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Muhammad Muflihun
"Penelitian Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi kerjasama ekonomi kawasan Subwukawonosraten, mengidentitikasi sektor - sektor ekonomi di kawasan Subosukawonosraten yang menjadi sektor unggulan dan potcnsial untuk dikeijasamakan antar daerahwmengetahui bentuk kezjasama ekonomi yang tepat dikawasan Subosukawonosraten. Data yang dipakai untuk penelitian ini adalah data PDRB kota/kabupaten di Kawasan Subosukawonosraten dan data PDRB Propinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 1997 - 2006 serta data tenaga ketja kota/kabupaten di kawasan Subosukawonoraten dan data tenaga keija Ptopinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 1997-2006 serta data PDB Indonesia tahun |997-2006. Metodologi penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah 1) Analisis Location Quotient (LQ) 2) Analisis Shih Shane 3) Analisis Shih Shan Tenaga Ketja 4) Analisis Tipologi Klassen.
Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa kota/kabupaten di kawasan Subosukowonosraten Propinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki perbedaan potensi ekonomi dan sektor unggulan (economic complemenfary), letak wilayah/geografis yang bcrdckatan (geographic proximily) dan telah ada komitrnen politik (polinbal commitment ) sorta koordinasi dalam pengambilan kebiiakan (policy coordination) antar Walikota/Bupati. Kondisi ini dapat menjelaskan bahwa kawasan Subosukawonosraten memenuhi kriteria model segitiga pertumbuhan sehingga kctjasama ekonomi antar kota/kabupatcn di Kawasan Subosukawonosmten berpotensi untuk tems dikembangkan. Dilihat dari perbandingan nilai LQ, Shih share (differential shift) dan tipologi klassen, dapat diketahui bahwa sektor unggulan yang memiiiki daya saing kuat disetiap kotafkabupaten di kawasan Subosukawonosraten berbeda-beda. Kengiasama ekonomi di kawasan Subosukawonosraten yang saat ini dilaksanakan menggunakan bentuk Consortia dan perjanjian ketjasama kawasan Subosukawonosraten menggunakan bentuk Written Agreements.

Thesis research aims to identify potential areas Subosukawonosraten economic cooperation, identify economics sector in the area of Subosukawonosraten into the sector and the excellent potential for interregional cooperation,knowing that the fonn of economics cooperation of area of Subosukawonosraten right. Data used for this research is the GDRP data city/district Subosukawonosraten region and GDRP data central java province year 1997-2006 and also labour data city/district in area of subosukawonosraten and central java province year |997-2006 and GDP data Indonesia year 1997-2006. Research methodology used is 1) Location Quotient ( LQ) Analysis 2) Shitt Share Analysis 3) Labour Shift Share Analysis 4) Klassen Typology analysis.
From the results of the analysis in mind that the city/district Subosukowonosraten Regions in Central Java Province have differences and potential economic sectors excellent (economic Complementary), there have Geographic proximity, political commitment and also policy coordination between mayor/regent. This situation can explain that the area of Subosukawonosraten meet growth triangle model so that economic cooperation between the city/district in the area of Subosukawonosraten hold the potential to be developed. View from the comparative value of LQ, shift share (differential shitt) and klassen typology, can note that the supreme power that has strong competitiveness in every city I district inthe area of Subosukawonosraten different. Economic cooperation in the area at this time Subosukawonosraten conducted using a fomr of Consortia and cooperation agreement of area of Subosukawonosraten apply form of Written Agreements.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kapal merupakan salah satu armada transportasi yang memiliki peranan penting dalam industri pariwisata. Keamanan dan kenyaman merupakan unsur penting yang harus dimiliki setiap moda transportasi, tak terkecuali kapal laut. Dalam perancangan, kapal dirancang sedemikian rupa agar memenuhi segala peraturan yang ada sehingga kapal dapat dan layak untuk berlayar. Perancangan suatu kapal juga harus memperhatikan seluruh aspek yang terkait, salah satunya adalah aspek ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan ekonomi pengadaan Kapal Penumpang 94 Pax, Muara Angke – Pulau Tidung apakah menguntungkan/layak atau tidak, dan mencari tahu seberapa besar pendapatan yang diperoleh selama kapal dioperasikan. Analisa kelayakan dilihat dari beberapa sisi yaitu ekonomi mikro, profitability indicator, perbandingan keuangan dan analisa sensitivitas. Profitabilty Indicator yang digunakan adalah Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PBP), dan metode Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR). Analisa sensitivitas dilakukan hanya pada aspek-aspek yang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap keberlangsungan proyek, seperti kenaikan biaya investasi, tarif penumpang, jumlah penumpang dan sumber pendanaan. Dalam penelitian ini sebagian besar data merupakan asumsi-asumsi dan telah direncanakan agar senyata mungkin.

Ship is one of the transport fleet that has an important role in the tourism industry. Safety and comfort are important elements at the transportation mode, one of the mode is ship. In design, the boat is designed in such a way as to meet all existing rules so that ships can and deserve to sail. The design of a ship must also consider all relevant aspects, one of them is the economic aspect. The purpose of this study is to determine the economic feasibility of the provision of passenger ship 94 Pax, Muara Angke – Tidung Island, whether it is advantage or not, and find out how much income earned during the ship used. The feasibility analysis can be observed from several sides of the micro-economics, profitability indicators, financial comparisons and sensitivity analysis. Profitabilty Indicator which used are Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PBP), and methods of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR). Sensitivity analysis is performed only on those aspects which have a major impact on the sustainability of the project, such as the increase in investment costs, passenger fares, passenger ammount and sources of funding. In this research most of the data and assumptions are planned to be as real as possible."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The research was aimed to determine the characteristics of growth among the region, basic of sectors in province and regency/ town, regional share and national share position in deciding to the economics growth among the region during 1996 to 2002 period. The result could be useful as basic consideration to deciding the development planning in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province.
The purposive metode was used to determine the sample and the PDB and PDRB data were used in according to constant price in 1993. Klassen tipology, location quotient analysis (LQ) and mix and share analysis were used in this research.
In the klassen tipology analysis, were found one as the retarted region characteristics (North Aceh Regency) eight regions as the growing region characteristics. And that included in the relatively back region characteristics and one as the relatively back region (West Aceh Regency).
LQ analysis resulted, that there were 3 basic sectors in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, an agriculture sector; mining and quarrying sector; communication and transportation sector. At regency/town level, agriculture sector was the basic sector for 7 regions. Manufacturing Industries Sector was the basic sector in East Aceh Regency. The electricity, gas and water supply were the basic sector for 9 regions. Construction sector was the basic sector for 8 region. Trade, restaurant and hotel were the basic sector in 8 regions. The communication and transportation were the basic sector for 7 regions. Finance, Rent of Building and Business Services were the basic sector in 5 regions. Services sector was the basic sector for 9 regions but only sector was non basic sector (North Aceh Regency).
Based on the mix and share analysis were found that the economic growth of nine regions were determined of regional share and one region was determined of national share (North Aceh Regency)."
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silaen, Irmayanti Juliana
"Dalam memberikan kredit, lembaga keuangan perbankan dan bukan perbankan menetapkan standar kelayakan seorang calon debitur mendapatkan pinjaman. Penetapkan standar dan prosedur ini dilakukan untuk menghindari resiko kemungkinan gagal bayar yang mungkin akan terjadi dikemudian hari, seperti debitur tidak mampu melunasi hutangnya dikarenakan satu atau lain hal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi variabel apa yang berpengaruh dalam menentukan resiko kemungkinan gagal bayar debitur. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah PT X. Database yang digunakan adalah sebanyak 19078 debitur, dengan posisi pengambilan data pada tahun 2011.Untuk mengetahui variabel- variabel yang berpengaruh, dapat menggunakan analisis regresi logistik. Dengan regresi logistik membuat model yang secara jelas dapat menunjukkan perbedaan dan mengklasifikasikan debitur ke dalam grup debitur yang lancar maupun gagal bayar (default) dalam pembayaran kredit.
Penelitian ini menggunakan empat belas variabel pada PT X yang terdiri dari jenis kelamin, umur, status pernikahan, status kepemilikan rumah, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan, jumlah tanggungan, uang muka, time to retirement, waktu peminjaman, jenis angsuran, jenis kendaraan, karakteristik penghasilan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data terdapat delapan prediktor yang paling signifikan pengaruhnya. Variabel tersebut adalah status pernikahan, pekerjaan, pendapatan,uang muka, time to retirement, waktu peminjaman, jenis asuransi dan jenis kendaraan. Variabel- variabel tersebut merupakan hal yang paling dominan atau signifikan dalam potensi resiko kemungkinan gagal bayar dari seorang debitur.

Banking and non-banking financial institutions entrench within their credit-lending policy the feasibility standards for their debtor candidates. Standards and procedures are established to avoid upcoming problematic credits, for example happened when a debtor is unable to pay the credit. The objective of this thesis is to identify variables that affect debtor?s probability of default. For its study focus, this research uses PT X. Database as used in this research is 19078 debtors, with position of data intake 2011. The influential variables are acquired using logistic regression. Logistic regression enables the authors to clearly identify the differences and to classify debtor into nondefault and default in the term of paying the loan.
The analysis use fourteen variables in determining credit lending of PT X, including gender, age, marital status, home status, education, occupation, salary, number of dependant, down payment, time to retirement, tenor, type car insurance, car?s type and characteristic income. This study find eight predictors that explain debtor's default potential, that are: marital status, occupation, salary, down payment, time to retirement, tenor, type car insurance, the car?s type. That?s all is confirmed as the most dominant and significant variables in categorizing the debtor behavior in term of paying the credit for determining the probability of default from the debtor.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas analisis segmen pasar potensial produk pelayanan rawat inap kelas VVIP Rumah Sakit PMI Bogor berdasarkan lcarakberistik pasien meliputi demograiik, geograflk dan psykografik serta karakteristik wilayah kota Bogor meliputi gambaran geodemograflk, analisa minat, daya beli dan akses terhadap produk pelayanan rawat imap kelas VVIP Rumah Sakit PMI Bogor.Penelitian ini adalah penelitiau kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif.
Hasil penclitian menyarankan bahwa Rumah Sakit PMI Bogor perlu menyusun kembali strategi pemasaran yang sesuai dengan pasar potensial secara sistematis, akurat dan profesional dengan memperhatikan sarana dan prasarana, sehingga dapat meningkatkan utilisasi dan pendapatan bagi Rumah Sakit PMI Bogor.

This thesis discusses the analysis of the potential market segment for a service product of the VVIP class in patient service at PMI l-lospital,Bogor based on a patient’s characteristics which consist of the characteristics of demographic, geographic, and psychograiic, and also the characteristics of Bogor itself which covers the geodemographic picttue, intention analysis, purchase power, and access towards the VVIP class in patientservice at PMI Hospital, Bogor. This research applies a qualitative methode with a descriptive design.
The reseach's result draws a conclution that the PM.I Hospital, Bogorhas to build a marketting stxategi which is proper with a potential market systematically, accurately, and professionallyby paying attention to the Hospital’s infrastructures in order to the optimize the utilization and to increase the income of PMI Hospital, Bogor.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Kusumawati Dewi
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta merupakan wilayah yang beresiko tinggi terhadap bencana gempabumi mengingat secara tektonik merupakan daerah aktif dengan kegempaan yang tinggi serta tingkat kepadatan penduduk yang relatif tinggi. Data BMKG selama 2008- awal 2015 menunjukkan banyak kejadian gempabumi yang terjadi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya, namun banyak gempabumi dangkal memiliki kedalaman yang kurang akurat. Analisis kegempaan membutuhkan data lokasi hiposenter yang akurat. Oleh karena itu relokasi gempabumi diperlukan untuk menunjang analisis kegempaan. Metode Double Difference diterapkan untuk merelokasi data gempabumi. Metode tersebut meminimalkan residual waktu tempuh kalkulasi dan observasi dari sepasang gempabumi berdekatan yang terekam pada stasiun yang sama dengan asumsi raypath kedua gempabumi sama, sehingga kesalahan waktu tempuh akibat model kecepatan yang tidak termodelkan dapat diminimalkan tanpa koreksi stasiun. Hasil dari penelitian untuk zona subduksi menunjukkan pola stress tektonik zona subduksi pada gempabumi dangkal terelokasi dan adanya zona seismik ganda yang menguatkan penelitian terdahulu. Hasil relokasi gempabumi di zona patahan menunjukkan kedalaman Patahan Opak terdangkal mulai dari 3 km hingga terdalam mencapai 17 km. Berdasarkan analisis kegempaan, zona subduksi mengalami aktivitas gempa bumi yang tinggi pada tahun 2014 sampai 2015 dan zona patahan mengalami aktivitas gempabumi yang lebih tinggi di awal periode penelitian dibanding diakhir periode penelitian.

Special Region Yogyakarta has potential seismic hazard for the location is tectonically active with high seismicity and dense population. BMKG data for period 2008 until pre-2015 shows many events occurring in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, but many shallow earthquakes have depth which is less accurate. Seismic analysis requires accurate hypocenter location data. Therefore relocation is needed to provide seismic analysis. Double Difference method is applied. The method minimizes residuals between calculated and observed travel time of pairs of nearby earthquakes which is recorded on the same station with the assumptions that the raypath is similar, so the travel time errors due to unmodeled velocity structure can be minimized without station correction. The results shows relocated shallow earthquakes followed the tectonic stress trend in subduction zone and double seismic zone which confirmed previous research has appeared. Relocation results in the earthquake fault zone shows the depth of the shallowest Opak Fault ranging from 3 km to the deepest reaches 17 km. Based on the analysis of seismicity, subduction zones experienced high seismic activity in 2014 to 2015 and the fault zone experienced a higher activity at the beginning of the study period compared to the end of the study period.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Dienfitriah

Manusia sebagai subjek hidup menjalankan aktivitasnya sehari-hari dalam suatu ruang dengan fungsi tertentu sesuai dengan aktivitasnya terkait waktu dengan mengatur benda sebagai objek sehingga kegiatan dapat berjalan secara baik dalam suatu ruang. Namun, pada kehidupan sehari-hari, dapat muncul perubahan-perubahan fungsi dan flow pada ruang, yang berbeda dari pengaturan ruang sebelumnya demi tercapainya kegiatan manusia secara lebih baik lagi. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut terbentuk dari pemanfaatan potensi ruang yang dapat terjadi secara disengaja maupun tidak melalui fleksibilitas objek pada ruang. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan mengkaji terbentuknya pemanfaatan potensi ruang melalui fleksibilitas dan keterkaitannya dengan fungsi dan flow pada ruang. Berdasarkan studi kasus yang dibahas, pemanfaatan potensi ruang melalui fleksibilitas dan perubahan fungsi serta flow pada ruang dapat terjadi secara bolak-balik dalam jangka waktu yang bervariatif. Memahami bagaimana pemanfaatan potensi ruang melalui fleksibilitas dapat terbentuk menjadi penting bagi seorang perancang untuk merancang ruang yang adaptif terhadap perubahan yang mungkin terjadi.


Human as living subjects conduct their daily activities in a space with certain function according to the activities related to times by arranging things as object so the activities could be run well in the space. Meanwhile, there will be some changes of function and flow in the space which is different from the arrangement before in order to allow the human activities to run better. These changes area were shaped by the utilization of space potential that could be happened either intentionally or accidentally through flexibility of object in space. The study was conducted by analyzing how the utilization of space potential is formed by flexibility and its relation to the function and the flow in space. The utilization of space potential by flexibility and change of function and flow in space could be happened back and forth in certain period of time. Understanding how the utilization of space potential by flexibility could be happened is important for architect to design a space that is adaptable to the possible changes

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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