ABSTRAKTesis ini mencoba menganalisis sistem manajemen pangarnanan informasi pada
Merchant Bank Permata, atas terjadinya peristiwa fraud banking melalui mesin
elektronik darn capture di Merchant Bank Permata yang telah dilaporkan di Polda
Metro Jaya pada 12 April 2010. Penelitiannya menggunakan penelitian kualitatif,
clengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, pengamatan, dan
studi dokumen. Wawancara mendalam difokuskan terhadap sistem manajemen
pengamanan pada proses akuisisi Merchant Bank Permata dan alur transaksi
elektronik melalui mesin EDC di Merchant Bank Permata, faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi terjadinya fraud Banking di Merchant Bank Permta, serta upaya
untuk memperbaikinya. Sedangkan pengamatan di fokuskan terhadap cara
melakukan transaksi elektronik dimulai dari transaski on-line, ojllfne, settlement dan
payment. Selanjutnya studi doklmien difokuskan pada berkas perkarajraud banking
yang dilaporkan di Polda Metro Jaya dan Standar operasional prosedur Sistem
manajernen pengamanan informasi pada Merchant Bank Permata. Hasii penelitian
membuktikan sistem manajemen pengamananan informasi di Merchant Bank
Permata, tidak memilki sistem yang baik, karena pada proses akuisisi merchant
infomnasi atau data tidak memenuhi aspek integritas, kerahasian, dan ketersediaan,
begitu pula pada proses transaksi elektronik. Hal ini dipengaruhi faktor manusia,
proses atau sistem, dan teknologi sistern manajemen pengamanan infomiasi. Adapun
cara untuk memperbaikinya pada proses akuisisi merchant harus ada bagian atau unit
yang menganalisa pemohon merchant dan pada proses transasksi elektronik
menambah sistem untuk mengalisa vatiditas dimulai dari transaksi on-line, of-line,
dan settlement, yaitu menambah sistem terminal transaction line.
AbstractThis thesis attempts to analyze information security management system on Bank
Permata in regard with the case of fraud banking through electronic data capture
machine at Bank Permata?s merchants which was reported to Jakarta Metropolitan
Police on 12 April 2010. This research exercised a qualitative approach which data
were collected through in-depth interview, observations and document study. The in-
depth interview focussed on security management system during the acquisition of
Bank Permata?s merchants and electronic transaction chart through electronic data
capture machine at those merchants, factors affecting Iliad banking occurred as well
as all the restoration efforts taken. Observations focussed on the procedure of
electronic transaction, which started from on line transaction, off line settlement and
payment. Meanwhile, document study focussed on dossiers of fraud banking cases
reported to Jakarta Metropolitan Police and Standard Operational Procedure of
information Security Management System on Bank Permata?s Merchants. This
research finds that the information Security Management System was not well-
established since information collected during the acquisition process and electronic
transaction process were not qualified in the aspects of integrity, confidentiality and
availability which was affected by Several factors such as the human involved, the
system it self as well as information security management system technology. The
researcher proposes, that in order to restore the system, t11ere should be a particular
section dining the acquisition process to analyze merchant requestor?s validity whilst
during the electronic transaction, a terminal encryptions line added to the system to
analyze the validity of information both on-line transaction and off-line settlement
as well as the payment."