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Ratih Cinthyadevi Erviantini
"Penulisan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk menyusun program pengembangan berbasis kompetensi untuk posisi team leader PT.HSO. Teori yang digunakan dalam penyusunan program pengembangan berbasis kompetensi adalah teori Spencer & Spencer (1993). Tahapan penyusunan program pengembangan dimulai dengan menyuslm model kompetensi. Dari hasil penyusunan kompetensi didapatkan sembilan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan pada posisi team leader. Kompetensi tersebut adalah anabethical thinking coaching, organizing, bussiness sense, teamwork willingness to learn, achievement orientation, communication, dan self' confidence. Setelah kompetemi tersusun, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengidentifikasi kompetensi-kompetensi untuk dikembangkan dengan melihm kesenjangan antara level pencapaian aktual saat ini dengan level pencapaian yang diharapkan organisasi. Kompetensi yang menjadi prioxitas pengembangan adalah analvthical thinking coaching, organizing, dan bussiness sense. Hal ini dikarenakan kompetensi tersebut merupakan kompetensi yang paling penting dibutuhkan oleh posisi team leader sedangkan level pencapaian aktualnya Qat ini masih rendah. Langkah selanjutnya adalah menentukan metode pcngembangan yang paling efektif untuk setiap kompetensi. Metode yang akan digunakan adalahof the job training dan on the job training. Setelah mengetahui metode yang akan digunakan., langkah selanjutnya adalah membuat lcurikulum untuk tiap metode yang digunakan.

The purpose of this study is to competency-based development program for team leader PT.HSO. This study utilize Spencer & Spender (1993) theory in develop employee development program. The first phase is building competency model. There are nine competencies that required by team leader. Those are anabftical thinldng, coaching, organizing bussiness sense, teamwork, willingness to learn, achievement orientation, communication, and seMcorgEdence. The second phase is identiiication of competencies that needed to develop by analysed gap exist between actual level and expected level of competency. The result shows analytyical thinking, coaching, organizing and bussiness sense will be priority to develop because they haven’t met proicieney level that required. The next phase is selecting the effective method to develop each competency. Methods that will beused for the development program are of the job training and on the job training. The final phase is develop curricula for each methods."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rendy Saptama
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Persepsi Atas Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi (PBK) di Balai Besar Pengembangan Latihan Kerja Luar Negeri (BBPLKLN) CEVEST Bekasi Tahun 2010. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Dari hasil pengolahan data dan analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa efektivitas dari program Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi (PBK) secara keseluruhan sudah efektif. Pelatihan yang dilakukan sudah sesuai dengan tujuan dari pelatihan yang ditetapkan dan memenuhi harapan perusahaan yang mengikuti program pelatihan ini.

This thesis aims to find out perception of implementation effectiveness of Competency Based Training held by Overseas Vocational Training Development Centre (BBPLKLN) CEVEST Bekasi in 2010. Researcher uses quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The results of data processing and analysis from this research, show that the Effectiveness Of Competency Based Training at Overseas Vocational Training Development Centre (BBPLKLN) CEVEST Bekasi in 2010 has been reached Effectively. The training has reached the goal of the training program and fulfill the expectation of company/organization that partcipated in this program."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Ratri Savitri Cahyairani
"Rancangan Penyusunan Model Kompetensi Karyawan Kantor Pusat PT. X Oilfield Services dibuat sebagai altematif solusi untuk menjawab pennasalahan utama yang dialami PT.X, sebuah perusahaan servis minyak dan gas, yang saat ini perlu melakukan evaluasi terhadap lcinerja karyawan, khususnya di kantor pusat. Dalam rangka pembuatan usulan rancangan penyusunan model kompetensi karyawan kantor pusat PT. X Oi(/Feld Services ini, penulis menggabungkan tahapan penyusunan model kompetensi yang direkomendasikan oleh LOMA Competencies Dictionary (1998) dan tahapan penyusunan model kompetcnsi melalui expert panel yang direkomendasikan oleh Spencer & Spencer (1993). Dari kedua model tersebut, penulis melakukan penyesuaian sehingga menghasilkan rancangan penyusunan model kompetensi yang terdiri dari tiga proses, yaitu proses persiapan, proses intl, dan proses penyelesaian. Dari seluruh proses yang dilakukan, penulis melcngkapi rincian proses-proses tersebut dengan waktu, tujuan, pihak yang terlibat, hal-hal pcndukung atau alat bantu, dan ouiput atau hasil yang diharapkan.

A competency model was designed as an alternative solution to resolve current P'l`.X problem, an oil and gas service company, as a basis aimed to evaluate employee?s perfomiance at head office Jakarta. In order to design the model competency, the writer combined steps in designing competency model from LOMA Competencies Dictionay (1998) and steps in designing competency model through expert panel, which recomended by Spencer and Spencer (1993) Putting altogether, the writer customized the competency model with PT. X?s current condition and provided three process as a steps in designing competency model in PT.X: preparation process, main process and iinal process. The writer also specified the processes, which include time frame, people who are involved in the process, methods and tools, and the expected outcomes."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
TEKNODIK 16(2-4)2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daviq Suparwanto
Permasalahan dalam pengadaan barang/jasa sering terjadi karena faktor kompetensi sumber daya manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kompetensi Anggota Kelompok Kerja Unit Layanan Pengadaan (Pokja ULP) dengan berbasis risiko dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja pengadaan. Analisis kompetensi dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko dalam tugas dan kewenangan Pokja ULP, kemudian dianalisis sehingga diketahui risiko dominan. Terhadap risiko yang dominan kemudian dirumuskan respon preventif dan korektif. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kompetensi Anggota Pokja ULP pada aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan berdasarkan risiko tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini kiranya dapat dipergunakan dalam rangka pengembangan standar kompetensi bagi Anggota Pokja ULP.

The main problem in a procurement process is often caused by human competency factor. This research aimed to analyze Procurement Service Unit Working Group Members competency through risk based analysis to increase procurement performance. Competency analysis was conducted by identifying risk factors within their duties and authorities, and then was analyzed to determine the dominant risk in order to generate preventive and corrective response. This research resulted in the competency in knowledge and skill aspect based on the risk. This result is expected to be beneficial in the development of competency standard for Procurement Service Unit Working Group Member.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farida Rusnianah
Dokter sebagai gate keeper di fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama FKTP , memerlukan kompetensi pelayanan komprehensif berpusat pada pasien, sebagai komponen utama pelayanan kesehatan primer, namun kemampuan dokter dalam pelayanan berpusat pada pasien di FKTP masih rendah. Optimalisasi implementasi sistem pelayanan kesehatan berjenjang dan program rujuk balik, merupakan program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional yang keberhasilannya ditentukan oleh dokter di FKTP, oleh karena itu diperlukan terobosan pembelajaran dengan situasi nyata di tempat kerja, serta penilaian terstandar diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dokter dalam pelayanan komprehensif berpusat pada pasien.Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat Model pembelajaran dan penilaian berbasis tempat kerja PPBTK untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pelayanan komprehensif berpusat pada pasien bagi dokter di FKTP. Desain penelitian adalah ldquo;Penelitian Tindakan rdquo; 4 tahap yaitu ldquo;Tindakan Diagnosis rdquo; dengan metode survei. responden terdiri 96 pasien, 56 dokter, dan 64 pendidik, bertujuan mendapatkan indikator pelayanan komprehensif berpusat pada pasien, ldquo;Tindakan Perencanaan rdquo; dengan metode Delphi, responden terdiri 2 orang ahli pendidikan kedokteran, 5 orang ahli pelayanan primer, bertujuan menyusun Model Pembelajaran dan Penilaian Berbasis Tempat Kerja PPBTK yang tervalidasi dengan expert judgment, ldquo;Tindakan Implementasi rdquo; sebagai uji coba model, dengan rancangan eksperimen kuasi, terdiri 13 dokter sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 12 dokter sebagai kelompok kontrol. ldquo;Tindakan Evaluasi rdquo; dengan metode Kirkpatrick untuk membuktikan efektivitas model.Sebanyak 33 indikator dinilai relevan untuk mengukur pelayanan komprehensif berpusat pada pasien, menjadi instrumen Self Assessment dan Direct Observation. Case-based Discussion yang teruji konsistensinya, menjadi instrumen penilaian pertemuan modifikasi Balint group. Kompetensi ranah kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor sebelum dan sesudah intervensi Model PPBTK berbeda bermakna p value < 0,05 . Hasil uji SEM-PLS menunjukkan model efektif untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pelayanan komprehensif berpusat pada pasien di FKTP. Kata Kunci. pelayanan berpusat pada pasien, pelayanan komprehensif,pembelajaran berbasis tempat kerja.

Doctors as gatekeepers at First Level Healthcare Facility FLHF require a patient-centered and comprehensive care competency. The patient-centered care competency is necessary to determine the optimization of referral program in the National Health Insurance program implementation. Thus, learning methods with real situations in the workplace and standardized assessment are also required. The study design was Action Research with 4 stages. The first stage was diagnosing action supported by survey method. This stage consisted of many respondents involving 96 patients, 56 doctors, and 64 lecturers. The determination of respondents in the first stage was aimed to obtain a patient-centered and comprehensive care indicator. Second stage namely planning action supported by Delphi method with 2 medical education experts and 5 primary care specialists as respondents. The determination of the respondents in the second stage was to develop Workplace-Based Learning and Assessment WPBLA Model validated with expert judgment. The third stage was taking action as the test model with a quasi-experimental design, consisting of 13 doctors as an intervention group and 12 doctors as a control group. The last stage was evaluating action measures with Kirkpatrick method purposed to prove the effectiveness of the model. As many as 33 indicators were assessed to be relevant for evaluating patient-centered and comprehensive care. Case-based Discussion which its consistency had been tested, functioned as instruments of Balint Group meeting modification. The cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains before and after the intervention of WPBLA Model was significantly different p value < 0.05 . The SEM-PLS test showed the WPBLA was effective in improving patient-centered and comprehensive care competency at FLHF. Keywords. comprehensive care, patient-centered care, workplace-based learning. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erna Lusita Dewayani
"Memiliki Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkualitas sudah menjadi suam kebutuhan yang penting bagi organisasi yang ingin tems bertahan dalam persaingan ketat dunia usaha. Dalam mengatasi persaingan ini, suatu organisasi dapat melakukan perbaikan yang bersiizatintemal yaitu pengembangan SDM. Hal ini berarti organisasi harus meningkatkan kinexja. perusahaannya melalui perbaikan kinelja karyawannya. Oleh karena itu akan sangat bermaniiaat bagi perusahaan untuk menentukan aspek-aspek yang dibumhkan oleh pemangku jabatan untuk terwujudnya kinexja yang dihaxapkan. Aspek-aspek yang diperlukan dari satu jabatan dapat dijelaslcan secara operasional dan diuraikan dalam bentuk perilaku yang dapat diamati dan diukur ainu sering disebut dengan kompetaensi. Selmmpulan kompetensi atau sering disebut dengan model kompetensi ini berguna bagi organisasi karena dapat menjadi acuan dan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembuat keputusan mengenai seleksi, penempatzm, pelatihan dan pengembangan dan lainnya., sena dapat memberikan infonnasi dan arahan tertentu pada individu, sehingga individu dapat memperbaiki kinerjanya Pada PT. Z, posisiproject manager merupakan ujung tombak perusahaan. Projecz manager adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab atas kelancaman pekerjaan di Iapan gan serta untuk merencanakan dan melaksanakan suatu proyek. Posisi projecz manager pada PT. Z ini telah beberapa kali berganti pemegangnya. Pergantjan ini sering dikarenakan ketidalcpuasan pemimpin terhadap kinerjanya. Hal ini menjadi perhatian PT. Z karena perusahaan sedang menerima cukup banyak proyek dan membumhkan orang untuk posisi project manager. Berdasarkan pengalaman dari kesalahan project manager terdahulu, make. pemsahaan merasa perlu mengetahui kompetensi-kompetensi yang dipcrlukan oleh seorang project manager. Dari analisis terhadap hasil wawancara dan diskusi yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh project manager adalah : I) Service Orientation. 2) Continous Learning. 3) Goal Orientation. 4) Technica! Knowledge. 5) Problem analysis, 6) Piannrhg and Organizing 7) Communication, 8) In_/Iuencrkzgskill, 9) Team Orienazzion Berdasarkan uraian diatas, Tugas Akhir ini rnencoba mengembangkan model kompetensi posisi project manager di PT. Z, schingga dapat diketahui persyaratan individu padajabatan tersebut agar menghasilkan kinerja yang diharapkan.

Having a quality human resourse has becoming a needs which is important for organization who want to hold in a tight competition of business world. In handing this competition, an organization could make an intemal service which is human resource development. It means that the organization must improve the company performance through the employee performance service. The company could take advantage to decice all aspect required by job holder to create expected performance. All aspect needs from one job can be explain operationally and in a fomt of behavior that can be observed and measured or often be called competency. Competency model is very uselirl for organization because it can be a role and can be use as a decision maker material about selection, placing, training, development and others, also can give such information and certain direction to individuals, so individuals could fix their performance. At PT. Z, project manager position is an arrow for the company. Project Manager is the person whose responsible to the job in the Held also to give a plan and do a project. The project manager position at PT. Z has changed several time because the leader feel unsatished of they performance. This is become an attention for the company because the company have a lot of project now and need a people to project manager position. Leaming from the past, the company thinks that t:hey must settle project manager’s competency.Interview and discussion were given to conclude that project manager should be a person who has: 1) Service Orientation, 2) Continous Learning , 3) Goal Orientation, 4) Technical Knowledge 5) Planning and Organizing, 6) Problem analysis, 7) Communication, 8) Influencing skill, 9) Team Orientation. Based on that analysis, this Final Task is try to developing a competency model for project manager ofPT.Z, so they can know required for the job to present expected perfonnance."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"As one indicator for measuring the success of district autonomy is the government in serving citizen an lead the to a better life. In fact,district government's work has not met the expectation that they still can not serve people optimally
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Puguh Budi Utami
"As a valuable asset, employee have very important role in the growth and development of organization. This is parallel to Todaro (1997: 5) that human resources of a nation is the most determining factor for character, social development speed and economy of a nation. Only with certain characteristic of human resources can fulfill the organizational aim. The assumed characteristic to be possessed by each human resource in order to the best performance for the organization is competence.
Various definition of competence developed with the progress of science, in particular the human resources management. But the main theme of these various definition of competence lead to two point of views, the first view focused on examinable behavior and the second one is the fundamental individual characteristic which determined the behavior. In this research, competence is behavioral, attitude and certain characteristic dimensions possessed by employees in conducting various works to produce effective, outstanding or superior output or performance. In order to determine employees' competence, one of the methods used is questioners with questions on competence dimensions. Employees are asked for self-appraisal based on proficient or competence degree in conducting a task as mentioned in the questions.
From this point of view, the writer is interested to conduct a research on employees' competence in supporting effective performance for organization. Competence variable in used refer to Loma's framework variable. Dimensions in this variable assumed can describe employees' competence, comprised of seven dimensions and developed into sixteen indicators. These dimensions are interaction skill, work orientation, self management skill, and openness to new experience, cognitive abilities, perceptual abilities and business knowledge.
To gain a more concrete picture of employees' competence, descriptive analysis is used based on quantitative data acquired from respondents. Instrument in use to collect data from respondents is questioners on competence variable dimensions comprised of 42 questions. After going through validity test using Product Moment Pearson test, only 40 questions are valid to standard with correlation score 0.3. While through reliability test of Alpha Cronbach a reliability coefficient of 0.939 is reached which fulfill the reliability requirement of minimum 0.70.
The score distribution of respondents show the existence of unequal distribution of scoring given by respondents to questions of competence which given stratified choices. This also describe there is different varied position of respondents (staffs and officers) and there is difference in knowledge, skill and work experience level. Generally, respondents give quite important, important and very important scoring to competence dimensions. However, there are still respondents giving score of unimportant or less than important to certain items in competence dimensions. This grading shows the mapping of employees competence position which rated to be in a quite high level as the mean score show >3.17 to 4.36.
From these seven competence dimensions, 108 respondents grade orientation dimension to work as important dimension and very important in supporting effective performance or about 71% or total respondents. The business knowledge dimension was graded to be important by the lowest percentage of respondents, about 46%.
Through factor analysis, the item stated to have loading factor score >0.5 formed ten factors which can explain 75.056% variation out of 40 competence questions. While the items with loading factor score <0.5 cannot be classified to any factor formed, these items are questions numbered 2, 12. 13, 14, 16 and 22. The rest are included in 10 factors formed."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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