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"Tesis ini tentang pcncegahan k<;jahatan dalam pengelolaan pengiriman uang tunai pada badan usaha jasa pengamanan PT Certis Cisco Jakarta. Perhatian utama dalam studi ini adalah pola pengamanan yang diterapkan manajemen dan bentuk pcngamanan pada pcngiriman uang tunai dari ancaman spenifik, yaitu perampokan dan pencurian iniemal. Jadi, Tujuan tesis ini untnk menganalisis pola dan bentuk pengamanan yang diterapkan manajemen perusahaan dalam pengiriman uang tunai untuk mencegah keiahatan.
Masalah penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah; Bagaimana pencegahan kejahatan dalam pengelolaan pengiriman uang tunai oleh BUJP cash In transit PT Certis Cisco? Yaitu; Pertama, Pengamanan apa saja yang telah diterapkan PT Certis Cisco. Kedua, kendala apa yang menghambat pengamarum pengiriman uang tunai. Keliga, bagaimana pola pencegahan kejahatan di kantor Cisco, di peljalanan dan di tempat tujuan. Keempat, Bagaiman upaya manajernen untuk mengnbah pengamanan itu menjadi ideal. Pengkajian pela pengamanan untuk mencegah ancaman kejahatan spesifik digunaksn metoda kualitatif dengan pendeka!an yuridis manajerial dan metode pcnulisannya deskriptif analitis. Selanjutnya, tekaik memperoleh deta dilaknkan dengan cara studi pustaka, pengamatau, dan wawancara mendalam.
Hasil penelitian diketabui adanya ancaman spesifik terhadap pengiriman uang tunai. Selanjutnya, diperoleh gamharan mengenai bentuk-bentuk pengamanan yang telah dilaknkan petugas pengiriman uang tunai dan pola pengamanan yang Ielah diterapkan manajemen PT Certis Cisco, yaitu pola pcncegahan kejahatan di kantor Cisco, selama dalam petjalanan dan di tempat-tempat tujuan. (Selain itu, ditemnkan kendala-kendala terhadap pengamanan pengiriman uang tunai, yaitu ada kendaraan yang tidak sesnai standar dan masih lernahnya kemampuan petugas untuk menghadapi ancaman kejahatan. Maka, petugas pengawal berus mendapat pelatihan dengan simulasi aksi pengamanan.)

This thesis analyzes erime prevention in the cash delivezy management of PT Certis Cisco security services in Jakarta. The main concern in !his study is a security management applied management and form of security to the of deliver cash from specific threats, namely robbery and internal theft. Thus, the purpose of !his thesis is to analyze the patterns and forms of security applied by the management in the delivery of cash.
The research questions in this thesis; How is the crime prevention being managed by BUJP cash in transit PT Certis Cisco? Namely: First, what security has been applied by PT Certis Cisco. Second, what obstacles impede delivery of the cash security. Third, how is the patterns of crime prevention inthe office of Cisco,in travel and destination. Fourth, How do the security measures taken by management to change it into an ideal one. Research of security patterns in order to prevent the threat of specific crimes used qualitative methods with a juridical approach to the managerial and writing methods of analytical descriptive. Furthermore, the technique of obtaining dnte was collected by literature study, observations, and in-depth interviews.
The results reveal the existence of specific threats against cash in transit. Furthermore, the description of the forms of security that has been mede a cash delivery worker and a security pattern that has been applied to the management ofPT Certis Cisco, namely the prevention of crime patterns in the Cisco offices, during in transit and in piaces of
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risky Syahputra
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai implementasi sistem pengamanan yang ada di lingkungan kerja kantor utama Perusahaan X sebagai bentuk dari pencegahan kejahatan yang telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai implementasi sistem pengamanan yang telah dilakukan oleh divisi keamanan Perusahaan X sebagai bentuk dari pencegahan kejahatan. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori pencegahan kejahatan situasional yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan sistem pengamanan yang telah diimplementasikan. Teori pencegahan kejahatan situasional juga digunakan untuk melihat efektifitas dari implementasi sistem pengamanan untuk mencegah kejahatan yang berasal dari ancaman internal dan eksternal. Selain itu dalam penelitian ini juga menggunakan teori aktivitas rutin sebagai alat analisis untuk melihat sejauh mana sistem pengamanan yang telah diimplementasikan oleh divisi keamanan perusahaan X telah melindungi korban yang mana merupakan aset bernilai dari Perusahaan X.

This mini thesis discussed about the implementation of security systems at the work environment head office of Corporate X as a form of prevention of crimes that have been committed. This research used a qualitative approach with a descriptive type to provide an overview of the implementation of the security system that has been carried out by the security division of Corporate X as a form of crime prevention. The theory used in this study is the situational crime prevention theory which is then linked to the security system that has been implemented. Situational crime prevention theory is also used to see the effectiveness of the implementation of security systems to prevent crimes that come from internal and external threats. In addition, this study also used routine activity theory as an analytical tool to see the extent security system implemented by the security division of Company X has protected victims who are a valuable asset of Corporate X."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this research is to make an overview of the application of situational crime prevention strategies, focus in the application of access control, in Duri Field by PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia. The research used qualitative method, so that the data obtained through the interview and direct observation to the location. The result of this research is the fact of the application of crime prevention strategies in the Duri Field that are not only confined by the physical aspects, but there are also the social and psychological aspects. The physical aspect of the access control concept would not be effective if the social and psychological aspects do not support them."
[Departemen Kriminologi. FISIP UI, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This bachelor thesis tries to explain policies which have been using by BP Indonesia?s Security Department as part of multinational oil company to prevent BP Indonesia?s Employees from being victimized. Preventing BP Indonesia?s Employees from being victimized enable them to show their best and BP Indonesia can regain
benefit. Researcher used qualitative method in order to get an in depth and precise data. In order to get an in depth and current analyzes, participant observation, secondary data search, interviews and assessments had been used by researcher. In depth and collaborative analyzed had been used by researcher according to
criminological theories such as security management theory, situational crime prevention and social crime prevention theory. Findings suggest that BP Indonesia Security Department have done their job so well that they don?t have to increase their security breach in order to prevent the worst. According to experiences and
recommendations from BP Indonesia?s employees, technical methods needs to be upgraded for the sake of employees comfort."
[Departemen Kriminologi. FISIP UI, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nafitra Raliza Azzahra
"Terorisme merupakan kejahatan luar biasa dan menjadi ancaman dunia karena merupakan suatu tindakan kekerasan yang mampu menimbulkan suasana teror atau rasa takut secara meluas sehingga menimbulkan banyak korban. Di Indonesia sendiri pada awalnya sasaran dari serangan terorisme memfokuskan pada simbol-simbol negara barat, akan tetapi sejak tahun 2010 jaringan terorisme tersebut beralih sasaran terhadap pemerintah khususnya Polri yang dianggap sebagai salah satu pihak untuk melakukan penanganan terorisme. Para pelaku teroris menganggap satuan kepolisian sebagai thogut karena dianggap menghalangi kegiatan mereka. Adapun dari pihak kepolisian sendiri menerapkan suatu upaya guna melakukan pencegahan terhadap serangan terorisme, yaitu peningkatan sistem pengamanan internal yang berlaku bagi seluruh kantor polisi di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya, tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pengamanan internal Kepolisian Resor X, Jawa barat sebagai kantor polisi pertama yang terkena serangan bom secara langsung oleh teroris. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, serta metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dan observasi. Adapun analisis temuan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Teori Pencegahan Kejahatan Situasional dan Pencegahan Kejahatan Berbasis Komunitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan dan peningkatan sistem pengamanan internal di Polres X setelah terjadinya serangan terorisme serta adanya pelibatan masyarakat sekitar Polres X dalam pencegahan kejahatan terorisme.

Terrorism is considered as an extraordinary crime and also a world threat because of their violent acts. Other than that, terrorism is capable of creating an atmosphere of terror which cause moral panic as well as the victims. Before 2010, the target of terrorism attacks in Indonesia mainly focused on symbols of westernization. However, now it has changed that the terrorism network has shifted their target to attack the government, especially against the Police, which is considered as one of the parties responsible for handling terrorism in Indonesia. The terrorists assume that the police are part of the thagut because they have intervened in their activities. As for the police themselves, to prevent terrorist attacks they are implementing an effort to prevent terrorism attacks, namely by increasing their internal security system that applies to all police stations in Indonesia. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to find out the internal security system of the X Police in West Java as the first police station to be bombed by a terrorist. This study used descriptive qualitative research, and the data was collected from interviews and observations. Furthermore, the study was analyzed with situational crime prevention theory and community-based crime prevention. The results showed that there were changes and improvements in the internal security system at Polres X after the terrorism attack. In addition, the involvement of the community around Polres X also has an important role to prevent the terrorism attacks."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taruga Runadi
"Menganalisis hubungan antara jumlah tindak kejahatan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya menjadi topik penelitian yang menarik karena jumlah tindak kejahatan di Indonesia dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir cenderung meningkat. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas keamanan masyarakat maka pemerintah perlu memahami faktor-faktor apa saja yang dapat memicu tindakan kejahatan. Dibandingkan dengan metode analisis regresi klasik, metode Geographically Weighted Regression GWR lebih diunggulkan karena dapat menangani masalah ketidak stasioneran spasial yang biasanya terjadi pada data fenomena-fenomena sosial. Ketidakstasioneran spasial adalah situasi dimana hubungan antar peubah berbeda-beda secara signifikan disetiap lokasi observasi. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan hasil analisis regresi klasik menjadi tidak akurat di beberapa lokasi. GWR menangani masalah tersebut dengan membangun model regresi di setiap titik observasi sehingga memungkinkan parameter regresi menjadi berbeda di setiap lokasi observasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jumlah tindak kejahatan y sebagai peubah terikat dan peubah bebasnya adalah jumlah penduduk buta huruf x1, jumlah pengangguran x2, jumlah penduduk miskin x3, kepadatan penduduk x4, dan jumlah korban NAPZA x5. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang dihimpun oleh POLRI, BPS, dan Dinsos di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2015. Terdapat dua fungsi pembobot spasial GWR yang akan dibandingkan yaitu Kernel Gaussian dan Kernel Bisquare. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan fungsi Kernel Gaussian lebih baik dibanding Kernel Bisquare berdasarkan skor AIC dan R2. Hasil analisis menggunakan GWR menghasilkan model untuk 35 kabupaten/kota di Jawa Tengah.

Analyzing the relationship between number of crime cases and factors defined became an interesting research topic over the last ten years. The total number of crime in Indonesia didn rsquo t show a consistent decrease. In order to upgrade people safeness quality, the government need to know the factors influence people committing crime acts. Rather than using classical regression analysis, Geographically Weighted Regression GWR was preferable since it gave a better representative model by effectively resolve spatial non stationary problem which is generally exist in spatial data of social phenomenon. Spatial non stationary is a situation when the relationship between variables are significantly different in each location of observation point, so that classic regression analysis will result a misleading interpretation in some location. GWR handled the spatial non stationary problem by generating a single model in each observation point which allow different relationship to exist at different point in space. This study used number of crime cases y as the dependent variable and the factors which affect the number of crime cases as independent variables that consist of the number of illiterates x1 , the number of unemployed x2, the number of poor population x3, population density x4, the number of victims of drug x5. This study used secondary data collected by POLRI, BPS, and Social ministry of Indonesia in Central Java during 2015. Two spatial weighting functions were compared i.e. Kernel Gaussian and Kernel Bisquare and the study result indicated that Kernel Gaussian was batter according to score of R2 and AIC. GWR generated model for 35 city regency in Central Java. "
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Englang : Gower Publishing, 1994
025.8 SEC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Alumni, 1983
364.4 SOE p (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of robbery crime risk management in cash delivery, especially in relation to income delivery of PT ABC Branch of X, which is an Indonesian Highway Corporation. The result shows that PT ABC has been implementing crime risk management in its income delivery. PT ABC decided on risk transfer methods. It is the transferring of income to tol collection bank, which is Bank XYZ Branch of A, and cash in transit insurance. Because of lack in human resources, Bank XYZ transfers the operationalization to PT KJA. This methods is cost effective, because of the compensation of PT ABC?s role as costumer of Bank XYZ. In its operationalization, PT ABC found the barrier to control it directly. Controlling its operation will be easier to reach if toll collection bank could operationalize independently. Hopefully, crime risk management methods could be applied by other companies which its business characteristics is similar with PT ABC, to reach cost efficiency."
[Departemen Kriminologi. FISIP UI, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzan Manshur Ahmad
"Tindak kejahatan pencopetan masih saja terjadi di bus dan halte milik PT. Transjakarta. Hal ini terjadi karena masih lemahnya sistem pencegahan kejahatan yang ada dan belum sepenuhnya berjalan dengan baik. Dimana suasana tersebut dapat menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan dan kurang aman. Terdapat berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya kejahatan pencopetan yang terjadi didalam transportasi umum, salah satu faktornya adalah tingginya pertemuan antar pelaku dan korban disuatu tempat dan waktu tertentu yang menyebabkan diperlukannya pencegahan kejahatan yang bersifat situasional. Dalam karya tulis ini akan membahas bagaimana pencegahan yang dilakukan oleh PT. Transjakarta berdasarkan 16 teknik pencegahan kejahatan milik Clarke. Selain itu tindakan pencopetan akan dibahas menggunakan Rational Choice Theory dan Routine Activity Theory. Hasilnya PT. Transjakarta belum menjalankan sepenuhnya ke 16 teknik yang ada sehingga tidak efektif dalam mencegah tindak kejahatan pencopetan.

The pickpocketing still happened in the bus and the shelter belonging to PT. Transjakarta. This is due to the weakness of the existing crime prevention system and has not fully functioned properly. Where the atmosphere can cause discomfort and less safe. There are various factors that influence the occurrence of pickpocketing crimes occurring within public transport, one of the factors being the high number of meetings between perpetrators and victims in a particular place and time that leads to the need for situational crime prevention. In this paper will discuss how the crime prevention of PT. Transjakarta based on 16 crime prevention techniques owned by Clarke. Also pickpocketing will be discussed using rational choice theory and routine activity theory. The result is PT. Transjakarta has not yet fully implemented all 16 existing techniques so that it is ineffective in preventing the crime of pickpocketing."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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