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Lubis, Endriana Svieta
"Latar Belakang : Dermatitis kontak merupakan salah satu penyakit kulit akibat kerja yang disebabkanoleh reaksi simpang pada kulit epidermis dan dermis akibat pajanan bahan yang berhubungan dengan bahan kimia, faktor fisik (panes), dan faktor mekanik (gesekan, tekanan, trauma) dan faktor riwayat atopi juga merupakan penyebab tidak langsung. Salah satu bahan kimia yang berisiko terhadap dermatitis kontak adalah debu semen. Pekerja yang berisiko terhadap pajanan debu semen adalah tenaga keja bongkar muat sak semen di pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Jakarta.
Metode : Penelitian dilakukan di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Jakarta pada September 2009. Desain penelitian ini cross sectional dengan analitik internal komparatif dan pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan cara simple random sampling. Populasi penelitian seluruh buruh tenaga kerja bongkar muat pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Jakarta yang berjumlah 402 orang, dan jumlah sampel 140 responden. Cara pengumpulan data dengan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan observasi pelaksanaan pekerjaan. Analisis data dengan program SPSS versi 15, dengan interpretasi analisis univariat , analisis bivariat (Odds Ratio dan 95% Confidence Interval) dan analisis multivariat (metode Enter pada Binary Logistic Regression).
Hasil : Tenaga kezja bongkar muat Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Jakarta sebanyak 24,3% mengalami dermatitis kontak. Hasil analisis multivariat terdapat hubtmgan bermakna antara tingkat pajanan debu semen tahunan (p=0,041 ; OR=2,35; 95%Cl=0,99»S,56) dengan dermatitis kontak. Umur pekeija, status gizi, pendidikan, iiwayat atopi dan higiene diri buruk tidak mempunyai hubungan statistic bcmiakna dengan dermatitis kontak. Suhu lingkungan dan kelembaban dengan alat ukur Hear Stress Monitor (WBGTO tertingi 29,1°C dan RH tertinggi 62%) diduga mernpunyai kontribusi nntuk terjadinya dermatitis kontak.
Kesimpulan dan saran : Prevalensi dermatitis kontak pada tenaga kerja bongkar muat Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Jakarta sebanyak 24,3%. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya dennatitis kontak adalah tingkat pajanan debu semen tahunan (p=0,04l;0Ra¢§ =2,35).Tingginya suhu lingktmgan dan kelembaban diduga merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya. dermatitis kontak. Pekerja perlu diajarkan pengetahuan akan bahaya debu semen, pentingnya alat pelindung diri dan menjaga kebersihan diri untuk mencegah teij adinya dermatitis kontak pada pekeija angkut semen.

Background: Contact dermatitis is the one of a skin disease due to work caused by adverse reaction in the epidermis and dennis of skin exposure related materials, chemical, physical factors (heat), and mechanical factors (friction, pressure, trauma) and history of atopy factor is also an indirect cause. One of the chemicals that are at risk for contact dermatitis is cement dust, Workers at risk of exposure to cement dust is labor cement loading and unloading bags of Sunda Kelapa Port in Jakarta.
Methods: This research was conducted at the port of Sunda Kelapa Jakarta in September 2009. The design was cross-sectional study with an intemal analytical comparative sample selection is done by simple random sampling. This study population is all the labor workers unloading port of Sunda Kelapa Jakarta totaling 402 people, based on the calculation of the number of samples of 140 respondents. Dara collection is done by filling status of research, which consisted of anarrmcsis, physical examination and observation of the implementation work. Data analysis using SPSS program version 15, with the interpretation of the univariate analysis (table distributions), bivariate analysis (calculating Odds Ratio 95% Confidence Interval) and multivariate analysis (enter method the binary logistic regression).
Results: Prevalence of contact dermatitis among labor loading and unloading at the port of Sunda Kelapa Jakarta is 24.3% . There is signiicant statistic relationship between the cement dust exposure rating (p = 0.041; OR = 2,35; 95% CI == 0,19-5,56) to contact dermatitis, The age, work duration, nutritional status, education, poor self-hygiene and history of atopy had no significant statistic relationship to contact dermatitis. Temperature and humidity environment with the Heat Stress Monitor (29.l° C highest WBGTo and the highest 62% RH) have contributed to the occurrence of contact dermatitis
Conclusions and sugestions: The prevalence of contact dermatitis in workers loading and imloading port of Sunda Kelapa Jakarta is 24.3%. The most related factors to the occmrence of contact dermatitis is cement dust exposure rating chronic (p = 0.04l; OR adj =2,3 5).The highly environmental temperature and humidity could be intiuence to contact dermatitis. Workers need to be taught to maintain personal hygiene and knowledge of the hazards of cement dust on the health of workers, including skin health.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhita Octriani
Latar Belakang. Dermatitis pada tangan akibat kerja DTAK bersifat kronis, memiliki prognosis buruk, dan berdampak signifikan terhadap aspek psikososial dan pekerjaan. Prevalensi dermatitis kontak pada tenaga kerja bongkar muat TKBM Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Jakarta adalah sebesar 24,3 , dengan lesi di tangan 47,1 . Penggunaan alat pelindungdiri APD masih belum cukup untuk mengatasi masalah ini, sehingga dibutuhkan intervensi lain. Penggunaan pelembap untuk memperbaiki sawar kulit dipertimbangkan efektif untuk mencegah keparahan DTAK.Metode. Penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimental satu kelompok. Intervensi dilakukan dengan menggunakan gliserin 10 dalam vaselin album sekali sehari setelah bekerja selama 14 hari.Hasil. Rerata nilai transepidermal water loss TEWL setelah intervensi 11,4 3,8 g/m2/jam lebih rendah dibandingkan rerata nilai TEWL awal 14,2 4 g/m2/jam , dengan perbedaan rerata nilai TEWL sebesar 2,8 2,9 g/m2/jam p= 0,000 95 CI 1,5-4,1 . Median nilai hand eczema severity index HECSI setelah intervensi 9,5 3-34 lebih rendah dibandingkan median skor HECSI awal 29,5 6-80 , dengan perbedaaan rerata skor HECSI sebesar 19,5 -2-46 p= 0,000 . Korelasi antara perubahan nilai TEWL dan perubahan skor HECSI tidak bemakna p= 0,476 dengan kekuatan korelasi sangat lemah r= 0,160 . Variabel exposure rating tahunan debu semen berhubungan dengan perubahan skor HECSI p= 0,002 . Setelah intervensi seluruh lesi di jari-jari, telapak tangan, punggung tangan dan pergelangan tangan mengalami perbaikan yang bermakna.

Background. Occupational hand dermatitis OHD is chronic, has a poor prognosis, and significantly affects psychosocial and occupational aspects. The prevalence of contact dermatitis of loading dockworkers at Port Sunda Kelapa Jakarta was 24,3 and 47,1 lesion was on the hands. The use of personal protective equipment PPE is deemed inadequate to solve this problem, thus requiring other intervention. Using moisturizer for improvement of skin barrier is considered to be effective for preventing severity of occupational hand dermatitis.Method. The study design was quasi experimental one group pre and post test design. The 14 days intervention was performed on the loading dockworkers by instructing them to apply 10 glycerin in vaseline album on their hands once daily after working.Result. The mean value of transepidermal water loss TEWL after intervention 11.4 3.8 g m2 hour was lower than the mean value of TEWL before the intervention 14.2 4 g m2 hour . The TEWL mean difference was 2.8 2.9 g m2 hour p 0.000 95 CI 1.53 4.1 . The median value of hand eczema severity index HECSI after intervention 9.5 3 34 was lower than the median value of HECSI before the intervention 29,50 6 80 . The HECSI mean difference was 19.5 2 46 p 0,000 . The correlation between TEWL changes and HECSI changes was not significant p 0.476 and the correlation strength was very weak r 0.160 . Annual exposure rating of cement dust associated with the HECSI changes p 0,002 . After intervention, all lesions on the fingers, palms, back of hand and wrist were significantly improved p 0,05 , except for the finger tips. Additional analysis showed that the commonly found morphology of the lesion was infiltrate papule, scaling and erythema. After intervention, the severity score of the morphology lesions was also significantly decreased p 0,05 .Conclusion. Once daily application of 10 glycerin in vaseline album for 14 days could improved skin barrier function and the severity of OHD, thus can be advised for loading dockworkers with high annual exposure rating of cement dust.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nessya Dwi Setyorini
"Latar belakang: Tenaga kerja bongkar muat (TKBM) semen merupakan kelompok kerja yang berisiko tinggi mengalami dermatitis kontak akibat kerja (DKAK). DKAK yang terjadi pada TKBM semen di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Jakarta dapat mengganggu aktivitas, cara kerja, dan produktivitas pelabuhan tersebut. Potasium dikromat, nikel sulfat, dan kobalt klorida merupakan komponen utama yang terkandung dalam semen. Tujuan: Mengetahui proporsi kepositifan hasil uji tempel potasium dikromat, nikel sulfat, dan kobalt klorida pada TKBM semen serta mengidentifikasi berbagai faktor yang berhubungan. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang ini melibatkan 72 TKBM semen dengan DKAK berdasarkan Kriteria Mathias. Uji tempel dilakukan menggunakan g-Allergen potasium dikromat 0,5%, nikel sulfat 5%, dan kobalt klorida 1%. Tingkat pajanan debu semen ditentukan menggunakan indeks pajanan dengan rumus berdasarkan metode penilaian semi kuantitatif. Kelengkapan penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) dan berbagai faktor lainnya juga dievaluasi. Hasil: Sebanyak 20 (27,8%), 7 (9,7%), dan 4 (5,6%) di antara 72 pekerja menunjukkan reaksi positif potasium dikromat, nikel sulfat, dan kobalt klorida secara berurutan. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kelengkapan penggunaan APD, riwayat atopi keluarga, dan tingkat pajanan debu semen dengan kepositifan potasium dikromat (OR 0,4, 95% IK 0,2-0,8; OR 7,7, 95% IK 2,1-27,5; OR 36,1, 95% IK 3,1-420,9, secara berurutan). Berdasarkan analisis multivariat terdapat hubungan bermakna riwayat atopi keluarga dengan kepositifan potasium dikromat (OR 4,9, 95% IK 1,2-20,2). Kesimpulan: Potasium dikromat merupakan alergen utama penyebab DKAK pada TKBM semen. Walaupun DKAK akibat nikel atau kobalt lebih jarang terjadi, namun perlu dilakukan juga upaya pencegahan terhadap kedua alergen ini. Kelengkapan penggunaan APD perlu ditingkatkan secara efektif

Background: Occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) is one of the most common work-related illnesses among the cement-cargo workers of Sunda Kelapa Harbour Jakarta. Occupational contact dermatitis can disrupt activities, work, and productivity. Potassium dichromate, nickel sulphate, and cobalt chloride are the main components contained in cement. Objective: To assess the positivity proportion of potassium dichromate, nickel sulfate, and cobalt chloride patch test among workers with occupational contact dermatitis (OCD), as well as identifying the associated factors. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 72 workers with OCD based on Mathias Criteria. Patch test was performed using g-Allergen with 0.5% potassium dichromate, 5% nickel sulfate, and 1% cobalt chloride. Occupational cement exposure rating was determined from the exposure index using the equation based on semi-quantitative method. Personal protective equipment (PPE) usage and other risk factors were also evaluated. Results: Twenty (27.8%), 7 (9.7%), and 4 (5.6%) of 72 patch-tested workers showed positive reactions to potassium dichromate, nickel sulfate, and cobalt chloride, respectively. Bivariate analysis confirmed an association between complete use of PPE, family atopy status, occupational cement exposure rating and positivity of potassium dichromate (OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.8; OR 7.7, 95% CI 2.1-27.5; OR 36.1, 95% CI 3.1-420.9, respectively). Based on multivariate analysis, there is an association between family atopy status and positivity of potassium dichromate (OR 4.9, 95% CI 1.2-20.2). Conclusion: Potassium dichromate is a prominent allergen in cement-cargo workers. Although contact to other allergens such as nickel or cobalt is less frequent, prevention should also address these allergens. Complete PPE usage should be promoted effectively"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jonathan Manuel
"Telah dilakukan penelitian terbadap pekerja industri logam informal di PIK. Jakarta. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui prevalensi dermatitis kontak tangan pada pekerja industri logam infol1llal di PIK. Jakarta, dan mengetahui hubungau umur, tingkat pendidikan, masa kerja, frekuensi penggunaan alat pelindung diri, kebersihan tangan setelah kerja, riwayat atopi diri, dan riwayat atopi keluarga terbadap dermaatitis kontak tangan. Metnde penelilian ini menggnnakan studi cross-sectional dengan uji statistik chi kuadrat (bivariat) dan analisa multivariat daugan logistik regresi. Dari 51 subyek yang menderita dermatitis kontak sebanyak II oraug (21,56%). Faktor-faktor yang mempunyai hubungan be!1llakea dengan teljadinya dermatitis kontak adalah masa kelja (p9),021) dan :frekuensi penggunaan sarung tangan (p9),028), sedangkan umur, tingkat pendidikan, kebersihan Iangan setetah kelja, riwayat atnpi diri, dan riwayat atopi keluarga tidak ditemukan mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan terjadinya d0!1llatitis kontak.

A study was held to informal metal industry workers at P!K, Jakarta. The objective was to identify the prevalence of hand contact dermatitis in informal metal industry workers and the related factors i.e: age, level of education, length of work, frequency of hand gloves usage, personal hygiene, history of personal atopy, and history of handly atopy. The design used in this study was cross sectional methnd. Descriptive and analytic statistics were chi square (bivariate) and multivariate analysis with logistic regression function. From 51 subjects, II person (21,56%) were found with band contact dermatitis. The results showed that length of work (p=0.021) and frequency of hand gloves usage (p=0.028) have a significant relationship with hand contact dermatitis, however related factors i.e: age, level of education, personal hygiene, history of personal atopy,and history of fumily atopy have no significant relationship with band contact dermatitis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mia Ayu Dini Safitri
"Pendahuluan: Pekerjaan basah merupakan faktor risiko utama terjadinya dermatitis kontak akibat kerja (DKAK) pada tangan. Terdapat dua jenis faktor risiko DKAK yaitu faktor eksogen, seperti jenis pekerjaan dan jumlah jam kerja mingguan; dan faktor endogen, seperti jenis kelamin, usia, dan riwayat penyakit atopik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian DKAK pada pekerja basah. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 134 orang. Kriteria inklusi yaitu pekerja basah yang telah bekerja minimal 6 bulan dan tidak berganti pekerjaan minimal 6 bulan. Kriteria eksklusi yaitu pekerja basah yang mengalami dermatitis kontak bukan akibat kerja. Variabel independen yaitu jenis pekerjaan, jumlah jam kerja mingguan, usia, jenis kelamin, dan riwayat penyakit atopik. Variabel dependen yaitu DKAK. Hasil: Tidak ada hubungan antara jenis pekerjaan (p value = 0,283), jumlah jam kerja mingguan (p value = 0,313), jenis kelamin (p value = 0,652), dan usia (p value = 0,556) terhadap kejadian DKAK pada pekerja basah. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat atopi dengan kejadian DKAK pada pekerja basah. Riwayat atopi memiliki pengaruh terhadap hubungan antara jenis pekerjaan dengan DKAK (p value < 0,001). Pekerjaan sebagai tenaga kesehatan dapat mencegah kejadian DKAK sebesar 90,3% dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan sebagai non tenaga kesehatan setelah dikontrol dengan faktor risiko riwayat atopi. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara jenis pekerjaan, jumlah jam kerja mingguan DKAK lebih tinggi pada tenaga non kesehatan dibandingkan tenaga kesehatan karena tenaga non kesehatan memiliki lebih banyak pajanan terhadap pekerjaan basah dan pajanan bahan iritan dibandingkan dengan tenaga kesehatan serta tindakan pencegahan terhadap kejadian DKAK yang dilakukan tenaga non kesehatan lebih sedikit dibandingkan oleh tenaga kesehatan. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat atopi dengan kejadian DKAK. Tenaga non kesehatan dengan riwayat atopi merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kejadian DKAK pada pekerja basah.

Introduction: Wet work is the main risk factor for Occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) on the hands. Risk factors for OCD consist of two types: exogenous factors, such as type of occupation and number of weekly working hours; and endogenous factors, such as gender, age, and history of atopic disease. This study aims to analyze the factors related to the incidence of OCD in wet workers. Method: The study design is cross-sectional. The sampling technique used total sampling. There were 134 research samples. Inclusion criteria are wet workers who have worked for at least 6 months and have not changed occupations for at least 6 months. Exclusion criteria include wet workers who experience non-occupational contact dermatitis. The independent variables are type of occupation, number of weekly working hours, age, gender, and history of atopic disease. The dependent variable is OCD. Result: This study did not find any relationship between type of occupation (p value = 0,283), number of weekly working hours (p value = 0,313), gender (p value = 0,652), and age (p value = 0,556) on the incidence of OCD in wet workers. Meanwhile, this study found a significant relationship between history of atopic disease and incidence of OCD in wet workers. History of atopic disease has an influence on the relationship between type of occupation and OCD (p value < 0,001). An occupation as a health worker can prevent the incidence of OCD by 90,3% compared to an occupation as a non-health worker after being controlled by the risk factor of a history of atopic disease. Conclusion: There is no relationship between type of occupation, number of weekly working hours, gender and age to the incidence of OCD in wet workers. The proportion of OCD incidence is higher in non-health workers than health workers due to non-health workers having more exposure to wet work and irritant exposure than health workers. Besides that, the number of non-health workers who take preventive measures to prevent OCD incidence is less than health workers. There is a significant relationship between history of atopic disease and the incidence of OCD. Non-health workers with a history of atopic disease is the most influential factor in the incidence of OCD in wet workers."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denta Aditya Episana
"Latar belakang Penyakit kulit atau kelainan kulit terjadi pada lebih dari 35% dari semua kelainan akibat kerja. Dermatitis kontak adalah penyakit akibat kerja yang paling dikenal di banyak negara (dengan dermatitis kontak iritan terhitung 80% dari kasus), namun kasus-kasus ini sering tidak dilaporkan. Salah satu penyebab dermatitis kontak iritan adalah cyclohexanone, bahan kimia yang dikenal sebagai oksidator yang dapat mengiritasi kulit. Laporan Kasus Berbasis Bukti ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi/bukti tentang pengaruh pajanan cyclohexanone terhadap kejadian dermatitis kontak iritan. Metode Kasus dalam studi ini adalah tentang seorang wanita berusia 37 tahun yang bekerja sebagai operator pencetakan logo di sebuah perusahaan manufaktur sepatu yang terpajan cyclohexanone dan didiagnosis dengan dermatitis kontak iritan. Pencarian literatur dilakukan melalui PubMed, Scopus, dan ProQuest dan dilakukan dengan metode hand searching. Kriteria inklusi meliputi studi tinjauan sistematis, studi kohort, studi kasus- kontrol, studi potong lintang, dermatitis kontak iritan, cyclohexanone, dan pekerjaan. Kemudian, dinilai secara kritis menggunakan kriteria yang relevan dari Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine.
Hasil Tiga studi potong lintang yang relevan ditemukan melalui pencarian literatur dan dinilai secara kritis. Besarnya perkiraan dan presisi mengenai hubungan antara pajanan dan hasil dalam studi pertama tidak dapat dinilai; penelitian ini hanya menyatakan tidak ada nilai p yang signifikan secara statistik dalam prevalensi dermatitis akibat kerja antar departemen dan pemeriksaan antar departemen. Studi kedua menunjukkan bahwa pekerja dengan pajanan campuran bahan kimia pelarut, termasuk cyclohexane, berkorelasi dengan gejala kulit, kulit kering atau gatal pada tangan atau lengan, POR 1,46 (95% CI 1,06-2,01), dan kemerahan pada tangan atau lengan, POR 1,50 (95% CI 1,09-2,70). Sebagai perbandingan, penelitian ketiga menunjukkan bahwa pekerja dengan pajanan tunggal cyclohexane yang tinggi pada kulit memiliki risiko lebih tinggi untuk kejadian dermatitis tangan dengan nilai OR 2,15 (95% CI 0,59-7,95) tanpa signifikansi statistik. Kesimpulan Bukti yang tersedia dari studi potong lintang tidak membuktikan hubungan antara papajan cyclohexanone dan dermatitis kontak iritan pada pekerja; hanya satu studi yang menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik. Namun, disarankan untuk menyediakan peralatan kerja untuk mencegah kontak langsung dengan bahan kimia; pekerja juga harus mengenakan sarung tangan pelindung yang sesuai untuk menghindari dermatitis kontak iritan akibat kerja. Sebuah desain studi yang lebih baik seperti kohort atau kasus-kontrol diperlukan untuk memberikan bukti substansial bahwa papajan cyclohexanone dapat menyebabkan dermatitis kontak iritan pada pekerja.

Background Skin disorders or abnormalities occurred in more than 35% of all occupational disorders. Contact dermatitis is the most recognized occupational disease in many countries and the cases are often not reported. Irritant contact dermatitis occurs in 80% of cases This evidence-based case report aims to get evidence about the effect of cyclohexanone exposure on the incidence of irritant contact dermatitis. Method The case is about a 37-year-old woman who worked as an operator at logo screen printing in a shoe manufacturing company, exposed to cyclohexanone, and was diagnosed with irritant contact dermatitis. A literature search was conducted through PubMed, Scopus, and ProQuest and also performed with the hand searching method. The inclusion criteria were cohort study, case-control study, cross-sectional study, irritant contact dermatitis, cyclohexanone, and occupational. Then, critically appraised using relevant criteria by the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. Result Three relevant cross-sectional studies were found through literature searching and after being critically appraised, it can be concluded that all the articles were valid. The magnitude and the precision of the estimate of the association between the exposure and outcome in the first study cannot be assessed, only stated no statistically significant p- value in occupational skin dermatitis prevalence between departments and the examination between departments. The second study showed that workers with solvent chemical mixture exposure including cyclohexane have a relationship in skin symptoms, dry or itchy skin on the hands or arms, POR 1.46 (95% CI 1.06-2.01), and redness on hands or arms, POR 1.50 (95% CI 1.09-2.70). While the third study showed that workers with a high dermal single exposure to cyclohexane have a higher risk for the incidence of major hand dermatitis, OR 2.15 (95% CI 0.59-7.95) but was not significant statistically.
Conclusion The available evidence from cross-sectional studies did not sufficient to prove an association between cyclohexanone exposure and irritant contact dermatitis in workers and only one study shows a significant association statistically. However, it is recommended to provide tools for working to prevent the workers from direct contact with the chemical and they should wear appropriate protective gloves while working to avoid the incidence of occupational irritant contact dermatitis. A better study design such as cohort or case-control is needed to provide stronger evidence that cyclohexanone exposure can cause irritant contact dermatitis in workers.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusly Aenul Kamaliya
"Artikel ini membahas mengenai aktivitas bongkar muatan kayu oleh pelayaran rakyat pada tahun 1970-2000-an. Pelayaran rakyat merupakan armada pelayaran tradisional yang sudah ada di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa sejak awal berdiri. Pada tahun 1970-1980, pelayaran rakyat sebagai angkutan laut mengalami perkembangan dalam hal motorisasi dengan didukung oleh adanya peningkatan fasilitas di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya program pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Orde Baru. Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa pada masa ini dikenal sebagai pelabuhan kayu akibat banyaknya muatan kayu dibanding muatan lain. Namun, kebijakan mengenai penertiban kayu pada tahun 1990, program pembangunan pusat perkayuan, dan persaingan dengan pelayaran lokal akibat adanya kebijakan kompetisi bebas pada bidang pelayaran menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya penurunan aktivitas bongkar muatan kayu pada pelayaran rakyat. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan pengumpulan data berupa majalah, surat kabar, wawancara, p beberapa peraturan perundangan yang berkaitan dengan peraturan pelayaran dan pengangkutan kayu, buku, dan jurnal dari Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, Dewan Pengurus Pusat Pelayaran Rakyat Indonesia, Dewan Pengurus Cabang Pelayaran Rakyat Sunda Kelapa, dan secara daring.

This article discusses the activities of unloading logs by people's shipping in 1970-2000s. People's shipping is a traditional shipping fleet that has existed at the Port of Sunda Kelapa since its inception. In 1970-1980, people's shipping as sea transportation experienced developments in terms of motorization supported by increased facilities at the Port of Sunda Kelapa. This was caused by the existence of a development program carried out by the New Order government. At this time, the Port of Sunda Kelapa was known as a timber port due to the large number of logs compared to other cargoes. However, the policy regarding controlling timber in 1990, the program for building a timber center, and competition with local shipping due to the policy of free competition in the shipping sector were the main causes for the decline in unloading logs activities in people’s shipping The writing of this article uses the historical method by collecting data in the form of magazines, newspapers, interviews, several laws and regulations related to shipping regulations and timber transportation, books, and journals from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, the Executive Board of the Indonesian People's Shipping Center, the Executive Board of the Sunda Kelapa People's Shipping Branch, and through online resources."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tenaga kerja informal dimanfaatkan oleh pabrik pembekuan hasil laut seperti ikan, udang, cumi, rajungan, skalop pada tahap pembersihan sebelum proses pembekuan. Tenaga kerja informal umumnya mengeluh gatal pada tangan dalam bentuk dermatitis kontak, berobat dengan biaya sendiri. Tenaga kerja ini diupah secara harian.
Pada bulan Desember 1999 dilakukan pemagangan di pabrik pembekuan hasil laut "A" Jakarta selama satu bulan lebih. Merupakan studi kasus dengan tahapan identifikasi permasalahan, intervensi, evaluasi.
Identifikasi permasalahan dengan teknik kriteria matriks, didapatkan dermatitis kontak pada delapan responden dari lima belas tenaga kerja informal yang seluruhnya wanita. Prevalensinya 53,33%. Pajanan yang dialami yaitu faktor fisik berupa trauma mikro dari bagian tubuh hasil laut. Tekanan, gesekan bagian tubuh hasil laut dan alat bantu proses pembersihan. Kotoran lumpur hasil laut, pecahan es batu, suhu dingin, air, kaporit. Waktu dan rentetan kontak dialami tenaga kerja ini. Diagnosis dermatitis kontak berdasarkan anamnesis dan gambaran Minis. Bila dibandingkan dengan sebelas orang tenaga kerja tetap wanita yang tidak mengerjakan proses pembersihan, prevalensi dermatitis kontak 9,09%. Uji Fisher's Exact didapatkan p = 0,024. Pekerjaan proses pembersihan berisiko menimbulkan dermatitis kontak.
Prioritas intervensi berdasarkan teknik kriteria matriks. Penyuluhan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang penyakit dermatitis kontak serta upaya pencegahannya. Uji t berpasangan didapatkan p < 0,01.
Pemakaian sarung tangan dan pengobatan dapat menurunkan kasus dermatitis kontak tenaga kerja informal di pabrik "A".

Informal workers are used by the company to freeze marine source such as fish, shrimp, squid, crab, scallop, in cleaning process before freezing takes place. Informal workers usually experience some itchy on their hands which are in forms of contact dermatitis, cured with own expenses. These workers are paid daily.
In December 1999 for more than one months. There's an industrial training done at freezing company "A". It is a case study with problems identification, intervention and evaluation processes.
Problems identification with matrix technical criteria results in contact dermatitis on 8 from 15 informal workers respondents which all are women. The prevalence is 53,33 %. Exposed is physical factor in forms of micro trauma from parts of marine source body. Pressure, scratch from marine source body and cleaning processing tools. Mud in marine source, ice cube piece, cold temperature, water, calcium hypochlorite. These workers also experience time and continuous contact. Contact dermatitis diagnose is based on anamnesis and clinical background. Compared to another 11 fixed women workers who do not do cleaning, contact dermatitis prevalence is 9,09 %. Statistic test Fisher's Exact shows p = 0,024. Cleaning process is therefore due to contact dermatitis risks.
Intervention priority is chosen based on matrix technical criteria. Seminar can develop knowledge about contact dermatitis disease and the prevention efforts. Statistical test show p<0, 01.
The usage of personal protection equipment such as gloves and cure can reduce cases for contact dermatitis informal workers in factory "A".
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Firdaus
"Loading and unloading activity at port of Boom Baru in Palembang reached mean number 8264.892 ton each year. This caused happening of particulate contamination which can cause of the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. This study aim is to know PM10 exposure to occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble for loading and unloading worker at Port of Boom Baru in Palembang.
In this study, variables of temperature, dampness and wind velocity are studied and their effect for PMI0 concentration, while variables of PM10 concentration, age, work time, nutrition status, smoking habit and usage of self protective device (APD) are checked and their effect for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. PM1o concentration is used for analyzing effect of particulate contamination for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble.
This study used a retrospective cohort study design for calculating Relative Risk (RR) to occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble as result of PM1o exposure and also another factors. Data analysis which has been done consisting of univariate analysis (descriptive), bivariate (kai square test and t-test) and multivariate (multiple linear regression and multiple logistic regression).
Data analysis result indicated the existence of PM,o concentration related to temperature variable (p = 0,022), dampness (p = 0,002) and wind velocity (p = 0,006). While data analysis for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble with PM16 concentration variable (p = 0,001), age (p = 0,011), work time (p = 0,044) and smoking habit (p = 0,000). From all factors which related significantly, smoking habit is a dominant factor which affecting for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. Therefore, factors which affected for occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble must be lessened, especially for smoking habit."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pasaribu, Marganda D.A.
"Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui prevalens gangguan obstruksi saluran napas dan asma kerja, hubungan gangguan obstruksi saluran napas dan asma kerja dengan pajanan debu biji padi, dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan seperti usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, lama kerja, kebiasaan merokok, indeks massa tubuh, tingkat pendidikan, ISBB, kelembaban udara, kadar debu dan kebiasaan berolah raga pada petani dengan riwayat batuk berdahak.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan disain penelitian cross sectional. Pcngumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, pengamatan langsung, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan spirometri menggunakan alat spirometer, arus puncak ekspirasi (APE) mcnggunakan peak flowmeter dan pengukuran kadar debu menggunakan stationerer dust sampler di lapangan. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS 11.5. Terhadap semua variabel dilakukan nji bivariat, kemudian variabel yang mempunyai nilai p < 0.25 dilakukan uji multivariat.
Hasil: Prevaiens gangguan obstruksi saluran napas adalah 2,6%. Tidak ditemukan prevalens asma kerja. Pada analisis bivariat, tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan yang bemakna antara faktor usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, lama kerja, kebiasaan merokok, indeks massa tubuh, tingkat pendidikan, ISBB, kelembaban udara, kadar debu dan kcbiasaan berolah raga, dengan gangguan obstruksi saluran napas dan asma kerja. Hasil pengukuran kadar debu, berkisar < 3mg/m3, sedangkan indeks APE berkisar 3,38 dan l0,5. Analisis multivariat tidak dilakukan karena hanya terdapat satu faktor risiko yang memenuhj syarat yaitu kebiasaan berolah raga.
Kesimpulan: Prevalens gangguan obstruksi saluran napas adalah 2.6%. Tidak ditemukan prevalens asma kerja, serta tidak terdapat hubungan yang bemakna antara pajanan debu biji padi, dan faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan gangguan obstruksi saluran napas dan asma kerja.

Objectives: The aim of this study, was to know the prevalence of obstructive pulmonary disease and work-related asthma and relation between it with dust exposure from grain and the other related factors likes age, sex, length of employment, work period, smoking habits, body mass index, level of education, wet and buld globe temperature (WBGT), humidity, level of dust from grain and exercise habits among rice farmers with phlegm-cough history in Samarang village.
Method: The study design was a cross-sectional study which data was collected by using questionnaire, field observation, meastutement of workplace environment and physical examination. Interview and their questionnaire were used to collect data about demography, health and smoking habits. Spirometry test was done to diagnose obstructive pulmonary disease and peak-Flowmeter test to diagnose work-related asthma. All variable were bivariate tested by using Chi-square test or Fischer test. The variables which have p value < 0.25 were included into multivariate analysis by using binary logistic regression.
Result: It was found that prevalence of obstructive pulmonary disease was 2.6%. Bivariate analysis shows that no significant relationship between related factors like age, sex, length of employment, work period, smoking habits, body mass index, level of education, wet and buld globe temperature (WBGT), humidity, level of dust from grain and exercise habits with obstructive pulmonary disease and work-related asthma. The range level of dust from grain was < 3 mg/m3 with peak flowmeter index was 3.38 and l0.5. Multivariate analysis was not done because only one factor like exercise habits have p value < 0.25.
Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between obstructive pulmonary disease and work-related asthma with dust exposure from grain and the other related factors. Prevalence of obstructive pulmonary disease was 2.6%
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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