ABSTRAKTujuan dari program intervensi ini adalah untuk memberikan penguatan self-esteem
pada remaja di kawasan pariwisata Puncak, Cisarua. Intervensi dilakukan
menggunakan pendekatan Appreciative Inquiry, yaitu pendekatan yang berfokus pada
pencarian kekuatan dan inti positif dari diri maupun komunitas untuk membangun
visi yang ingin diraih bersama. Partisipan dalam intervensi ini adalah siswa SMP
PGRI 207 Cisarua, sejumlah 13 partisipan. Intervensi dilakukan dalam satu hari
selama 9 jam di lokasi SMP PGRI 207 Cisarua. Pengukuran dampak intervensi
dilakukan dengan uji hasil pre-test post-test skala Rosenberg Self Esteem
menggunakan analisis statistik Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (p= 0.14, los p<0.05),
membuktikan bahwa program intervensi dapat memperkuat self-esteem partisipan.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this intervention was to strengthen adolescent's self esteem in Puncak
tourism object, Cisarua. The intervention was carried out by the method of
Appreciative Inquiry approach focusing on strength seeking and positive core of
either self or community for the sake of establishing vision that is going to be
achieved. The participants of this intervention were 13 students in SMP PGRI 207
Cisarua. The intervention took place in SMP PGRI 207 Cisarua for 9 hours. The
measurement of intervention effect was computed by the test of pre-test post-test
result of Rosenberg Self Esteem scale analized statistically by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank
Test (p= 0.14, los p<0.05), the result showed the value of p = 0.014 (p<0.05) and it
indicates that the intervention was proven in strengthening participant's self esteem, The purpose of this intervention was to strengthen adolescent's self esteem in Puncak
tourism object, Cisarua. The intervention was carried out by the method of
Appreciative Inquiry approach focusing on strength seeking and positive core of
either self or community for the sake of establishing vision that is going to be
achieved. The participants of this intervention were 13 students in SMP PGRI 207
Cisarua. The intervention took place in SMP PGRI 207 Cisarua for 9 hours. The
measurement of intervention effect was computed by the test of pre-test post-test
result of Rosenberg Self Esteem scale analized statistically by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank
Test (p= 0.14, los p<0.05), the result showed the value of p = 0.014 (p<0.05) and it
indicates that the intervention was proven in strengthening participant's self esteem]"