plasma darah tikus yang diberi diet tinggi lemak. Dua puluh empat ekor tikus dibagi dalam 4 kelompok, terdiri atas kelompok kontrol normal yang diberi pakan standar (KK1), kelompok kontrol perlakuan yang diberi diet tinggi lemak (KK2), dan kelompok perlakuan yang diberi diet tinggi lemak serta larutan madu PS dengan dua konsentrasi larutan berturut-turut yaitu 10% dan 20% (KP1 dan KP2). Bahan uji diberikan setiap hari selama 14 hari berturut-turut. Pengambilan darah dilakukan pada hari ke-0 (T0) dan ke-14 (T14), kemudian dilakukan analisis konsentrasi HDL-LDL berdasarkan metode Cholesterol Oxidase-Phenol Amino Phenazone (CHOD-PAP).
Hasil uji Kruskal-Wallis (P > 0,05) untuk konsentrasi HDL menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan nyata antar rerata kelompok perlakuan. Sedangkan, hasil uji Anava (P< 0,05) untuk konsentrasi LDL menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan efek pemberian madu PS terhadap penurunakonsentrasi LDL dan peningkatan konsentrasi HDL plasma.

The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of PS Honey intake on plasma High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) concentrations in male Sprague-Dawley rats fed with hyperlipidemic diets. Twenty-four male rats were divided into 4 groups, consisting of normal control group (KK1) fed with standard diets, treatment control group fed with high fat diets (KK2), and treatment group fed with high fat diets and PS honey solution in different concentration, 10% and 20% (KP1 and KP2) respectively. Treatment was given orally and administered daily for 14 consecutive days. HDL and LDL levels were measured at day 0 (T0) and day 14 (T14) using Cholesterol Oxidase- Phenol Amino Phenazone (CHOD-PAP) method.
Kruskal-Wallis test results (P >0,05) showed no significant effect of treatment on HDL concentration. Anova test results (P < 0,05) showed a significant effect of treatment on LDL. The results demonstrated the potential beneficiary effect of dietary PS Honey in lowering LDL and increasing HDL plasma consentrations.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Fadhilah Sari
"Stroke ialah salah satu penyebab kematian dan kecacatan neurologis utama di Indonesia. Stroke merupakan penyakit serebrovaskular yang setiap tahun meningkat jumlahnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio Low Density Lipoprotein LDL terhadap High Density Lipoprotein HDL dengan kejadian stroke pada penduduk usia dewasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan data dari studi kohort PTM penyakit tidak menular tahun 2011. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ialah penduduk usia dewasa yang menjadi responden penelitian studi kohort faktor risiko PTM di kota Bogor tahun 2011 yang berjumlah 1506 dan dianalisis menggunakan uji regresi logistik dengan signifikansi statistik di lihat berdasarkan interval kepercayaan 95. Prevalensi sampel pada penduduk usia dewasa di kota Bogor yang menderita stroke sebesar 1,26, responden dengan rasio LDL terhadap HDL yang tinggi sebesar 35,66. Responden dengan usia 46 tahun sebesar 34,26 dengan prevalensi jenis kelamin terbanyak pada perempuan sebesar 53,45 dan yang berpendidikan rendah sebesar 54,58, responden yang obesitas sebesar 27,42, responden dengan kadar kolesterol total tinggi sebesar 38,45 serta responden dengan kadar trigliserida tinggi sebesar 17,07. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara rasio LDL terhadap HDL dengan kejadian stroke dengan adjusted prevalens odds rasio 3,909 95 CI 1,346-11,354. Rasio LDL terhadap HDL yang tinggi berisiko terhadap kejadian stroke pada penduduk usia dewasa.

Stroke is one of the main causes of death and neurological disability in Indonesia. Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease which increases in number every year. This study aims to determine the effect of the ratio of Low Density Lipoprotein LDL to High Density Lipoprotein HDL with the incidence of stroke in the adult population. This study used data from the PTM (non-communicable disease) cohort study risk factor in 2011. The sample in this study was adult population 25-65 years who were respondents to the PTM cohort study in Bogor in 2011 which numbered 1506 and analyzed using regression tests logistics with statistical significance are seen based on 95 confidence intervals. Sample prevalence in adult population in the city of Bogor who suffered a stroke of 1.26, respondents with a high ratio of LDL to HDL were 35.66. Respondents with a age of sebesar46 years were 34.26 with the highest prevalence of sex in women amounting to 53.45 and those with low education were 54.58, respondents who were obese were 27.42, respondents with high total cholesterol levels were 38, 45 and respondents with high triglyceride levels of 17.07. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the ratio of LDL to HDL and the incidence of stroke with an adjusted prevalence odds ratio of 3.909 95 CI 1.346-11.354. The high ratio of LDL to HDL is at risk for the incidence of stroke in the adult population."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dislipidemia atau abnormalitas kadar lipid dalam darah yang merupakan penyebab utama terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskular dapat diprediksi dengan melihat rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktorfaktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL pada guru Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Cilandak Jakarta Selatan tahun 2013.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 21,7% responden memiliki rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL berisiko (≥ 5). Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan jenis kelamin, lingkar pinggang, frekuensi makan sayur, dan kebiasaan merokok berhubungan secara signifikan dengan rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa jenis kelamin, lingkar pinggang, dan frekuensi makan sayur dapat menjelaskan 17,7% variasi variabel rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL. Jenis kelamin dan frekuensi makan sayur merupakan faktor predominan terhadap rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL.
Peneliti menyarankan untuk dilakukan program Komunikasi Informasi dan Edukasi (KIE), sehingga dapat menambah wawasan untuk mencapai rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL yang optimal.

Dyslipidemia or abnormality of lipid levels in the blood, which is the major cause of cardiovascular disease, can be predicted by the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-C. This study is a cross-sectional quantitative approach and aims to explore the risk factors associated with the ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-C among primary school teachers in Cilandak District, South Jakarta in 2013. The results show 21.7% of respondents were high risk ratio (≥ 5).
Bivariate analysis shows that sex, waist circumference, frequency of vegetable consumption, and smoking habits are significantly associated with the ratio. Multivariate analysis shows that sex, waist circumference, and frequency of vegetable consumption explain 17.7% of variation in the ratio. Sex and frequency of vegetable consumption are relatively more predominant factors to the ratio.
Researcher suggests Communication Information and Education (CIE) program to be held as an insight to achieve an optimal total cholesterol/HDL-C ratio.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan: Membuat kriteria tipe HDL proaterogenik/antiaterogenik berdasarkan konsentrasi Apolipoprotein A-I
(ApoA-I), Paraoxonase-1 (PON-1), Neopterin dan HDL-cholesterol.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara kontrol-kasus pada 52 subjek dengan sindrom koroner akut (SKA) dan 30 subjek
kontrol sehat. Tipe HDL proaterogenik dan antiaterogenik ditentukan berdasarkan konsentrasi ApoA-I, PON-1, Neopterin
dan HDL-cholesterol. Konsentrasi ApoA-I diukur menggunakan metode imunoturbidimetri, PON-1 diukur dengan metode
kolorimetri, Neopterin diukur dengan metode ELISA dan HDL-cholesterol diukur dengan metode homogenous. Analisis
regresi logistik univariat dilakukan dengan SKA sebagai variabel tergantung dan konsentrasi ApoA-I, PON-1, Neopterin
dan HDL-cholesterol sebagai variabel tidak tergantung. Tipe HDL proaterogenik dan antiaterogenik ditentukan dengan
menggunakan nilai cut off dan odd ratio ApoA-I, PON-1, Neopterin dan HDL-cholesterol.
Hasil: Umur subjek penelitian adalah 50,89 + 12,63 tahun, konsentrasi HDL-cholesterol : 39,82 + 9,84 mg/dL, Apo
A-1 : 119,77 + 32,05 mg/dL, PON-1 : 41,26 + 18,19 kU/L, Neopterin : 16,22 + 38,10 nmol/L. Cut off ApoA-I, PON-1
dan Neopterin secara berturut-turut adalah 124,5 mg/dL, 40,8 kU/L, and 7,016 nmol/L. Hasil analisis regresi logistik
univariat didapatkan OR untuk ApoA-I, PON-1 dan Neopterin secara berturut-turut 29,759 (95% CI : 4,074 ? 217,382),
1,647 (95% CI : 0,412 ? 6,586), 4,317 (95% CI : 1,098 ? 16,977). Dengan sistem scoring, kami menyimpulkan total
score > 18 menunjukkan tipe HDL proaterogenik, dan total score < 18 merupakan tipe HDL antiaterogenik. Dengan
sistem scoring ini kami menemukan 78,85% populasi SKA termasuk ke dalam tipe HDL proaterogenik.
Kesimpulan: Disfungsi HDL atau tipe HDL proaterogenik/antiaterogenik dapat diperkirakan dengan menggunakan sistem
scoring ApoA-I ? PON-1 ? Neopterin ? HDL-cholesterol. Subjek dengan total score < 18 dikelompokkan ke dalam tipe HDL
antiaterogenik, sedangkan subjek dengan total score >18 memiliki tipe HDL proaterogenik.

Aim: To make proatherogenic/antiatherogenic HDL type criteria using Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I), Paraoxonase-1
(PON-1), Neopterin and HDL-cholesterol levels, which may be useful in clinical practice.
Methods: This was a case control study recruiting 52 subjects with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and 30 control
healthy subjects. HDL type was classifi ed into antiatherogenic and proatherogenic based on the levels of ApoA-I,
PON-1, Neopterin and HDL-cholesterol. Concentrations of ApoA-I was measured by immunoturbidimetry method,
PON-1 was measured by colorimetric method, Neopterin was measured by ELISA, and HDL-C was determined by
homogenous method. Univariate logistic regression analysis was done using ACS as a dependent variable and levels
of ApoA-I, PON-1, Neopterin and HDL-cholesterol as independent variables. Proatherogenic/antiatherogenic HDL
type was determined by using ApoA-I, PON-1, Neopterin and HDL-cholesterol cut off and odd ratios.
Results: Patient?s age was 50.89 + 12.63 year, HDL-C was 39.82 + 9.84 mg/dL, Apo A-1 was 119.77 + 32.05 mg/
dL, PON-1 was 41.26 + 18.19 kU/L, Neopterin was 16.22 + 38.10 nmol/L. Cut offs of ApoA-I, PON-1 and Neopterin
successively were 124.5 mg/dL, 40.8 kU/L, and 7.016 nmol/L. On univariate logistic regression analysis showed that
OR of ApoA-I, PON-1 and Neopterin respectively were 29.759 (95% CI : 4.074 ? 217.382), 1.647 (95% CI : 0.412 ?
6.586), 4.317 (95% CI : 1.098 ? 16.977). Using scoring system, we concluded that total score > 18 was proatherogenic
HDL type, and total score < 18 was antiatherogenic HDL type. With this scoring we found 78.85% had proatherogenic
HDL type in ACS population.
Conclusions: Dysfunctional HDL or proatherogenic/antiatherogenic HDL type can be predicted by using ApoA-I ?
PON-1 ? Neopterin ? HDL-cholesterol scoring system. Those with score of 18 are supposed to have antiatherogenic
HDL type, and those with score of > 18 were having proatherogenic HDL type."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Hasanuddin. Fakultas Kedokteran], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan desain cross sectional dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL dan rasio K-LDL/K-HDL. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan data penelitian Strategi Nasional yang dilakukan Sartika (2010) mengenai Faktor Resiko Dislipidemia pada Dewasa Urban (Kota Depok, Jawa Barat) dan Dewasa Rural (Kecamatan Rumbia, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah). Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua orang dewasa laki-laki maupun perempuan yang berusia 35-60 tahun yang menetap/tinggal di wilayah rural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 27,3% responden memiliki rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL yang tinggi dan 13,1% responden memiliki rasio K-LDL/K-HDL yang tinggi.
Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dengan rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL dan rasio KLDL/K-HDL. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukan bahwa tingkat stress, pengetahuan, sikap, asupan protein, asupan lemak, asupan sayuran hijau, gula darah puasa dan IMT secara signifikan dapat memprediksi rasio total kolesterol/K-HDL.
Hasil analisis multivariat juga menunjukan bahwa asupan sayuran hijau, gula darah puasa, dan IMT secara signifikan dapat memprediksi rasio K-LDL/K-HDL. Peneliti menyarankan kepada petugas kesehatan setempat melakukan pengecekan profil lipid darah secara rutin dan membuat program KIE sehingga dapat menambah wawasan mengenai faktor resiko terjadinya dislipidemia.

This study is a quantitative study using cross sectional design and aims to determine the factors related to ratio of total cholesterol / HDL ratio and KLDL/ K-HDL. The study relied on National Strategy data conducted by Sartika (2010) on Risk Factors for Dyslipidemia in Adults Urban (City of Depok, West Java) and Adult Rural (District thatch, Central Lampung regency). This study population is all adult men and women aged 35-60 years who lived / live in rural areas. The results showed 27.3% of respondents have a ratio of total cholesterol / HDL high-K and 13.1% of respondents have a high ratio K-LDL/K-HDL.
The results of bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant association between body mass index (BMI) with the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL ratio and K-K-LDL/K-HDL. The results of multivariate analysis showed that levels of stress, knowledge, attitudes, intake of protein, fat intake, intake of green vegetables, fasting blood sugar and BMI significantly predicted the ratio of total cholesterol / HDL-C.
The results of multivariate analysis also showed that intake of green vegetables, fasting blood glucose, and BMI significantly predicted KLDL/K-HDL ratio. Researchers suggested that local health officers to check the blood lipid profile regularly and make IEC program that can add insight into the risk factors of dyslipidemia.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zalika Julaika Maulidina
"PCSK9 (Proprotein Convertase Substisilin Kexin 9) diketahui berfungsi dalam memetabolisme lipid dalam mendegradasi LDLR (Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan model hewan tinggi PCSK9 karena terbatasnya model in vivo PCSK9 yang menggambarkan fisiologis manusia. Pada pankreas diketahui memiliki PCSK9, yang berfungsi dapat mempengaruhi sekresi insulin. Insulin merupakan hormon yang diproduksi di beta sel yang terdapat di pankreas dan berfungsi dalam meregulasi gula darah. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi efek pemberian HFD (High-Fructose Diet) terhadap peningkatan kadar PCSK9 pada plasma dan pankreas, menggunakan metode uji ELISA dan Western Blot, Kadar PCSK9 pada plasma tikus Wistar (Rattus Novergicus) jantan pada durasi induksi 3 minggu dan 4 minggu terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p>0,005), sedangkan kadar PCSK9 pada pankreas berkorelasi positif antara durasi induksi fruktosa dan kadar PCSK9, dimana terjadi peningkatan bersamaan dengan lamanya pemberian HFD berdasarkan analisis statistik peningkatan tersebut tidak signifikan, dengan kadar rata-rata tertinggi pada plasma sebesar 1195,01 ng/ml pada durasi 4 minggu dan pada pankreas memiliki kadar 1029,88 ng/ml pada durasi 5 minggu setelah pemberian HFD. Hasil western blot yang dilakukan pada sampel pankreas tidak dapat dilakukan metode kuantifikasi lebih lanjut, meskipun demikian hasil kualifikasi β-actin memberikan hasil dengan absorbansi tertinggi pada HFD 1 (A= 433,45).

PCSK9 (Proprotein Convertase Substicilin Kexin 9) is known to function in lipid metabolism in degrading LDLR (Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor). This research was conducted to develop a tall animal model for PCSK9 due to the limited in vivo PCSK9 model that describes human physiology. The pancreas is known to have PCSK9, which functions to affect insulin secretion. Insulin is a hormone produced in beta cells in the pancreas and functions to regulate blood sugar. In this study, we evaluated the effect of HFD (High-Fructose Diet) administration on increasing PCSK9 levels in plasma and pancreas, using the ELISA and Western Blot test methods. PCSK9 levels in plasma of male Wistar rats (Rattus novergicus) at induction duration of 3 weeks and 4 weeks showed a significant difference (p>0.005), while PCSK9 levels in the pancreas positively correlated between the duration of fructose induction and PCSK9 levels, where there was an increase along with the duration of HFD administration based on statistical analysis the increase was not significant, with the highest average plasma level of 1195.01 ng/ml for 4 weeks duration and in the pancreas having levels of 1029, 88 ng/ml for a duration of 5 weeks after HFD administration. The results of the western blot performed on the pancreas sample could not be carried out by further quantification methods, even though the results of the qualification of β-actin gave the result with the highest absorbance in HFD 1 (A = 433.45)."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes Buang
"The effects of dietary food fortified with vitamin B4 on lipid profiles in serum and liver tissue were studied. Rats were paired-fed a 0.25% vitamin B4 diet or a diet without vitamin B4 for 10 days. Serum lipid levels were measured using enzyme assay kits. Lipids of liver tissues were extracted and the lipid contents were determined. A piece of liver was prepared to determine the activities of fatty acid synthase (FAS) and fatty acid β-oxidation. The results showed that animals fed a food fortified with vitamin B4 had higher level of serum TG, PL, total cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein. Their increases were approximately by 74%, 20%, 27%, and 27%, respectively. The significant changes in liver lipid were only found in PL component. This treatment promoted FAS activity, but impaired the fatty acid β-
oxidation. In conclusion: Dietary food fortified with vitamin B4 induces hypertriglyceridemia and liver PL level."
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Universitas Nusa Cendana - Kupang. Fakultas Sains dan Teknik;Universitas Nusa Cendana - Kupang. Fakultas Sains dan Teknik, Universitas Nusa Cendana - Kupang. Fakultas Sains dan Teknik], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunita Diana Sari
Penyakit jantung koroner merupakan pembubuh utama di negara maju maupun
negara berkembang. Salah satu faktor risiko utama penyebab arterosclerosis adalah
hiperkolesterolemia yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan kadar kolesterol LDL.
Perubahan pola hidup yang ditandai dengan kurangnya mengkonsumsi buah dan
sayuran serta banyak mengkonsumsi makanan yang tinggi lemak, merupakan salah
satu risiko terjadinya peningkatan kadar kolesterol LDL. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan serat dengan kadar kolesterol LDL penduduk
usia 25-65 tahun di Kelurahan Kebon Kalapa Bogor tahun 2013. Penelitian dilakukan
dengan desain cross sectional menggunakan data baseline Studi Kohor Faktor Risiko
Penyakit Tidak Menular Badan Litbangkes tahun 2011. Analisis multivariate
menggunakan regresi logistik. Hasil analisis data diperoleh proporsi kolesterol LDL
tinggi sebesar 78.3% dengan rata-rata kadar kolesterol 120 mg/dl. Rata-rata asupan
serat sebesar 7 gram/hari dengan proporsi asupan serat <6.6 gram/hari sebesar 50.5%.
Hasil multivariate menunjukkan asupan serat rendah merupakan faktor protektif (OR
= 0.182) terhadap kadar kolesterol LDL tinggi setelah dikontrol oleh variabel umur,
asupan lemak dan asupan protein nabati. Faktor determinan dalam model ini terhadap
kadar kolesterol LDL adalah asupan protein nabati (OR = 13.356). Model ini mampu
memprediksi kejadian kadar kolesterol LDL sebesar 79.4% dan sisanya dipengaruhi
oleh variabel lain yang tidak tercantun didalam model. Dengan melakukan
penyuluhan akan pentingnya mengkonsumsi makanan yang banyak mengandung
serat merupakan salah satu upaya pencegahan terjadinya penyakit yang berhubungan
dengan arterocslerosis. Merubah pola makan dengan memperbanyak konsumsi buah
akan mengurangi kadar kolesterol LDL dalam darah.

Coronary heart disease considers as one of the major killers both in developed
and developing countries. One of the main risk factors that caused artherosclerosis is
hypercholesterolemia which indicates by elevated LDL cholesterol level. Life style
changing by lack of consuming fruits and vegetables while excess in consuming food
high in fat content considered one of risk to have elevated cholesterol level. The aim
of this research is to identify the relationship between fiber consumption and the
content of LDL cholesterol for the people of 25-65 years of age at Kebon Kelapa
Village in Bogor on the Year of 2013. The research is conducted by Cross Sectional.
The analytic design utilizes the baseline data from Cohort Study of Contagious
Disease Risk Factors of the Research and Development of Health Agency of the
Republic of Indonesia in the year of 2011. Stratification is used in analyzing data and
cog regression is utilized in multivariate analysis. The analysis of the result obtained
that the prevalence of LDL cholesterol is 78.3% with the average of cholesterol
content 120 mg/dl. The average of daily fiber consumption is 7 gram/day with the
proportion of fiber consumption <6.6 gram/day is 50.5%. The result of multivariate
analysis indicates that low fiber consumption considers as a protective factor
(OR=0.182) toward high level of LDL cholesterol level after having controlled by
such variables as age, consumptions of fat and vegetable protein. Determinant factor
in this model toward LDL cholesterol content is the consumption of vegetable protein
(OR=13.356). This model has the ability to predict in experiencing LDL cholesterol
level 79.4% and the remaining would be influenced by other factors that have not
written down in the model. By educating the community about the important of
consuming high fiber foods consider as one of the effort to prevent the occurrence of
diseases relate with artherosclerosis. Changing the eating pattern by consuming more
fiber will decrease the content of cholesterol level in the blood"
Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Diabetes Mellitus merupakan penyakit kronik. Penyakit diabetes mellitus ini diduga akan meningkat jumlahnya di masa datang. Berdasarkan penelitian, dikatakan bahwa diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dapat menyebabkan dislipidemia, yaitu hipertrigliseridemia, kadar HDL yang rendah serta peningkatan kadar sLDL. Meskipun mekanisme pastinya belum dipahami sepenuhnya, diduga bahwa resistensi insulin menyebabkan peningkatan asam lemak bebas dari adiposit sehingga terjadi peningkatan sintesis VLDL dan trigliserida yang akhirnya dapat menyebabkan dislipidemia. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk meneliti gambaran kadar HDL pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di poliklinik IPD RSCM tahun 2010. Data dari 108 orang yang diambil secara simple random sampling dan random diperoleh dari data sekunder di Poliklinik IPD RSCM. Hasilnya adalah nilai rerata kadar gula darah puasa adalah 186,5 (114-559) mg/dL, sedangkan rerata kadar gula darah 2PP adalah 291(178-582) mg/dL. Dengan uji Mann-Whitney, didapatkan berturut-turut nilai p=0,383 dan p=0,208. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar gula darah puasa dan kadar gula darah 2PP dengan kadar HDL.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease. This diabetes mellitus disease is expected to increase in the future. According to studies, diabetes mellitus type 2 can cause dyslipidemia, which include hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL level, and high sLDL level. Although the exact mechanism has not yet fully understood, it is suspected that insulin resistance can cause an increase in free fatty acid level from adipocytes which end up in increased synthesis of VLDL and triglyceride and eventually dyslipidemia develops. This study is designed to study HDL profile in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in RSCM Internal Medicine polyclinic in 2010. Results from 108 patients taken with simple random sampling were obtained from secondary data in RSCM Internal Medicine Polyclinic. The average value of fasting blood glucose was 186,5 (114-559) mg/dL, while the average value of 2PP blood glucose was 291 (178-582) mg/dL. With Mann Whitney test, p value of fasting blood glucose and HDL level was 0,383 and p value of 2PP blood glucose and HDL level was 0,208. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between fasting blood glucose and 2PP blood glucose with HDL level."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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